def get_synthetic_warped_circle(nslices):
    #get a subsampled circle
    fname_cicle = get_data('reg_o')
    circle = np.load(fname_cicle)[::4,::4].astype(floating)

    #create a synthetic invertible map and warp the circle
    d, dinv = vfu.create_harmonic_fields_2d(64, 64, 0.1, 4)
    d = np.asarray(d, dtype=floating)
    dinv = np.asarray(dinv, dtype=floating)
    mapping = DiffeomorphicMap(2, (64, 64))
    mapping.forward, mapping.backward = d, dinv
    wcircle = mapping.transform(circle)

    if(nslices == 1):
        return circle, wcircle

    #normalize and form the 3d by piling slices
    circle = (circle-circle.min())/(circle.max() - circle.min())
    circle_3d = np.ndarray(circle.shape + (nslices,), dtype=floating)
    circle_3d[...] = circle[...,None]
    circle_3d[...,0] = 0
    circle_3d[...,-1] = 0

    #do the same with the warped circle
    wcircle = (wcircle-wcircle.min())/(wcircle.max() - wcircle.min())
    wcircle_3d = np.ndarray(wcircle.shape + (nslices,), dtype=floating)
    wcircle_3d[...] = wcircle[...,None]
    wcircle_3d[...,0] = 0
    wcircle_3d[...,-1] = 0

    return circle_3d, wcircle_3d
def get_warped_stacked_image(image, nslices, b, m):
    r""" Creates a volume by stacking copies of a deformed image

    The image is deformed under an invertible field, and a 3D volume is
    generated as follows:
    the first and last `nslices`//3 slices are filled with zeros
    to simulate background. The remaining middle slices are filled with
    copies of the deformed `image` under the action of the invertible

    image : 2d array shape(r, c)
        the image to be deformed
    nslices : int
        the number of slices in the final volume
    b, m : float
        parameters of the harmonic field (as in [1]).

    vol : array shape(r, c) if `nslices`==1 else (r, c, `nslices`)
        the volumed generated using the undeformed image
    wvol : array shape(r, c) if `nslices`==1 else (r, c, `nslices`)
        the volumed generated using the warped image

    [1] Chen, M., Lu, W., Chen, Q., Ruchala, K. J., & Olivera, G. H. (2008).
        A simple fixed-point approach to invert a deformation field.
        Medical Physics, 35(1), 81. doi:10.1118/1.2816107
    shape = image.shape
    # create a synthetic invertible map and warp the circle
    d, dinv = vfu.create_harmonic_fields_2d(shape[0], shape[1], b, m)
    d = np.asarray(d, dtype=floating)
    dinv = np.asarray(dinv, dtype=floating)
    mapping = DiffeomorphicMap(2, shape)
    mapping.forward, mapping.backward = d, dinv
    wimage = mapping.transform(image)

    if (nslices == 1):
        return image, wimage

    # normalize and form the 3d by piling slices
    image = image.astype(floating)
    image = (image - image.min()) / (image.max() - image.min())
    zero_slices = nslices // 3
    vol = np.zeros(shape=image.shape + (nslices, ))
    vol[..., zero_slices:(2 * zero_slices)] = image[..., None]
    wvol = np.zeros(shape=image.shape + (nslices, ))
    wvol[..., zero_slices:(2 * zero_slices)] = wimage[..., None]

    return vol, wvol
def get_warped_stacked_image(image, nslices, b, m):
    r""" Creates a volume by stacking copies of a deformed image

    The image is deformed under an invertible field, and a 3D volume is
    generated as follows:
    the first and last `nslices`//3 slices are filled with zeros
    to simulate background. The remaining middle slices are filled with
    copies of the deformed `image` under the action of the invertible

    image : 2d array shape(r, c)
        the image to be deformed
    nslices : int
        the number of slices in the final volume
    b, m : float
        parameters of the harmonic field (as in [1]).

    vol : array shape(r, c) if `nslices`==1 else (r, c, `nslices`)
        the volumed generated using the undeformed image
    wvol : array shape(r, c) if `nslices`==1 else (r, c, `nslices`)
        the volumed generated using the warped image

    [1] Chen, M., Lu, W., Chen, Q., Ruchala, K. J., & Olivera, G. H. (2008).
        A simple fixed-point approach to invert a deformation field.
        Medical Physics, 35(1), 81. doi:10.1118/1.2816107
    shape = image.shape
    # create a synthetic invertible map and warp the circle
    d, dinv = vfu.create_harmonic_fields_2d(shape[0], shape[1], b, m)
    d = np.asarray(d, dtype=floating)
    dinv = np.asarray(dinv, dtype=floating)
    mapping = DiffeomorphicMap(2, shape)
    mapping.forward, mapping.backward = d, dinv
    wimage = mapping.transform(image)

    if(nslices == 1):
        return image, wimage

    # normalize and form the 3d by piling slices
    image = image.astype(floating)
    image = (image - image.min()) / (image.max() - image.min())
    zero_slices = nslices // 3
    vol = np.zeros(shape=image.shape + (nslices,))
    vol[..., zero_slices:(2 * zero_slices)] = image[..., None]
    wvol = np.zeros(shape=image.shape + (nslices,))
    wvol[..., zero_slices:(2 * zero_slices)] = wimage[..., None]

    return vol, wvol