def start(): for i in range(len(char_name)): char[i] = roll('2D6') update_dm(char_dm) for i in range(len(char_name)): print '%s: %2d DM %2d' % (char_name[i], char[i], char_dm[i]) skill[gun_combat] = 1 skill[melee] = 2 skill[computers] = 4 skill[pilot] = 0 # Gun Combat test print '--Gun Combat skill test--' effect, natural = test(skill[gun_combat], char_dm[DEX], -2) print 'Effect:', effect print 'Natural roll:', natural # Stealth test print '--Stealth skill test--' effect, natural = test(skill[stealth], char_dm[DEX], 2) print 'Effect:', effect print 'Natural roll:', natural # Pilot test print '--Pilot skill test--' effect, natural = test(skill[pilot], char_dm[DEX], 6) print 'Effect:', effect print 'Natural roll:', natural
def roll2d6_buttonClicked(self): self.natural_roll_1 = roll('1D6') self.natural_roll_2 = roll('1D6') self.natural_roll = self.natural_roll_1 + self.natural_roll_2 self.total_rolled = self.natural_roll + self.inputskilllevel.value() + self.inputcharmod.value() + self.inputDM.value() + self.diffdial.value() self.die_result.setText(str(self.total_rolled)) self.die1Label.setPixmap(QPixmap(':/images/die1_' + str(self.natural_roll_1) + '.png')) self.die2Label.setPixmap(QPixmap(':/images/die2_' + str(self.natural_roll_2) + '.png')) self.roll_effect = self.total_rolled - 8 if self.roll_effect <= -6: self.effect_result.setText('%d: Exceptional Failure' % self.roll_effect) if not self.muted: m_media.setCurrentSource(Phonon.MediaSource(":/sounds/exceptional_failure.mp3")) if self.roll_effect >= -5 and self.roll_effect <= -2: self.effect_result.setText('%d: Average Failure' % self.roll_effect) if not self.muted: m_media.setCurrentSource(Phonon.MediaSource(":/sounds/average_failure.mp3")) if self.roll_effect == -1: self.effect_result.setText('%d: Marginal Failure' % self.roll_effect) if not self.muted: m_media.setCurrentSource(Phonon.MediaSource(":/sounds/marginal_failure.mp3")) if self.roll_effect == 0: self.effect_result.setText('%d: Marginal Success' % self.roll_effect) if not self.muted: m_media.setCurrentSource(Phonon.MediaSource(":/sounds/marginal_success.mp3")) if self.roll_effect >= 1 and self.roll_effect <= 5: self.effect_result.setText('%d: Average Success' % self.roll_effect) if not self.muted: m_media.setCurrentSource(Phonon.MediaSource(":/sounds/average_success.mp3")) if self.roll_effect >= 6: self.effect_result.setText('%d: Exceptional Success' % self.roll_effect) if not self.muted: m_media.setCurrentSource(Phonon.MediaSource(":/sounds/exceptional_success.mp3")) self.update_graph()
def rollButton_clicked(self): if self.diceDM.value() >= 0: math_op = '+' else: math_op = '' if self.diceType.currentIndex() > 2: self.dice_to_roll = '' else: self.dice_to_roll = str(self.diceCount.value()) self.dice_to_roll += self.dice_type if self.diceType.currentIndex() <> 7: self.dice_to_roll += math_op + str(self.diceDM.value()) self.diceRoll.setText(str(roll(self.dice_to_roll))) print self.dice_to_roll, '=', self.diceRoll.text()
def setUp (self): self.result = roll("1")
def test_subexpression (self): # Test that subexpressions work correctly, # as there is no operator precedence self.assertEquals(roll("8/2*2"), 8) self.assertEquals(roll("8/(2*2)"), 2)
def test_type (self): self.assertIsInstance(roll("2d6"), RolledDice)
def roll (event, args): result = diceroll.roll(args if args else "1d6") event.reply("Rolled {}".format(result))
def test(sk, cm, diff): natural = roll('2D6') effect = natural +sk + cm + diff - 8 return effect, natural
def do_roll(): spec = request.forms.get('roll') return str(roll(spec))
def test_keep (self, op): """ Assert that there are no rolls below `limit` """ result = roll("6d3 {0} {1}".format(op, 2)) self.assertIsInstance(result, RolledDice) self.assertFalse(filter(lambda x: x <= 2, result)) self.assertEquals(len(result), 6)
def setUp (self): self.results = roll("d2, d4, d6, d8, d10, d20")
def test_drop (self, op): result = roll("2d1 "+op+" 1") self.assertIsInstance(result, RolledDice) self.assertEquals(len(result), 1)
def test_keep (self, op): result = roll("6d3 "+op+" 2") self.assertIsInstance(result, RolledDice) self.assertEquals(len(result), 6)
def test_total (self, op, subatom): self.assertIsInstance(roll(subatom + op), int)
def test_sort (self, op, subatom): result = roll(subatom + op) self.assertIsInstance(result, RolledDice) self.assertEquals(result, sorted(result))
def test_explode (self, op, subatom): self.assertIsInstance(roll(subatom + op), RolledDice)
def test_comment (self): self.assertIsInstance(roll("d6 // This is a comment"), RolledDice)
def setUpClass (cls): cls.basic_result = roll("6d6 success 4")
def test_return_single (self): # An expression with a single result returns only that result self.assertIsInstance(roll("d6"), RolledDice)
def test_success_cancel (self): result = roll("6d6 successC 4") self.assertGreaterEqual(result, -6) self.assertLessEqual(result, 6)
def roll_result(expr): result = diceroll.roll(expr) if isinstance(result, (int, long)): return [result] return result
def test_parse_2d6 (self): self.assertIsInstance(roll("2d6"), RolledDice)
def test_parse_default_n (self): self.assertEquals(roll("d1"), roll("1d1"))
def test_success_bonus (self): result = roll("6d6 successB 4") self.assertGreaterEqual(result, 0) self.assertLessEqual(result, 12)
def test_parse_alternate_case (self): self.assertIsInstance(roll("D6"), RolledDice)
ax = subplot(111, projection='3d') x = [] y = [] z = [] colors = [] sizes = [] barrens = False for row in range(df.shape[0]): if not pd.isnull(df.ix[row, 'Trade_Codes']): trade_codes = df.ix[row, 'Trade_Codes'] if 'Ba' in trade_codes: barrens = True px = hex_code[df.ix[row, px_name]] + roll('FLUX') / 10.0 x.append(px) py = hex_code[df.ix[row, py_name]] + roll('FLUX') / 10.0 y.append(py) pz = hex_code[df.ix[row, pz_name]] + roll('FLUX') / 10.0 z.append(pz) ps = hex_code[df.ix[row, bubble_size]] if ps == 0: ps = 0.3 #sizes.append(ps ** scaler) sizes.append(scaler) if barrens: ax.scatter(x, y, z, marker='h', c='cyan', s=sizes, linewidths=1, edgecolor='black') plot([], [], [], marker='h', markerfacecolor='cyan', markersize = 12, markeredgewidth=1, markeredgecolor='black', label='Barren')
def test_success_both (self): result = roll("6d6 successCB 4") self.assertGreaterEqual(result, -6) self.assertLessEqual(result, 12)