    def test_ecos_solve(self):
        m = 20
        n = 10

        A, b, c, cone_dims = utils.least_squares_eq_scs_data(m, n)
        x, y, s, derivative, adjoint_derivative = cone_prog.solve_and_derivative(
            A, b, c, cone_dims, solve_method="ECOS")

        # check optimality conditions
        np.testing.assert_allclose(A @ x + s, b, atol=1e-8)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(A.T @ y + c, 0, atol=1e-8)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(s @ y, 0, atol=1e-8)

        x = cp.Variable(10)
        prob = cp.Problem(
                cp.sum_squares(np.random.randn(5, 10) @ x) +
                np.random.randn(10) @ x), [
                    cp.norm2(x) <= 1,
                    np.random.randn(2, 10) @ x == np.random.randn(2)
        A, b, c, cone_dims = utils.scs_data_from_cvxpy_problem(prob)
        x, y, s, derivative, adjoint_derivative = cone_prog.solve_and_derivative(
            A, b, c, cone_dims, solve_method="ECOS")

        # check optimality conditions
        np.testing.assert_allclose(A @ x + s, b, atol=1e-8)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(A.T @ y + c, 0, atol=1e-8)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(s @ y, 0, atol=1e-8)
def solve_and_derivative_internal(A,
    if mode not in ["dense", "lsqr"]:
        raise ValueError("Unsupported mode {}; the supported modes are "
                         "'dense' and 'lsqr'".format(mode))

    if np.isnan(A.data).any():
        raise RuntimeError("Found a NaN in A.")

    # set explicit 0s in A to np.nan
    A.data[A.data == 0] = np.nan

    # compute rows and cols of nonzeros in A
    rows, cols = A.nonzero()

    # reset np.nan entries in A to 0.0
    A.data[np.isnan(A.data)] = 0.0

    # eliminate explicit zeros in A, we no longer need them

    if solve_method is None:
        psd_cone = ('s' in cone_dict) and (cone_dict['s'] != [])
        ep_cone = ('ep' in cone_dict) and (cone_dict['ep'] != 0)
        ed_cone = ('ed' in cone_dict) and (cone_dict['ed'] != 0)
        if psd_cone or ep_cone or ed_cone:
            solve_method = "SCS"
            solve_method = "ECOS"

    if solve_method == "SCS":

        # SCS versions SCS 2.*
        if StrictVersion(scs.__version__) < StrictVersion('3.0.0'):
            if "eps_abs" in kwargs or "eps_rel" in kwargs:
                # Take the min of eps_rel and eps_abs to be eps
                kwargs["eps"] = min(kwargs.get("eps_abs", 1),
                                    kwargs.get("eps_rel", 1))

        # SCS version 3.*
            if "eps" in kwargs:  # eps replaced by eps_abs, eps_rel
                kwargs["eps_abs"] = kwargs["eps"]
                kwargs["eps_rel"] = kwargs["eps"]
                del kwargs["eps"]

        data = {"A": A, "b": b, "c": c}

        if warm_start is not None:
            data["x"] = warm_start[0]
            data["y"] = warm_start[1]
            data["s"] = warm_start[2]

        kwargs.setdefault("verbose", False)
        result = scs.solve(data, cone_dict, **kwargs)

        status = result["info"]["status"]
        inaccurate_status = {
            "Solved/Inaccurate", "solved (inaccurate - reached max_iters)"
        if status in inaccurate_status and "acceleration_lookback" not in kwargs:
            # anderson acceleration is sometimes unstable
            result = scs.solve(data,
            status = result["info"]["status"]

        if status in inaccurate_status:
        elif status.lower() != "solved":
            if raise_on_error:
                raise SolverError("Solver scs returned status %s" % status)
                result["D"] = None
                result["DT"] = None
                return result

        x = result["x"]
        y = result["y"]
        s = result["s"]
    elif solve_method == "ECOS":
        if warm_start is not None:
            raise ValueError('ECOS does not support warmstart.')
        if ('s' in cone_dict) and (cone_dict['s'] != []):
            raise ValueError("PSD cone not supported by ECOS.")
        if ('ep' in cone_dict) and (cone_dict['ep'] != 0):
            raise NotImplementedError("Exponential cones not supported yet.")
        if ('ed' in cone_dict) and (cone_dict['ed'] != 0):
            raise NotImplementedError("Exponential cones not supported yet.")
        if warm_start is not None:
            raise ValueError("ECOS does not support warm starting.")
        len_eq = cone_dict[cone_lib.EQ_DIM]
        C_ecos = c
        G_ecos = A[len_eq:]
        if 0 in G_ecos.shape:
            G_ecos = None
        H_ecos = b[len_eq:].flatten()
        if 0 in H_ecos.shape:
            H_ecos = None
        A_ecos = A[:len_eq]
        if 0 in A_ecos.shape:
            A_ecos = None
        B_ecos = b[:len_eq].flatten()
        if 0 in B_ecos.shape:
            B_ecos = None

        cone_dict_ecos = {}
        if 'l' in cone_dict:
            cone_dict_ecos['l'] = cone_dict['l']
        if 'q' in cone_dict:
            cone_dict_ecos['q'] = cone_dict['q']
        if A_ecos is not None and A_ecos.nnz == 0 and np.prod(
                A_ecos.shape) > 0:
            raise ValueError("ECOS cannot handle sparse data with nnz == 0.")

        kwargs.setdefault("verbose", False)
        solution = ecos.solve(C_ecos, G_ecos, H_ecos, cone_dict_ecos, A_ecos,
                              B_ecos, **kwargs)
        x = solution["x"]
        y = np.append(solution["y"], solution["z"])
        s = b - A @ x

        result = {"x": x, "y": y, "s": s}
        status = solution["info"]["exitFlag"]
        STATUS_LOOKUP = {
            0: "Optimal",
            1: "Infeasible",
            2: "Unbounded",
            10: "Optimal Inaccurate",
            11: "Infeasible Inaccurate",
            12: "Unbounded Inaccurate"

        if status == 10:
        elif status < 0:
            raise SolverError("Solver ecos errored.")
        if status not in [0, 10]:
            raise SolverError("Solver ecos returned status %s" %

        # Convert ECOS info into SCS info to be compatible if called from
        # CVXPY DIFFCP solver
            0: "Solved",
            1: "Infeasible",
            2: "Unbounded",
            10: "Solved/Inaccurate",
            11: "Infeasible/Inaccurate",
            12: "Unbounded/Inaccurate"
        result['info'] = {
            'status': ECOS2SCS_STATUS_MAP.get(status, "Failure"),
            'solveTime': solution['info']['timing']['tsolve'],
            'setupTime': solution['info']['timing']['tsetup'],
            'iter': solution['info']['iter'],
            'pobj': solution['info']['pcost']

        raise ValueError("Solver %s not supported." % solve_method)

    # pre-compute quantities for the derivative
    m, n = A.shape
    N = m + n + 1
    cones = cone_lib.parse_cone_dict(cone_dict)
    cones_parsed = cone_lib.parse_cone_dict_cpp(cones)
    z = (x, y - s, np.array([1]))
    u, v, w = z

    Q = sparse.bmat(
        [[None, A.T, np.expand_dims(c, -1)], [-A, None,
                                              np.expand_dims(b, -1)],
         [-np.expand_dims(c, -1).T, -np.expand_dims(b, -1).T, None]])

    D_proj_dual_cone = _diffcp.dprojection(v, cones_parsed, True)
    if mode == "dense":
        Q_dense = Q.todense()
        M = _diffcp.M_dense(Q_dense, cones_parsed, u, v, w)
        MT = M.T
        M = _diffcp.M_operator(Q, cones_parsed, u, v, w)
        MT = M.transpose()

    pi_z = pi(z, cones)

    def derivative(dA, db, dc, **kwargs):
        """Applies derivative at (A, b, c) to perturbations dA, db, dc
            dA: SciPy sparse matrix in CSC format; must have same sparsity
                pattern as the matrix `A` from the cone program
            db: NumPy array representing perturbation in `b`
            dc: NumPy array representing perturbation in `c`
           NumPy arrays dx, dy, ds, the result of applying the derivative
           to the perturbations.
        dQ = sparse.bmat(
            [[None, dA.T, np.expand_dims(dc, -1)],
             [-dA, None, np.expand_dims(db, -1)],
             [-np.expand_dims(dc, -1).T, -np.expand_dims(db, -1).T, None]])
        rhs = dQ @ pi_z
        if np.allclose(rhs, 0):
            dz = np.zeros(rhs.size)
        elif mode == "dense":
            dz = _diffcp._solve_derivative_dense(M, MT, rhs)
            dz = _diffcp.lsqr(M, rhs).solution

        du, dv, dw = np.split(dz, [n, n + m])
        dx = du - x * dw
        dy = D_proj_dual_cone.matvec(dv) - y * dw
        ds = D_proj_dual_cone.matvec(dv) - dv - s * dw
        return -dx, -dy, -ds

    def adjoint_derivative(dx, dy, ds, **kwargs):
        """Applies adjoint of derivative at (A, b, c) to perturbations dx, dy, ds
            dx: NumPy array representing perturbation in `x`
            dy: NumPy array representing perturbation in `y`
            ds: NumPy array representing perturbation in `s`
            (`dA`, `db`, `dc`), the result of applying the adjoint to the
            perturbations; the sparsity pattern of `dA` matches that of `A`.
        dw = -(x @ dx + y @ dy + s @ ds)
        dz = np.concatenate(
            [dx, D_proj_dual_cone.rmatvec(dy + ds) - ds,

        if np.allclose(dz, 0):
            r = np.zeros(dz.shape)
        elif mode == "dense":
            r = _diffcp._solve_adjoint_derivative_dense(M, MT, dz)
            r = _diffcp.lsqr(MT, dz).solution

        values = pi_z[cols] * r[rows + n] - pi_z[n + rows] * r[cols]
        dA = sparse.csc_matrix((values, (rows, cols)), shape=A.shape)
        db = pi_z[n:n + m] * r[-1] - pi_z[-1] * r[n:n + m]
        dc = pi_z[:n] * r[-1] - pi_z[-1] * r[:n]

        return dA, db, dc

    result["D"] = derivative
    result["DT"] = adjoint_derivative
    return result
def solve_and_derivative(A, b, c, cone_dict, warm_start=None, **kwargs):
    """Solves a cone program, returns its derivative as an abstract linear map.

    This function solves a convex cone program, with primal-dual problems

        min.        c^T x                  min.        b^Ty
        subject to  Ax + s = b             subject to  A^Ty + c = 0
                    s \in K                            y \in K^*

    The problem data A, b, and c correspond to the arguments `A`, `b`, and `c`,
    and the convex cone `K` corresponds to `cone_dict`; x and s are the primal
    variables, and y is the dual variable.

    This function returns a solution (x, y, s) to the program. It also returns
    two functions that respectively represent application of the derivative
    (at A, b, and c) and its adjoint.

    The problem data must be formatted according to the SCS convention, see

    For background on derivatives of cone programs, see

      A: A sparse SciPy matrix in CSC format; the first block of rows must
        correspondond to the zero cone, the next block to the positive orthant,
        then the second-order cone, the PSD cone, the exponential cone, and
        finally the exponential dual cone. PSD matrix variables must be
        vectorized by scaling the off-diagonal entries by sqrt(2) and stacking
        the lower triangular part in column-major order.
      b: A NumPy array representing the offset.
      c: A NumPy array representing the objective function.
      cone_dict: A dictionary with keys corresponding to cones, values
          corresponding to their dimensions. The keys must be a subset of
          diffcp.ZERO, diffcp.POS, diffcp.SOC, diffcp.PSD, diffcp.EXP;
          the values of diffcp.SOC, diffcp.PSD, and diffcp.EXP
          should be lists. A k-dimensional PSD cone corresponds to a k-by-k
          matrix variable; a value of k for diffcp.EXP corresponds to k / 3
          exponential cones. See SCS documentation for more details.
      warm_start: (optional) A tuple (x, y, s) at which to warm-start SCS.
      kwargs: (optional) Keyword arguments to forward to SCS.

        x: Optimal value of the primal variable x.
        y: Optimal value of the dual variable y.
        s: Optimal value of the slack variable s.
        derivative: A callable with signature
                derivative(dA, db, dc) -> dx, dy, ds
            that applies the derivative of the cone program at (A, b, and c)
            to the perturbations `dA`, `db`, `dc`. `dA` must be a SciPy sparse
            matrix in CSC format with the same sparsity pattern as `A`;
            `db` and `dc` are NumPy arrays.
        adjoint_derivative: A callable with signature
                adjoint_derivative(dx, dy, ds) -> dA, db, dc
            that applies the adjoint of the derivative of the cone program at
            (A, b, and c) to the perturbations `dx`, `dy`, `ds`, which must be
            NumPy arrays. The output `dA` matches the sparsity pattern of `A`.

        SolverError: if the cone program is infeasible or unbounded.
    data = {"A": A, "b": b, "c": c}
    if warm_start is not None:
        data["x"] = warm_start[0]
        data["y"] = warm_start[1]
        data["s"] = warm_start[2]

    kwargs.setdefault("verbose", False)
    result = scs.solve(data, cone_dict, **kwargs)

    # check status
    status = result["info"]["status"]
    if status == "Solved/Innacurate":
    elif status != "Solved":
        raise SolverError("Solver scs returned status %s" % status)

    x = result["x"]
    y = result["y"]
    s = result["s"]

    # pre-compute quantities for the derivative
    m, n = A.shape
    N = m + n + 1
    cones = cone_lib.parse_cone_dict(cone_dict)
    z = (x, y - s, np.array([1]))
    u, v, w = z
    D_proj_dual_cone = cone_lib.dpi(v, cones, dual=True)
    Q = sparse.bmat(
        [[None, A.T, np.expand_dims(c, -1)], [-A, None,
                                              np.expand_dims(b, -1)],
         [-np.expand_dims(c, -1).T, -np.expand_dims(b, -1).T, None]])
    M = splinalg.aslinearoperator(Q - sparse.eye(N)) @ dpi(
        z, cones) + splinalg.aslinearoperator(sparse.eye(N))
    pi_z = pi(z, cones)
    rows, cols = A.nonzero()

    def derivative(dA, db, dc, **kwargs):
        """Applies derivative at (A, b, c) to perturbations dA, db, dc

            dA: SciPy sparse matrix in CSC format; must have same sparsity
                pattern as the matrix `A` from the cone program
            db: NumPy array representing perturbation in `b`
            dc: NumPy array representing perturbation in `c`

           NumPy arrays dx, dy, ds, the result of applying the derivative
           to the perturbations.
        dQ = sparse.bmat(
            [[None, dA.T, np.expand_dims(dc, -1)],
             [-dA, None, np.expand_dims(db, -1)],
             [-np.expand_dims(dc, -1).T, -np.expand_dims(db, -1).T, None]])
        # can ignore w since w = 1
        rhs = dQ @ pi_z
        if np.allclose(rhs, 0):
            dz = np.zeros(rhs.size)
            dz = splinalg.lsqr(M, rhs, **kwargs)[0]
        du, dv, dw = np.split(dz, [n, n + m])
        dx = du - x * dw
        dy = D_proj_dual_cone @ dv - y * dw
        ds = D_proj_dual_cone @ dv - dv - s * dw
        return -dx, -dy, -ds

    def adjoint_derivative(dx, dy, ds, **kwargs):
        """Applies adjoint of derivative at (A, b, c) to perturbations dx, dy, ds

            dx: NumPy array representing perturbation in `x`
            dy: NumPy array representing perturbation in `y`
            ds: NumPy array representing perturbation in `s`

            (`dA`, `db`, `dc`), the result of applying the adjoint to the
            perturbations; the sparsity pattern of `dA` matches that of `A`.
        dw = -(x @ dx + y @ dy + s @ ds)
        dz = np.concatenate(
            [dx, D_proj_dual_cone.rmatvec(dy + ds) - ds,
        if np.allclose(dz, 0):
            r = np.zeros(dz.shape)
            r = splinalg.lsqr(cone_lib.transpose_linear_operator(M), dz,

        # dQ is the outer product of pi_z and r. Instead of materializing this,
        # the code below only computes the entries needed to compute dA, db, dc
        values = pi_z[cols] * r[rows + n] - pi_z[n + rows] * r[cols]
        dA = sparse.csc_matrix((values, (rows, cols)), shape=A.shape)
        db = pi_z[n:n + m] * r[-1] - pi_z[-1] * r[n:n + m]
        dc = pi_z[:n] * r[-1] - pi_z[-1] * r[:n]
        return dA, db, dc

    return x, y, s, derivative, adjoint_derivative
def solve_and_derivative_internal(A,
    if mode not in ["dense", "lsqr"]:
        raise ValueError("Unsupported mode {}; the supported modes are "
                         "'dense' and 'lsqr'".format(mode))

    if np.isnan(A.data).any():
        raise RuntimeError("Found a NaN in A.")

    # set explicit 0s in A to np.nan
    A.data[A.data == 0] = np.nan

    # compute rows and cols of nonzeros in A
    rows, cols = A.nonzero()

    # reset np.nan entries in A to 0.0
    A.data[np.isnan(A.data)] = 0.0

    # eliminate explicit zeros in A, we no longer need them

    data = {"A": A, "b": b, "c": c}

    if warm_start is not None:
        data["x"] = warm_start[0]
        data["y"] = warm_start[1]
        data["s"] = warm_start[2]

    kwargs.setdefault("verbose", False)
    result = scs.solve(data, cone_dict, **kwargs)

    status = result["info"]["status"]
    if status == "Solved/Inaccurate" and "acceleration_lookback" not in kwargs:
        # anderson acceleration is sometimes unstable
        result = scs.solve(data, cone_dict, acceleration_lookback=0, **kwargs)
        status = result["info"]["status"]

    if status == "Solved/Inaccurate":
    elif status != "Solved":
        if raise_on_error:
            raise SolverError("Solver scs returned status %s" % status)
            result["D"] = None
            result["DT"] = None
            return result

    x = result["x"]
    y = result["y"]
    s = result["s"]

    # pre-compute quantities for the derivative
    m, n = A.shape
    N = m + n + 1
    cones = cone_lib.parse_cone_dict(cone_dict)
    cones_parsed = cone_lib.parse_cone_dict_cpp(cones)
    z = (x, y - s, np.array([1]))
    u, v, w = z

    Q = sparse.bmat(
        [[None, A.T, np.expand_dims(c, -1)], [-A, None,
                                              np.expand_dims(b, -1)],
         [-np.expand_dims(c, -1).T, -np.expand_dims(b, -1).T, None]])

    D_proj_dual_cone = _diffcp.dprojection(v, cones_parsed, True)
    if mode == "dense":
        Q_dense = Q.todense()
        M = _diffcp.M_dense(Q_dense, cones_parsed, u, v, w)
        MT = M.T
        M = _diffcp.M_operator(Q, cones_parsed, u, v, w)
        MT = M.transpose()

    pi_z = pi(z, cones)

    def derivative(dA, db, dc, **kwargs):
        """Applies derivative at (A, b, c) to perturbations dA, db, dc
            dA: SciPy sparse matrix in CSC format; must have same sparsity
                pattern as the matrix `A` from the cone program
            db: NumPy array representing perturbation in `b`
            dc: NumPy array representing perturbation in `c`
           NumPy arrays dx, dy, ds, the result of applying the derivative
           to the perturbations.
        dQ = sparse.bmat(
            [[None, dA.T, np.expand_dims(dc, -1)],
             [-dA, None, np.expand_dims(db, -1)],
             [-np.expand_dims(dc, -1).T, -np.expand_dims(db, -1).T, None]])
        rhs = dQ @ pi_z
        if np.allclose(rhs, 0):
            dz = np.zeros(rhs.size)
        elif mode == "dense":
            dz = _diffcp._solve_derivative_dense(M, MT, rhs)
            dz = _diffcp.lsqr(M, rhs).solution

        du, dv, dw = np.split(dz, [n, n + m])
        dx = du - x * dw
        dy = D_proj_dual_cone.matvec(dv) - y * dw
        ds = D_proj_dual_cone.matvec(dv) - dv - s * dw
        return -dx, -dy, -ds

    def adjoint_derivative(dx, dy, ds, **kwargs):
        """Applies adjoint of derivative at (A, b, c) to perturbations dx, dy, ds
            dx: NumPy array representing perturbation in `x`
            dy: NumPy array representing perturbation in `y`
            ds: NumPy array representing perturbation in `s`
            (`dA`, `db`, `dc`), the result of applying the adjoint to the
            perturbations; the sparsity pattern of `dA` matches that of `A`.
        dw = -(x @ dx + y @ dy + s @ ds)
        dz = np.concatenate(
            [dx, D_proj_dual_cone.rmatvec(dy + ds) - ds,

        if np.allclose(dz, 0):
            r = np.zeros(dz.shape)
        elif mode == "dense":
            r = _diffcp._solve_adjoint_derivative_dense(M, MT, dz)
            r = _diffcp.lsqr(MT, dz).solution

        values = pi_z[cols] * r[rows + n] - pi_z[n + rows] * r[cols]
        dA = sparse.csc_matrix((values, (rows, cols)), shape=A.shape)
        db = pi_z[n:n + m] * r[-1] - pi_z[-1] * r[n:n + m]
        dc = pi_z[:n] * r[-1] - pi_z[-1] * r[:n]

        return dA, db, dc

    result["D"] = derivative
    result["DT"] = adjoint_derivative
    return result