    def is_op_mode_valid(self, value):
        Returns `True` if the provided value is a valid operating mode for
        the library.

            value (Bytearray): The value to check.

            Boolean: `True` for a valid value, `False` otherwise.
        op_mode_value = utils.bytes_to_int(value)
        op_mode = OperatingMode.get(op_mode_value)
        if op_mode not in (OperatingMode.API_MODE,
                "Operating mode '%d' (%s) not set not to loose XBee connection",
                op_mode_value, op_mode.description if op_mode else "Unknown")
            return False

        return True
    def _refresh_serial_params(self, node, parameter, value, apply=True):
        Refreshes the proper cached parameter depending on `parameter` value.

        If `parameter` is not a cached parameter, this method does nothing.

            node (:class:`.AbstractXBeeDevice`): The XBee to refresh.
            parameter (String): the parameter to refresh its value.
            value (Bytearray): the new value of the parameter.
            apply (Boolean, optional, default=`True`): `True` to apply
                immediately, `False` otherwise.

            Boolean: `True` if a network event must be sent, `False` otherwise.
        node_fut_apply = self._future_apply.get(str(node.get_64bit_addr()), {})

        if parameter == ATStringCommand.AP.command:
            new_op_mode = OperatingMode.get(utils.bytes_to_int(value))
            changed = bool(new_op_mode != node.operating_mode
                           and new_op_mode in (OperatingMode.API_MODE,

            if changed and apply:
                node._operating_mode = new_op_mode
                node_fut_apply.pop(parameter, None)
            elif changed:
                node_fut_apply.update({parameter: value})

            return changed and apply

        if not node.serial_port or parameter not in (
                ATStringCommand.BD.command, ATStringCommand.NB.command,
            return False

        if parameter == ATStringCommand.BD.command:
            from digi.xbee.profile import FirmwareBaudrate
            new_bd = utils.bytes_to_int(value)
            baudrate = FirmwareBaudrate.get(new_bd)
            new_bd = baudrate.baudrate if baudrate else new_bd
            changed = new_bd != node.serial_port.baudrate
            parameter = "baudrate" if changed and apply else parameter
            value = new_bd if changed and apply else value
        elif parameter == ATStringCommand.NB.command:
            from digi.xbee.profile import FirmwareParity
            new_parity = FirmwareParity.get(utils.bytes_to_int(value))
            new_parity = new_parity.parity if new_parity else None
            changed = new_parity != node.serial_port.parity
            parameter = "parity" if changed and apply else parameter
            value = new_parity if changed and apply else value
            from digi.xbee.profile import FirmwareStopbits
            new_sbits = FirmwareStopbits.get(utils.bytes_to_int(value))
            new_sbits = new_sbits.stop_bits if new_sbits else None
            changed = new_sbits != node.serial_port.stopbits
            parameter = "stopbits" if changed and apply else parameter
            value = new_sbits if changed and apply else value

        if changed and apply:
            node.serial_port.apply_settings({parameter: value})
            node_fut_apply.pop(parameter, None)
        elif changed:
            node_fut_apply.update({parameter: value})

        return False