  def __init__(self, params, experiments):
    Initialise the algorithm.

    :param params: The input parameters
    :param experiments: The list of experiments

    from dials.algorithms.background.median import BackgroundAlgorithm
    self._algorithm = BackgroundAlgorithm(experiments)
class MedianBackgroundExt(BackgroundIface):
  ''' An extension class implementing a median background algorithm. '''

  name = 'median'

  def phil(cls):
    from libtbx.phil import parse
    return parse('')

  def __init__(self, params, experiments):
    Initialise the algorithm.

    :param params: The input parameters
    :param experiments: The list of experiments

    from dials.algorithms.background.median import BackgroundAlgorithm
    self._algorithm = BackgroundAlgorithm(experiments)

  def compute_background(self, reflections, image_volume=None):
    Compute the background.

    :param reflections: The list of reflections

    return self._algorithm.compute_background(
      reflections, image_volume=image_volume)
class MedianBackgroundExt:
    """An extension class implementing a median background algorithm."""

    name = "median"

    def phil():
        from libtbx.phil import parse

        return parse("")

    def __init__(self, params, experiments):
        Initialise the algorithm.

        :param params: The input parameters
        :param experiments: The list of experiments
        from dials.algorithms.background.median import BackgroundAlgorithm

        self._algorithm = BackgroundAlgorithm(experiments)

    def compute_background(self, reflections, image_volume=None):
        Compute the background.

        :param reflections: The list of reflections
        return self._algorithm.compute_background(
            reflections, image_volume=image_volume