def get_query(self): """Returns SQL query that will be used to create the M-formatted table """ start_time = self.__start_time stop_time = self.__stop_time if self.__convert_to_unix_time: start_time = utils.to_unix_time(start_time) stop_time = utils.to_unix_time(stop_time) try: # If times are numbers, their string representations don't have # surrounding single quotes. Otherwise, they do float(start_time) except ValueError: start_time = "'{}'".format(start_time) try: float(stop_time) except ValueError: stop_time = "'{}'".format(start_time) col_specs = self.__col_specs conn = self.__conn table_name = self.__rg_table_name # get all features sql_features = "SELECT DISTINCT {} FROM {};".format(col_specs["feature"], table_name) feat_names = [row[0] for row in conn.execute(sql_features)] # figure out aggregations aggregations = { feat_name: self.__aggregations[feat_name] if self.__aggregations.has_key(feat_name) else self.__default_aggregation for feat_name in feat_names } # Now we build the complicated sql query sql_select_clause = "SELECT, {} ".format( ", ".join(["{0}_tbl.val AS {0}".format(feat) for feat in feat_names]) ) sql_from_clause_top = ("FROM ({}SELECT DISTINCT {} AS id FROM {}) id_tbl " "LEFT JOIN ").format( "(" * len(feat_names), col_specs["unit_id"], table_name ) sql_from_clause_features = "LEFT JOIN ".join( [ ( "(SELECT {unit_id_col} AS id, {aggr}({val_col}) AS val FROM " "{table_name} WHERE " "{feature_col} = '{feat_name}' AND " "(({start_time_col} >= {start_time} " " AND {start_time_col} <= {stop_time}) " " OR {start_time_col} IS NULL) AND " "(({stop_time_col} >= {start_time} " " AND {stop_time_col} <= {stop_time}) " " OR {stop_time_col} IS NULL) " "GROUP BY id) {feat_name}_tbl ON " " = {feat_name} " ).format( unit_id_col=col_specs["unit_id"], aggr=aggregations[feat_name], val_col=col_specs["val"], table_name=table_name, feature_col=col_specs["feature"], start_time_col=col_specs["start_time"], start_time=start_time, stop_time_col=col_specs["stop_time"], stop_time=stop_time, feat_name=feat_name, ) for feat_name in feat_names ] ) # TODO we can probably do something more sophisticated than just # throwing the user's directives in here sql_where_clause = "" if self.__selections: sql_where_clause = "WHERE " + "AND ".join(["({})".format(sel) for sel in self.__selections]) sql_select = "{} {} {} {}".format( sql_select_clause, sql_from_clause_top, sql_from_clause_features, sql_where_clause ) return sql_select