def compare(self, vulnType, oCatalog, oIdx, cCatalog, cIdx): cIdxBase = 0 oIdxBase = 0 if cCatalog == 'DELETE': cIdxBase = len(self.diffAbstract['INSERT'][vulnType]) else: oIdxBase = len(self.diffAbstract['INSERT'][vulnType]) print '-' * SEPARATOR_LENGTH print 'Comparing {0}: {1}({2}) with {3}({4})'.format(vulnType, oIdx + oIdxBase, oCatalog, cIdx, cCatalog) oVuln = self.diffAbstract[oCatalog][vulnType].values()[int(oIdx) - 1] cVuln = self.diffAbstract[cCatalog][vulnType].values()[int(cIdx) - cIdxBase - 1] s = seqmatcher(None, oVuln['tb'], cVuln['tb']) self.print_vuln_abstract_uuid(oIdx + oIdxBase, oVuln) self.print_vuln_abstract_tb(oVuln, s.get_opcodes(), 1) self.print_vuln_abstract_uuid(cIdx, cVuln) self.print_vuln_abstract_tb(cVuln, s.get_opcodes(), 3)
def show_vuln(self, vulnType, catalog, vulnIdx): theVuln = self.diffAbstract[catalog][vulnType].values()[int(vulnIdx) - 1] idxBase = 0 if catalog == 'DELETE': idxBase = len(self.diffAbstract['INSERT'][vulnType]) self.print_vuln_abstract_uuid(vulnIdx + idxBase, theVuln) self.print_vuln_abstract_tb(theVuln) counterCatalog = filter(lambda x: x != catalog, self.diffAbstract.keys())[0] counterIdxBase = 0 if counterCatalog == 'DELETE': counterIdxBase = len(self.diffAbstract['INSERT'][vulnType]) similarTBIdx = [] counterIdx = counterIdxBase print for counterVuln in self.diffAbstract[counterCatalog][vulnType].values(): counterIdx += 1 sMatcher = seqmatcher(None, theVuln['tb'], counterVuln['tb']) if sMatcher.ratio() > 0.75: similarTBIdx.append(str(counterIdx)) print '\t[{0}] {1:.1f}% {2}'.format(counterIdx, sMatcher.ratio() * 100, counterVuln['uuid']) print '\n => Press d/D to show detailed traceback;' if len(similarTBIdx) > 0: print ' => enter index of similar vulnerability to compare;' print ' => or enter ANY KEY ELSE to continue:', userInput = raw_input().upper() inputProcessed = False if userInput == 'D': vulnDetail = self.soup[catalog].findAll('rd:vulnerability', uuid = theVuln['uuid'])[0] self.show_vuln_detail(vulnDetail, catalog) inputProcessed = True elif userInput in similarTBIdx:, catalog, vulnIdx, counterCatalog, userInput) inputProcessed = True else: return self._press_any_key() self.show_vuln(vulnType, catalog, vulnIdx)
def compare(self, vulnType, oCatalog, oIdx, cCatalog, cIdx): cIdxBase = 0 oIdxBase = 0 if cCatalog == "DELETE": cIdxBase = len(self.diffAbstract["INSERT"][vulnType]) else: oIdxBase = len(self.diffAbstract["INSERT"][vulnType]) print "-" * SEPARATOR_LENGTH print "Comparing {0}: {1}({2}) with {3}({4})".format(vulnType, oIdx + oIdxBase, oCatalog, cIdx, cCatalog) oVuln = self.diffAbstract[oCatalog][vulnType].values()[int(oIdx) - 1] cVuln = self.diffAbstract[cCatalog][vulnType].values()[int(cIdx) - cIdxBase - 1] s = seqmatcher(None, oVuln["tb"], cVuln["tb"]) self.print_vuln_abstract_uuid(oIdx + oIdxBase, oVuln) self.print_vuln_abstract_tb(oVuln, s.get_opcodes(), 1) self.print_vuln_abstract_uuid(cIdx, cVuln) self.print_vuln_abstract_tb(cVuln, s.get_opcodes(), 3)
def show_vuln(self, vulnType, catalog, vulnIdx): theVuln = self.diffAbstract[catalog][vulnType].values()[int(vulnIdx) - 1] idxBase = 0 if catalog == "DELETE": idxBase = len(self.diffAbstract["INSERT"][vulnType]) self.print_vuln_abstract_uuid(vulnIdx + idxBase, theVuln) self.print_vuln_abstract_tb(theVuln) counterCatalog = filter(lambda x: x != catalog, self.diffAbstract.keys())[0] counterIdxBase = 0 if counterCatalog == "DELETE": counterIdxBase = len(self.diffAbstract["INSERT"][vulnType]) similarTBIdx = [] counterIdx = counterIdxBase print for counterVuln in self.diffAbstract[counterCatalog][vulnType].values(): counterIdx += 1 sMatcher = seqmatcher(None, theVuln["tb"], counterVuln["tb"]) if sMatcher.ratio() > 0.75: similarTBIdx.append(str(counterIdx)) print "\t[{0}] {1:.1f}% {2}".format(counterIdx, sMatcher.ratio() * 100, counterVuln["uuid"]) print "\n => Press d/D to show detailed traceback;" if len(similarTBIdx) > 0: print " => enter index of similar vulnerability to compare;" print " => or enter ANY KEY ELSE to continue:", userInput = raw_input().upper() inputProcessed = False if userInput == "D": vulnDetail = self.soup[catalog].findAll("rd:vulnerability", uuid=theVuln["uuid"])[0] self.show_vuln_detail(vulnDetail, catalog) inputProcessed = True elif userInput in similarTBIdx:, catalog, vulnIdx, counterCatalog, userInput) inputProcessed = True else: return self._press_any_key() self.show_vuln(vulnType, catalog, vulnIdx)
def fuzzy(str1, str2): """Returns some fuzzy string comparison of the two strings.""" return seqmatcher(None, str1, str2).ratio()