def dmp_list_terms(f, u, K, order=None):
    List all non-zero terms from ``f`` in the given order ``order``.


    >>> from diofant.polys.domains import ZZ

    >>> f = ZZ.map([[1, 1], [2, 3]])

    >>> dmp_list_terms(f, 1, ZZ)
    [((1, 1), 1), ((1, 0), 1), ((0, 1), 2), ((0, 0), 3)]
    >>> dmp_list_terms(f, 1, ZZ, order='grevlex')
    [((1, 1), 1), ((1, 0), 1), ((0, 1), 2), ((0, 0), 3)]
    def sort(terms, O):
        return sorted(terms, key=lambda term: O(term[0]), reverse=True)

    terms = _rec_list_terms(f, u, ())

    if not terms:
        return [((0, ) * (u + 1), K.zero)]

    if order is None:
        return terms
        return sort(terms, monomial_key(order))
 def __init__(self, gens, container, order="lex", TOP=True):
     SubModule.__init__(self, gens, container)
     if not isinstance(container, FreeModulePolyRing):
         raise NotImplementedError(
             'This implementation is for submodules of ' +
             'FreeModulePolyRing, got %s' % container)
     self.order = ModuleOrder(monomial_key(order), self.ring.order, TOP)
     self._gb = None
     self._gbe = None
def test_monomial_key():
    assert monomial_key() == lex

    assert monomial_key('lex') == lex
    assert monomial_key('grlex') == grlex
    assert monomial_key('grevlex') == grevlex

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: monomial_key('foo'))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: monomial_key(1))

    M = [x, x**2*z**2, x*y, x**2, Integer(1), y**2, x**3, y, z, x*y**2*z, x**2*y**2]
    assert sorted(M, key=monomial_key('lex', [z, y, x])) == \
        [Integer(1), x, x**2, x**3, y, x*y, y**2, x**2*y**2, z, x*y**2*z, x**2*z**2]
    assert sorted(M, key=monomial_key('grlex', [z, y, x])) == \
        [Integer(1), x, y, z, x**2, x*y, y**2, x**3, x**2*y**2, x*y**2*z, x**2*z**2]
    assert sorted(M, key=monomial_key('grevlex', [z, y, x])) == \
        [Integer(1), x, y, z, x**2, x*y, y**2, x**3, x**2*y**2, x**2*z**2, x*y**2*z]
def test_monomial_key():
    assert monomial_key() == lex

    assert monomial_key('lex') == lex
    assert monomial_key('grlex') == grlex
    assert monomial_key('grevlex') == grevlex

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: monomial_key('foo'))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: monomial_key(1))

    M = [x, x**2*z**2, x*y, x**2, Integer(1), y**2, x**3, y, z, x*y**2*z, x**2*y**2]
    assert sorted(M, key=monomial_key('lex', [z, y, x])) == \
        [Integer(1), x, x**2, x**3, y, x*y, y**2, x**2*y**2, z, x*y**2*z, x**2*z**2]
    assert sorted(M, key=monomial_key('grlex', [z, y, x])) == \
        [Integer(1), x, y, z, x**2, x*y, y**2, x**3, x**2*y**2, x*y**2*z, x**2*z**2]
    assert sorted(M, key=monomial_key('grevlex', [z, y, x])) == \
        [Integer(1), x, y, z, x**2, x*y, y**2, x**3, x**2*y**2, x**2*z**2, x*y**2*z]
    def __init__(self, dom, *gens, **opts):
        if not gens:
            raise GeneratorsNeeded("generators not specified")

        lev = len(gens) - 1
        self.ngens = len(gens)

        self.zero = self.dtype.zero(lev, dom, ring=self)
        self.one = self.dtype.one(lev, dom, ring=self)

        self.domain = dom
        self.symbols = self.gens = gens
        # NOTE 'order' may not be set if inject was called through CompositeDomain
        self.order = opts.get('order', monomial_key(self.default_order))
def PolynomialRing(dom, *gens, **opts):
    Create a generalized multivariate polynomial ring.

    A generalized polynomial ring is defined by a ground field `K`, a set
    of generators (typically `x_1, \ldots, x_n`) and a monomial order `<`.
    The monomial order can be global, local or mixed. In any case it induces
    a total ordering on the monomials, and there exists for every (non-zero)
    polynomial `f \in K[x_1, \ldots, x_n]` a well-defined "leading monomial"
    `LM(f) = LM(f, >)`. One can then define a multiplicative subset
    `S = S_> = \{f \in K[x_1, \ldots, x_n] | LM(f) = 1\}`. The generalized
    polynomial ring corresponding to the monomial order is
    `R = S^{-1}K[x_1, \ldots, x_n]`.

    If `>` is a so-called global order, that is `1` is the smallest monomial,
    then we just have `S = K` and `R = K[x_1, \ldots, x_n]`.


    A few examples may make this clearer.

    >>> from diofant.abc import x, y
    >>> from diofant import QQ

    Our first ring uses global lexicographic order.

    >>> R1 = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y, order=(("lex", x, y),))

    The second ring uses local lexicographic order. Note that when using a
    single (non-product) order, you can just specify the name and omit the

    >>> R2 = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y, order="ilex")

    The third and fourth rings use a mixed orders:

    >>> o1 = (("ilex", x), ("lex", y))
    >>> o2 = (("lex", x), ("ilex", y))
    >>> R3 = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y, order=o1)
    >>> R4 = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y, order=o2)

    We will investigate what elements of `K(x, y)` are contained in the various

    >>> L = [x, 1/x, y/(1 + x), 1/(1 + y), 1/(1 + x*y)]
    >>> test = lambda R: [f in R for f in L]

    The first ring is just `K[x, y]`:

    >>> test(R1)
    [True, False, False, False, False]

    The second ring is R1 localised at the maximal ideal (x, y):

    >>> test(R2)
    [True, False, True, True, True]

    The third ring is R1 localised at the prime ideal (x):

    >>> test(R3)
    [True, False, True, False, True]

    Finally the fourth ring is R1 localised at `S = K[x, y] \setminus yK[y]`:

    >>> test(R4)
    [True, False, False, True, False]

    order = opts.get("order", GeneralizedPolynomialRing.default_order)
    if iterable(order):
        order = build_product_order(order, gens)
    order = monomial_key(order)
    opts['order'] = order

    if order.is_global:
        return GlobalPolynomialRing(dom, *gens, **opts)
        return GeneralizedPolynomialRing(dom, *gens, **opts)