def test_gqi_small():

    # read bvals,gradients and data
    bvals = np.load(opj(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "small_64D.bvals.npy"))
    gradients = np.load(opj(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "small_64D.gradients.npy"))
    img = ni.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "small_64D.nii"))
    data = img.get_data()

    print (bvals.shape)
    print (gradients.shape)
    print (data.shape)

    t1 = time.clock()

    gqs = gq.GeneralizedQSampling(data, bvals, gradients)

    t2 = time.clock()
    print ("GQS in %d" % (t2 - t1))

    eds = np.load(opj(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "matrices", "evenly_distributed_sphere_362.npz"))

    odf_vertices = eds["vertices"]
    odf_faces = eds["faces"]

    # Yeh et.al, IEEE TMI, 2010
    # calculate the odf using GQI

    scaling = np.sqrt(bvals * 0.01506)  # 0.01506 = 6*D where D is the free
    # water diffusion coefficient
    # l_values sqrt(6 D tau) D free water
    # diffusion coefficiet and tau included in the b-value

    tmp = np.tile(scaling, (3, 1))
    b_vector = gradients.T * tmp
    Lambda = 1.2  # smoothing parameter - diffusion sampling length

    q2odf_params = np.sinc(np.dot(b_vector.T, odf_vertices.T) * Lambda / np.pi)
    # implements equation no. 9 from Yeh et.al.

    S = data.copy()

    x, y, z, g = S.shape
    S = S.reshape(x * y * z, g)
    QA = np.zeros((x * y * z, 5))
    IN = np.zeros((x * y * z, 5))

    fwd = 0

    # Calculate Quantitative Anisotropy and find the peaks and the indices
    # for every voxel

    for (i, s) in enumerate(S):

        odf = Q2odf(s, q2odf_params)
        peaks, inds = rp.peak_finding(odf, odf_faces)
        fwd = max(np.max(odf), fwd)
        peaks = peaks - np.min(odf)
        l = min(len(peaks), 5)
        QA[i][:l] = peaks[:l]
        IN[i][:l] = inds[:l]

    QA /= fwd
    QA = QA.reshape(x, y, z, 5)
    IN = IN.reshape(x, y, z, 5)

    print ("Old %d secs" % (time.clock() - t2))

    yield assert_equal((gqs.QA - QA).max(), 0.0, "Frank QA different than dipy QA")
    yield assert_equal((gqs.QA.shape), QA.shape, "Frank QA shape is different")

    yield assert_equal(
        len(tp.FACT_Delta(QA, IN, seeds_no=100).tracks),
        "FACT_Delta is not generating the right number of tracks for this dataset",
文件: pf_script.py 项目: stefanv/dipy
import numpy as np
from dipy.core.reconstruction_performance import peak_finding
from dipy.core.reconstruction_performance import pf_bago

from dipy.core.triangle_subdivide import create_unit_sphere, remove_half_sphere

v, e, t = create_unit_sphere(5)
vH, eH, tH = remove_half_sphere(v, e, t)

odf = np.random.random(len(vH))

pB, iB = pf_bago(odf, eH)

bO = np.r_[odf, odf]
faces = e[t, 0]
faces = faces / 2 + (faces % 2) * len(odf)

p, i = peak_finding(bO, faces)
def test_gqiodf():

    # read bvals,gradients and data
    bvals = np.load(opj(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "small_64D.bvals.npy"))
    gradients = np.load(opj(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "small_64D.gradients.npy"))
    img = ni.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "small_64D.nii"))
    data = img.get_data()

    # print(bvals.shape)
    # print(gradients.shape)
    # print(data.shape)

    t1 = time.clock()

    gqs = gq.GeneralizedQSampling(data, bvals, gradients)
    ten = dt.Tensor(data, bvals, gradients, thresh=50)

    fa = ten.fa()

    x, y, z, a, b = ten.evecs.shape
    evecs = ten.evecs
    xyz = x * y * z
    evecs = evecs.reshape(xyz, 3, 3)
    # vs = np.sign(evecs[:,2,:])
    # print vs.shape
    # print np.hstack((vs,vs,vs)).reshape(1000,3,3).shape
    # evecs = np.hstack((vs,vs,vs)).reshape(1000,3,3)
    # print evecs.shape
    evals = ten.evals
    evals = evals.reshape(xyz, 3)
    # print evals.shape

    t2 = time.clock()
    # print('GQS in %d' %(t2-t1))

    eds = np.load(opj(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "matrices", "evenly_distributed_sphere_362.npz"))

    odf_vertices = eds["vertices"]
    odf_faces = eds["faces"]

    # Yeh et.al, IEEE TMI, 2010
    # calculate the odf using GQI

    scaling = np.sqrt(bvals * 0.01506)  # 0.01506 = 6*D where D is the free
    # water diffusion coefficient
    # l_values sqrt(6 D tau) D free water
    # diffusion coefficiet and tau included in the b-value

    tmp = np.tile(scaling, (3, 1))
    b_vector = gradients.T * tmp
    Lambda = 1.2  # smoothing parameter - diffusion sampling length

    q2odf_params = np.sinc(np.dot(b_vector.T, odf_vertices.T) * Lambda / np.pi)
    # implements equation no. 9 from Yeh et.al.

    S = data.copy()

    x, y, z, g = S.shape
    S = S.reshape(x * y * z, g)
    QA = np.zeros((x * y * z, 5))
    IN = np.zeros((x * y * z, 5))

    fwd = 0

    # Calculate Quantitative Anisotropy and find the peaks and the indices
    # for every voxel

    summary = {}

    summary["vertices"] = odf_vertices
    v = odf_vertices.shape[0]
    summary["faces"] = odf_faces
    f = odf_faces.shape[0]

    If e = number_of_edges
    the Euler formula says f-e+v = 2 for a mesh on a sphere
    Here, assuming we have a healthy triangulation
    every face is a triangle, all 3 of whose edges should belong to
    exactly two faces = so 2*e = 3*f
    to avoid division we test whether 2*f - 3*f + 2*v == 4
    or equivalently 2*v - f == 4

    yield assert_equal(2 * v - f, 4, "Direct Euler test fails")
    yield assert_true(
        meshes.euler_characteristic_check(odf_vertices, odf_faces, chi=2), "euler_characteristic_check fails"

    coarse = meshes.coarseness(odf_faces)
    print "coarseness: ", coarse

    for (i, s) in enumerate(S):

        # print 'Volume %d' % i

        istr = str(i)

        summary[istr] = {}

        odf = Q2odf(s, q2odf_params)
        peaks, inds = rp.peak_finding(odf, odf_faces)
        fwd = max(np.max(odf), fwd)
        peaks = peaks - np.min(odf)
        l = min(len(peaks), 5)
        QA[i][:l] = peaks[:l]
        IN[i][:l] = inds[:l]

        summary[istr]["odf"] = odf
        summary[istr]["peaks"] = peaks
        summary[istr]["inds"] = inds
        summary[istr]["evecs"] = evecs[i, :, :]
        summary[istr]["evals"] = evals[i, :]

    QA /= fwd
    QA = QA.reshape(x, y, z, 5)
    IN = IN.reshape(x, y, z, 5)

    # print('Old %d secs' %(time.clock() - t2))
    # yield assert_equal((gqs.QA-QA).max(),0.,'Frank QA different than our QA')

    # yield assert_equal((gqs.QA.shape),QA.shape, 'Frank QA shape is different')

    # yield assert_equal((gqs.QA-QA).max(), 0.)

    # import dipy.core.track_propagation as tp

    # tp.FACT_Delta(QA,IN)

    # return tp.FACT_Delta(QA,IN,seeds_no=10000).tracks

    peaks_1 = [i for i in range(1000) if len(summary[str(i)]["inds"]) == 1]
    peaks_2 = [i for i in range(1000) if len(summary[str(i)]["inds"]) == 2]
    peaks_3 = [i for i in range(1000) if len(summary[str(i)]["inds"]) == 3]

    # correct numbers of voxels with respectively 1,2,3 ODF/QA peaks
    yield assert_array_equal(
        (len(peaks_1), len(peaks_2), len(peaks_3)), (790, 196, 14), "error in numbers of QA/ODF peaks"

    # correct indices of odf directions for voxels 0,10,44
    # with respectively 1,2,3 ODF/QA peaks
    yield assert_array_equal(summary["0"]["inds"], [116], "wrong peak indices for voxel 0")
    yield assert_array_equal(summary["10"]["inds"], [105, 78], "wrong peak indices for voxel 10")
    yield assert_array_equal(summary["44"]["inds"], [95, 84, 108], "wrong peak indices for voxel 44")

    yield assert_equal(np.argmax(summary["0"]["odf"]), 116)
    yield assert_equal(np.argmax(summary["10"]["odf"]), 105)
    yield assert_equal(np.argmax(summary["44"]["odf"]), 95)

    pole_1 = summary["vertices"][116]
    # print 'pole_1', pole_1
    pole_2 = summary["vertices"][105]
    # print 'pole_2', pole_2
    pole_3 = summary["vertices"][95]
    # print 'pole_3', pole_3

    vertices = summary["vertices"]

    width = 0.02  # 0.3 #0.05

    print 'pole_1 equator contains:', len([i for i,v in enumerate(vertices) if np.abs(np.dot(v,pole_1)) < width])
    print 'pole_2 equator contains:', len([i for i,v in enumerate(vertices) if np.abs(np.dot(v,pole_2)) < width])
    print 'pole_3 equator contains:', len([i for i,v in enumerate(vertices) if np.abs(np.dot(v,pole_3)) < width])

    # print 'pole_1 equator contains:', len(meshes.equatorial_vertices(vertices,pole_1,width))
    # print 'pole_2 equator contains:', len(meshes.equatorial_vertices(vertices,pole_2,width))
    # print 'pole_3 equator contains:', len(meshes'equatorial_vertices(vertices,pole_3,width))

    # print triple_odf_maxima(vertices,summary['0']['odf'],width)
    # print triple_odf_maxima(vertices,summary['10']['odf'],width)
    # print triple_odf_maxima(vertices,summary['44']['odf'],width)
    # print summary['0']['evals']


    from dipy.viz import fos
    for i,ev in enumerate(vertices):        
        if np.abs(np.dot(ev,pole))<width:


    triple = triple_odf_maxima(vertices, summary["10"]["odf"], width)

    indmax1, odfmax1 = triple[0]
    indmax2, odfmax2 = triple[1]
    indmax3, odfmax3 = triple[2]

    from dipy.viz import fos
    for v in vertices:

    mat = np.vstack([vertices[indmax1], vertices[indmax2], vertices[indmax3]])

    print np.dot(mat, np.transpose(mat))
    # this is to assess how othogonal the triple is/are
    print np.dot(summary["0"]["evecs"], np.transpose(mat))