from cubedash.summary._schema import METADATA as CUBEDASH_METADATA
from cubedash.warmup import find_examples_of_all_public_urls
from datacube.drivers.postgres import PostgresDb
from datacube.drivers.postgres._core import METADATA as ODC_SCHEMA_METADATA
from datacube.index import Index
from datacube.index.hl import Doc2Dataset
from datacube.model import Dataset
from datacube.utils import read_documents
from digitalearthau.testing import factories

# Use module-scoped databases, as it takes a while to populate with
# our data, and we're treating it as read-only in tests.
# -> Note: Since we're reusing the default config unchanged, we can't use the
#          default index/dea_index fixtures, as they'll override data from
#          the same db.
module_vanilla_db = factories.db_fixture("local_config", scope="module")

def module_db(module_vanilla_db: PostgresDb) -> PostgresDb:
    # Set all the tables to unlogged for faster perf.
    _make_all_tables_unlogged(module_vanilla_db._engine, ODC_SCHEMA_METADATA)
    return module_vanilla_db

def _make_all_tables_unlogged(engine, metadata: sqlalchemy.MetaData):
    Set all tables in this alchemy metadata to unlogged.

    Make them faster, but data is lost on crashes. Which is a good
    trade-off for tests.
from cubedash.summary import SummaryStore, show
from cubedash.summary import _extents
from datacube.index import Index
from datacube.index.hl import Doc2Dataset
from datacube.model import Dataset
from datacube.utils import read_documents
from requests_html import HTML

pytest_plugins = "digitalearthau.testing.plugin"

# Use module-scoped databases, as it takes a while to populate with
# our data, and we're treating it as read-only in tests.
# -> Note: Since we're reusing the default config unchanged, we can't use the
#          default index/dea_index fixtures, as they'll override data from
#          the same db.
module_db = factories.db_fixture('local_config', scope='module')
module_index = factories.index_fixture('module_db', scope='module')
module_dea_index = factories.dea_index_fixture('module_index', scope='module')

def summary_store(module_dea_index: Index) -> SummaryStore:
    SummaryStore.create(module_dea_index, init_schema=False).drop_all()
    store = SummaryStore.create(module_dea_index, init_schema=True)
    return store

def summariser(summary_store: SummaryStore):
    return summary_store._summariser