    def get_recipes(self, allergies, preferences, tags, order, start, limit):
        """Fetch all the initial information for the recipes excluding recipes
        that have one of the user allergies.
        query = f'''SELECT recipes.id, recipes.name, recipes.url,
                           images.url AS image
                      FROM recipes
                     INNER JOIN images
                        ON recipes.image_id = images.id
                     WHERE recipes.id NOT IN (SELECT recipe_id
                                                FROM recipes_allergies
                                               WHERE allergy_id IN %s)
                       AND recipes.id NOT IN (SELECT recipe_id
                                                FROM recipes_ingredients
                                               WHERE ingredient_id IN %s)
                       AND recipes.id NOT IN (SELECT recipe_id
                                                FROM recipes_tags
                                               WHERE tag_id IN %s)
                     ORDER BY recipes.name {order}
                     LIMIT %s, %s'''

        # Prefent passing a empy list, instead pass a non-existing id
        if not allergies:
            allergies = [0]

        if not preferences:
            preferences = [0]

        if not tags:
            tags = [0]

        recipes = database.fetch_all(
            query, (allergies, preferences, tags, start, limit))

        return [Recipe(**recipe) for recipe in recipes]
    def get_allergens(self, ingredient_id):
        """Get all allergens for an ingredient from the database and return a
        list of instances of the allergy class.
        query = '''SELECT allergies.id, allergies.name
                     FROM allergies, allergies_ingredients
                    WHERE allergies_ingredients.allergy_id = allergies.id
                      AND allergies_ingredients.ingredient_id = %s'''

        allergens = database.fetch_all(query, ingredient_id)
    def get_tags(self, recipe_id):
        """Fetch all the extra info for a recipe (eg. main dish, desert, vegan)"""
        query = '''SELECT tags.id, tags.name
                     FROM tags
                    INNER JOIN recipes_tags
                       ON recipes_tags.tag_id = tags.id
                    WHERE recipe_id = %s'''

        tags = database.fetch_all(query, recipe_id)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of tag objects
        return [Tag(**tag) for tag in tags]
    def get_allergies(self):
        """Get all allergies from the database and return a list of instances
        of the allergy class.
        query = '''SELECT id, name
                     FROM allergies
                    ORDER BY name'''

        allergies = database.fetch_all(query)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of allergy objects
        return [Allergy(**allergy) for allergy in allergies]
    def get_ingredients(self):
        """Get all ingredients from the database and return a list of instances
        of the ingredient class.
        query = '''SELECT id, name
                     FROM ingredients
                    ORDER BY name'''

        ingredients = database.fetch_all(query)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of ingredient objects
        return [Ingredient(**ingredient) for ingredient in ingredients]
    def get_preferences(self, id):
        """Get all preferences for a roommate from the database and return a
        listof instances of the ingredient class.
        query = '''SELECT ingredients.id, ingredients.name
                     FROM ingredients, roommates_preferences AS rp
                    WHERE rp.roommate_id = %s
                      AND rp.ingredient_id = ingredients.id'''

        preferences = database.fetch_all(query, id)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of ingredient objects
        return [Ingredient(**ingredient) for ingredient in preferences]
    def get_allergies(self, id):
        """Get all allergies for a roommate from the database and return a list
        of instances of the allergy class.
        query = '''SELECT allergies.id, allergies.name
                     FROM allergies, roommates_allergies AS ra
                    WHERE ra.roommate_id = %s
                      AND ra.allergy_id = allergies.id'''

        allergies = database.fetch_all(query, id)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of allergy objects
        return [Allergy(**allergy) for allergy in allergies]
    def get_preferences(self, user_id):
        """Get a list of preferences of a user from the database and return a
        list of instances of the ingredient class.
        query = '''SELECT ingredients.id, ingredients.name
                     FROM ingredients, users_preferences
                    WHERE users_preferences.user_id = %s
                      AND users_preferences.ingredient_id = ingredients.id'''

        ingredients = database.fetch_all(query, user_id)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of ingredients objects
        return [Ingredient(**ingredient) for ingredient in ingredients]
    def get_allergies(self, user_id):
        """Get a list of allergies of an user from the database and return a
        list of instances of the allergy class.
        query = '''SELECT allergies.id, allergies.name
                     FROM allergies, users_allergies
                    WHERE users_allergies.user_id = %s
                      AND users_allergies.allergy_id = allergies.id'''

        allergies = database.fetch_all(query, user_id)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of allergy objects
        if allergies:
            return [Allergy(**allergy) for allergy in allergies]
    def get_roommates(self, user_id):
        """Get all roommates for a user from the database and return a list of
        instances of the roommate class.
        query = '''SELECT id, handle,
                          first_name, middle_name, last_name
                     FROM roommates
                    WHERE user_id = %s
                 ORDER BY handle'''

        roommates = database.fetch_all(query, user_id)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of roommate objects
        return [Roommate(**roommate) for roommate in roommates]
    def get_allergies(self, recipe_id):
        """Get all allergies from the database and return a list of instances
        of the allergy class.
        query = '''SELECT DISTINCT allergies.id, allergies.name
                     FROM allergies
                    INNER JOIN recipes_allergies
                       ON recipes_allergies.allergy_id = allergies.id
                    WHERE recipe_id = %s
                    ORDER BY allergies.name'''

        allergies = database.fetch_all(query, recipe_id)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of allergy objects
        return [Allergy(**allergy) for allergy in allergies]
    def get_ingredients(self, recipe_id):
        """Fetch all ingredients from the database and return a list of
        instances of the ingredient class.
        query = '''SELECT DISTINCT ingredients.id, ingredients.name
                     FROM ingredients
                    INNER JOIN recipes_ingredients
                       ON recipes_ingredients.ingredient_id = ingredients.id
                    WHERE recipe_id = %s
                    ORDER BY ingredients.name'''

        ingredients = database.fetch_all(query, recipe_id)

        # Convert the list of dicts to a list of ingredient objects
        return [Ingredient(**ingredient) for ingredient in ingredients]
    def search_recipes(self, allergies, preferences, tags, search, order,
                       start, limit):
        """Search all recipes. Filters on allergies, preferences and tags and
        return list of instances of the recipe class.
        query = f'''SELECT recipes.id, recipes.name, recipes.url,
                           images.url AS image
                      FROM recipes
                     INNER JOIN images
                        ON recipes.image_id = images.id
                     WHERE recipes.id NOT IN (SELECT recipe_id
                                                FROM recipes_allergies
                                               WHERE allergy_id IN %s)
                       AND recipes.id NOT IN (SELECT recipe_id
                                                FROM recipes_ingredients
                                               WHERE ingredient_id IN %s)
                       AND recipes.id NOT IN (SELECT recipe_id
                                                FROM recipes_tags
                                               WHERE tag_id IN %s)
                       AND recipes.name LIKE %s
                     ORDER BY recipes.name {order}
                     LIMIT %s, %s'''

        # Prefent passing a empy list, instead pass a non-existing id
        if not allergies:
            allergies = [0]

        if not preferences:
            preferences = [0]

        if not tags:
            tags = [0]

        recipes = database.fetch_all(
            query, (allergies, preferences, tags, f'%{search}%', start, limit))

        return [Recipe(**recipe) for recipe in recipes]