def queue_msg(self, channel): """ Call back for the channel publisher's __notify function. If the sample from the channel evaluates to boolean True, queues message """ monitored_sample = channel.get() notify_cooldown_time = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'notify_cooldown_time') if not self.started_flag: raise Exception("Cannot queue message, presentation is stopped") if monitored_sample.value: if time.clock()-self.LastNotify > notify_cooldown_time: self.LastNotify = time.clock() cm = self.__core.get_service("channel_manager") cdb = cm.channel_database_get() try: status, output = digicli.digicli('show net') if status: for line in output: if line.find('MAC Address') >= 0: l = line.split() #print "".join(l[1:]).strip() gatewayID = l[3] #print "Gateway ID : %s" % gatewayID status, output = digicli.digicli('show system') if status: for line in output: if line.find('description') >= 0: l = line.split(':') descr = l[1] #print "Gateway ID : %s" % gatewayID except: print "SMTP Alarm: can't get the Gateway ID..." frm = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'from_address') to = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'to_address') sbj = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'subject') msg = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s from %s - %s\r\n\r\n " % \ (frm, to, sbj, gatewayID, descr) msg += dump_channel_db_as_text(cdb) self.queue.put(msg)
def SetTimeUnix(secsSinceEpoch): """\ Like time.time(), but returns int (not float) plus allows spoofing time """ try: st = MakeDigiSetTimeString(secsSinceEpoch) print "st ", st if (sys.platform[:4] == 'digi'): success, response = digicli.digicli(st) # print 'digicli.success = ', success # print 'digicli.response = ', response else: print st return True except: return False
def SetTimeUnix(secsSinceEpoch): """\ Like time.time(), but returns int (not float) plus allows spoofing time """ try: st = MakeDigiSetTimeString(secsSinceEpoch) print "st ", st if( sys.platform[:4] == 'digi'): success, response = digicli.digicli(st) # print 'digicli.success = ', success # print 'digicli.response = ', response else: print st return True except: return False
def process_gateway_command_pkt(self, gw_command): GET_VERSION_COMMAND = '\x56' CLI_COMMAND_PREFIX = '#cli ' response_str = 'INVALID' if (gw_command == GET_VERSION_COMMAND): self.logger.debug ('Received the GET_VERSION gateway command.') response_str = GET_VERSION_COMMAND + VERSION_NUMBER elif (gw_command.startswith(CLI_COMMAND_PREFIX)): self.logger.debug ('Received a CLI gateway command: %s' % gw_command) if (on_digi_board()): cli_command = gw_command.strip(CLI_COMMAND_PREFIX) cli_command_ok, cli_command_output = digicli.digicli(cli_command) cli_command_output_str = str(cli_command_output) if (not cli_command_ok): self.logger.error ("CLI command \"%s\" return and error: %s" % (cli_command, cli_command_output_str)) response_str = CLI_COMMAND_PREFIX + cli_command_output_str else: response_str = "CLI command not supported on this platform" else: self.logger.error('Invalid gateway command: %s' % ''.join('%02X ' % ord(x) for x in gw_command)) response_str = 'unimplemented gateway command' self.logger.debug ('Command answer is: ' + response_str) command_answer = '\xFF' + response_str command_answer_max_len = 255 sz = len(command_answer) if (sz >= command_answer_max_len): # invalid answer size self.logger.critical('Gateway command answer exceeds max len (strip response): %s' % ''.join('%02X ' % ord(x) for x in command_answer)) command_answer = command_answer[:command_answer_max_len - 1] sz = command_answer_max_len - 1 answer_pkt_len = chr (sz + 1) answer_pkt = answer_pkt_len + command_answer return (answer_pkt)
def get_host(): import digicli (flag, response) = digicli.digicli('set host') if flag: for line in response: line = line.strip() line = line.lower() if line.startswith('name'): hostname = line.split(':', 1)[1] hostname = hostname.strip() ##Special string indicating hostname was not set if hostname == '(not set)' or len(hostname) == 0: return None return hostname else: raise ValueError("Unable to locate the hostname field in the returned response") else: raise ValueError("Received error when querying device for hostname")
def get_host(): import digicli (flag, response) = digicli.digicli('set host') if flag: for line in response: line = line.strip() line = line.lower() if line.startswith('name'): hostname = line.split(':', 1)[1] hostname = hostname.strip() ##Special string indicating hostname was not set if hostname == '(not set)' or len(hostname) == 0: return None return hostname else: raise ValueError( "Unable to locate the hostname field in the returned response") else: raise ValueError("Received error when querying device for hostname")
def __do_blink(self): blinks = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "blinks") blink_speed = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "blink_speed") self.__logger.debug("Start blinking") for _ in range(1, blinks): # Turn on user LED's"Led ON") if on_digi_board(): digihw.user_led_set(1, 1) digitime.sleep(blink_speed) # Turn off the LED's"Led OFF") if on_digi_board(): digihw.user_led_set(0, 1) digitime.sleep(blink_speed) self.__logger.debug("End blinking") # Turn off to prevent any strange behavior"Force led OFF") if on_digi_board(): digihw.user_led_set(0, 1) cli_command = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "cli_command")"Issue the command: %s" % cli_command) if (on_digi_board() and len(cli_command) > 0): self.__logger.debug('Calling digicli...') status, output = digicli.digicli(cli_command) if status: for line in output:'Command result: %s' % line) else: self.__logger.error('Error while executing command: %d, %s' % (status, output))
<XMLdump>""" SM_TEMPLATE2 = """</XMLdump> </XMLparser> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>""" # ("infobel", "test") ADDRESS_A = """<gateway>""" ADDRESS_B = """</gateway>""" status, output = digicli.digicli('show net') if status: for line in output: if line.find('MAC Address') >= 0: l = line.split(':') st = "".join(l[1:]).strip() MAC = st # constants ENTITY_MAP = { "<": "<",
def _get_ip_address_with_digicli(self): cli_output_example = ''' Device Table: Name PhysAddr Status mobile0 00:00:00:00:00:00 connected vpn4 NA closed vpn3 NA closed vpn2 NA closed vpn1 NA closed vpn0 NA closed eth0 00:40:9D:51:09:35 connected vrrp7 NA closed vrrp6 NA closed vrrp5 NA closed vrrp4 NA closed vrrp3 NA closed vrrp2 NA closed vrrp1 NA closed vrrp0 NA closed LOOPBACK NA connected Device Entry IP Configuration: Name Family mHome Type Status IPAddress mobile0 IPv4 0 manual configured eth0 IPv4 0 manual configured LOOPBACK IPv4 0 manual configured ''' interface = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "interface") network_config_cli_command = "display netdevice" cli_command_ok, cli_command_output_list = digicli.digicli( network_config_cli_command) cli_command_output = ''.join(line for line in cli_command_output_list) if (not cli_command_ok): self._logger.error("Error in CLI command: %s" % cli_command_output) return None self._logger.debug('CLI command result: %s' % cli_command_output) # search for interface number split_header = 'Device Entry IP Configuration' header_end_index = cli_command_output.find(split_header) + len( split_header) if header_end_index == -1: return None device_config_sub_part = cli_command_output[header_end_index:] interface_sub_part_index = device_config_sub_part.find(interface) if interface_sub_part_index == -1: return None interface_sub_part = device_config_sub_part[interface_sub_part_index:] ip_address_sub_part = interface_sub_part[41:] ip_address_end_index = ip_address_sub_part.find('/') if ip_address_end_index == -1: return None computed_ip_address = ip_address_sub_part[:ip_address_end_index] self._logger.debug('Got IP address: %s' % computed_ip_address) return computed_ip_address
print "Entering Trace Read Now..." while (True): rlist, wlist, xlist =[trace_socket], [], [], 5) if trace_socket in rlist: payload, src = trace_socket.recvfrom(1024) trace_cache.write(payload) if (math.fabs(time.clock() - last_write)) > 60: flush_trace_cache(trace_cache) last_write = time.clock() except Exception, e: print "Exception during trace read: ", e finally: trace_socket.close() print "Trace thread ending" if __name__ == "__main__": try: (status, result) = digicli.digicli( "set trace state=on syslog=on mask=sms:*,idigi:*,edp:*,printf:-* loghost=" ) if not status: print "Initial CLI trace set failed" else: syslog_server() except Exception, e: print "Initial CLI trace set failed with exception: %s" % e
def poll_stats(self): """rci and cli requests for digi device stats""" print "SystemStatus: Polling system stats" #find cpu utilization percent and free memory try: msg = "<rci_request version=\"1.1\"><query_state><device_stats/></query_state></rci_request>" resp = rci.process_request(msg) cpuPercent ="<cpu>(\S+)</cpu>", resp).group(1) self.property_set("cpu_utilization", Sample(0, int(cpuPercent), "%")) freeMemory ="<freemem>(\S+)</freemem>", resp).group(1) self.property_set("free_memory", Sample(0, int(freeMemory), "bytes")) self.schedule_polling() except: pass if not SettingsBase.get_setting(self,"no_zigbee"): try: # look for configure and read from all active XBee nodes node_list = [] print 'Device discovery in progress. Please wait ...' nodes = zigbee.getnodelist(True) print '\nActive node list of extended addresses' for node in nodes: print node.addr_short, ' ', node.addr_extended, ' ', node.label # now for each node try to retrieve a sample for node in nodes: if node.type != "router": xtn_addr = node.addr_extended # store the active node extended addr for later use node_list.append(xtn_addr) # print the attributes of each active node # print '\naddr_extended: %s' % node.addr_extended # print 'addr_short: %s' % node.addr_short # print 'addr_parent: %s' % node.addr_parent # print 'profile_id: %s' % node.profile_id # print 'manufacturer_id: %s' % node.manufacturer_id # print 'label: %s' % node.label # print 'type: %s' % node.type # try: # module_type, product_type = GetXBeeDeviceType(xtn_addr) # print 'module_type: %s' % module_type # print 'product_type: %s' % product_type # except Exception, e: # print 'GetXBeeDeviceType error: %s' % e # # get some node configuration info using ddo_get try: rssi_raw = zigbee.ddo_get_param(xtn_addr,'DB') zb_rssi = 0-struct.unpack('=B',rssi_raw)[0] print 'Zigbee Coordinator rssi : %s ' % zb_rssi self.property_set("zigbee_coord_rssi", Sample(0, zb_rssi)) vr_raw = zigbee.ddo_get_param(xtn_addr,'VR') #print 'firmware version: %s' % hex(struct.unpack('>H',vr_raw)[0]) except Exception, e: print 'ddo_get error: %s' % e except: pass #find mobile connectivity status if not SettingsBase.get_setting(self,"no_mobile"): try: msg = "<rci_request version=\"1.1\"><query_state><mobile_stats/></query_state></rci_request>" resp = rci.process_request(msg) rssi ="<rssi>(\S+)</rssi>", resp).group(1) try: i_rssi = int(rssi) except ValueError: i_rssi = 0 self.property_set("mobile_rssi", Sample(0, i_rssi)) statsIndex ="<stats_index>(\S+)</stats_index>", resp).group(1) msg = "<rci_request version=\"1.1\"><query_state><ppp_stats index=\""+statsIndex+"\"/></query_state></rci_request>" resp = rci.process_request(msg) mobileStatus ="<ppp_stats index=\""+statsIndex+"\"><state>(\S+)</state>", resp).group(1) self.property_set("mobile_status", Sample(0, mobileStatus)) except: pass #find idigi connectivity status try: msg = "who" status, response = digicli.digicli(msg) if status: #response is a list of strings for each line. Convert into single string. responseStr = string.join(response, "") #responseStr = "" #for line in response: # responseStr += line if ((responseStr.find("connectware") == -1) and (responseStr.find("idigi") == -1)): self.property_set("idigi_status", Sample(0, "disconnected")) else: self.property_set("idigi_status", Sample(0, "connected")) except: pass
while True: rlist, wlist, xlist =[trace_socket], [], [], 5) if trace_socket in rlist: payload, src = trace_socket.recvfrom(1024) trace_cache.write(payload) if (math.fabs(time.clock() - last_write)) > 60: flush_trace_cache(trace_cache) last_write = time.clock() except Exception, e: print "Exception during trace read: ", e finally: trace_socket.close() print "Trace thread ending" if __name__ == "__main__": try: (status, result) = digicli.digicli( "set trace state=on syslog=on mask=sms:*,idigi:*,edp:*,printf:-* loghost=" ) if not status: print "Initial CLI trace set failed" else: syslog_server() except Exception, e: print "Initial CLI trace set failed with exception: %s" % e
def process_gateway_command_pkt(self, gw_command): GET_AO_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS = '\x09' GET_AO_SERVER_IP_PORT = '\x0A' CLI_COMMAND_PREFIX = '#cli ' ERROR_BYTE_PREFIX = '\x00' response_str = 'INVALID' if (gw_command == PG_CMD_GET_VERSION): self.logger.debug('Received the GET_VERSION gateway command.') all_dia_module_software_version = self.get_software_versions() response_str = PG_CMD_GET_VERSION + all_dia_module_software_version elif (gw_command == GET_AO_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS): self.logger.error( 'Received the AO_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS gateway command.No more implemented.' ) response_str = GET_AO_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS + 'No more implemented: AO server address' elif (gw_command == GET_AO_SERVER_IP_PORT): self.logger.error( 'Received the AO_SERVER_IP_PORT gateway command. No more implemented.' ) response_str = GET_AO_SERVER_IP_PORT + 'No more implemented: AO server port' elif (gw_command.startswith(CLI_COMMAND_PREFIX)): self.logger.debug('Received a CLI gateway command: %s' % gw_command) if (on_digi_board()): cli_command = gw_command.strip(CLI_COMMAND_PREFIX) cli_command_ok, cli_command_output = digicli.digicli( cli_command) cli_command_output_str = str(cli_command_output) if (not cli_command_ok): self.logger.error( "CLI command \"%s\" return and error: %s" % (cli_command, cli_command_output_str)) response_str = CLI_COMMAND_PREFIX + cli_command_output_str else: # FIXME: how to return an error in this case. response_str = ERROR_BYTE_PREFIX + "CLI command not supported on this platform" else: self.logger.error('Invalid gateway command: %s' % ''.join('%02X ' % ord(x) for x in gw_command)) response_str = ERROR_BYTE_PREFIX + 'unimplemented gateway command' self.logger.debug('Command answer is: ' + response_str) command_answer = '\xFF' + response_str command_answer_max_len = 255 sz = len(command_answer) if (sz >= command_answer_max_len): # invalid answer size self.logger.critical( 'Gateway command answer exceeds max len (strip response): %s' % ''.join('%02X ' % ord(x) for x in command_answer)) command_answer = command_answer[:command_answer_max_len - 1] sz = command_answer_max_len - 1 answer_pkt_len = chr(sz + 1) answer_pkt = answer_pkt_len + command_answer return (answer_pkt)