def getclusting(): import sys, subprocess exefilepath = '/home/mayang/mxnet/example/image-classification/clusting/' args = [sys.executable, exefilepath] p = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) x = '' while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if line is not None: x = x + line x = x.rstrip('\n') list = x.split('\n') l = len(list) print l for i in range(3): print list[i] return flask.render_template( 'models/images/classification/clustinginfo.html', clusting=list, l=l)
def getnodesinfo(): import sys, subprocess exefilepath = '/home/mayang/mxnet/example/image-classification/clusting/' args = [sys.executable, exefilepath] p = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) x = '' while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if line is not None: x = x + line node_row = x.split('\n') node_dim = [] for i in range(len(node_row)): node_dim.extend(node_row[i].split(',')) l = len(node_dim) / 10 print node_dim print '!!!!!!' return flask.render_template('models/images/classification/nodeinfo.html', list=node_dim, l=l)
def infer_one_image(self, image, snapshot_epoch=None, layers=None, gpu=None): """ Classify an image Returns (predictions, visualizations) predictions -- an array of [ (label, confidence), ...] for each label, sorted by confidence visualizations -- an array of (layer_name, activations, weights) for the specified layers Returns (None, None) if something goes wrong Arguments: image -- a np.array Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use layers -- which layer activation[s] and weight[s] to visualize """ temp_image_handle, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.png') os.close(temp_image_handle) image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image) try:, format='png') except KeyError: error_message = 'Unable to save file to "%s"' % temp_image_path self.logger.error(error_message) raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) if config_value('torch_root') == '<PATHS>': torch_bin = 'th' else: torch_bin = os.path.join(config_value('torch_root'), 'bin', 'th') file_to_load = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_epoch) args = [torch_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__)),'tools','torch','wrapper.lua'), 'test.lua', '--image=%s' % temp_image_path, '--network=%s' % self.model_file.split(".")[0], '--networkDirectory=%s' % self.job_dir, '--snapshot=%s' % file_to_load, '--allPredictions=yes', ] if hasattr(self.dataset, 'labels_file'): args.append('--labels=%s' % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) if self.use_mean != 'none': filename = self.create_mean_file() args.append('--mean=%s' % os.path.join(self.job_dir, constants.MEAN_FILE_IMAGE)) if self.use_mean == 'pixel': args.append('--subtractMean=pixel') elif self.use_mean == 'image': args.append('--subtractMean=image') else: args.append('--subtractMean=none') if self.crop_size: args.append('--crop=yes') args.append('--croplen=%d' % self.crop_size) if layers=='all': args.append('--visualization=yes') args.append('--save=%s' % self.job_dir) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args] regex = re.compile('\x1b\[[0-9;]*m', re.UNICODE) #TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes'%s classify one task started.' % self.get_framework_id()) unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] self.visualization_file = None env = os.environ.copy() if gpu is not None: args.append('--type=cuda') # make only the selected GPU visible env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = "%d" % gpu else: args.append('--type=float') p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, env=env, ) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError('%s classify one task got aborted. error code - %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode)) if line is not None: # Remove color codes and whitespace line=regex.sub('', line).strip() if line: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, 'one'): self.logger.warning('%s classify one task unrecognized input: %s' % (self.get_framework_id(), line.strip())) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = '' if type(e) == digits.inference.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = '%s classify one task failed with error code %d \n %s' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, str(e)) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) finally: self.after_test_run(temp_image_path) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = '%s classify one task failed with error code %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:'%s classify one task completed.' % self.get_framework_id()) predictions = {'output': np.array(predictions)} visualizations = [] if layers=='all' and self.visualization_file: vis_db = h5py.File(self.visualization_file, 'r') # the HDF5 database is organized as follows: # <root> # |- layers # |- 1 # | |- name # | |- activations # | |- weights # |- 2 for layer_id,layer in vis_db['layers'].items(): layer_desc = layer['name'][...].tostring() if 'Sequential' in layer_desc or 'Parallel' in layer_desc: # ignore containers continue idx = int(layer_id) # activations if 'activations' in layer: data = np.array(layer['activations'][...]) # skip batch dimension if len(data.shape)>1 and data.shape[0]==1: data = data[0] vis = utils.image.get_layer_vis_square(data) mean, std, hist = self.get_layer_statistics(data) visualizations.append( { 'id': idx, 'name': layer_desc, 'vis_type': 'Activations', 'vis': vis, 'data_stats': { 'shape': data.shape, 'mean': mean, 'stddev': std, 'histogram': hist, } } ) # weights if 'weights' in layer: data = np.array(layer['weights'][...]) if 'Linear' not in layer_desc: vis = utils.image.get_layer_vis_square(data) else: # Linear (inner product) layers have too many weights # to display vis = None mean, std, hist = self.get_layer_statistics(data) parameter_count = reduce(operator.mul, data.shape, 1) if 'bias' in layer: bias = np.array(layer['bias'][...]) parameter_count += reduce(operator.mul, bias.shape, 1) visualizations.append( { 'id': idx, 'name': layer_desc, 'vis_type': 'Weights', 'vis': vis, 'param_count': parameter_count, 'data_stats': { 'shape': data.shape, 'mean': mean, 'stddev': std, 'histogram': hist, } } ) # sort by layer ID visualizations = sorted(visualizations,key=lambda x:x['id']) return (predictions,visualizations)
def get_network_visualization(self, desc): """ return visualization of network """ # save network description to temporary file temp_network_handle, temp_network_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.lua') os.write(temp_network_handle, desc) os.close(temp_network_handle) try: # do this in a try..finally clause to make sure we delete the temp file # build command line if config_value('torch_root') == '<PATHS>': torch_bin = 'th' else: torch_bin = os.path.join(config_value('torch_root'), 'bin', 'th') args = [torch_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__)),'tools','torch','main.lua'), '--network=%s' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(temp_network_path))[0], '--networkDirectory=%s' % os.path.dirname(temp_network_path), '--subtractMean=none', # we are not providing a mean image '--visualizeModel=yes', '--type=float' ] # execute command p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, ) regex = re.compile('\x1b\[[0-9;]*m', re.UNICODE) #TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes # the network description will be accumulated from the command output # when collecting_net_definition==True collecting_net_definition = False desc = [] unrecognized_output = [] while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if line is not None: # Remove whitespace and color codes. color codes are appended to beginning and end of line by torch binary i.e., 'th'. Check the below link for more information #!searchin/torch7/color$20codes/torch7/8O_0lSgSzuA/Ih6wYg9fgcwJ line = regex.sub('', line) timestamp, level, message = TorchTrainTask.preprocess_output_torch(line.strip()) if message: if message.startswith('Network definition'): collecting_net_definition = not collecting_net_definition else: if collecting_net_definition: desc.append(line) elif len(line): unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) if not len(desc): # we did not find a network description raise NetworkVisualizationError(''.join(unrecognized_output)) else: output = flask.Markup('<pre>') for line in desc: output += flask.Markup.escape(line) output += flask.Markup('</pre>') return output finally: os.remove(temp_network_path)
def classify_many(self, images, snapshot_epoch=None): """ Returns (labels, results): labels -- an array of strings results -- a 2D np array: [ [image0_label0_confidence, image0_label1_confidence, ...], [image1_label0_confidence, image1_label1_confidence, ...], ... ] Arguments: images -- a list of np.arrays Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use """ # create a temporary folder to store images and a temporary file # to store a list of paths to the images temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # this try...finally clause is used to clean up the temp directory in any case _, temp_imgfile_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir_path, suffix='.txt') temp_imgfile = open(temp_imgfile_path, "w") for image in images: _, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir_path, suffix='.jpeg') image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image) try:, format='jpeg') except KeyError: error_message = 'Unable to save file to "%s"' % temp_image_path self.logger.error(error_message) raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError(error_message) temp_imgfile.write("%s\n" % temp_image_path) temp_imgfile.close() if config_value('torch_root') == '<PATHS>': torch_bin = 'th' else: torch_bin = os.path.join(config_value('torch_root'), 'bin', 'th') args = [torch_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__)),'tools','torch','test.lua'), '--testMany=yes', '--allPredictions=yes', #all predictions are grabbed and formatted as required by DIGITS '--image=%s' % str(temp_imgfile_path), '--resizeMode=%s' % str(self.dataset.resize_mode), # Here, we are using original images, so they will be resized in Torch code. This logic needs to be changed to eliminate the rework of resizing. Need to find a way to send python images array to Lua script efficiently '--network=%s' % self.model_file.split(".")[0], '--networkDirectory=%s' % self.job_dir, '--load=%s' % self.job_dir, '--snapshotPrefix=%s' % self.snapshot_prefix, ] if isinstance(self.dataset, ImageClassificationDatasetJob): labels = self.get_labels() #TODO: probably we no need to return this, as we can directly access from the calling function args.append('--labels=%s' % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) args.append('--mean=%s' % self.dataset.path(constants.MEAN_FILE_IMAGE)) if self.use_mean: args.append('--subtractMean=yes') else: args.append('--subtractMean=no') elif isinstance(self.dataset, dataset.GenericImageDatasetJob): if self.use_mean: args.append('--mean=%s' % os.path.join(self.job_dir, constants.MEAN_FILE_IMAGE)) args.append('--subtractMean=yes') else: args.append('--subtractMean=no') if snapshot_epoch: args.append('--epoch=%d' % int(snapshot_epoch)) if TORCH_USE_MEAN_PIXEL: args.append('--useMeanPixel=yes') if self.trained_on_cpu: args.append('--type=float') # input images have been resized to network input dimensions by caller args.append('--crop=no') # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args] regex = re.compile('\x1b\[[0-9;]*m', re.UNICODE) #TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes'%s classify many task started.' % unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, ) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError('%s classify many task got aborted. error code - %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode())) if line is not None: # Remove whitespace and color codes. color codes are appended to begining and end of line by torch binary i.e., 'th'. Check the below link for more information #!searchin/torch7/color$20codes/torch7/8O_0lSgSzuA/Ih6wYg9fgcwJ line=regex.sub('', line).strip() if line: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, 'many'): self.logger.warning('%s classify many task unrecognized input: %s' % (self.get_framework_id(), line.strip())) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = '' if type(e) == digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d \n %s' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode(), str(e)) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError(error_message) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:'%s classify many task completed.' % self.get_framework_id()) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_path) if isinstance(self.dataset, dataset.GenericImageDatasetJob): # task.infer_one() expects dictionary in return value return {'output': np.array(predictions)} else: return (labels,np.array(predictions))
def infer_many_images(self, images, snapshot_epoch=None, gpu=None): """ Returns (labels, results): labels -- an array of strings results -- a 2D np array: [ [image0_label0_confidence, image0_label1_confidence, ...], [image1_label0_confidence, image1_label1_confidence, ...], ... ] Arguments: images -- a list of np.arrays Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use """ # create a temporary folder to store images and a temporary file # to store a list of paths to the images temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.tfrecords') try: # this try...finally clause is used to clean up the temp directory in any case with open(os.path.join(temp_dir_path, 'list.txt'), 'w') as imglist_file: for image in images: if image.ndim < 3: image = image[..., np.newaxis] image = image.astype('float') temp_image_handle, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir_path, suffix='.tfrecords') writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(temp_image_path) record = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'height': _int64_feature(image.shape[0]), 'width': _int64_feature(image.shape[1]), 'depth': _int64_feature(image.shape[2]), 'image_raw': _float_array_feature(image.flatten()), 'label': _int64_feature(0), 'encoding': _int64_feature(0)})) writer.write(record.SerializeToString()) writer.close() imglist_file.write("%s\n" % temp_image_path) os.close(temp_image_handle) file_to_load = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_epoch) args = [config_value('tensorflow')['executable'], os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(digits.__file__)), 'tools', 'tensorflow', ''), '--testMany=1', '--allPredictions=1', # all predictions are grabbed and formatted as required by DIGITS '--inference_db=%s' % str(temp_dir_path), '--network=%s' % self.model_file, '--networkDirectory=%s' % self.job_dir, '--weights=%s' % file_to_load, ] if hasattr(self.dataset, 'labels_file'): args.append('--labels_list=%s' % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) if self.use_mean != 'none': mean_file = self.dataset.get_mean_file() assert mean_file is not None, 'Failed to retrieve mean file.' args.append('--mean=%s' % self.dataset.path(mean_file)) if self.use_mean == 'pixel': args.append('--subtractMean=pixel') elif self.use_mean == 'image': args.append('--subtractMean=image') else: args.append('--subtractMean=none') if self.crop_size: args.append('--croplen=%d' % self.crop_size) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args]'%s classify many task started.' % env = os.environ.copy() if gpu is not None: # make only the selected GPU visible env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = subprocess_visible_devices([gpu]) unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, env=env) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError('%s classify many task got aborted.' 'error code - %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode)) if line is not None and len(line) > 1: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, 'many'): self.logger.warning('%s classify many task unrecognized input: %s' % ( self.get_framework_id(), line.strip())) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = '' if type(e) == digits.inference.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d \n %s' % ( self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, str(e)) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:'%s classify many task completed.' % self.get_framework_id()) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_path) # task.infer_one() expects dictionary in return value return {'output': np.array(predictions)}
def infer_one_image(self, image, snapshot_epoch=None, layers=None, gpu=None): """ Classify an image Returns (predictions, visualizations) predictions -- an array of [ (label, confidence), ...] for each label, sorted by confidence visualizations -- an array of (layer_name, activations, weights) for the specified layers Returns (None, None) if something goes wrong Arguments: image -- a np.array Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use layers -- which layer activation[s] and weight[s] to visualize """ temp_image_handle, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tfrecords') os.close(temp_image_handle) if image.ndim < 3: image = image[..., np.newaxis] writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(temp_image_path) image = image.astype('float') record = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'height': _int64_feature(image.shape[0]), 'width': _int64_feature(image.shape[1]), 'depth': _int64_feature(image.shape[2]), 'image_raw': _float_array_feature(image.flatten()), 'label': _int64_feature(0), 'encoding': _int64_feature(0)})) writer.write(record.SerializeToString()) writer.close() file_to_load = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_epoch) args = [config_value('tensorflow')['executable'], os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(digits.__file__)), 'tools', 'tensorflow', ''), '--inference_db=%s' % temp_image_path, '--network=%s' % self.model_file, '--networkDirectory=%s' % self.job_dir, '--weights=%s' % file_to_load, '--allPredictions=1', '--batch_size=1', ] if hasattr(self.dataset, 'labels_file'): args.append('--labels_list=%s' % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) if self.use_mean != 'none': mean_file = self.dataset.get_mean_file() assert mean_file is not None, 'Failed to retrieve mean file.' args.append('--mean=%s' % self.dataset.path(mean_file)) if self.use_mean == 'pixel': args.append('--subtractMean=pixel') elif self.use_mean == 'image': args.append('--subtractMean=image') else: args.append('--subtractMean=none') if self.crop_size: args.append('--croplen=%d' % self.crop_size) if layers == 'all': args.append('--visualize_inf=1') args.append('--save=%s' % self.job_dir) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args]'%s classify one task started.' % self.get_framework_id()) unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] self.visualization_file = None env = os.environ.copy() if gpu is not None: # make only the selected GPU visible env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = subprocess_visible_devices([gpu]) p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, env=env) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError('%s classify one task got aborted. error code - %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode)) # noqa if line is not None and len(line) > 1: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, 'one'): self.logger.warning('%s classify one task unrecognized input: %s' % ( self.get_framework_id(), line.strip())) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = '' if type(e) == digits.inference.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = '%s classify one task failed with error code %d \n %s' % ( self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, str(e)) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) finally: self.after_test_run(temp_image_path) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = '%s classify one task failed with error code %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:'%s classify one task completed.' % self.get_framework_id()) predictions = {'output': np.array(predictions)} visualizations = [] if layers == 'all' and self.visualization_file: vis_db = h5py.File(self.visualization_file, 'r') # the HDF5 database is organized as follows: # <root> # |- layers # |- 1 # | [attrs] - op # | [attrs] - var # | |- activations # | |- weights # |- 2 for layer_id, layer in vis_db['layers'].items(): op_name = layer.attrs['op'] var_name = layer.attrs['var'] layer_desc = "%s\n%s" % (op_name, var_name) idx = int(layer_id) # activations (tf: operation outputs) if 'activations' in layer: data = np.array(layer['activations'][...]) if len(data.shape) > 1 and data.shape[0] == 1: # skip batch dimension data = data[0] if len(data.shape) == 3: data = data.transpose(2, 0, 1) elif len(data.shape) == 4: data = data.transpose(3, 2, 0, 1) vis = utils.image.get_layer_vis_square(data) mean, std, hist = self.get_layer_statistics(data) visualizations.append( { 'id': idx, 'name': layer_desc, 'vis_type': 'Activations', 'vis': vis, 'data_stats': { 'shape': data.shape, 'mean': mean, 'stddev': std, 'histogram': hist, } } ) # weights (tf: variables) if 'weights' in layer: data = np.array(layer['weights'][...]) if len(data.shape) == 3: data = data.transpose(2, 0, 1) elif len(data.shape) == 4: data = data.transpose(3, 2, 0, 1) if 'MatMul' in layer_desc: vis = None # too many layers to display? else: vis = utils.image.get_layer_vis_square(data) mean, std, hist = self.get_layer_statistics(data) parameter_count = reduce(operator.mul, data.shape, 1) visualizations.append( { 'id': idx, 'name': layer_desc, 'vis_type': 'Weights', 'vis': vis, 'param_count': parameter_count, 'data_stats': { 'shape': data.shape, 'mean': mean, 'stddev': std, 'histogram': hist, } } ) # sort by layer ID visualizations = sorted(visualizations, key=lambda x: x['id']) return (predictions, visualizations)
def infer_one_image(self, image, snapshot_epoch=None, layers=None, gpu=None): """ Classify an image Returns (predictions, visualizations) predictions -- an array of [ (label, confidence), ...] for each label, sorted by confidence visualizations -- an array of (layer_name, activations, weights) for the specified layers Returns (None, None) if something goes wrong Arguments: image -- a np.array Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use layers -- which layer activation[s] and weight[s] to visualize """ temp_image_handle, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".png") os.close(temp_image_handle) image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image) try:, format="png") except KeyError: error_message = 'Unable to save file to "%s"' % temp_image_path self.logger.error(error_message) raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) if config_value("torch_root") == "<PATHS>": torch_bin = "th" else: torch_bin = os.path.join(config_value("torch_root"), "bin", "th") file_to_load = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_epoch) args = [ torch_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__)), "tools", "torch", "wrapper.lua"), "test.lua", "--image=%s" % temp_image_path, "--network=%s" % self.model_file.split(".")[0], "--networkDirectory=%s" % self.job_dir, "--snapshot=%s" % file_to_load, "--allPredictions=yes", ] if hasattr(self.dataset, "labels_file"): args.append("--labels=%s" % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) if self.use_mean != "none": filename = self.create_mean_file() args.append("--mean=%s" % os.path.join(self.job_dir, constants.MEAN_FILE_IMAGE)) if self.use_mean == "pixel": args.append("--subtractMean=pixel") elif self.use_mean == "image": args.append("--subtractMean=image") else: args.append("--subtractMean=none") if self.crop_size: args.append("--crop=yes") args.append("--croplen=%d" % self.crop_size) if layers == "all": args.append("--visualization=yes") args.append("--save=%s" % self.job_dir) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args] regex = re.compile("\x1b\[[0-9;]*m", re.UNICODE) # TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes"%s classify one task started." % self.get_framework_id()) unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] self.visualization_file = None env = os.environ.copy() if gpu is not None: args.append("--type=cuda") # make only the selected GPU visible env["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "%d" % gpu else: args.append("--type=float") p = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, env=env ) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError( "%s classify one task got aborted. error code - %d" % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) ) if line is not None: # Remove color codes and whitespace line = regex.sub("", line).strip() if line: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, "one"): self.logger.warning( "%s classify one task unrecognized input: %s" % (self.get_framework_id(), line.strip()) ) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = "" if type(e) == digits.inference.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = "%s classify one task failed with error code %d \n %s" % ( self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, str(e), ) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = "\n".join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) finally: self.after_test_run(temp_image_path) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = "%s classify one task failed with error code %d" % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = "\n".join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:"%s classify one task completed." % self.get_framework_id()) predictions = {"output": np.array(predictions)} visualizations = [] if layers == "all" and self.visualization_file: vis_db = h5py.File(self.visualization_file, "r") # the HDF5 database is organized as follows: # <root> # |- layers # |- 1 # | |- name # | |- activations # | |- weights # |- 2 for layer_id, layer in vis_db["layers"].items(): layer_desc = layer["name"][...].tostring() if "Sequential" in layer_desc or "Parallel" in layer_desc: # ignore containers continue idx = int(layer_id) # activations if "activations" in layer: data = np.array(layer["activations"][...]) # skip batch dimension if len(data.shape) > 1 and data.shape[0] == 1: data = data[0] vis = utils.image.get_layer_vis_square(data) mean, std, hist = self.get_layer_statistics(data) visualizations.append( { "id": idx, "name": layer_desc, "vis_type": "Activations", "vis": vis, "data_stats": {"shape": data.shape, "mean": mean, "stddev": std, "histogram": hist}, } ) # weights if "weights" in layer: data = np.array(layer["weights"][...]) if "Linear" not in layer_desc: vis = utils.image.get_layer_vis_square(data) else: # Linear (inner product) layers have too many weights # to display vis = None mean, std, hist = self.get_layer_statistics(data) parameter_count = reduce(operator.mul, data.shape, 1) if "bias" in layer: bias = np.array(layer["bias"][...]) parameter_count += reduce(operator.mul, bias.shape, 1) visualizations.append( { "id": idx, "name": layer_desc, "vis_type": "Weights", "vis": vis, "param_count": parameter_count, "data_stats": {"shape": data.shape, "mean": mean, "stddev": std, "histogram": hist}, } ) # sort by layer ID visualizations = sorted(visualizations, key=lambda x: x["id"]) return (predictions, visualizations)
def get_network_visualization(self, **kwargs): """ return visualization of network """ desc = kwargs['desc'] dataset = kwargs['dataset'] solver_type = kwargs['solver_type'].lower( ) if kwargs['solver_type'] else None use_mean = kwargs['use_mean'] crop_size = kwargs['crop_size'] num_gpus = kwargs['num_gpus'] if dataset is None: raise NetworkVisualizationError( 'Make sure a dataset is selected to visualize this network.') # save network description to temporary file temp_network_handle, temp_network_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.py') os.write(temp_network_handle, desc) os.close(temp_network_handle) # Generate a temporaty file to put the graph definition in _, temp_graphdef_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pbtxt') # Another for the HTML _, temp_html_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.html') try: # do this in a try..finally clause to make sure we delete the temp file # build command line args = [ config_value('tensorflow')['executable'], os.path.join(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__), 'tools', 'tensorflow', ''), '--network=%s' % os.path.basename(temp_network_path), '--networkDirectory=%s' % os.path.dirname(temp_network_path), '--visualizeModelPath=%s' % temp_graphdef_path, '--optimization=%s' % solver_type, ] if crop_size: args.append('--croplen=%s' % crop_size) if use_mean and use_mean != 'none': mean_file = dataset.get_mean_file() assert mean_file is not None, 'Failed to retrieve mean file.' args.append('--subtractMean=%s' % use_mean) args.append('--mean=%s' % dataset.path(mean_file)) if hasattr(dataset, 'labels_file'): args.append('--labels_list=%s' % dataset.path(dataset.labels_file)) train_feature_db_path = dataset.get_feature_db_path( constants.TRAIN_DB) train_label_db_path = dataset.get_label_db_path(constants.TRAIN_DB) val_feature_db_path = dataset.get_feature_db_path(constants.VAL_DB) val_label_db_path = dataset.get_label_db_path(constants.VAL_DB) args.append('--train_db=%s' % train_feature_db_path) if train_label_db_path: args.append('--train_labels=%s' % train_label_db_path) if val_feature_db_path: args.append('--validation_db=%s' % val_feature_db_path) if val_label_db_path: args.append('--validation_labels=%s' % val_label_db_path) env = os.environ.copy() # make only a selected number of GPUs visible. The ID is not important for just the vis env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = ",".join( [str(i) for i in range(0, int(num_gpus))]) # execute command p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, env=env) stdout_log = '' while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): timestamp, level, message = TensorflowTrainTask.preprocess_output_tensorflow( line.strip()) if line is not None: stdout_log += line if p.returncode: raise NetworkVisualizationError(stdout_log) else: # Success! return repr(str(open(temp_graphdef_path).read())) finally: os.remove(temp_network_path) os.remove(temp_graphdef_path)
def classify_many(self, images, snapshot_epoch=None): """ Returns (labels, results): labels -- an array of strings results -- a 2D np array: [ [image0_label0_confidence, image0_label1_confidence, ...], [image1_label0_confidence, image1_label1_confidence, ...], ... ] Arguments: images -- a list of np.arrays Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use """ # create a temporary folder to store images and a temporary file # to store a list of paths to the images temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # this try...finally clause is used to clean up the temp directory in any case temp_imglist_handle, temp_imglist_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir_path, suffix='.txt') for image in images: temp_image_handle, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp( dir=temp_dir_path, suffix='.jpeg') image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image) try:, format='jpeg') except KeyError: error_message = 'Unable to save file to "%s"' % temp_image_path self.logger.error(error_message) raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError(error_message) os.write(temp_imglist_handle, "%s\n" % temp_image_path) os.close(temp_image_handle) os.close(temp_imglist_handle) if config_value('torch_root') == '<PATHS>': torch_bin = 'th' else: torch_bin = os.path.join(config_value('torch_root'), 'bin', 'th') args = [torch_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__)),'tools','torch','test.lua'), '--testMany=yes', '--allPredictions=yes', #all predictions are grabbed and formatted as required by DIGITS '--image=%s' % str(temp_imglist_path), '--resizeMode=%s' % str(self.dataset.resize_mode), # Here, we are using original images, so they will be resized in Torch code. This logic needs to be changed to eliminate the rework of resizing. Need to find a way to send python images array to Lua script efficiently '--network=%s' % self.model_file.split(".")[0], '--networkDirectory=%s' % self.job_dir, '--load=%s' % self.job_dir, '--snapshotPrefix=%s' % self.snapshot_prefix, ] if isinstance(self.dataset, ImageClassificationDatasetJob): labels = self.get_labels() #TODO: probably we no need to return this, as we can directly access from the calling function args.append('--labels=%s' % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) args.append('--mean=%s' % self.dataset.path(constants.MEAN_FILE_IMAGE)) elif isinstance(self.dataset, dataset.GenericImageDatasetJob): if self.use_mean != 'none': args.append('--mean=%s' % os.path.join(self.job_dir, constants.MEAN_FILE_IMAGE)) if snapshot_epoch: args.append('--epoch=%d' % int(snapshot_epoch)) if self.trained_on_cpu: args.append('--type=float') if self.use_mean == 'pixel': args.append('--subtractMean=pixel') elif self.use_mean == 'image': args.append('--subtractMean=image') else: args.append('--subtractMean=none') if self.crop_size: args.append('--crop=yes') args.append('--croplen=%d' % self.crop_size) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args] regex = re.compile('\x1b\[[0-9;]*m', re.UNICODE) #TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes'%s classify many task started.' % unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, ) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError('%s classify many task got aborted. error code - %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode())) if line is not None: # Remove whitespace and color codes. color codes are appended to begining and end of line by torch binary i.e., 'th'. Check the below link for more information #!searchin/torch7/color$20codes/torch7/8O_0lSgSzuA/Ih6wYg9fgcwJ line=regex.sub('', line).strip() if line: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, 'many'): self.logger.warning('%s classify many task unrecognized input: %s' % (self.get_framework_id(), line.strip())) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = '' if type(e) == digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d \n %s' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode(), str(e)) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError(error_message) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:'%s classify many task completed.' % self.get_framework_id()) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_path) if isinstance(self.dataset, dataset.GenericImageDatasetJob): # task.infer_one() expects dictionary in return value return {'output': np.array(predictions)} else: return (labels,np.array(predictions))
def infer_many_images(self, images, snapshot_epoch=None, gpu=None): """ Returns (labels, results): labels -- an array of strings results -- a 2D np array: [ [image0_label0_confidence, image0_label1_confidence, ...], [image1_label0_confidence, image1_label1_confidence, ...], ... ] Arguments: images -- a list of np.arrays Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use """ # create a temporary folder to store images and a temporary file # to store a list of paths to the images temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.tfrecords') try: # this try...finally clause is used to clean up the temp directory in any case with open(os.path.join(temp_dir_path, 'list.txt'), 'w') as imglist_file: for image in images: if image.ndim < 3: image = image[..., np.newaxis] image = image.astype('float') temp_image_handle, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir_path, suffix='.tfrecords') writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(temp_image_path) record = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'height': _int64_feature(image.shape[0]), 'width': _int64_feature(image.shape[1]), 'depth': _int64_feature(image.shape[2]), 'image_raw': _float_array_feature(image.flatten()), 'label': _int64_feature(0), 'encoding': _int64_feature(0)})) writer.write(record.SerializeToString()) writer.close() imglist_file.write("%s\n" % temp_image_path) os.close(temp_image_handle) file_to_load = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_epoch) args = [sys.executable, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(digits.__file__)), 'tools', 'tensorflow', ''), '--testMany=1', '--allPredictions=1', # all predictions are grabbed and formatted as required by DIGITS '--inference_db=%s' % str(temp_dir_path), '--network=%s' % self.model_file, '--networkDirectory=%s' % self.job_dir, '--weights=%s' % file_to_load, ] if hasattr(self.dataset, 'labels_file'): args.append('--labels_list=%s' % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) if self.use_mean != 'none': mean_file = self.dataset.get_mean_file() assert mean_file is not None, 'Failed to retrieve mean file.' args.append('--mean=%s' % self.dataset.path(mean_file)) if self.use_mean == 'pixel': args.append('--subtractMean=pixel') elif self.use_mean == 'image': args.append('--subtractMean=image') else: args.append('--subtractMean=none') if self.crop_size: args.append('--croplen=%d' % self.crop_size) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args]'%s classify many task started.' % env = os.environ.copy() if gpu is not None: # make only the selected GPU visible env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = subprocess_visible_devices([gpu]) unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, env=env) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError('%s classify many task got aborted.' 'error code - %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode)) if line is not None and len(line) > 1: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, 'many'): self.logger.warning('%s classify many task unrecognized input: %s' % ( self.get_framework_id(), line.strip())) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = '' if type(e) == digits.inference.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d \n %s' % ( self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, str(e)) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:'%s classify many task completed.' % self.get_framework_id()) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_path) # task.infer_one() expects dictionary in return value return {'output': np.array(predictions)}
def infer_one_image(self, image, snapshot_epoch=None, layers=None, gpu=None): """ Classify an image Returns (predictions, visualizations) predictions -- an array of [ (label, confidence), ...] for each label, sorted by confidence visualizations -- an array of (layer_name, activations, weights) for the specified layers Returns (None, None) if something goes wrong Arguments: image -- a np.array Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use layers -- which layer activation[s] and weight[s] to visualize """ temp_image_handle, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tfrecords') os.close(temp_image_handle) if image.ndim < 3: image = image[..., np.newaxis] writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(temp_image_path) image = image.astype('float') record = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'height': _int64_feature(image.shape[0]), 'width': _int64_feature(image.shape[1]), 'depth': _int64_feature(image.shape[2]), 'image_raw': _float_array_feature(image.flatten()), 'label': _int64_feature(0), 'encoding': _int64_feature(0)})) writer.write(record.SerializeToString()) writer.close() file_to_load = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_epoch) args = [sys.executable, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(digits.__file__)), 'tools', 'tensorflow', ''), '--inference_db=%s' % temp_image_path, '--network=%s' % self.model_file, '--networkDirectory=%s' % self.job_dir, '--weights=%s' % file_to_load, '--allPredictions=1', '--batch_size=1', ] if hasattr(self.dataset, 'labels_file'): args.append('--labels_list=%s' % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) if self.use_mean != 'none': mean_file = self.dataset.get_mean_file() assert mean_file is not None, 'Failed to retrieve mean file.' args.append('--mean=%s' % self.dataset.path(mean_file)) if self.use_mean == 'pixel': args.append('--subtractMean=pixel') elif self.use_mean == 'image': args.append('--subtractMean=image') else: args.append('--subtractMean=none') if self.crop_size: args.append('--croplen=%d' % self.crop_size) if layers == 'all': args.append('--visualize_inf=1') args.append('--save=%s' % self.job_dir) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args]'%s classify one task started.' % self.get_framework_id()) unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] self.visualization_file = None env = os.environ.copy() if gpu is not None: # make only the selected GPU visible env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = subprocess_visible_devices([gpu]) p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, env=env) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError('%s classify one task got aborted. error code - %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode)) # noqa if line is not None and len(line) > 1: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, 'one'): self.logger.warning('%s classify one task unrecognized input: %s' % ( self.get_framework_id(), line.strip())) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = '' if type(e) == digits.inference.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = '%s classify one task failed with error code %d \n %s' % ( self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, str(e)) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) finally: self.after_test_run(temp_image_path) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = '%s classify one task failed with error code %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:'%s classify one task completed.' % self.get_framework_id()) predictions = {'output': np.array(predictions)} visualizations = [] if layers == 'all' and self.visualization_file: vis_db = h5py.File(self.visualization_file, 'r') # the HDF5 database is organized as follows: # <root> # |- layers # |- 1 # | [attrs] - op # | [attrs] - var # | |- activations # | |- weights # |- 2 for layer_id, layer in vis_db['layers'].items(): op_name = layer.attrs['op'] var_name = layer.attrs['var'] layer_desc = "%s\n%s" % (op_name, var_name) idx = int(layer_id) # activations (tf: operation outputs) if 'activations' in layer: data = np.array(layer['activations'][...]) if len(data.shape) > 1 and data.shape[0] == 1: # skip batch dimension data = data[0] if len(data.shape) == 3: data = data.transpose(2, 0, 1) elif len(data.shape) == 4: data = data.transpose(3, 2, 0, 1) vis = utils.image.get_layer_vis_square(data) mean, std, hist = self.get_layer_statistics(data) visualizations.append( { 'id': idx, 'name': layer_desc, 'vis_type': 'Activations', 'vis': vis, 'data_stats': { 'shape': data.shape, 'mean': mean, 'stddev': std, 'histogram': hist, } } ) # weights (tf: variables) if 'weights' in layer: data = np.array(layer['weights'][...]) if len(data.shape) == 3: data = data.transpose(2, 0, 1) elif len(data.shape) == 4: data = data.transpose(3, 2, 0, 1) if 'MatMul' in layer_desc: vis = None # too many layers to display? else: vis = utils.image.get_layer_vis_square(data) mean, std, hist = self.get_layer_statistics(data) parameter_count = reduce(operator.mul, data.shape, 1) visualizations.append( { 'id': idx, 'name': layer_desc, 'vis_type': 'Weights', 'vis': vis, 'param_count': parameter_count, 'data_stats': { 'shape': data.shape, 'mean': mean, 'stddev': std, 'histogram': hist, } } ) # sort by layer ID visualizations = sorted(visualizations, key=lambda x: x['id']) return (predictions, visualizations)
def get_network_visualization(self, **kwargs): """ return visualization of network """ desc = kwargs['desc'] dataset = kwargs['dataset'] solver_type = kwargs['solver_type'].lower() if kwargs['solver_type'] else None use_mean = kwargs['use_mean'] crop_size = kwargs['crop_size'] num_gpus = kwargs['num_gpus'] if dataset is None: raise NetworkVisualizationError('Make sure a dataset is selected to visualize this network.') # save network description to temporary file temp_network_handle, temp_network_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.py') os.write(temp_network_handle, desc) os.close(temp_network_handle) # Generate a temporaty file to put the graph definition in _, temp_graphdef_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pbtxt') # Another for the HTML _, temp_html_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.html') try: # do this in a try..finally clause to make sure we delete the temp file # build command line args = [sys.executable, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__), 'tools', 'tensorflow', ''), '--network=%s' % os.path.basename(temp_network_path), '--networkDirectory=%s' % os.path.dirname(temp_network_path), '--visualizeModelPath=%s' % temp_graphdef_path, '--optimization=%s' % solver_type, ] if crop_size: args.append('--croplen=%s' % crop_size) if use_mean and use_mean != 'none': mean_file = dataset.get_mean_file() assert mean_file is not None, 'Failed to retrieve mean file.' args.append('--subtractMean=%s' % use_mean) args.append('--mean=%s' % dataset.path(mean_file)) if hasattr(dataset, 'labels_file'): args.append('--labels_list=%s' % dataset.path(dataset.labels_file)) train_feature_db_path = dataset.get_feature_db_path(constants.TRAIN_DB) train_label_db_path = dataset.get_label_db_path(constants.TRAIN_DB) val_feature_db_path = dataset.get_feature_db_path(constants.VAL_DB) val_label_db_path = dataset.get_label_db_path(constants.VAL_DB) args.append('--train_db=%s' % train_feature_db_path) if train_label_db_path: args.append('--train_labels=%s' % train_label_db_path) if val_feature_db_path: args.append('--validation_db=%s' % val_feature_db_path) if val_label_db_path: args.append('--validation_labels=%s' % val_label_db_path) env = os.environ.copy() # make only a selected number of GPUs visible. The ID is not important for just the vis env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = ",".join([str(i) for i in range(0, int(num_gpus))]) # execute command p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, env=env) stdout_log = '' while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): timestamp, level, message = TensorflowTrainTask.preprocess_output_tensorflow(line.strip()) if line is not None: stdout_log += line if p.returncode: raise NetworkVisualizationError(stdout_log) else: # Success! return repr(str(open(temp_graphdef_path).read())) finally: os.remove(temp_network_path) os.remove(temp_graphdef_path)
def infer_many_images(self, images, snapshot_epoch=None, gpu=None): """ Returns (labels, results): labels -- an array of strings results -- a 2D np array: [ [image0_label0_confidence, image0_label1_confidence, ...], [image1_label0_confidence, image1_label1_confidence, ...], ... ] Arguments: images -- a list of np.arrays Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use """ # create a temporary folder to store images and a temporary file # to store a list of paths to the images temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # this try...finally clause is used to clean up the temp directory in any case temp_imglist_handle, temp_imglist_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir_path, suffix='.txt') for image in images: temp_image_handle, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp( dir=temp_dir_path, suffix='.png') image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image) try:, format='png') except KeyError: error_message = 'Unable to save file to "%s"' % temp_image_path self.logger.error(error_message) raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) os.write(temp_imglist_handle, "%s\n" % temp_image_path) os.close(temp_image_handle) os.close(temp_imglist_handle) if config_value('torch_root') == '<PATHS>': torch_bin = 'th' else: torch_bin = os.path.join(config_value('torch_root'), 'bin', 'th') file_to_load = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_epoch) args = [torch_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__)),'tools','torch','wrapper.lua'), 'test.lua', '--testMany=yes', '--allPredictions=yes', #all predictions are grabbed and formatted as required by DIGITS '--image=%s' % str(temp_imglist_path), '--network=%s' % self.model_file.split(".")[0], '--networkDirectory=%s' % self.job_dir, '--snapshot=%s' % file_to_load, ] if hasattr(self.dataset, 'labels_file'): args.append('--labels=%s' % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) if self.use_mean != 'none': filename = self.create_mean_file() args.append('--mean=%s' % os.path.join(self.job_dir, constants.MEAN_FILE_IMAGE)) if self.use_mean == 'pixel': args.append('--subtractMean=pixel') elif self.use_mean == 'image': args.append('--subtractMean=image') else: args.append('--subtractMean=none') if self.crop_size: args.append('--crop=yes') args.append('--croplen=%d' % self.crop_size) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args] regex = re.compile('\x1b\[[0-9;]*m', re.UNICODE) #TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes'%s classify many task started.' % env = os.environ.copy() if gpu is not None: args.append('--type=cuda') # make only the selected GPU visible env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = "%d" % gpu else: args.append('--type=float') unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, env=env ) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError('%s classify many task got aborted. error code - %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode)) if line is not None: # Remove whitespace and color codes. color codes are appended to beginning and end of line by torch binary i.e., 'th'. Check the below link for more information #!searchin/torch7/color$20codes/torch7/8O_0lSgSzuA/Ih6wYg9fgcwJ line=regex.sub('', line).strip() if line: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, 'many'): self.logger.warning('%s classify many task unrecognized input: %s' % (self.get_framework_id(), line.strip())) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = '' if type(e) == digits.inference.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d \n %s' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, str(e)) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:'%s classify many task completed.' % self.get_framework_id()) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_path) # task.infer_one() expects dictionary in return value return {'output': np.array(predictions)}
def infer_many_images(self, images, snapshot_epoch=None, gpu=None): """ Returns (labels, results): labels -- an array of strings results -- a 2D np array: [ [image0_label0_confidence, image0_label1_confidence, ...], [image1_label0_confidence, image1_label1_confidence, ...], ... ] Arguments: images -- a list of np.arrays Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use """ # create a temporary folder to store images and a temporary file # to store a list of paths to the images temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.tmp') try: # this try...finally clause is used to clean up the temp directory in any case maxn = len(images) - 1 w = len(str(maxn)) for i, image in enumerate(images): filename = (('%0' + str(w) + 'd') % i) + '.png' print filename imsave(os.path.join(temp_dir_path, filename), image) file_to_load = self.get_snapshot(snapshot_epoch) if 'TASK_WRAPPER' in os.environ: executable = os.environ['TASK_WRAPPER'] else: executable = sys.executable args = [ executable, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(digits.__file__)), 'tools', 'deepstacks', ''), '--snapshotFromZero=1', '--digits=1', '--testMany=1', '--allPredictions=1', # all predictions are grabbed and formatted as required by DIGITS '--inference_db=%s' % str(temp_dir_path), '--network=%s' % self.model_file, '--networkDirectory=%s' % self.job_dir, '--weights=%s' % file_to_load, '--batch_size=1', # deepstacks only support 1 now ] if hasattr(self.dataset, 'labels_file'): args.append('--labels_list=%s' % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) if self.use_mean != 'none': mean_file = self.dataset.get_mean_file() assert mean_file is not None, 'Failed to retrieve mean file.' args.append('--mean=%s' % self.dataset.path(mean_file)) if self.use_mean == 'pixel': args.append('--subtractMean=pixel') elif self.use_mean == 'image': args.append('--subtractMean=image') else: args.append('--subtractMean=none') if self.crop_size: args.append('--croplen=%d' % self.crop_size) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args]'%s classify many task started.' %'Task subprocess args: "%s"' % ' '.join(args)) env = os.environ.copy() # if gpu is not None: # # make only the selected GPU visible # env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = subprocess_visible_devices([gpu]) unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, env=env) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError( '%s classify many task got aborted.' 'error code - %d' % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode)) if line is not None and len(line) > 1: if not self.process_test_output( line, predictions, 'many'): self.logger.warning( '%s classify many task unrecognized input: %s' % (self.get_framework_id(), line.strip())) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = '' if type(e) == digits.inference.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d \n %s' % ( self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, str(e)) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = '%s classify many task failed with error code %d' % ( self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = '\n'.join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.inference.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:'%s classify many task completed.' % self.get_framework_id()) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_path) # task.infer_one() expects dictionary in return value return {'output': np.array(predictions)}
def get_network_visualization(self, desc): """ return visualization of network """ # save network description to temporary file temp_network_handle, temp_network_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.py') os.write(temp_network_handle, desc) os.close(temp_network_handle) try: # do this in a try..finally clause to make sure we delete the temp file # build command line mxnet_bin = config_value('mxnet')['executable'] args = [mxnet_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__), 'tools', 'mxnet', 'train'), '--network=%s' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(temp_network_path))[0], '--networkDirectory=%s' % os.path.dirname(temp_network_path), '--subtractMean=none', # we are not providing a mean image '--visualizeModel=yes', '--type=float' ] # execute command p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, ) # TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes regex = re.compile('\x1b\[[0-9;]*m', re.UNICODE) # the network description will be accumulated from the command output # when collecting_net_definition==True collecting_net_definition = False desc = [] unrecognized_output = [] while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if line is not None: # Remove whitespace and color codes. # Color codes are appended to beginning and end of line by mxnet binary # i.e., 'th'. Check the below link for more information #!searchin/mxnet7/color$20codes/mxnet7/8O_0lSgSzuA/Ih6wYg9fgcwJ # noqa line = regex.sub('', line) timestamp, level, message = MxnetTrainTask.preprocess_output_mxnet(line.strip()) if message: if message.startswith('Network definition'): collecting_net_definition = not collecting_net_definition else: if collecting_net_definition: desc.append(line) elif len(line): unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) if not len(desc): # we did not find a network description raise NetworkVisualizationError(''.join(unrecognized_output)) else: output = flask.Markup('<pre>') for line in desc: output += flask.Markup.escape(line) output += flask.Markup('</pre>') return output finally: os.remove(temp_network_path)
def classify_many(self, images, snapshot_epoch=None): """ Returns (labels, results): labels -- an array of strings results -- a 2D np array: [ [image0_label0_confidence, image0_label1_confidence, ...], [image1_label0_confidence, image1_label1_confidence, ...], ... ] Arguments: images -- a list of np.arrays Keyword arguments: snapshot_epoch -- which snapshot to use """ # create a temporary folder to store images and a temporary file # to store a list of paths to the images temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # this try...finally clause is used to clean up the temp directory in any case temp_imglist_handle, temp_imglist_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir_path, suffix=".txt") for image in images: temp_image_handle, temp_image_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=temp_dir_path, suffix=".jpeg") image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image) try:, format="jpeg") except KeyError: error_message = 'Unable to save file to "%s"' % temp_image_path self.logger.error(error_message) raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError(error_message) os.write(temp_imglist_handle, "%s\n" % temp_image_path) os.close(temp_image_handle) os.close(temp_imglist_handle) if config_value("torch_root") == "<PATHS>": torch_bin = "th" else: torch_bin = os.path.join(config_value("torch_root"), "bin", "th") args = [ torch_bin, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(digits.__file__)), "tools", "torch", "wrapper.lua"), "test.lua", "--testMany=yes", "--allPredictions=yes", # all predictions are grabbed and formatted as required by DIGITS "--image=%s" % str(temp_imglist_path), "--resizeMode=%s" % str( self.dataset.resize_mode ), # Here, we are using original images, so they will be resized in Torch code. This logic needs to be changed to eliminate the rework of resizing. Need to find a way to send python images array to Lua script efficiently "--network=%s" % self.model_file.split(".")[0], "--networkDirectory=%s" % self.job_dir, "--load=%s" % self.job_dir, "--snapshotPrefix=%s" % self.snapshot_prefix, ] if isinstance(self.dataset, ImageClassificationDatasetJob): labels = ( self.get_labels() ) # TODO: probably we no need to return this, as we can directly access from the calling function args.append("--labels=%s" % self.dataset.path(self.dataset.labels_file)) args.append("--mean=%s" % self.dataset.path(constants.MEAN_FILE_IMAGE)) elif isinstance(self.dataset, dataset.GenericImageDatasetJob): if self.use_mean != "none": args.append("--mean=%s" % os.path.join(self.job_dir, constants.MEAN_FILE_IMAGE)) if snapshot_epoch: args.append("--epoch=%d" % int(snapshot_epoch)) if self.trained_on_cpu: args.append("--type=float") else: args.append("--type=cuda") if self.use_mean == "pixel": args.append("--subtractMean=pixel") elif self.use_mean == "image": args.append("--subtractMean=image") else: args.append("--subtractMean=none") if self.crop_size: args.append("--crop=yes") args.append("--croplen=%d" % self.crop_size) # Convert them all to strings args = [str(x) for x in args] regex = re.compile( "\x1b\[[0-9;]*m", re.UNICODE ) # TODO: need to include regular expression for MAC color codes"%s classify many task started." % # make only the first GPU visible env = os.environ.copy() env["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" unrecognized_output = [] predictions = [] p = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.job_dir, close_fds=True, env=env ) try: while p.poll() is None: for line in utils.nonblocking_readlines(p.stdout): if self.aborted.is_set(): p.terminate() raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError( "%s classify many task got aborted. error code - %d" % (self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode) ) if line is not None: # Remove whitespace and color codes. color codes are appended to begining and end of line by torch binary i.e., 'th'. Check the below link for more information #!searchin/torch7/color$20codes/torch7/8O_0lSgSzuA/Ih6wYg9fgcwJ line = regex.sub("", line).strip() if line: if not self.process_test_output(line, predictions, "many"): self.logger.warning( "%s classify many task unrecognized input: %s" % (self.get_framework_id(), line.strip()) ) unrecognized_output.append(line) else: time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as e: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() error_message = "" if type(e) == digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError: error_message = e.__str__() else: error_message = "%s classify many task failed with error code %d \n %s" % ( self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, str(e), ) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = "\n".join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError(error_message) if p.returncode != 0: error_message = "%s classify many task failed with error code %d" % ( self.get_framework_id(), p.returncode, ) self.logger.error(error_message) if unrecognized_output: unrecognized_output = "\n".join(unrecognized_output) error_message = error_message + unrecognized_output raise digits.frameworks.errors.InferenceError(error_message) else:"%s classify many task completed." % self.get_framework_id()) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_path) if isinstance(self.dataset, dataset.GenericImageDatasetJob): # task.infer_one() expects dictionary in return value return {"output": np.array(predictions)} else: return (labels, np.array(predictions))