def onContextMenu( self, controlID, listItem ): 1 ) try: buttons = [] selected = -1 if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIESETS_ID: buttons += [ Language( 32100 ), Language( 32221 ), LangXBMC( 646 ), Language( 32330 ), Language( 32120 ), Language( 32130 ) ] elif controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIES_IN_SET_ID: buttons += [ Language( 32100 ), Language( 32220 ), Language( 32110 ), Language( 32330 ) ] on_all_movies = self.container_all_movies.size() if buttons: if on_all_movies: del buttons[ 0 ] cm = DialogContextMenu( "script-MovieSets-ContextMenu.xml", ADDON_DIR, buttons=buttons ) selected = cm.selected del cm heading = buttons[ selected ] if selected >= 0 and on_all_movies: selected += 1 if selected == 0: # Add Container for All Movies self.setContainerAllMovies( listItem.getProperty( "idSet" ) ) elif selected == 1: # Edit Set title or Edit movie sorttitle title = "" if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIESETS_ID: title = listItem.getLabel() elif controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIES_IN_SET_ID: title = listItem.getLabel2() new_title = self.keyboard( title, heading ) if new_title and new_title != title: if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( heading, "Old: %s" % _unicode( title ), "New: %s" % _unicode( new_title ), "", LangXBMC( 222 ), LangXBMC( 186 ) ): if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIESETS_ID: idSet = listItem.getProperty( "idSet" ) OK = DATABASE.editMovieSetTitle( new_title, idSet ) if OK: # don't reload containers, set label only :) listItem.setLabel( new_title ) if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIES_IN_SET_ID: idMovie = listItem.getProperty( "idMovie" ) OK = DATABASE.editMovieSortTitle( new_title, idMovie ) if OK: idSet = listItem.getProperty( "idSet" ) self.moviesets[ str( idSet ) ] = self.getMoviesInSet( idSet ) self.setContainerMoviesInSet( self.moviesets[ str( idSet ) ], idMovie ) elif selected == 2: # Remove current movieset if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIESETS_ID: strSet = listItem.getLabel() if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( Language( 32141 ), LangXBMC( 433 ) % _unicode( strSet ) ): idSet = listItem.getProperty( "idSet" ) OK = DATABASE.deleteSet( idSet ) if OK: self.setContainers( "0" ) # Remove movie to current movieset if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIES_IN_SET_ID: strTitle = listItem.getLabel() strSet = self.container_moviesets.getSelectedItem().getLabel() if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( Language( 32112 ), LangXBMC( 750 ), Language( 32113 ) % _unicode( strTitle ), Language( 32114 ) % _unicode( strSet ) ): idSet = listItem.getProperty( "idSet" ) idMovie = listItem.getProperty( "idMovie" ) OK = DATABASE.deleteMovieOfSet( idMovie, idSet ) if OK: self.moviesets[ str( idSet ) ] = self.getMoviesInSet( idSet ) self.setContainerMoviesInSet( self.moviesets[ str( idSet ) ], "0" ) elif selected == 3: # Create new movieset self.createNewSet() elif selected in [ 4, 5 ]: # Set movieset fanart or Set movieset thumb listItem.setIconImage( "" ) listItem.setProperty( "fanart_image", "" ) xbmc.sleep( 500 ) #time.sleep( .5 ) from dialogs import browser self.movieset_update = browser( notaction=True, heading=listItem.getLabel(), idset=listItem.getProperty( "idSet" ), type=( "fanart", "thumb" )[ selected - 4 ] ) del browser self.setIconFanartImages( listItem.getProperty( "idSet" ), listItem ) except: LOGGER.error.exc_info( sys.exc_info(), self ) try: 0 ) except: pass
def onClick( self, controlID ): try: if controlID == 250: icon = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(250).ListItem.Icon" ) w, h = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(250).ListItem.Label" ).split( "x" ) choices = [ self.getLabelImageSize( w, h, to ) for to in self.config[ "profile_sizes" ][ ::-1 ] ] + [ LangXBMC( 21452 ), LangXBMC( 222 ) ] selected = xbmcgui.Dialog().select( Language( 32040 ), choices ) if selected > -1: if choices[ selected ] == LangXBMC( 21452 ): #browse thumb if dialogs.browser( search_name=self.actor_search, type="thumb" ): globals().update( { "CONTAINER_REFRESH": True } ) self.setContainer() elif choices[ selected ] != LangXBMC( 222 ): icon = icon.split( "/" ) icon[ icon.index( self.config[ "profile_sizes" ][ 2 ] ) ] = self.config[ "profile_sizes" ][ ::-1 ][ selected ] new_icon = "/".join( icon ), xbmc.translatePath( "special://temp" ) ) ok = False if new_icon: ok = self.copyThumb( new_icon, force=True ) if not ok: import shutil try: shutil.copy( new_icon, xbmc.translatePath( "".join( TBN.get_thumb([ "name" ] ) ) ) ) except: pass else: ok = True del shutil if ok: self.tbn_added = False msg = Language( 32041 ) globals().update( { "CONTAINER_REFRESH": True } ) else: msg = Language( 32042 ) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( xbmc.getInfoLabel( "ListItem.Title" ), msg ) elif controlID == 150: listitem = self.getControl( 150 ).getSelectedItem() movie_id = listitem.getProperty( "id" ) if not movie_id: return LibraryHasMovie = listitem.getProperty( "LibraryHasMovie" ) == "1" HasMovieJson = xbmcvfs.exists( ADDON.getAddonInfo( "profile" ) + "movies/%s.json" % movie_id ) 1 ) buttons = [] if LibraryHasMovie: buttons.append( LangXBMC( 208 ) ) if HasMovieJson: buttons.append( Language( 32051 ) ) buttons += [ LangXBMC( 13346 ), Language( 32050 ) ] # show context menu selected = dialogs.contextmenu( buttons ) 0 ) if selected == 0 and LibraryHasMovie: file = listitem.getProperty( "file" ) if file: xbmc.executebuiltin( "PlayMedia(%s)" % file ) return if LibraryHasMovie: selected -= 1 if not HasMovieJson: selected += 1 if selected == 0 and HasMovieJson: # get trailers from movie cache trailers = tmdbAPI.load_movie_info( movie_id ).get( "trailers" ) or [{}] trailers = trailers[ 0 ].get( "youtube" ) if trailers: selected = -1 if len( trailers ) == 1: selected = 0 else: selected = xbmcgui.Dialog().select( "%s [%s]" % ( Language( 32051 ), lang.upper() ), [ "%s (%s)" % ( trailer[ "name" ], trailer[ "size" ] ) for trailer in trailers ] ) if selected > -1: url = "plugin://" % trailers[ selected ][ "source" ] self._close_dialog() xbmc.executebuiltin( "ClearProperty(script.metadata.actors.isactive)" ) xbmc.executebuiltin( 'Dialog.Close(all,true)' ) xbmc.Player().play( url, listitem ) else: #no trailers found metautils.notification( listitem.getLabel(), Language( 32052 ).encode( "utf-8" ) ) elif selected == 1: self.movie_info() elif selected == 2: import webbrowser url = "" % ( movie_id, ADDON.getSetting( "language" ).lower() ) url ) del webbrowser elif self.button_filmo_bio and controlID == 5: # toggle button Filmography/Biography if self.button_filmo_bio.getLabel() == LangXBMC( 21887 ): label, visible = Language( 32010 ), 0 else: label, visible = LangXBMC( 21887 ), 1 self.button_filmo_bio.setLabel( label ) self.getControl( 150 ).setVisible( visible ) elif controlID == 6: # refresh button actor = self, True ) if actor: = actor self.setContainer( True ) elif controlID == 8: # show user movies acting, tvshows acting, movies directing, discography if self.videodb: if len( self.videodb ) == 1: selected = 0 else: selected = xbmcgui.Dialog().select([ "name" ], [ i[ 0 ] for i in self.videodb ] ) if selected > -1: path_db = self.videodb[ selected ][ 1 ] if metautils.LIBRARY_TYPE: command = "Container.Update(%s,replace)" % path_db else: window = ( "Videos", "MusicLibrary" ) [ "musicdb" in path_db ] command = "ActivateWindow(%s,%s,return)" % ( window, path_db ) if xbmc.getCondVisibility( "Window.IsVisible(12003)" ): xbmc.executebuiltin( 'Dialog.Close(12003,true)' ) self._close_dialog() xbmc.executebuiltin( command ) elif controlID == 11: # edit profile from site if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( "", Language( 32035 ), Language( 32036 ), "", LangXBMC( 222 ), LangXBMC( 21435 ).strip( "- " ) ): import webbrowser "" %[ "id" ] ) del webbrowser elif controlID in [ 10, 20 ]: #browse fanart or thumb type = ( "thumb", "fanart" )[ controlID == 20 ] if type == "thumb" and self.getControl( 250 ).size(): self.setFocusId( 250 ) elif dialogs.browser( search_name=self.actor_search, type=type ): globals().update( { "CONTAINER_REFRESH": True } ) self.setContainer() elif controlID == 25: globals().update( { "PARENT_DIR": Stack( 0 ) } ) # show addon settings self._close_dialog() ADDON.openSettings() from sys import argv xbmc.executebuiltin( 'RunScript(%s)' % ",".join( argv ) ) except: print_exc()
def browse( self, type ): from dialogs import browser self.movieset_update = browser( heading=self.heading, idset=self.idSet, type=type )#self.movieset_update or w.movieset_update xbmc.sleep( 100 ) xbmc.executebuiltin( "Action(ParentDir)" ) del browser
def onContextMenu(self, controlID, listItem): try: buttons = [] selected = -1 if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIESETS_ID: buttons += [ Language(32100), Language(32221), LangXBMC(646), Language(32330), Language(32120), Language(32130) ] elif controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIES_IN_SET_ID: buttons += [ Language(32100), Language(32220), Language(32110), Language(32330) ] on_all_movies = self.container_all_movies.size() if buttons: if on_all_movies: del buttons[0] cm = DialogContextMenu("script-MovieSets-ContextMenu.xml", ADDON_DIR, buttons=buttons) selected = cm.selected del cm heading = buttons[selected] if selected >= 0 and on_all_movies: selected += 1 if selected == 0: # Add Container for All Movies self.setContainerAllMovies(listItem.getProperty("idSet")) elif selected == 1: # Edit Set title or Edit movie sorttitle title = "" if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIESETS_ID: title = listItem.getLabel() elif controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIES_IN_SET_ID: title = listItem.getLabel2() new_title = self.keyboard(title, heading) if new_title and new_title != title: if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(heading, "Old: %s" % _unicode(title), "New: %s" % _unicode(new_title), "", LangXBMC(222), LangXBMC(186)): if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIESETS_ID: idSet = listItem.getProperty("idSet") OK = DATABASE.editMovieSetTitle(new_title, idSet) if OK: # don't reload containers, set label only :) listItem.setLabel(new_title) if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIES_IN_SET_ID: idMovie = listItem.getProperty("idMovie") OK = DATABASE.editMovieSortTitle( new_title, idMovie) if OK: idSet = listItem.getProperty("idSet") self.moviesets[str( idSet)] = self.getMoviesInSet(idSet) self.setContainerMoviesInSet( self.moviesets[str(idSet)], idMovie) elif selected == 2: # Remove current movieset if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIESETS_ID: strSet = listItem.getLabel() if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(Language(32141), LangXBMC(433) % _unicode(strSet)): idSet = listItem.getProperty("idSet") OK = DATABASE.deleteSet(idSet) if OK: self.setContainers("0") # Remove movie to current movieset if controlID == self.CONTAINER_MOVIES_IN_SET_ID: strTitle = listItem.getLabel() strSet = self.container_moviesets.getSelectedItem( ).getLabel() if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( Language(32112), LangXBMC(750), Language(32113) % _unicode(strTitle), Language(32114) % _unicode(strSet)): idSet = listItem.getProperty("idSet") idMovie = listItem.getProperty("idMovie") OK = DATABASE.deleteMovieOfSet(idMovie, idSet) if OK: self.moviesets[str(idSet)] = self.getMoviesInSet( idSet) self.setContainerMoviesInSet( self.moviesets[str(idSet)], "0") elif selected == 3: # Create new movieset self.createNewSet() elif selected in [4, 5]: # Set movieset fanart or Set movieset thumb listItem.setIconImage("") listItem.setProperty("fanart_image", "") xbmc.sleep(500) #time.sleep( .5 ) from dialogs import browser self.movieset_update = browser( notaction=True, heading=listItem.getLabel(), idset=listItem.getProperty("idSet"), type=("fanart", "thumb")[selected - 4]) del browser self.setIconFanartImages(listItem.getProperty("idSet"), listItem) except: LOGGER.error.exc_info(sys.exc_info(), self) try: except: pass
def onClick(self, controlID): try: if controlID == 250: icon = xbmc.getInfoLabel("Container(250).ListItem.Icon") w, h = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(250).ListItem.Label").split("x") choices = [ self.getLabelImageSize(w, h, to) for to in self.config["profile_sizes"][::-1] ] + [LangXBMC(21452), LangXBMC(222)] selected = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(Language(32040), choices) if selected > -1: if choices[selected] == LangXBMC(21452): #browse thumb if dialogs.browser(search_name=self.actor_search, type="thumb"): globals().update({"CONTAINER_REFRESH": True}) self.setContainer() elif choices[selected] != LangXBMC(222): icon = icon.split("/") icon[icon.index( self.config["profile_sizes"][2] )] = self.config["profile_sizes"][::-1][selected] new_icon = "/".join(icon), xbmc.translatePath("special://temp")) ok = False if new_icon: ok = self.copyThumb(new_icon, force=True) if not ok: import shutil try: shutil.copy( new_icon, xbmc.translatePath("".join( TBN.get_thumb(["name"])))) except: pass else: ok = True del shutil if ok: self.tbn_added = False msg = Language(32041) globals().update({"CONTAINER_REFRESH": True}) else: msg = Language(32042) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Title"), msg) elif controlID == 150: listitem = self.getControl(150).getSelectedItem() movie_id = listitem.getProperty("id") if not movie_id: return LibraryHasMovie = listitem.getProperty( "LibraryHasMovie") == "1" HasMovieJson = xbmcvfs.exists( ADDON.getAddonInfo("profile") + "movies/%s.json" % movie_id) buttons = [] if LibraryHasMovie: buttons.append(LangXBMC(208)) if HasMovieJson: buttons.append(Language(32051)) buttons += [LangXBMC(13346), Language(32050)] # show context menu selected = dialogs.contextmenu(buttons) if selected == 0 and LibraryHasMovie: file = listitem.getProperty("file") if file: xbmc.executebuiltin("PlayMedia(%s)" % file) return if LibraryHasMovie: selected -= 1 if not HasMovieJson: selected += 1 if selected == 0 and HasMovieJson: # get trailers from movie cache trailers = tmdbAPI.load_movie_info(movie_id).get( "trailers") or [{}] trailers = trailers[0].get("youtube") if trailers: selected = -1 if len(trailers) == 1: selected = 0 else: selected = xbmcgui.Dialog().select( "%s [%s]" % (Language(32051), lang.upper()), [ "%s (%s)" % (trailer["name"], trailer["size"]) for trailer in trailers ]) if selected > -1: url = "plugin://" % trailers[ selected]["source"] self._close_dialog() xbmc.executebuiltin( "ClearProperty(script.metadata.actors.isactive)" ) xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(all,true)') xbmc.Player().play(url, listitem) else: #no trailers found metautils.notification(listitem.getLabel(), Language(32052).encode("utf-8")) elif selected == 1: self.movie_info() elif selected == 2: import webbrowser url = "" % ( movie_id, ADDON.getSetting("language").lower()) del webbrowser elif self.button_filmo_bio and controlID == 5: # toggle button Filmography/Biography if self.button_filmo_bio.getLabel() == LangXBMC(21887): label, visible = Language(32010), 0 else: label, visible = LangXBMC(21887), 1 self.button_filmo_bio.setLabel(label) self.getControl(150).setVisible(visible) elif controlID == 6: # refresh button actor =, True) if actor: = actor self.setContainer(True) elif controlID == 8: # show user movies acting, tvshows acting, movies directing, discography if self.videodb: if len(self.videodb) == 1: selected = 0 else: selected = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(["name"], [i[0] for i in self.videodb]) if selected > -1: path_db = self.videodb[selected][1] if metautils.LIBRARY_TYPE: command = "Container.Update(%s,replace)" % path_db else: window = ("Videos", "MusicLibrary")["musicdb" in path_db] command = "ActivateWindow(%s,%s,return)" % ( window, path_db) if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsVisible(12003)"): xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(12003,true)') self._close_dialog() xbmc.executebuiltin(command) elif controlID == 11: # edit profile from site if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("", Language(32035), Language(32036), "", LangXBMC(222), LangXBMC(21435).strip("- ")): import webbrowser"" %["id"]) del webbrowser elif controlID in [10, 20]: #browse fanart or thumb type = ("thumb", "fanart")[controlID == 20] if type == "thumb" and self.getControl(250).size(): self.setFocusId(250) elif dialogs.browser(search_name=self.actor_search, type=type): globals().update({"CONTAINER_REFRESH": True}) self.setContainer() elif controlID == 25: globals().update({"PARENT_DIR": Stack(0)}) # show addon settings self._close_dialog() ADDON.openSettings() from sys import argv xbmc.executebuiltin('RunScript(%s)' % ",".join(argv)) except: print_exc()