def test_Matrix_printing():
    # Test returning a Matrix
    mat = Matrix([x*y, Piecewise((2 + x, y > 0), (y, True)), sin(z)])
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 1)
    assert fcode(mat, A) == (
        "      A(1, 1) = x*y\n"
        "      if (y > 0) then\n"
        "         A(2, 1) = x + 2\n"
        "      else\n"
        "         A(2, 1) = y\n"
        "      end if\n"
        "      A(3, 1) = sin(z)")
    # Test using MatrixElements in expressions
    expr = Piecewise((2*A[2, 0], x > 0), (A[2, 0], True)) + sin(A[1, 0]) + A[0, 0]
    assert fcode(expr, standard=95) == (
        "      merge(2*A(3, 1), A(3, 1), x > 0) + sin(A(2, 1)) + A(1, 1)")
    # Test using MatrixElements in a Matrix
    q = MatrixSymbol('q', 5, 1)
    M = MatrixSymbol('M', 3, 3)
    m = Matrix([[sin(q[1, 0]), 0, cos(q[2, 0])],
                [q[1, 0] + q[2, 0], q[3, 0], 5],
                [2*q[4, 0]/q[1, 0], sqrt(q[0, 0]) + 4, 0]])
    assert fcode(m, M) == (
        "      M(1, 1) = sin(q(2, 1))\n"
        "      M(2, 1) = q(2, 1) + q(3, 1)\n"
        "      M(3, 1) = 2*q(5, 1)*1.0/q(2, 1)\n"
        "      M(1, 2) = 0\n"
        "      M(2, 2) = q(4, 1)\n"
        "      M(3, 2) = 4 + sqrt(q(1, 1))\n"
        "      M(1, 3) = cos(q(3, 1))\n"
        "      M(2, 3) = 5\n"
        "      M(3, 3) = 0")
def test_line_wrapping():
    assert fcode(((x + y)**10).expand(), assign_to="var") == (
        "      var = x**10 + 10*x**9*y + 45*x**8*y**2 + 120*x**7*y**3 + 210*x**6*\n"
        "     @ y**4 + 252*x**5*y**5 + 210*x**4*y**6 + 120*x**3*y**7 + 45*x**2*y\n"
        "     @ **8 + 10*x*y**9 + y**10")
    e = [x**i for i in range(11)]
    assert fcode(Add(*e)) == (
        "      x**10 + x**9 + x**8 + x**7 + x**6 + x**5 + x**4 + x**3 + x**2 + x\n"
        "     @ + 1")
def test_not_fortran():
    g = Function('g')
    assert fcode(gamma(
        x)) == "C     Not supported in Fortran:\nC     gamma\n      gamma(x)"
    assert fcode(
    ) == "C     Not supported in Fortran:\nC     Integral\n      Integral(sin(x), x)"
    assert fcode(
        g(x)) == "C     Not supported in Fortran:\nC     g\n      g(x)"
def test_user_functions():
    assert fcode(sin(x), user_functions={"sin": "zsin"}) == "      zsin(x)"
    assert fcode(
        gamma(x), user_functions={"gamma": "mygamma"}) == "      mygamma(x)"
    g = Function('g')
    assert fcode(g(x), user_functions={"g": "great"}) == "      great(x)"
    n = symbols('n', integer=True)
    assert fcode(
        factorial(n), user_functions={"factorial": "fct"}) == "      fct(n)"
def test_fcode_precedence():
    assert fcode(And(x < y, y < x + 1), source_format="free") == \
        "x < y .and. y < x + 1"
    assert fcode(Or(x < y, y < x + 1), source_format="free") == \
        "x < y .or. y < x + 1"
    assert fcode(Xor(x < y, y < x + 1, evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == "x < y .neqv. y < x + 1"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(x < y, y < x + 1), source_format="free") == \
        "x < y .eqv. y < x + 1"
def test_line_wrapping():
    assert fcode(((x + y)**10).expand(), assign_to="var") == (
        "      var = x**10 + 10*x**9*y + 45*x**8*y**2 + 120*x**7*y**3 + 210*x**6*\n"
        "     @ y**4 + 252*x**5*y**5 + 210*x**4*y**6 + 120*x**3*y**7 + 45*x**2*y\n"
        "     @ **8 + 10*x*y**9 + y**10"
    e = [x**i for i in range(11)]
    assert fcode(Add(*e)) == (
        "      x**10 + x**9 + x**8 + x**7 + x**6 + x**5 + x**4 + x**3 + x**2 + x\n"
        "     @ + 1"
def test_inline_function():
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2 * x))
    assert fcode(g(x)) == "      2*x"
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2 * pi / x))
    assert fcode(g(x)) == ("      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979d0)\n"
                           "      2*pi/x")
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    i = Idx('i', symbols('n', integer=True))
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, x * (1 + x) * (2 + x)))
    assert fcode(
        assign_to=A[i]) == ("      do i = 1, n\n"
                            "         A(i) = (A(i) + 1)*(A(i) + 2)*A(i)\n"
                            "      end do")
def test_fcode_complex():
    assert fcode(I) == "      cmplx(0,1)"
    x = symbols('x')
    assert fcode(4*I) == "      cmplx(0,4)"
    assert fcode(3 + 4*I) == "      cmplx(3,4)"
    assert fcode(3 + 4*I + x) == "      cmplx(3,4) + x"
    assert fcode(I*x) == "      cmplx(0,1)*x"
    assert fcode(3 + 4*I - x) == "      cmplx(3,4) - x"
    x = symbols('x', imaginary=True)
    assert fcode(5*x) == "      5*x"
    assert fcode(I*x) == "      cmplx(0,1)*x"
    assert fcode(3 + x) == "      x + 3"
def test_inline_function():
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2*x))
    assert fcode(g(x)) == "      2*x"
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2*pi/x))
    assert fcode(g(x)) == (
        "      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979d0)\n"
        "      2*pi/x"
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    i = Idx('i', symbols('n', integer=True))
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, x*(1 + x)*(2 + x)))
    assert fcode(g(A[i]), assign_to=A[i]) == (
        "      do i = 1, n\n"
        "         A(i) = (A(i) + 1)*(A(i) + 2)*A(i)\n"
        "      end do"
def test_loops():
    n, m = symbols('n,m', integer=True)
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx('i', m)
    j = Idx('j', n)

    expected = ('do i = 1, m\n'
                '   y(i) = 0\n'
                'end do\n'
                'do i = 1, m\n'
                '   do j = 1, n\n'
                '      y(i) = %(rhs)s\n'
                '   end do\n'
                'end do')

    code = fcode(A[i, j] * x[j], assign_to=y[i], source_format='free')
    assert (code == expected % {
        'rhs': 'y(i) + A(i, j)*x(j)'
    } or code == expected % {
        'rhs': 'y(i) + x(j)*A(i, j)'
    } or code == expected % {
        'rhs': 'x(j)*A(i, j) + y(i)'
    } or code == expected % {
        'rhs': 'A(i, j)*x(j) + y(i)'
def test_free_form_continuation_line():
    result = fcode(((cos(x) + sin(y))**(7)).expand(), source_format='free')
    expected = (
        'sin(y)**7 + 7*sin(y)**6*cos(x) + 21*sin(y)**5*cos(x)**2 + 35*sin(y)**4* &\n'
        '      cos(x)**3 + 35*sin(y)**3*cos(x)**4 + 21*sin(y)**2*cos(x)**5 + 7* &\n'
        '      sin(y)*cos(x)**6 + cos(x)**7')
    assert result == expected
def test_printmethod():
    x = symbols('x')

    class nint(Function):
        def _fcode(self, printer):
            return "nint(%s)" % printer._print(self.args[0])

    assert fcode(nint(x)) == "      nint(x)"
def test_free_form_continuation_line():
    result = fcode(((cos(x) + sin(y))**(7)).expand(), source_format='free')
    expected = (
        'sin(y)**7 + 7*sin(y)**6*cos(x) + 21*sin(y)**5*cos(x)**2 + 35*sin(y)**4* &\n'
        '      cos(x)**3 + 35*sin(y)**3*cos(x)**4 + 21*sin(y)**2*cos(x)**5 + 7* &\n'
        '      sin(y)*cos(x)**6 + cos(x)**7'
    assert result == expected
def test_fcode_Indexed_without_looking_for_contraction():
    len_y = 5
    y = IndexedBase('y', shape=(len_y,))
    x = IndexedBase('x', shape=(len_y,))
    Dy = IndexedBase('Dy', shape=(len_y - 1,))
    i = Idx('i', len_y - 1)
    e = Eq(Dy[i], (y[i + 1] - y[i])/(x[i + 1] - x[i]))
    code0 = fcode(e.rhs, assign_to=e.lhs, contract=False)
    assert code0.endswith('Dy(i) = (y(i + 1) - y(i))/(x(i + 1) - x(i))')
def test_fcode_functions_with_integers():
    assert fcode(x * log(10)) == "      x*2.30258509299405d0"
    assert fcode(x * log(10)) == "      x*2.30258509299405d0"
    assert fcode(x * log(Integer(10))) == "      x*2.30258509299405d0"
    assert fcode(log(Integer(10))) == "      2.30258509299405d0"
    assert fcode(exp(10)) == "      parameter (E = 2.71828182845905d0)\n      E**10"
    assert fcode(x * log(log(10))) == "      x*0.834032445247956d0"
    assert fcode(x * log(log(Integer(10)))) == "      x*0.834032445247956d0"
def test_fcode_Rational():
    assert fcode(Rational(3, 7)) == "      3.0d0/7.0d0"
    assert fcode(Rational(18, 9)) == "      2"
    assert fcode(Rational(3, -7)) == "      -3.0d0/7.0d0"
    assert fcode(Rational(-3, -7)) == "      3.0d0/7.0d0"
    assert fcode(x + Rational(3, 7)) == "      x + 3.0d0/7.0d0"
    assert fcode(Rational(3, 7)*x) == "      (3.0d0/7.0d0)*x"
def test_fcode_Relational():
    assert fcode(Relational(x, y, "=="), source_format="free") == "Eq(x, y)"
    assert fcode(Relational(x, y, "!="), source_format="free") == "Ne(x, y)"
    assert fcode(Relational(x, y, ">="), source_format="free") == "x >= y"
    assert fcode(Relational(x, y, "<="), source_format="free") == "x <= y"
    assert fcode(Relational(x, y, ">"), source_format="free") == "x > y"
    assert fcode(Relational(x, y, "<"), source_format="free") == "x < y"
def test_dummy_loops():
    i, m = symbols('i m', integer=True, cls=Dummy)
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx(i, m)

    expected = (
        'do i_%(icount)i = 1, m_%(mcount)i\n'
        '   y(i_%(icount)i) = x(i_%(icount)i)\n'
        'end do'
    ) % {'icount': i.label.dummy_index, 'mcount': m.dummy_index}
    code = fcode(x[i], assign_to=y[i], source_format='free')
    assert code == expected
def test_fcode_Piecewise():
    expr = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x**2, True))
    # Check that inline conditional (merge) fails if standard isn't 95+
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: fcode(expr))
    code = fcode(expr, standard=95)
    expected = "      merge(x, x**2, x < 1)"
    assert code == expected
    assert fcode(Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x**2, True)), assign_to="var") == (
        "      if (x < 1) then\n"
        "         var = x\n"
        "      else\n"
        "         var = x**2\n"
        "      end if"
    a = cos(x)/x
    b = sin(x)/x
    for i in range(10):
        a = diff(a, x)
        b = diff(b, x)
    expected = (
        "      if (x < 0) then\n"
        "         weird_name = -cos(x)/x + 10*sin(x)/x**2 + 90*cos(x)/x**3 - 720*\n"
        "     @ sin(x)/x**4 - 5040*cos(x)/x**5 + 30240*sin(x)/x**6 + 151200*cos(x\n"
        "     @ )/x**7 - 604800*sin(x)/x**8 - 1814400*cos(x)/x**9 + 3628800*sin(x\n"
        "     @ )/x**10 + 3628800*cos(x)/x**11\n"
        "      else\n"
        "         weird_name = -sin(x)/x - 10*cos(x)/x**2 + 90*sin(x)/x**3 + 720*\n"
        "     @ cos(x)/x**4 - 5040*sin(x)/x**5 - 30240*cos(x)/x**6 + 151200*sin(x\n"
        "     @ )/x**7 + 604800*cos(x)/x**8 - 1814400*sin(x)/x**9 - 3628800*cos(x\n"
        "     @ )/x**10 + 3628800*sin(x)/x**11\n"
        "      end if"
    code = fcode(Piecewise((a, x < 0), (b, True)), assign_to="weird_name")
    assert code == expected
    code = fcode(Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x**2, x > 1), (sin(x), True)), standard=95)
    expected = "      merge(x, merge(x**2, sin(x), x > 1), x < 1)"
    assert code == expected
    # Check that Piecewise without a True (default) condition error
    expr = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x**2, x > 1), (sin(x), x > 0))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: fcode(expr))

    assert (fcode(Piecewise((0, x < -1), (1, And(x >= -1, x < 0)),
                            (-1, True)), assign_to="var") ==
            '      if (x < -1) then\n'
            '         var = 0\n'
            '      else if (x >= -1 .and. x < 0) then\n'
            '         var = 1\n'
            '      else\n'
            '         var = -1\n'
            '      end if')
def test_loops():
    n, m = symbols('n,m', integer=True)
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx('i', m)
    j = Idx('j', n)

    expected = (
        'do i = 1, m\n'
        '   y(i) = 0\n'
        'end do\n'
        'do i = 1, m\n'
        '   do j = 1, n\n'
        '      y(i) = %(rhs)s\n'
        '   end do\n'
        'end do'

    code = fcode(A[i, j]*x[j], assign_to=y[i], source_format='free')
    assert (code == expected % {'rhs': 'y(i) + A(i, j)*x(j)'} or
            code == expected % {'rhs': 'y(i) + x(j)*A(i, j)'} or
            code == expected % {'rhs': 'x(j)*A(i, j) + y(i)'} or
            code == expected % {'rhs': 'A(i, j)*x(j) + y(i)'})
def test_free_form_code_line():
    assert fcode(cos(x) + sin(y), source_format='free') == "sin(y) + cos(x)"
def test_settings():
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: fcode(Integer(4), method="garbage"))
def test_assign_to():
    assert fcode(sin(x), assign_to="s") == "      s = sin(x)"
def test_fcode_Pow():
    n = symbols('n', integer=True)

    assert fcode(x**3) == "      x**3"
    assert fcode(x**(y**3)) == "      x**(y**3)"
    assert fcode(1/(sin(x)*3.5)**(x - y**x)/(x**2 + y)) == \
        "      (3.5d0*sin(x))**(-x + y**x)/(x**2 + y)"
    assert fcode(sqrt(x)) == '      sqrt(x)'
    assert fcode(sqrt(n)) == '      sqrt(dble(n))'
    assert fcode(x**0.5) == '      sqrt(x)'
    assert fcode(sqrt(x)) == '      sqrt(x)'
    assert fcode(sqrt(10)) == '      sqrt(10.0d0)'
    assert fcode(x**-1.0) == '      1.0/x'
    assert fcode(x**-2.0, 'y', source_format='free') == 'y = x**(-2.0d0)'  # 2823
    assert fcode(x**Rational(3, 7)) == '      x**(3.0d0/7.0d0)'
def test_args():
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: fcode(x, source_format="spam"))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: fcode(x, standard="eggs"))
def test_free_form_code_line():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    assert fcode(cos(x) + sin(y), source_format='free') == "sin(y) + cos(x)"
def test_fcode_functions():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    assert fcode(sin(x)**cos(y)) == "      sin(x)**cos(y)"
def test_implicit():
    assert fcode(sin(x)) == "      sin(x)"
    assert fcode(atan2(x, y)) == "      atan2(x, y)"
    assert fcode(conjugate(x)) == "      conjg(x)"
def test_fcode_Integer():
    assert fcode(Integer(67)) == "      67"
    assert fcode(Integer(-1)) == "      -1"
def test_not_fortran():
    g = Function('g')
    assert fcode(
        gamma(x)) == "C     Not supported in Fortran:\nC     gamma\n      gamma(x)"
    assert fcode(Integral(sin(x))) == "C     Not supported in Fortran:\nC     Integral\n      Integral(sin(x), x)"
    assert fcode(g(x)) == "C     Not supported in Fortran:\nC     g\n      g(x)"
def test_fcode_Float():
    assert fcode(Float(42.0)) == "      42.0000000000000d0"
    assert fcode(Float(-1e20)) == "      -1.00000000000000d+20"
def test_printmethod():
    class nint(Function):
        def _fcode(self, printer):
            return "nint(%s)" % printer._print(self.args[0])
    assert fcode(nint(x)) == "      nint(x)"
def test_fcode_functions():
    assert fcode(sin(x) ** cos(y)) == "      sin(x)**cos(y)"
def test_fcode_Logical():
    # unary Not
    assert fcode(Not(x), source_format="free") == ".not. x"
    # binary And
    assert fcode(And(x, y), source_format="free") == "x .and. y"
    assert fcode(And(x, Not(y)), source_format="free") == "x .and. .not. y"
    assert fcode(And(Not(x), y), source_format="free") == "y .and. .not. x"
    assert fcode(And(Not(x), Not(y)), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. x .and. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Not(And(x, y), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. (x .and. y)"
    # binary Or
    assert fcode(Or(x, y), source_format="free") == "x .or. y"
    assert fcode(Or(x, Not(y)), source_format="free") == "x .or. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Or(Not(x), y), source_format="free") == "y .or. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Or(Not(x), Not(y)), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. x .or. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Not(Or(x, y), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. (x .or. y)"
    # mixed And/Or
    assert fcode(And(Or(y, z), x), source_format="free") == "x .and. (y .or. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Or(z, x), y), source_format="free") == "y .and. (x .or. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Or(x, y), z), source_format="free") == "z .and. (x .or. y)"
    assert fcode(Or(And(y, z), x), source_format="free") == "x .or. y .and. z"
    assert fcode(Or(And(z, x), y), source_format="free") == "y .or. x .and. z"
    assert fcode(Or(And(x, y), z), source_format="free") == "z .or. x .and. y"
    # trinary And
    assert fcode(And(x, y, z), source_format="free") == "x .and. y .and. z"
    assert fcode(And(x, y, Not(z)), source_format="free") == \
        "x .and. y .and. .not. z"
    assert fcode(And(x, Not(y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "x .and. z .and. .not. y"
    assert fcode(And(Not(x), y, z), source_format="free") == \
        "y .and. z .and. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Not(And(x, y, z), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. (x .and. y .and. z)"
    # trinary Or
    assert fcode(Or(x, y, z), source_format="free") == "x .or. y .or. z"
    assert fcode(Or(x, y, Not(z)), source_format="free") == \
        "x .or. y .or. .not. z"
    assert fcode(Or(x, Not(y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "x .or. z .or. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Or(Not(x), y, z), source_format="free") == \
        "y .or. z .or. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Not(Or(x, y, z), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. (x .or. y .or. z)"
def test_fcode_NumberSymbol():
    p = FCodePrinter()
    assert fcode(Catalan) == '      parameter (Catalan = 0.915965594177219d0)\n      Catalan'
    assert fcode(EulerGamma) == '      parameter (EulerGamma = 0.577215664901533d0)\n      EulerGamma'
    assert fcode(E) == '      parameter (E = 2.71828182845905d0)\n      E'
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio) == '      parameter (GoldenRatio = 1.61803398874989d0)\n      GoldenRatio'
    assert fcode(pi) == '      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(
        pi, precision=5) == '      parameter (pi = 3.1416d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(Catalan, human=False) == ({(Catalan, p._print(
        Catalan.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      Catalan')
    assert fcode(EulerGamma, human=False) == ({(EulerGamma, p._print(
        EulerGamma.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      EulerGamma')
    assert fcode(E, human=False) == (
        {(E, p._print(E.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      E')
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio, human=False) == ({(GoldenRatio, p._print(
        GoldenRatio.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      GoldenRatio')
    assert fcode(pi, human=False) == (
        {(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      pi')
    assert fcode(pi, precision=5, human=False) == (
        {(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(5)))}, set(), '      pi')
def test_fcode_Xlogical():
    # binary Xor
    assert fcode(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y"
    assert fcode(Xor(x, Not(y), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Xor(Not(x), y, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "y .neqv. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Xor(Not(x), Not(y), evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == ".not. x .neqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Not(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == ".not. (x .neqv. y)"
    # binary Equivalent
    assert fcode(Equivalent(x, y), source_format="free") == "x .eqv. y"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(x, Not(y)), source_format="free") == \
        "x .eqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Not(x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .eqv. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Not(x), Not(y)), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. x .eqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Not(Equivalent(x, y), evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == ".not. (x .eqv. y)"
    # mixed And/Equivalent
    assert fcode(Equivalent(And(y, z), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .eqv. y .and. z"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(And(z, x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .eqv. x .and. z"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(And(x, y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .eqv. x .and. y"
    assert fcode(And(Equivalent(y, z), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .and. (y .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Equivalent(z, x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .and. (x .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Equivalent(x, y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .and. (x .eqv. y)"
    # mixed Or/Equivalent
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Or(y, z), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .eqv. y .or. z"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Or(z, x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .eqv. x .or. z"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Or(x, y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .eqv. x .or. y"
    assert fcode(Or(Equivalent(y, z), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .or. (y .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Or(Equivalent(z, x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .or. (x .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Or(Equivalent(x, y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .or. (x .eqv. y)"
    # mixed Xor/Equivalent
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Xor(y, z, evaluate=False), x),
                 source_format="free") == "x .eqv. (y .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Xor(z, x, evaluate=False), y),
                 source_format="free") == "y .eqv. (x .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), z),
                 source_format="free") == "z .eqv. (x .neqv. y)"
    assert fcode(Xor(Equivalent(y, z), x, evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == "x .neqv. (y .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Xor(Equivalent(z, x), y, evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == "y .neqv. (x .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Xor(Equivalent(x, y), z, evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == "z .neqv. (x .eqv. y)"
    # mixed And/Xor
    assert fcode(Xor(And(y, z), x, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y .and. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(And(z, x), y, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "y .neqv. x .and. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(And(x, y), z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "z .neqv. x .and. y"
    assert fcode(And(Xor(y, z, evaluate=False), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .and. (y .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Xor(z, x, evaluate=False), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .and. (x .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .and. (x .neqv. y)"
    # mixed Or/Xor
    assert fcode(Xor(Or(y, z), x, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y .or. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(Or(z, x), y, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "y .neqv. x .or. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(Or(x, y), z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "z .neqv. x .or. y"
    assert fcode(Or(Xor(y, z, evaluate=False), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .or. (y .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Or(Xor(z, x, evaluate=False), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .or. (x .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Or(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .or. (x .neqv. y)"
    # trinary Xor
    assert fcode(Xor(x, y, z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y .neqv. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(x, y, Not(z), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y .neqv. .not. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(x, Not(y), z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. z .neqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Xor(Not(x), y, z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "y .neqv. z .neqv. .not. x"