def knn_graphE(x, k, istrain=False):
    """Transforms the given point set to a directed graph, whose coordinates
    are given as a matrix. The predecessors of each point are its k-nearest

    If a 3D tensor is given instead, then each row would be transformed into
    a separate graph.  The graphs will be unioned.

    x : Tensor
        The input tensor.

        If 2D, each row of ``x`` corresponds to a node.

        If 3D, a k-NN graph would be constructed for each row.  Then
        the graphs are unioned.
    k : int
        The number of neighbors

        The graph.  The node IDs are in the same order as ``x``.
    if F.ndim(x) == 2:
        x = F.unsqueeze(x, 0)
    n_samples, n_points, _ = F.shape(x)

    dist = pairwise_squared_distance(x)
    if istrain and np.random.rand() > 0.5:
        k_indices = F.argtopk(dist, round(1.5 * k), 2, descending=False)
        rand_k = np.random.permutation(round(1.5 * k) -
                                       1)[0:k - 1] + 1  # 0 + random k-1
        rand_k = np.append(rand_k, 0)
        k_indices = k_indices[:, :, rand_k]  # add 0
        k_indices = F.argtopk(dist, k, 2, descending=False)

    dst = F.copy_to(k_indices, F.cpu())

    src = F.zeros_like(dst) + F.reshape(F.arange(0, n_points), (1, -1, 1))

    per_sample_offset = F.reshape(
        F.arange(0, n_samples) * n_points, (-1, 1, 1))
    dst += per_sample_offset
    src += per_sample_offset
    dst = F.reshape(dst, (-1, ))
    src = F.reshape(src, (-1, ))
    adj = sparse.csr_matrix(
        (F.asnumpy(F.zeros_like(dst) + 1), (F.asnumpy(dst), F.asnumpy(src))))

    g = DGLGraph(adj, readonly=True)
    return g
def segmented_knn_graph(x, k, segs):
    """Transforms the given point set to a directed graph, whose coordinates
    are given as a matrix.  The predecessors of each point are its k-nearest

    The matrices are concatenated along the first axis, and are segmented by
    ``segs``.  Each block would be transformed into a separate graph.  The
    graphs will be unioned.

    x : Tensor
        The input tensor.
    k : int
        The number of neighbors
    segs : iterable of int
        Number of points of each point set.
        Must sum up to the number of rows in ``x``.

        The graph.  The node IDs are in the same order as ``x``.
    n_total_points, _ = F.shape(x)
    offset = np.insert(np.cumsum(segs), 0, 0)

    h_list = F.split(x, segs, 0)
    dst = [
        F.argtopk(pairwise_squared_distance(h_g), k, 1, descending=False) +
        offset[i] for i, h_g in enumerate(h_list)
    dst = F.cat(dst, 0)
    src = F.arange(0, n_total_points).unsqueeze(1).expand(n_total_points, k)

    dst = F.reshape(dst, (-1, ))
    src = F.reshape(src, (-1, ))
    # !!! fix shape
    adj = sparse.csr_matrix(
        (F.asnumpy(F.zeros_like(dst) + 1), (F.asnumpy(dst), F.asnumpy(src))),
        shape=(n_total_points, n_total_points))

    g = DGLGraph(adj, readonly=True)
    return g