def plot_fmpe_fit(x, y, y_err, fitter, pixel_id=None): if pixel_id is None: pixel_id = '' else: pixel_id = str(pixel_id) m = fitter n_free_parameters = len(m.list_of_vary_param()) n_dof = len(x) - n_free_parameters n_events = int(np.sum(y)) # m.draw_contour('sigma_e', 'sigma_s', show_sigma=True, bound=5) x_fit = np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x), num=len(x) * 10) y_fit = fmpe_pdf_10(x_fit, **m.values) text = '$\chi^2 / ndof : $ {:.01f} / {}\n'.format(m.fval, n_dof) text += 'Baseline : {:.02f} $\pm$ {:.02f} [LSB]\n'.format( m.values['baseline'], m.errors['baseline']) text += 'Gain : {:.02f} $\pm$ {:.02f} [LSB]\n'.format(m.values['gain'], m.errors['gain']) text += '$\sigma_e$ : {:.02f} $\pm$ {:.02f} [LSB]\n'.format( m.values['sigma_e'], m.errors['sigma_e']) text += '$\sigma_s$ : {:.02f} $\pm$ {:.02f} [LSB]'.format( m.values['sigma_s'], m.errors['sigma_s']) data_text = r'$N_{events}$' + ' : {}\nPixel : {}'.format(n_events, pixel_id) fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.6]) axes_residual = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2]) axes.step(x, y, where='mid', color='k', label=data_text) axes.errorbar(x, y, y_err, linestyle='None', color='k') axes.plot(x_fit, y_fit, label=text, color='r') y_fit = fmpe_pdf_10(x, **m.values) axes_residual.errorbar(x, ((y - y_fit) / y_err), marker='o', ls='None', color='k') axes_residual.set_xlabel('[LSB]') axes.set_ylabel('count') axes_residual.set_ylabel('pull') # axes_residual.set_yscale('log') axes.legend(loc='best') return fig
def pdf(self, x, baseline, gain, sigma_e, sigma_s, a_0, a_1): params = { 'baseline': baseline, 'gain': gain, 'sigma_e': sigma_e, 'sigma_s': sigma_s, 'a_0': a_0, 'a_1': a_1, 'bin_width': 0 } return fmpe_pdf_10(x, **params)
def pdf(self, x, baseline, gain, sigma_e, sigma_s, a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, a_5, a_6, a_7, a_8, a_9): params = { 'baseline': baseline, 'gain': gain, 'sigma_e': sigma_e, 'sigma_s': sigma_s, 'a_0': a_0, 'a_1': a_1, 'a_2': a_2, 'a_3': a_3, 'a_4': a_4, 'a_5': a_5, 'a_6': a_6, 'a_7': a_7, 'a_8': a_8, 'a_9': a_9, 'bin_width': 0 } return fmpe_pdf_10(x, **params)
def compute_init_fmpe(x, y, y_err, n_pe_peaks, snr=3, min_dist=5, debug=False): y = y.astype(np.float) cleaned_y = np.convolve(y, np.ones(min_dist), mode='same') cleaned_y_err = np.convolve(y_err, np.ones(min_dist), mode='same') bin_width = np.diff(x) bin_width = np.mean(bin_width) if (x != np.sort(x)).any(): raise ValueError('x must be sorted !') d_y = np.diff(cleaned_y) indices = np.arange(len(y)) peak_mask = np.zeros(y.shape, dtype=bool) peak_mask[1:-1] = (d_y[:-1] > 0) * (d_y[1:] < 0) peak_mask[1:-1] *= (cleaned_y[1:-1] / cleaned_y_err[1:-1]) > snr peak_indices = indices[peak_mask] peak_indices = peak_indices[:min(len(peak_indices), n_pe_peaks)] if len(peak_indices) <= 1: raise PeakNotFound('Not enough peak found for : \n' 'SNR : {} \t ' 'Min distance : {} \n ' 'Need a least 2 peaks, found {}!!'. format(snr, min_dist, len(peak_indices))) x_peak = x[peak_indices] y_peak = y[peak_indices] gain = np.diff(x_peak) gain = np.average(gain, weights=y_peak[:-1]) sigma = np.zeros(len(peak_indices)) mean_peak_x = np.zeros(len(peak_indices)) amplitudes = np.zeros(len(peak_indices)) distance = int(gain / 2) if distance < bin_width: raise ValueError('Distance between peaks must be >= {} the bin width' ''.format(bin_width)) n_x = len(x) for i, peak_index in enumerate(peak_indices): left = x[peak_index] - distance left = np.searchsorted(x, left) left = max(0, left) right = x[peak_index] + distance + 1 right = np.searchsorted(x, right) right = min(n_x - 1, right) amplitudes[i] = np.sum(y[left:right]) * bin_width mean_peak_x[i] = np.average(x[left:right], weights=y[left:right]) sigma[i] = np.average((x[left:right] - mean_peak_x[i])**2, weights=y[left:right]) sigma[i] = np.sqrt(sigma[i] - bin_width**2 / 12) gain = np.diff(mean_peak_x) gain = np.average(gain) sigma_e = np.sqrt(sigma[0]**2) sigma_s = (sigma[1:] ** 2 - sigma_e**2) / np.arange(1, len(sigma), 1) sigma_s = np.mean(sigma_s) sigma_s = np.sqrt(sigma_s) params = {'baseline': mean_peak_x[0], 'sigma_e': sigma_e, 'sigma_s': sigma_s, 'gain': gain} for i, amplitude in enumerate(amplitudes): params['a_{}'.format(i)] = amplitude if debug: x_fit = np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x), num=len(x)*10) plt.figure() plt.step(x, y, where='mid', color='k', label='data') plt.errorbar(x, y, y_err, linestyle='None', color='k') plt.plot(x[peak_indices], y[peak_indices], linestyle='None', marker='o', color='r', label='Peak positions') plt.plot(x_fit, fmpe_pdf_10(x_fit, bin_width=bin_width, **params), label='init', color='g') plt.legend(loc='best') return params