def test_RootSum():
    f = x**5 + 2 * x - 1

    assert str(RootSum(f, Lambda(z, z),
                       auto=False)) == 'RootSum(x**5 + 2*x - 1)'
    assert str(RootSum(f, Lambda(
        z, z**2), auto=False)) == 'RootSum(x**5 + 2*x - 1, Lambda(z, z**2))'
def test_RootSum_diff():
    f = x**3 + x + 3

    g = Lambda(r, exp(r * x))
    h = Lambda(r, r * exp(r * x))

    assert RootSum(f, g).diff(x) == RootSum(f, h)
def test_RootSum_subs():
    f = x**3 + x + 3
    g = Lambda(r, exp(r * x))

    F = y**3 + y + 3
    G = Lambda(r, exp(r * y))

    assert RootSum(f, g).subs({y: 1}) == RootSum(f, g)
    assert RootSum(f, g).subs({x: y}) == RootSum(F, G)
def test_RootSum_independent():
    f = (x**3 - a)**2 * (x**4 - b)**3

    g = Lambda(x, 5 * tan(x) + 7)
    h = Lambda(x, tan(x))

    r0 = RootSum(x**3 - a, h, x)
    r1 = RootSum(x**4 - b, h, x)

    assert RootSum(f, g, x).as_ordered_terms() == [10 * r0, 15 * r1, 126]
def test_RootSum_rational():
    assert RootSum(z**5 - z + 1,
                   Lambda(z, z / (x - z))) == (4 * x - 5) / (x**5 - x + 1)

    f = 161 * z**3 + 115 * z**2 + 19 * z + 1
    g = Lambda(
        z * log(-3381 * z**4 / 4 - 3381 * z**3 / 4 - 625 * z**2 / 2 -
                125 * z / 2 - 5 + exp(x)))

    assert RootSum(f,
                   g).diff(x) == -((5 * exp(2 * x) - 6 * exp(x) + 4) * exp(x) /
                                   (exp(3 * x) - exp(2 * x) + 1)) / 7
def test_RootSum___eq__():
    f = Lambda(x, exp(x))

    assert (RootSum(x**3 + x + 1, f) == RootSum(x**3 + x + 1, f)) is True
    assert (RootSum(x**3 + x + 1, f) == RootSum(y**3 + y + 1, f)) is True

    assert (RootSum(x**3 + x + 1, f) == RootSum(x**3 + x + 2, f)) is False
    assert (RootSum(x**3 + x + 1, f) == RootSum(y**3 + y + 2, f)) is False
def test_pickling_polys_rootoftools():
    f = x**3 + x + 3

    for c in (RootOf, RootOf(f, 0)):

    for c in (RootSum, RootSum(f, Lambda(x, exp(x)))):
def test_apart_full():
    f = 1 / (x**2 + 1)

    assert apart(f, full=False) == f
    assert apart(f, full=True) == \
        -RootSum(x**2 + 1, Lambda(a, a/(x - a)), auto=False)/2

    f = 1 / (x**3 + x + 1)

    assert apart(f, full=False) == f
    assert apart(f, full=True) == \
        RootSum(x**3 + x + 1,
        Lambda(a, (6*a**2/31 - 9*a/31 + Rational(4, 31))/(x - a)), auto=False)

    f = 1 / (x**5 + 1)

    assert apart(f, full=False) == \
        (-Rational(1, 5))*((x**3 - 2*x**2 + 3*x - 4)/(x**4 - x**3 + x**2 -
         x + 1)) + (Rational(1, 5))/(x + 1)
    assert apart(f, full=True) == \
        -RootSum(x**4 - x**3 + x**2 - x + 1,
        Lambda(a, a/(x - a)), auto=False)/5 + (Rational(1, 5))/(x + 1)
def test_RootSum_evalf():
    rs = RootSum(x**2 + 1, Lambda(x, exp(x)))

    assert rs.evalf(20, chop=True).epsilon_eq(
        Float('1.0806046117362794348', 20), Float('1e-20')) is true
    assert rs.evalf(15, chop=True).epsilon_eq(Float('1.08060461173628', 15),
                                              Float('1e-15')) is true

    rs = RootSum(x**2 + a, Lambda(x, exp(x)), x)

    assert rs.evalf() == rs
def test_RootSum_doit():
    rs = RootSum(x**2 + 1, Lambda(x, exp(x)))

    assert isinstance(rs, RootSum) is True
    assert rs.doit() == exp(-I) + exp(I)

    rs = RootSum(x**2 + a, Lambda(x, exp(x)), x)

    assert isinstance(rs, RootSum) is True
    assert rs.doit() == exp(-sqrt(-a)) + exp(sqrt(-a))
def test_ratint():
    assert ratint(Integer(0), x) == 0
    assert ratint(Integer(7), x) == 7*x

    assert ratint(x, x) == x**2/2
    assert ratint(2*x, x) == x**2
    assert ratint(-2*x, x) == -x**2

    assert ratint(8*x**7 + 2*x + 1, x) == x**8 + x**2 + x

    f = Integer(1)
    g = x + 1

    assert ratint(f / g, x) == log(x + 1)
    assert ratint((f, g), x) == log(x + 1)

    f = x**3 - x
    g = x - 1

    assert ratint(f/g, x) == x**3/3 + x**2/2

    f = x
    g = (x - a)*(x + a)

    assert ratint(f/g, x) == log(x**2 - a**2)/2

    f = Integer(1)
    g = x**2 + 1

    assert ratint(f/g, x, extended_real=None) == atan(x)
    assert ratint(f/g, x, extended_real=True) == atan(x)

    assert ratint(f/g, x, extended_real=False) == I*log(x + I)/2 - I*log(x - I)/2

    f = Integer(36)
    g = x**5 - 2*x**4 - 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + x - 2

    assert ratint(f/g, x) == \
        -4*log(x + 1) + 4*log(x - 2) + (12*x + 6)/(x**2 - 1)

    f = x**4 - 3*x**2 + 6
    g = x**6 - 5*x**4 + 5*x**2 + 4

    assert ratint(f/g, x) == \
        atan(x) + atan(x**3) + atan(x/2 - 3*x**3/2 + Rational(1, 2)*x**5)

    f = x**7 - 24*x**4 - 4*x**2 + 8*x - 8
    g = x**8 + 6*x**6 + 12*x**4 + 8*x**2

    assert ratint(f/g, x) == \
        (4 + 6*x + 8*x**2 + 3*x**3)/(4*x + 4*x**3 + x**5) + log(x)

    assert ratint((x**3*f)/(x*g), x) == \
        -(12 - 16*x + 6*x**2 - 14*x**3)/(4 + 4*x**2 + x**4) - \
        5*sqrt(2)*atan(x*sqrt(2)/2) + Rational(1, 2)*x**2 - 3*log(2 + x**2)

    f = x**5 - x**4 + 4*x**3 + x**2 - x + 5
    g = x**4 - 2*x**3 + 5*x**2 - 4*x + 4

    assert ratint(f/g, x) == \
        x + Rational(1, 2)*x**2 + Rational(1, 2)*log(2 - x + x**2) - (4*x - 9)/(14 - 7*x + 7*x**2) + \
        13*sqrt(7)*atan(-Rational(1, 7)*sqrt(7) + 2*x*sqrt(7)/7)/49

    assert ratint(1/(x**2 + x + 1), x) == \
        2*sqrt(3)*atan(sqrt(3)/3 + 2*x*sqrt(3)/3)/3

    assert ratint(1/(x**3 + 1), x) == \
        -log(1 - x + x**2)/6 + log(1 + x)/3 + sqrt(3)*atan(-sqrt(3)
                                                           / 3 + 2*x*sqrt(3)/3)/3

    assert ratint(1/(x**2 + x + 1), x, extended_real=False) == \
        -I*3**half*log(half + x - half*I*3**half)/3 + \
        I*3**half*log(half + x + half*I*3**half)/3

    assert ratint(1/(x**3 + 1), x, extended_real=False) == log(1 + x)/3 + \
        (-Rational(1, 6) + I*3**half/6)*log(-half + x + I*3**half/2) + \
        (-Rational(1, 6) - I*3**half/6)*log(-half + x - I*3**half/2)

    # issue sympy/sympy#4991
    assert ratint(1/(x*(a + b*x)**3), x) == \
        (3*a + 2*b*x)/(2*a**4 + 4*a**3*b*x + 2*a**2*b**2*x**2) + (
            log(x) - log(a/b + x))/a**3

    assert ratint(x/(1 - x**2), x) == -log(x**2 - 1)/2
    assert ratint(-x/(1 - x**2), x) == log(x**2 - 1)/2

    assert ratint((x/4 - 4/(1 - x)).diff(x), x) == x/4 + 4/(x - 1)

    ans = atan(x)
    assert ratint(1/(x**2 + 1), x, symbol=x) == ans
    assert ratint(1/(x**2 + 1), x, symbol='x') == ans
    assert ratint(1/(x**2 + 1), x, symbol=a) == ans

    ans = (-sqrt(2)*log(x**2 + x*(-2 - sqrt(2)) + sqrt(2) + 2)/8 +
           sqrt(2)*log(x**2 + x*(-2 + sqrt(2)) - sqrt(2) + 2)/8 -
           sqrt(2)*atan(-sqrt(2)*x + 1 + sqrt(2))/4 +
           sqrt(2)*atan(sqrt(2)*x - sqrt(2) + 1)/4)
    assert ratint(1/((x - 1)**4 + 1), x) == ans

    ans = RootSum(776887*t**7 + 27216*t**5 - 15120*t**4 + 3780*t**3 -
                  504*t**2 + 35*t - 1,
                  Lambda(t, t*log(x + 6041073312*t**6/117649 +
                                  1006845552*t**5/117649 +
                                  379439208*t**4/117649 -
                                  54333252*t**3/117649 +
                                  20337738*t**2/117649 - 529481*t/117649 +
    assert ratint(1/(x**7 - x + 1), x) == ans
def ratint(f, x, **flags):
    """Performs indefinite integration of rational functions.

       Given a field :math:`K` and a rational function :math:`f = p/q`,
       where :math:`p` and :math:`q` are polynomials in :math:`K[x]`,
       returns a function :math:`g` such that :math:`f = g'`.

       >>> from diofant.integrals.rationaltools import ratint
       >>> from diofant.abc import x

       >>> ratint(36/(x**5 - 2*x**4 - 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + x - 2), x)
       (12*x + 6)/(x**2 - 1) + 4*log(x - 2) - 4*log(x + 1)


       .. [Bro05] M. Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental
          Functions, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 35-70

       See Also

    if type(f) is not tuple:
        p, q = f.as_numer_denom()
        p, q = f

    p, q = Poly(p, x, composite=False, field=True), Poly(q,

    coeff, p, q = p.cancel(q)
    poly, p = p.div(q)

    result = poly.integrate(x).as_expr()

    if p.is_zero:
        return coeff * result

    g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)

    P, Q = h.as_numer_denom()

    P = Poly(P, x)
    Q = Poly(Q, x)

    q, r = P.div(Q)

    result += g + q.integrate(x).as_expr()

    if not r.is_zero:
        symbol = flags.get('symbol', 't')

        if not isinstance(symbol, Symbol):
            t = Dummy(symbol)
            t = symbol.as_dummy()

        L = ratint_logpart(r, Q, x, t)

        ereal = flags.get('extended_real')

        if ereal is None:
            if type(f) is not tuple:
                atoms = f.atoms()
                p, q = f

                atoms = p.atoms() | q.atoms()

            for elt in atoms - {x}:
                if not elt.is_extended_real:
                    ereal = False
                ereal = True

        eps = Integer(0)

        if not ereal:
            for h, q in L:
                eps += RootSum(q,
                               Lambda(t, t * log(h.as_expr())),
            for h, q in L:
                R = log_to_real(h, q, x, t)

                if R is not None:
                    eps += R
                    eps += RootSum(q,
                                   Lambda(t, t * log(h.as_expr())),

        result += eps

    return coeff * result
def test_RootSum_free_symbols():
    assert RootSum(x**3 + x + 3, Lambda(r, exp(r))).free_symbols == set()
    assert RootSum(x**3 + x + 3, Lambda(r, exp(a * r))).free_symbols == {a}
    assert RootSum(x**3 + x + y, Lambda(r, exp(a * r)),
                   x).free_symbols == {a, y}
def test_RootSum___new__():
    f = x**3 + x + 3

    g = Lambda(r, log(r * x))
    s = RootSum(f, g)

    assert isinstance(s, RootSum) is True

    assert RootSum(f**2, g) == 2 * RootSum(f, g)
    assert RootSum((x - 7) * f**3, g) == log(7 * x) + 3 * RootSum(f, g)

    # issue sympy/sympy#5571
    assert hash(RootSum((x - 7) * f**3,
                        g)) == hash(log(7 * x) + 3 * RootSum(f, g))

    pytest.raises(MultivariatePolynomialError, lambda: RootSum(x**3 + x + y))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: RootSum(x**2 + 3, lambda x: x))

    assert RootSum(f, log) == RootSum(f, Lambda(x, log(x)))

    assert isinstance(RootSum(f, auto=False), RootSum) is True

    assert RootSum(f) == 0
    assert RootSum(f, Lambda(x, x)) == 0
    assert RootSum(f, Lambda(x, x**2)) == -2

    assert RootSum(f, Lambda(x, 1)) == 3
    assert RootSum(f, Lambda(x, 2)) == 6

    assert RootSum(f, auto=False).is_commutative is True

    assert RootSum(f, Lambda(x, 1 / (x + x**2))) == Rational(11, 3)
    assert RootSum(f, Lambda(x, y / (x + x**2))) == Rational(11, 3) * y

    assert RootSum(x**2 - 1, Lambda(x, 3 * x**2), x) == 6
    assert RootSum(x**2 - y, Lambda(x, 3 * x**2), x) == 6 * y

    assert RootSum(x**2 - 1, Lambda(x, z * x**2), x) == 2 * z
    assert RootSum(x**2 - y, Lambda(x, z * x**2), x) == 2 * z * y

    assert RootSum(x**2 - 1, Lambda(x, exp(x)),
                   quadratic=True) == exp(-1) + exp(1)

    assert RootSum(x**3 + a*x + a**3, tan, x) == \
        RootSum(x**3 + x + 1, Lambda(x, tan(a*x)))
    assert RootSum(a**3*x**3 + a*x + 1, tan, x) == \
        RootSum(x**3 + x + 1, Lambda(x, tan(x/a)))

    assert isinstance(
        RootSum(x**7 + 2 * x + 1, Lambda(x, log(x))).doit(), RootSum)
def test_RootSum():
    r = RootSum(x**3 + x + 3, Lambda(y, log(y * z)))
    assert mathematica_code(r) == ('RootSum[Function[{x}, x^3 + x + 3], '
                                   'Function[{y}, Log[y*z]]]')