def test_select_tuple(self): q = Select('cool_table', Person['id'].In((1, 2))) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "cool_table" WHERE "id" IN %s', [ (1, 2), ])) q = Select('cool_table', Person['id'].In((1, 2))).order_by('id DESC') self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "cool_table" WHERE "id" IN %s ORDER BY id DESC', [ (1, 2), ]))
def test_offset(self): q = Select('other_table', Person['name'] == 'Steve').order_by('id ASC').offset(8) self.assertEqual(, ( 'SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name"=%s ORDER BY id ASC OFFSET 8', [ 'Steve', ])) q = Select( 'other_table', Person['name'] == 'Steve').order_by('id ASC').offset(8).limit(12) self.assertEqual(, ( 'SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name"=%s ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 12 OFFSET 8', [ 'Steve', ]))
def test_order_by(self): q = Select('other_table', Person['name'] == 'Steve').order_by('id ASC') self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name"=%s ORDER BY id ASC', [ 'Steve', ]))
def test_build(self): """ building the query results in a tuple of the sql and a list of values that need to be interpolated into the sql by Psycopg2. """ q = Select('other_table', Person['name'] == 'Steve') self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name"=%s', [ 'Steve', ])) q = Select('other_table', And(Person['name'] == 'Steve', Person['car_id'] == 12)) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name"=%s AND "car_id"=%s', ['Steve', 12])) q = Select( 'other_table', Or(And(Person['name'] == 'Steve', Person['car_id'] == 12), And(Person['name'] == 'Bob', Person['car_id'] == 1))) self.assertEqual(, ( 'SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE ("name"=%s AND "car_id"=%s) OR ("name"=%s AND "car_id"=%s)', ['Steve', 12, 'Bob', 1])) q = Select('other_table', Person['name'].Is('Bob')) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name" IS %s', [ 'Bob', ])) q = Select('other_table', Person['name'].IsNot('Bob')) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name" IS NOT %s', [ 'Bob', ])) q = Select('other_table', Person['name'].IsNull()) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name" IS NULL', [])) q = Select( 'other_table', And( Person['name'].IsNull(), Person['foo'] == 'bar', Person['baz'].Is('bake'), Person['whatever'].IsDistinct('foo'), Person['whatever'].IsNotDistinct('bar'), )) self.assertEqual(, ( 'SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name" IS NULL AND "foo"=%s AND "baz" IS %s AND "whatever" IS DISTINCT FROM %s AND "whatever" IS NOT DISTINCT FROM %s', ['bar', 'bake', 'foo', 'bar'])) q = Select('other_table', Person['name'].IsNotNull()) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name" IS NOT NULL', []))
def test_returning(self): q = Select('some_table', Person['name'] == 'Bob', returning='*') self.assertEqual( str(q), 'SELECT * FROM "some_table" WHERE "name"=%s RETURNING *') self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "some_table" WHERE "name"=%s RETURNING *', [ 'Bob', ])) q = Select('some_table', 'Bob' == Person['name'], returning='id') self.assertEqual( str(q), 'SELECT * FROM "some_table" WHERE "name"=%s RETURNING "id"') self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "some_table" WHERE "name"=%s RETURNING "id"', [ 'Bob', ]))
def test_like(self): q = Select('other_table', Person['name'].Like('Steve')) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name" LIKE %s', [ 'Steve', ])) q = Select('other_table', Person['name'].Ilike('Steve')) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name" ILIKE %s', [ 'Steve', ])) q = Select('other_table', Person['name'].Like('%Steve%')) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name" LIKE %s', [ '%Steve%', ])) q = Select('other_table', Person['name'].Ilike('%Steve%')) self.assertEqual(, ('SELECT * FROM "other_table" WHERE "name" ILIKE %s', [ '%Steve%', ]))