def initialize(self): Submitter.initialize(self) self.CEs = [] if self.options.CE_list != '' and self.options.CE != '': print 'WARNING: both --CE and --CE-list options are specified. Use one or the other. The script will now exit...' sys.exit(0) if self.options.CE_list != '': f = open(self.options.CE_list) try: for line in f: self.CEs.append(line.strip()) finally: f.close() if self.options.CE != '': self.CEs = [self.options.CE] if self.options.delay<0: self.options.delay = 0
#!/usr/bin/env ganga #-*-python-*- if __name__ == '__main__': from diane.submitters import Submitter prog = Submitter() prog.parser.description = "Submit worker agents to LSF batch system. "+prog.parser.description prog.parser.add_option("--delay",dest="delay",type="int",default=0,help="delay in seconds in between the worker submission (to avoid spikes in the worker agent registration)") prog.parser.add_option("--queue",dest="queue",type="string",default='',help="set LSF queue") prog.parser.add_option("--extraopts",dest="extraopts",type="string",default='',help="Pass extra options to batch system Actual options depends on batch system. See GANGA Batch interface for more information.") prog.initialize() import time for i in range(prog.options.N_WORKERS): j = Job() j.backend=LSF(queue=prog.options.queue) if prog.options.extraopts: j.backend.extraopts = prog.options.extraopts prog.submit_worker(j) if prog.options.delay: print "now sleeping for %d seconds "%prog.options.delay time.sleep(prog.options.delay)