def escape(robot, dist_est, start_cfg): N_WAYPOINTS = 20 UPDATE_STEPS = 200 safety_margin = -0.3 lr = 5e-2 path_history = [] init_path = start_cfg p = init_path.requires_grad_(True) opt = torch.optim.Adam([p], lr=lr) for step in range(N_WAYPOINTS): if step % 1 == 0: path_history.append( opt.zero_grad() collision_score = dist_est(p) - safety_margin loss = collision_score loss.backward() opt.step() = utils.wrap2pi( if collision_score <= 1e-4: break return torch.stack(path_history, dim=0)
def pre_process(p): p = torch.DoubleTensor(p).reshape([-1, robot.dof]) p[:] = utils.wrap2pi(p) p =[init_path[:1], p, init_path[-1:]], dim=0) return p
def gradient_free_traj_optimize(robot, checker, start_cfg, target_cfg, options=None): N_WAYPOINTS = options['N_WAYPOINTS'] NUM_RE_TRIALS = options['NUM_RE_TRIALS'] MAXITER = options['MAXITER'] seed = options['seed'] torch.manual_seed(seed) global cnt_check cnt_check = 0 def pre_process(p): p = torch.DoubleTensor(p).reshape([-1, robot.dof]) p[:] = utils.wrap2pi(p) p =[init_path[:1], p, init_path[-1:]], dim=0) return p def con_max_move(p): p = pre_process(p) control_points = robot.fkine(p) return -torch.clamp_((control_points[1:]-control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum(dim=2)-1.5**2, min=0).sum().numpy() def con_collision_free(p): global cnt_check p = pre_process(p) cnt_check += len(p) return torch.sum(-torch.clamp_(checker(p), min=0)).numpy() def con_joint_limit(p): p = pre_process(p) return -torch.sum(torch.clamp_(robot.limits[:, 0]-p, min=0) + torch.clamp_(p-robot.limits[:, 1], min=0)).numpy() def cost(p): p_tensor = pre_process(p) control_points = robot.fkine(p_tensor) diff = (control_points[1:]-control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum() return diff.numpy() start_t = time() success = False for trial_time in range(NUM_RE_TRIALS): if trial_time == 0: if 'init_solution' in options: assert isinstance(options['init_solution'], torch.Tensor) init_path = options['init_solution'] else: init_path = torch.from_numpy(np.linspace(start_cfg, target_cfg, num=N_WAYPOINTS, dtype=np.float64)) else: init_path = (torch.rand(N_WAYPOINTS, robot.dof, dtype=torch.float64))*np.pi*2-np.pi init_path[0] = start_cfg init_path[-1] = target_cfg res = fmin(cost, init_path[1:-1].reshape(-1).numpy(), constraints=[ {'fun': con_max_move, 'type': 'ineq'}, {'fun': con_collision_free, 'type': 'ineq'}, {'fun': con_joint_limit, 'type': 'ineq'} ], options={'maxiter': MAXITER, 'disp': False}) if res.success: success = True break end_t = time() res.x = res.x.reshape([-1, robot.dof]) res.x = utils.wrap2pi(pre_process(res.x)) rec = { 'start_cfg': start_cfg.numpy().tolist(), 'target_cfg': target_cfg.numpy().tolist(), 'cnt_check': cnt_check, 'cost':, 'time': end_t - start_t, 'success': success, 'seed': seed, 'solution': res.x.numpy().tolist() } return rec
def pre_process(p): global var_p p = torch.DoubleTensor(p).reshape([-1, robot.dof]) p[:] = utils.wrap2pi(p) var_p =[init_path[:1], p, init_path[-1:]], dim=0).requires_grad_(True) return var_p
def adam_traj_optimize(robot, dist_est, start_cfg, target_cfg, options): N_WAYPOINTS = options['N_WAYPOINTS'] # 20 NUM_RE_TRIALS = options['NUM_RE_TRIALS'] # 10 MAXITER = options['MAXITER'] # 200 history = options['history'] dif_weight = 1 # This should NOT be changed max_move_weight = 10 collision_weight = 10 joint_limit_weight = 10 safety_margin = options['safety_margin'] lr = 5e-1 seed = options['seed'] torch.manual_seed(seed) lowest_loss_solution = None lowest_loss = np.inf lowest_loss_obj = np.inf lowest_loss_trial = None lowest_loss_step = None best_valid_solution = None best_valid_obj = np.inf best_valid_step = None best_valid_trial = None trial_histories = [] cnt_check = 0 found = False start_t = time() for trial_time in range(NUM_RE_TRIALS): path_history = [] if trial_time == 0: if 'init_solution' in options: assert isinstance(options['init_solution'], torch.Tensor) init_path = options['init_solution'] else: init_path = torch.from_numpy(np.linspace(start_cfg, target_cfg, num=N_WAYPOINTS)).double() else: init_path = torch.rand((N_WAYPOINTS, robot.dof)).double() init_path = init_path * (robot.limits[:, 1]-robot.limits[:, 0]) + robot.limits[:, 0] init_path[0] = start_cfg init_path[-1] = target_cfg p = init_path.requires_grad_(True) opt = torch.optim.Adam([p], lr=lr) for step in range(MAXITER): opt.zero_grad() collision_score = torch.clamp(dist_est(p)-safety_margin, min=0).sum() cnt_check += len(p) # Counting collision checks control_points = robot.fkine(p) max_move_cost = torch.clamp((control_points[1:]-control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum(dim=2)-1.5**2, min=0).sum() joint_limit_cost = ( torch.clamp(robot.limits[:, 0]-p, min=0) + torch.clamp(p-robot.limits[:, 1], min=0)).sum() diff = (control_points[1:]-control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum() constraint_loss = collision_weight * collision_score\ + max_move_weight * max_move_cost + joint_limit_weight * joint_limit_cost objective_loss = dif_weight * diff loss = objective_loss + constraint_loss loss.backward() p.grad[[0, -1]] = 0.0 opt.step() = utils.wrap2pi( if history: path_history.append( if < lowest_loss: lowest_loss = lowest_loss_solution = lowest_loss_step = step lowest_loss_trial = trial_time lowest_loss_obj = if constraint_loss <= 1e-2: if < best_valid_obj: best_valid_obj = best_valid_solution = best_valid_step = step best_valid_trial = trial_time # if constraint_loss <= 1e-2 or step % (MAXITER/5) == 0 or step == MAXITER-1: # print('Trial {}: Step {}, collision={:.3f}*{:.1f}, max_move={:.3f}*{:.1f}, diff={:.3f}*{:.1f}, Loss={:.3f}'.format( # trial_time, step, # collision_score.item(), collision_weight, # max_move_cost.item(), max_move_weight, # diff.item(), dif_weight, # loss.item())) if constraint_loss <= 1e-2 and torch.norm(p.grad) < 1e-4: break trial_histories.append(path_history) if best_valid_solution is not None: found = True break end_t = time() if not found: # print('Did not find a valid solution after {} trials!\ # Giving the lowest cost solution'.format(NUM_RE_TRIALS)) solution = lowest_loss_solution solution_step = lowest_loss_step solution_trial = lowest_loss_trial solution_obj = lowest_loss_obj else: solution = best_valid_solution solution_step = best_valid_step solution_trial = best_valid_trial solution_obj = best_valid_obj path_history = trial_histories[solution_trial] # Could be empty when history = false if not path_history: path_history.append(solution) else: path_history = path_history[:(solution_step+1)] rec = { 'start_cfg': start_cfg.numpy().tolist(), 'target_cfg': target_cfg.numpy().tolist(), 'cnt_check': cnt_check, 'cost': solution_obj.item(), 'time': end_t - start_t, 'success': found, 'seed': seed, 'solution': solution.numpy().tolist() } return rec
def main(checking_method='diffco'): DOF = 2 env_name = '1rect_active' # '2rect' # '1rect_1circle' '1rect' 'narrow' '2instance' dataset = torch.load('data/2d_{}dof_{}.pt'.format(DOF, env_name)) cfgs = dataset['data'].double() labels = dataset['label'].reshape(-1, 1).double() #.max(1).values dists = dataset['dist'].reshape(-1, 1).double() #.max(1).values obstacles = dataset['obs'] obstacles = [list(o) for o in obstacles] robot = dataset['robot'](*dataset['rparam']) width = robot.link_width #================================================================================================================================= fcl_obs = [FCLObstacle(*param) for param in obstacles] fcl_collision_obj = [fobs.cobj for fobs in fcl_obs] label_type = 'binary' num_class = 1 T = 11 nu = 5 #5 kai = 1500 sigma = 0.3 seed = 1918 torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) num_init_points = 8000 if label_type == 'binary': obs_managers = [fcl.DynamicAABBTreeCollisionManager()] obs_managers[0].registerObjects(fcl_collision_obj) obs_managers[0].setup() elif label_type == 'instance': obs_managers = [fcl.DynamicAABBTreeCollisionManager() for _ in fcl_obs] for mng, cobj in zip(obs_managers, fcl_collision_obj): mng.registerObjects([cobj]) elif label_type == 'class': obs_managers = [ fcl.DynamicAABBTreeCollisionManager() for _ in range(num_class) ] obj_by_cls = [[] for _ in range(num_class)] for obj in fcl_obs: obj_by_cls[obj.category].append(obj.cobj) for mng, obj_group in zip(obs_managers, obj_by_cls): mng.registerObjects(obj_group) robot_links = robot.update_polygons(cfgs[0]) robot_manager = fcl.DynamicAABBTreeCollisionManager() robot_manager.registerObjects(robot_links) robot_manager.setup() for mng in obs_managers: mng.setup() gt_checker = FCLChecker(obstacles, robot, robot_manager, obs_managers) train_num = 6000 fkine = robot.fkine # checker = DiffCo(obstacles, kernel_func=kernel.FKKernel(fkine, kernel.RQKernel(10)), beta=1.0) from time import time init_train_t = time() checker = MultiDiffCo(obstacles, kernel_func=kernel.FKKernel(fkine, kernel.RQKernel(10)), beta=1.0) labels, dists = gt_checker.predict(cfgs[:train_num], distance=True) labels = labels.double() dists = dists.double() checker.train(cfgs[:train_num], labels[:train_num], max_iteration=len(cfgs[:train_num]), distance=dists[:train_num]) # Check DiffCo test ACC # test_preds = (checker.score(cfgs[train_num:]) > 0) * 2 - 1 # test_acc = torch.sum(test_preds == labels[train_num:], dtype=torch.float32)/len(test_preds.view(-1)) # test_tpr = torch.sum(test_preds[labels[train_num:]==1] == 1, dtype=torch.float32) / len(test_preds[labels[train_num:]==1]) # test_tnr = torch.sum(test_preds[labels[train_num:]==-1] == -1, dtype=torch.float32) / len(test_preds[labels[train_num:]==-1]) # print('Test acc: {}, TPR {}, TNR {}'.format(test_acc, test_tpr, test_tnr)) # assert(test_acc > 0.9) fitting_target = 'dist' # {label, dist, hypo} Epsilon = 0.01 checker.fit_poly(kernel_func=kernel.Polyharmonic(1, Epsilon), target=fitting_target, fkine=fkine) # epsilon=Epsilon, # checker.fit_poly(kernel_func=kernel.MultiQuadratic(Epsilon), target=fitting_target, fkine=fkine) # checker.fit_full_poly(epsilon=Epsilon, target=fitting_target, fkine=fkine, lmbd=10) dist_est = checker.rbf_score init_train_t = time() - init_train_t # dist_est = checker.score # dist_est = checker.poly_score print('MIN_SCORE = {:.6f}'.format(dist_est(cfgs[train_num:]).min())) positions = torch.FloatTensor(np.linspace(obstacles[0][1], [4, 3], T)) start_cfg = torch.zeros(robot.dof, dtype=cfgs.dtype) # free_cfgs[indices[0]] # target_cfg = torch.zeros(robot.dof, dtype=cfgs.dtype) # free_cfgs[indices[1]] # start_cfg[0] = np.pi / 2 # -np.pi/16 start_cfg[1] = -np.pi / 6 target_cfg[0] = 0 # -np.pi/2 # -15*np.pi/16 target_cfg[1] = np.pi / 7 update_ts = [] plan_ts = [] for t, trans in zip(range(T), positions): ut = time() fcl_collision_obj[0].setTransform( fcl.Transform( # Rotation.from_rotvec([0, 0, angle]).as_quat()[[3,0,1,2]], [trans[0], trans[1], 0])) for obs_mng in obs_managers: obs_mng.update() # if checking_method == 'diffco': exploit_samples = torch.randn(nu, len(checker.gains), robot.dof, dtype=checker.support_points.dtype ) * sigma + checker.support_points exploit_samples = utils.wrap2pi(exploit_samples).reshape(-1, robot.dof) explore_samples = torch.rand( kai, robot.dof, dtype=checker.support_points.dtype) * 2 * np.pi - np.pi cfgs = [exploit_samples, explore_samples, checker.support_points]) labels, dists = gt_checker.predict(cfgs, distance=True) dists = dists.double() print('Collision {}, Free {}\n'.format((labels == 1).sum(), (labels == -1).sum())) gains =[ torch.zeros(len(exploit_samples) + len(explore_samples), checker.num_class, dtype=checker.gains.dtype), checker.gains ]) #None # #TODO: bug: not calculating true hypothesis for new points added_hypothesis = checker.score(cfgs[:-len(checker.support_points)]) hypothesis = [added_hypothesis, checker.hypothesis] ) #[torch.zeros(len(exploit_samples)+len(explore_samples), checker.num_class), checker.hypothesis]) # None # # kernel_matrix = torch.zeros(len(cfgs), len(cfgs)) #None # # kernel_matrix[-len(checker.kernel_matrix):, -len(checker.kernel_matrix):] = checker.kernel_matrix checker.train(cfgs, labels, gains=gains, hypothesis=hypothesis, distance=dists) #, kernel_matrix=kernel_matrix print('Num of support points {}'.format(len(checker.support_points))) checker.fit_poly(kernel_func=kernel.Polyharmonic(1, Epsilon), target=fitting_target, fkine=fkine, reg=0.1) update_ts.append(time() - ut) if checking_method == 'fcl': fcl_options = { 'N_WAYPOINTS': 20, 'NUM_RE_TRIALS': 5, # Debugging 'MAXITER': 200, 'seed': seed, 'history': False } elif checking_method == 'diffco': diffco_options = { 'N_WAYPOINTS': 20, 'NUM_RE_TRIALS': 5, # Debugging 'MAXITER': 200, 'safety_margin': -0.5, #max(1/5*min_score, -0.5), 'seed': seed, 'history': False } print('t = {}'.format(t)) if t % 1 == 0 and not torch.any( checker.predict(torch.stack([start_cfg, target_cfg], dim=0)) == 1): obstacles[0][1] = (trans[0], trans[1]) cfg_path_plots = [] if robot.dof > 2: fig, ax, link_plot, joint_plot, eff_plot = create_plots( robot, obstacles, dist_est, checker) elif robot.dof == 2: fig, ax, link_plot, joint_plot, eff_plot, cfg_path_plots = create_plots( robot, obstacles, dist_est, checker) ot = time() # Begin optimization========== if checking_method == 'diffco': # p, path_history, num_trial, num_step = traj_optimize( # robot, dist_est, start_cfg, target_cfg, history=False) solution_rec = givengrad_traj_optimize(robot, dist_est, start_cfg, target_cfg, options=diffco_options) p = torch.FloatTensor(solution_rec['solution']) elif checking_method == 'fcl': solution_rec = gradient_free_traj_optimize( robot, lambda cfg: gt_checker.predict(cfg, distance=False), start_cfg, target_cfg, options=fcl_options) p = torch.FloatTensor(solution_rec['solution']) # ============================ plan_ts.append(time() - ot) # path_dir = 'results/active_learning/path_2d_{}dof_{}_seed{}_step{:02d}.json'.format(robot.dof, env_name, seed, t) # DEBUGGING path_dir = 'results/active_learning/path_2d_{}dof_{}_checker={}_seed{}_step{:02d}.json'.format( robot.dof, env_name, checking_method, seed, t) with open(path_dir, 'w') as f: json.dump({ 'path':, }, f, indent=1) print('Plan recorded in {}'.format( # Use saved path ====== # if not isfile(path_dir): # continue # with open(path_dir, 'r') as f: # path_dict = json.load(f) # p = torch.FloatTensor(path_dict['path']) # ===================== p = utils.make_continue(p) #animation # vid_name = None #'results/maual_trajopt_2d_{}dof_{}_fitting_{}_eps_{}_dif_{}_updates_{}_steps_{}.mp4'.format( # # robot.dof, env_name, fitting_target, Epsilon, dif_weight, UPDATE_STEPS, N_STEPS) # if robot.dof == 2: # animation_demo( # robot, p, fig, link_plot, joint_plot, eff_plot, # cfg_path_plots=cfg_path_plots, path_history=path_history, save_dir=vid_name) # elif robot.dof == 7: # animation_demo(robot, p, fig, link_plot, joint_plot, eff_plot, save_dir=vid_name) # single shot single_plot(robot, p, fig, link_plot, joint_plot, eff_plot, cfg_path_plots=cfg_path_plots, ax=ax) # # plt.savefig('figs/path_2d_{}dof_{}.png'.format(robot.dof, env_name), dpi=500) # plt.savefig('figs/active_2d_{}dof_{}_{}'.format(robot.dof, env_name, t), dpi=500) fig_dir = 'figs/active/{random_seed}/{checking_method}'.format( random_seed=seed, checking_method=checking_method) if not isdir(fig_dir): makedirs(fig_dir) plt.savefig(join( fig_dir, '2d_{DOF}dof_{ename}_{checking_method}_{step:02d}'.format( DOF=robot.dof, ename=env_name, checking_method=checking_method, step=t)), dpi=300) print('{} summary'.format(checking_method)) print('Initial training {} sec.'.format(init_train_t)) print('Update {} sec.'.format(update_ts)) print('Planning {} sec.'.format(plan_ts))
def escape(robot, dist_est, start_cfg): N_WAYPOINTS = 20 # NUM_RE_TRIALS = 10 UPDATE_STEPS = 200 # dif_weight = 1 # max_move_weight = 10 # collision_weight = 10 safety_margin = -0.3 #torch.FloatTensor([-2, -0.2]) lr = 5e-2 # seed = 19961221 # torch.manual_seed(seed) # lowest_cost_solution = None # lowest_cost = np.inf # lowest_cost_trial = None # lowest_cost_step = None # best_valid_solution = None # best_valid_cost = np.inf # best_valid_step = None # best_valid_trial = None # trial_histories = [] # found = False # p = torch.FloatTensor(np.concatenate([np.linspace(start_cfg, (-np.pi, 0), N_STEPS/2), np.linspace((np.pi, 0), target_cfg, N_STEPS/2)], axis=0)).requires_grad_(True) # for trial_time in range(NUM_RE_TRIALS): path_history = [] # if trial_time == 0: # init_path = torch.from_numpy(np.linspace(start_cfg, target_cfg, num=UPDATE_STEPS)) # else: # init_path = (torch.rand(N_WAYPOINTS, robot.dof))*np.pi*2-np.pi init_path = start_cfg # init_path[-1] = target_cfg p = init_path.requires_grad_(True) opt = torch.optim.Adam([p], lr=lr) # opt = torch.optim.SGD([p], lr=lr, momentum=0.0) for step in range(N_WAYPOINTS): if step % 1 == 0: path_history.append( opt.zero_grad() collision_score = dist_est(p) - safety_margin #, min=0).sum() # print(torch.clamp(dist_est(p)-safety_margin, min=0).max(dim=0) # control_points = robot.fkine(p) # max_move_cost = torch.clamp((control_points[1:]-control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum(dim=2)-1.0**2, min=0).sum() # diff = dif_weight * (control_points[1:]-control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum() # np.clip(1.5*float(i)/UPDATE_STEPS, 0, 1)**2 (float(i)/UPDATE_STEPS) * # torch.clamp(utils.wrap2pi(p[1:]-p[:-1]).abs(), min=0.3).pow(2).sum() # constraint_loss = collision_weight * collision_score + max_move_weight * max_move_cost # objective_loss = dif_weight * diff loss = collision_score #objective_loss + constraint_loss loss.backward() # p.grad[[0, -1]] = 0.0 opt.step() = utils.wrap2pi( # if history: # if < lowest_cost: # lowest_cost = # lowest_cost_solution = # lowest_cost_step = step # lowest_cost_trial = trial_time if collision_score <= 1e-4: # if < best_valid_cost: # best_valid_cost = # best_valid_solution = # best_valid_step = step # best_valid_trial = trial_time break # if constraint_loss <= 1e-2 or step % (UPDATE_STEPS/5) == 0 or step == UPDATE_STEPS-1: # print('Trial {}: Step {}, collision={:.3f}*{:.1f}, max_move={:.3f}*{:.1f}, diff={:.3f}*{:.1f}, Loss={:.3f}'.format( # trial_time, step, # collision_score.item(), collision_weight, # max_move_cost.item(), max_move_weight, # diff.item(), dif_weight, # loss.item())) # trial_histories.append(path_history) # if best_valid_solution is not None: # found = True # break # if not found: # print('Did not find a valid solution after {} trials!\ # Giving the lowest cost solution'.format(NUM_RE_TRIALS)) # solution = lowest_cost_solution # solution_step = lowest_cost_step # solution_trial = lowest_cost_trial # else: # solution = best_valid_solution # solution_step = best_valid_step # solution_trial = best_valid_trial # path_history = trial_histories[solution_trial] # Could be empty when history = false # if not path_history: # path_history.append(solution) # else: # path_history = path_history[:(solution_step+1)] return torch.stack(path_history, dim=0) # sum(trial_histories, []),
def traj_optimize(robot, dist_est, start_cfg, target_cfg, history=False): N_WAYPOINTS = 20 NUM_RE_TRIALS = 5 UPDATE_STEPS = 200 dif_weight = 1 max_move_weight = 10 collision_weight = 10 safety_margin = torch.FloatTensor([0]) #-3, #-1 (shown) lr = 5e-1 lowest_cost_solution = None lowest_cost = np.inf lowest_cost_trial = None lowest_cost_step = None best_valid_solution = None best_valid_cost = np.inf best_valid_step = None best_valid_trial = None trial_histories = [] found = False # p = torch.FloatTensor(np.concatenate([np.linspace(start_cfg, (-np.pi, 0), N_STEPS/2), np.linspace((np.pi, 0), target_cfg, N_STEPS/2)], axis=0)).requires_grad_(True) for trial_time in range(NUM_RE_TRIALS): path_history = [] if trial_time == 0 and False: # Temp init_path = torch.from_numpy( np.linspace(start_cfg, target_cfg, num=N_WAYPOINTS)) else: init_path = (torch.rand(N_WAYPOINTS, robot.dof)) * np.pi * 2 - np.pi init_path[0] = start_cfg init_path[-1] = target_cfg p = init_path.requires_grad_(True) opt = torch.optim.Adam([p], lr=lr) # opt = torch.optim.SGD([p], lr=lr, momentum=0.0) for step in range(UPDATE_STEPS): opt.zero_grad() collision_score = torch.clamp(dist_est(p) - safety_margin, min=0).sum() # print(torch.clamp(dist_est(p)-safety_margin, min=0).max(dim=0) control_points = robot.fkine(p) max_move_cost = torch.clamp((control_points[1:, -1:]-control_points[:-1, -1:]).pow(2).sum(dim=2)-1**2, min=0).sum() \ + torch.clamp((utils.wrap2pi(p[1:]-p[:-1])).pow(2).sum(dim=1)-(5*np.pi/180)**2, min=0).sum() diff = (control_points[1:] - control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum() # np.clip(1.5*float(i)/UPDATE_STEPS, 0, 1)**2 (float(i)/UPDATE_STEPS) * # torch.clamp(utils.wrap2pi(p[1:]-p[:-1]).abs(), min=0.3).pow(2).sum() constraint_loss = collision_weight * collision_score + max_move_weight * max_move_cost objective_loss = dif_weight * diff loss = objective_loss + constraint_loss loss.backward() p.grad[[0, -1]] = 0.0 opt.step() = utils.wrap2pi( if history: path_history.append( # if < lowest_cost: if < lowest_cost: lowest_cost = lowest_cost_solution = lowest_cost_step = step lowest_cost_trial = trial_time if constraint_loss <= 1e-2: if < best_valid_cost: best_valid_cost = best_valid_solution = best_valid_step = step best_valid_trial = trial_time if constraint_loss <= 1e-2 or step % ( UPDATE_STEPS / 5) == 0 or step == UPDATE_STEPS - 1: print( 'Trial {}: Step {}, collision={:.3f}*{:.1f}, max_move={:.3f}*{:.1f}, diff={:.3f}*{:.1f}, Loss={:.3f}' .format(trial_time, step, collision_score.item(), collision_weight, max_move_cost.item(), max_move_weight, diff.item(), dif_weight, loss.item())) trial_histories.append(path_history) if best_valid_solution is not None: found = True break if not found: print('Did not find a valid solution after {} trials!\ Giving the lowest cost solution'.format(NUM_RE_TRIALS)) solution = lowest_cost_solution solution_step = lowest_cost_step solution_trial = lowest_cost_trial else: solution = best_valid_solution solution_step = best_valid_step solution_trial = best_valid_trial path_history = trial_histories[ solution_trial] # Could be empty when history = false if not path_history: path_history.append(solution) else: path_history = path_history[:(solution_step + 1)] return solution, path_history, solution_trial, solution_step # sum(trial_histories, []),
def traj_optimize(robot, dist_est, start_cfg, target_cfg, history=False): # There is a slightly different version in, # which allows using SLSQP instead of Adam, allows # inputting an initial solution other than straight line, # and is better modularly written. # That one with SLSQP is more recommended to use. N_WAYPOINTS = 20 NUM_RE_TRIALS = 10 UPDATE_STEPS = 200 dif_weight = 1 max_move_weight = 10 collision_weight = 10 safety_margin = torch.FloatTensor([-12, -1.2]) #([-8.0, -0.8]) # lr = 5e-1 seed = 19961221 torch.manual_seed(seed) lowest_cost_solution = None lowest_cost = np.inf lowest_cost_trial = None lowest_cost_step = None best_valid_solution = None best_valid_cost = np.inf best_valid_step = None best_valid_trial = None trial_histories = [] found = False for trial_time in range(NUM_RE_TRIALS): path_history = [] if trial_time == 0: init_path = torch.from_numpy( np.linspace(start_cfg, target_cfg, num=N_WAYPOINTS)) else: init_path = (torch.rand(N_WAYPOINTS, robot.dof)) * np.pi * 2 - np.pi init_path[0] = start_cfg init_path[-1] = target_cfg p = init_path.requires_grad_(True) opt = torch.optim.Adam([p], lr=lr) for step in range(UPDATE_STEPS): opt.zero_grad() collision_score = torch.clamp(dist_est(p) - safety_margin, min=0).sum() control_points = robot.fkine(p) max_move_cost = torch.clamp( (control_points[1:] - control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum(dim=2) - 0.3**2, min=0).sum() diff = (control_points[1:] - control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum() constraint_loss = collision_weight * collision_score + max_move_weight * max_move_cost objective_loss = dif_weight * diff loss = objective_loss + constraint_loss loss.backward() p.grad[[0, -1]] = 0.0 opt.step() = utils.wrap2pi( if history: path_history.append( if < lowest_cost: lowest_cost = lowest_cost_solution = lowest_cost_step = step lowest_cost_trial = trial_time if constraint_loss <= 1e-2: if < best_valid_cost: best_valid_cost = best_valid_solution = best_valid_step = step best_valid_trial = trial_time if constraint_loss <= 1e-2 or step % ( UPDATE_STEPS / 5) == 0 or step == UPDATE_STEPS - 1: print( 'Trial {}: Step {}, collision={:.3f}*{:.1f}, max_move={:.3f}*{:.1f}, diff={:.3f}*{:.1f}, Loss={:.3f}' .format(trial_time, step, collision_score.item(), collision_weight, max_move_cost.item(), max_move_weight, diff.item(), dif_weight, loss.item())) trial_histories.append(path_history) if best_valid_solution is not None: found = True break if not found: print('Did not find a valid solution after {} trials!\ Giving the lowest cost solution'.format(NUM_RE_TRIALS)) solution = lowest_cost_solution solution_step = lowest_cost_step solution_trial = lowest_cost_trial else: solution = best_valid_solution solution_step = best_valid_step solution_trial = best_valid_trial path_history = trial_histories[ solution_trial] # Could be empty when history = false if not path_history: path_history.append(solution) else: path_history = path_history[:(solution_step + 1)] return solution, path_history, solution_trial, solution_step
def traj_optimize(robot, start_cfg, target_cfg, dist_est, initial_guess=None, history=False): N_WAYPOINTS = 50 NUM_RE_TRIALS = 1 #10 UPDATE_STEPS = 400 dif_weight = 5 max_move_weight = 10 collision_weight = 10 joint_limit_weight = 10 safety_margin = -1 # Corresponds to safety_bias in paper lr = 1e-2 seed = 19961221 torch.manual_seed(seed) lowest_cost_solution = None lowest_cost = np.inf lowest_cost_trial = None lowest_cost_step = None best_valid_solution = None best_valid_cost = np.inf best_valid_step = None best_valid_trial = None trial_histories = [] found = False for trial_time in range(NUM_RE_TRIALS): path_history = [] if trial_time == 0: if initial_guess is None: init_path = torch.from_numpy( np.linspace(start_cfg, target_cfg, num=N_WAYPOINTS)) else: init_path = initial_guess else: init_path = (torch.rand(N_WAYPOINTS, robot.dof)) * np.pi * 2 - np.pi init_path[0] = start_cfg init_path[-1] = target_cfg p = init_path.requires_grad_(True) opt = torch.optim.Adam([p], lr=lr) for step in range(UPDATE_STEPS): opt.zero_grad() assert p.dtype == torch.float collision_score = torch.clamp(dist_est(p) - safety_margin, min=0).sum() control_points = robot.fkine(p, reuse=True) max_move_cost = torch.clamp( (control_points[1:] - control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum(dim=2) - 0.03**2, min=0).sum() joint_limit_cost = ( torch.clamp(robot.limits[:, 0] - p, min=0) + torch.clamp(p - robot.limits[:, 1], min=0)).sum() diff = (control_points[1:] - control_points[:-1]).pow(2).sum() + ( utils.wrap2pi(p[1:] - p[:-1])).pow(2).sum() constraint_loss = collision_weight * collision_score \ + max_move_weight * max_move_cost + joint_limit_weight * joint_limit_cost opt_loss = dif_weight * diff loss = constraint_loss + opt_loss loss.backward() p.grad[[0, -1]] = 0.0 # Do not change start and goal configuration opt.step() = utils.wrap2pi( # Do not wrap if your configuration is not angular if history: path_history.append( if < lowest_cost: lowest_cost = lowest_cost_solution = lowest_cost_step = step lowest_cost_trial = trial_time if constraint_loss <= 1e-2: if < best_valid_cost: best_valid_cost = best_valid_solution = best_valid_step = step best_valid_trial = trial_time if constraint_loss <= 1e-2 or step % ( UPDATE_STEPS / 5) == 0 or step == UPDATE_STEPS - 1: print( 'Trial {}: Step {}, collision={:.3f}*{:.1f}, max_move={:.3f}*{:.1f}, joint_limit={:.3f}*{:.1f}, diff={:.3f}*{:.1f}, Loss={:.3f}' .format(trial_time, step, collision_score.item(), collision_weight, max_move_cost.item(), max_move_weight, joint_limit_cost.item(), joint_limit_weight, diff.item(), dif_weight, loss.item())) trial_histories.append(path_history) if best_valid_solution is not None: found = True break if not found: print('Did not find a valid solution after {} trials!\ Giving the lowest cost solution'.format(NUM_RE_TRIALS)) solution = lowest_cost_solution solution_step = lowest_cost_step solution_trial = lowest_cost_trial else: solution = best_valid_solution solution_step = best_valid_step solution_trial = best_valid_trial path_history = trial_histories[ solution_trial] # Could be empty when history = false if not path_history: path_history.append(solution) else: path_history = path_history[:(solution_step + 1)] return solution, path_history, solution_trial, solution_step