def test_disperse_charges():
    charges = np.array([[1., 0, 0], [0, 1., 0], [0, 0, 1.]])
    d_sphere, pot = disperse_charges(HemiSphere(xyz=charges), 10)
    nt.assert_array_almost_equal(charges, d_sphere.vertices)

    a = np.sqrt(3) / 2
    charges = np.array([[3. / 5, 4. / 5, 0], [4. / 5, 3. / 5, 0]])
    expected_charges = np.array([[0, 1., 0], [1., 0, 0]])
    d_sphere, pot = disperse_charges(HemiSphere(xyz=charges), 1000, .2)
    nt.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_charges, d_sphere.vertices)
    for ii in xrange(1, len(pot)):
        # check that the potential of the system is going down
        nt.assert_(pot[ii] - pot[ii - 1] <= 0)

    # Check that the disperse_charges does not blow up with a large constant
    d_sphere, pot = disperse_charges(HemiSphere(xyz=charges), 1000, 20.)
    nt.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_charges, d_sphere.vertices)
    for ii in xrange(1, len(pot)):
        # check that the potential of the system is going down
        nt.assert_(pot[ii] - pot[ii - 1] <= 0)

    # check that the function seems to work with a larger number of charges
    charges = np.arange(21).reshape(7, 3)
    norms = np.sqrt((charges * charges).sum(-1))
    charges = charges / norms[:, None]
    d_sphere, pot = disperse_charges(HemiSphere(xyz=charges), 1000, .05)
    for ii in xrange(1, len(pot)):
        # check that the potential of the system is going down
        nt.assert_(pot[ii] - pot[ii - 1] <= 0)
    # check that the resulting charges all lie on the unit sphere
    d_charges = d_sphere.vertices
    norms = np.sqrt((d_charges * d_charges).sum(-1))
    nt.assert_array_almost_equal(norms, 1)
def generate_combinations(items, n):
    """ Combine sets of size n from items

    items : sequence
    n : int

    ic : iterator

    >>> from dipy.tracking.metrics import generate_combinations
    >>> ic=generate_combinations(range(3),2)
    >>> for i in ic: print(i)
    [0, 1]
    [0, 2]
    [1, 2]

    if n == 0:
        yield []
    elif n == 2:
        # if n=2 non_recursive
        for i in xrange(len(items)-1):
            for j in xrange(i+1, len(items)):
                yield [i, j]
        # if n>2 uses recursion
        for i in xrange(len(items)):
            for cc in generate_combinations(items[i+1:], n-1):
                yield [items[i]] + cc
文件: models.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
    def resample( self, in_path, idx_out, Ylm_out, doMergeB0 ) :
        if doMergeB0:
            nS = 1+self.scheme.dwi_count
            merge_idx = np.hstack((self.scheme.b0_idx[0],self.scheme.dwi_idx))
            nS = self.scheme.nS
            merge_idx = np.arange(nS)
        KERNELS = {}
        KERNELS['model'] = self.id
        KERNELS['wmr'] = np.zeros( (len(self.Rs),181,181,nS,), dtype=np.float32 )
        KERNELS['wmh'] = np.zeros( (len(self.ICVFs),181,181,nS,), dtype=np.float32 )
        KERNELS['iso'] = np.zeros( (len(self.d_ISOs),nS,), dtype=np.float32 )

        nATOMS = len(self.Rs) + len(self.ICVFs) + len(self.d_ISOs)
        progress = ProgressBar( n=nATOMS, prefix="   ", erase=True )

        # Cylinder(s)
        for i in xrange(len(self.Rs)) :
            lm = np.load( pjoin( in_path, 'A_%03d.npy'%progress.i ) )
            KERNELS['wmr'][i,:,:,:] = amico.lut.resample_kernel( lm, self.scheme.nS, idx_out, Ylm_out, False )[:,:,merge_idx]

        # Zeppelin(s)
        for i in xrange(len(self.ICVFs)) :
            lm = np.load( pjoin( in_path, 'A_%03d.npy'%progress.i ) )
            KERNELS['wmh'][i,:,:,:] = amico.lut.resample_kernel( lm, self.scheme.nS, idx_out, Ylm_out, False )[:,:,merge_idx]

        # Ball(s)
        for i in xrange(len(self.d_ISOs)) :
            lm = np.load( pjoin( in_path, 'A_%03d.npy'%progress.i ) )
            KERNELS['iso'][i,:] = amico.lut.resample_kernel( lm, self.scheme.nS, idx_out, Ylm_out, True )[merge_idx]

        return KERNELS
文件: lut.py 项目: devhliu/AMICO
def resample_kernel(KRlm, nS, idx_out, Ylm_out, is_isotropic):
    """Project/resample a spherical function to signal space.

    KRlm : numpy.array
        Rotated spherical functions (in SH space) to project
    nS : integer
        Number of samples in the subject's acquisition scheme
    idx_out : list of list
        Index of samples in output kernel
    Ylm_out : numpy.array
        Matrix to project back all shells from SH space to signal space (of the subject)
    is_isotropic : boolean
        Indentifies whether Klm is an isotropic function or not

    KR = numpy.array
        Rotated spherical functions projected to signal space of the subject
    if is_isotropic == False:
        KR = np.ones((181, 181, nS), dtype=np.float32)
        for ox in xrange(181):
            for oy in xrange(181):
                KR[ox, oy, idx_out] = np.dot(Ylm_out,
                                                  oy, :]).astype(np.float32)
        KR = np.ones(nS, dtype=np.float32)
        KR[idx_out] = np.dot(Ylm_out, KRlm).astype(np.float32)
    return KR
文件: lut.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
def resample_kernel( KRlm, nS, idx_out, Ylm_out, is_isotropic ) :
    """Project/resample a spherical function to signal space.

    KRlm : numpy.array
        Rotated spherical functions (in SH space) to project
    nS : integer
        Number of samples in the subject's acquisition scheme
    idx_out : list of list
        Index of samples in output kernel
    Ylm_out : numpy.array
        Matrix to project back all shells from SH space to signal space (of the subject)
    is_isotropic : boolean
        Indentifies whether Klm is an isotropic function or not

    KR = numpy.array
        Rotated spherical functions projected to signal space of the subject
    if is_isotropic == False :
        KR = np.ones( (181,181,nS), dtype=np.float32 )
        for ox in xrange(181) :
            for oy in xrange(181) :
                KR[ox,oy,idx_out] = np.dot( Ylm_out, KRlm[ox,oy,:] ).astype(np.float32)
    else :
        KR = np.ones( nS, dtype=np.float32 )
        KR[idx_out] = np.dot( Ylm_out, KRlm ).astype(np.float32)
    return KR
def generate_combinations(items, n):
    """ Combine sets of size n from items

    items : sequence
    n : int

    ic : iterator

    >>> from dipy.tracking.metrics import generate_combinations
    >>> ic=generate_combinations(range(3),2)
    >>> for i in ic: print(i)
    [0, 1]
    [0, 2]
    [1, 2]

    if n == 0:
        yield []
    elif n == 2:
        # if n=2 non_recursive
        for i in xrange(len(items)-1):
            for j in xrange(i+1, len(items)):
                yield [i, j]
        # if n>2 uses recursion
        for i in xrange(len(items)):
            for cc in generate_combinations(items[i+1:], n-1):
                yield [items[i]] + cc
文件: models.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
    def resample( self, in_path, idx_out, Ylm_out, doMergeB0 ) :
        if doMergeB0:
            nS = 1+self.scheme.dwi_count
            merge_idx = np.hstack((self.scheme.b0_idx[0],self.scheme.dwi_idx))
            nS = self.scheme.nS
            merge_idx = np.arange(nS)
        KERNELS = {}
        KERNELS['model'] = self.id
        KERNELS['D']     = np.zeros( (len(self.d_perps),181,181,nS), dtype=np.float32 )
        KERNELS['CSF']   = np.zeros( (len(self.d_isos),nS), dtype=np.float32 )

        nATOMS = len(self.d_perps) + len(self.d_isos)
        progress = ProgressBar( n=nATOMS, prefix="   ", erase=True )

        # Tensor compartment(s)
        for i in xrange(len(self.d_perps)) :
            lm = np.load( pjoin( in_path, 'A_%03d.npy'%progress.i ) )
            KERNELS['D'][i,...] = amico.lut.resample_kernel( lm, self.scheme.nS, idx_out, Ylm_out, False )[:,:,merge_idx]

        # Isotropic compartment(s)
        for i in xrange(len(self.d_isos)) :
            lm = np.load( pjoin( in_path, 'A_%03d.npy'%progress.i ) )
            KERNELS['CSF'][i,...] = amico.lut.resample_kernel( lm, self.scheme.nS, idx_out, Ylm_out, True )[merge_idx]

        return KERNELS
def partition(array):
    size = len(array)
    half_size = int(size / 2)
    x1 = []
    x2 = []
    for index in xrange(0, half_size):
    for index in xrange(half_size, size):
    return [x1, x2]
def test_voxel_ornt():
    sh = (40, 40, 40)
    sz = (1, 2, 3)
    I4 = np.eye(4)

    ras = orientation_from_string('ras')
    sra = orientation_from_string('sra')
    lpi = orientation_from_string('lpi')
    srp = orientation_from_string('srp')

    affine = reorder_voxels_affine(ras, ras, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(affine, I4)
    affine = reorder_voxels_affine(sra, sra, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(affine, I4)
    affine = reorder_voxels_affine(lpi, lpi, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(affine, I4)
    affine = reorder_voxels_affine(srp, srp, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(affine, I4)

    streamlines = make_streamlines()
    box = np.array(sh) * sz

    sra_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(ras, sra, sh, sz)
    toras_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(sra, ras, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(np.dot(toras_affine, sra_affine), I4)
    expected_sl = (sl[:, [2, 0, 1]] for sl in streamlines)
    test_sl = move_streamlines(streamlines, sra_affine)
    for _ in xrange(len(streamlines)):
        assert_array_equal(next(test_sl), next(expected_sl))

    lpi_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(ras, lpi, sh, sz)
    toras_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(lpi, ras, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(np.dot(toras_affine, lpi_affine), I4)
    expected_sl = (box - sl for sl in streamlines)
    test_sl = move_streamlines(streamlines, lpi_affine)
    for _ in xrange(len(streamlines)):
        assert_array_equal(next(test_sl), next(expected_sl))

    srp_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(ras, srp, sh, sz)
    toras_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(srp, ras, (40, 40, 40), (3, 1, 2))
    assert_array_equal(np.dot(toras_affine, srp_affine), I4)
    expected_sl = [sl.copy() for sl in streamlines]
    for sl in expected_sl:
        sl[:, 1] = box[1] - sl[:, 1]
    expected_sl = (sl[:, [2, 0, 1]] for sl in expected_sl)
    test_sl = move_streamlines(streamlines, srp_affine)
    for _ in xrange(len(streamlines)):
        assert_array_equal(next(test_sl), next(expected_sl))
def test_voxel_ornt():
    sh = (40, 40, 40)
    sz = (1, 2, 3)
    I4 = np.eye(4)

    ras = orientation_from_string('ras')
    sra = orientation_from_string('sra')
    lpi = orientation_from_string('lpi')
    srp = orientation_from_string('srp')

    affine = reorder_voxels_affine(ras, ras, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(affine, I4)
    affine = reorder_voxels_affine(sra, sra, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(affine, I4)
    affine = reorder_voxels_affine(lpi, lpi, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(affine, I4)
    affine = reorder_voxels_affine(srp, srp, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(affine, I4)

    streamlines = make_streamlines()
    box = np.array(sh) * sz

    sra_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(ras, sra, sh, sz)
    toras_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(sra, ras, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(np.dot(toras_affine, sra_affine), I4)
    expected_sl = (sl[:, [2, 0, 1]] for sl in streamlines)
    test_sl = move_streamlines(streamlines, sra_affine)
    for _ in xrange(len(streamlines)):
        assert_array_equal(next(test_sl), next(expected_sl))

    lpi_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(ras, lpi, sh, sz)
    toras_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(lpi, ras, sh, sz)
    assert_array_equal(np.dot(toras_affine, lpi_affine), I4)
    expected_sl = (box - sl for sl in streamlines)
    test_sl = move_streamlines(streamlines, lpi_affine)
    for _ in xrange(len(streamlines)):
        assert_array_equal(next(test_sl), next(expected_sl))

    srp_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(ras, srp, sh, sz)
    toras_affine = reorder_voxels_affine(srp, ras, (40, 40, 40), (3, 1, 2))
    assert_array_equal(np.dot(toras_affine, srp_affine), I4)
    expected_sl = [sl.copy() for sl in streamlines]
    for sl in expected_sl:
        sl[:, 1] = box[1] - sl[:, 1]
    expected_sl = (sl[:, [2, 0, 1]] for sl in expected_sl)
    test_sl = move_streamlines(streamlines, srp_affine)
    for _ in xrange(len(streamlines)):
        assert_array_equal(next(test_sl), next(expected_sl))
文件: lut.py 项目: devhliu/AMICO
def create_high_resolution_scheme(scheme, b_scale=1):
    """Create an high-resolution version of a scheme to be used for kernel rotation (500 directions per shell).
    All other parameters of the scheme remain the same.

    scheme : Scheme class
        Original acquisition scheme
    b_scale : float
        If needed, apply a scaling to the b-values (default : 1)
    n = len(scheme.shells)
    raw = np.zeros((500 * n, 4 if scheme.version == 0 else 7))
    row = 0
    for i in xrange(n):
        raw[row:row + 500, 0:3] = grad
        if scheme.version == 0:
            raw[row:row + 500, 3] = scheme.shells[i]['b'] * b_scale
            raw[row:row + 500, 3] = scheme.shells[i]['G']
            raw[row:row + 500, 4] = scheme.shells[i]['Delta']
            raw[row:row + 500, 5] = scheme.shells[i]['delta']
            raw[row:row + 500, 6] = scheme.shells[i]['TE']
        row += 500

    return amico.scheme.Scheme(raw)
def test_TriLinearInterpolator():
    # Place (0, 0, 0) at the bottom left of the image
    l, m, n, o = np.ogrid[.5:6.51, .5:6.51, .5:6.51, 0:4]
    data = l + m + n + o
    data = data.astype("float32")

    tli = TriLinearInterpolator(data, (1, 1, 1))
    a, b, c = np.mgrid[.5:6.5:1.6, .5:6.5:2.7, .5:6.5:3.8]
    for ii in xrange(a.size):
        x = a.flat[ii]
        y = b.flat[ii]
        z = c.flat[ii]
        expected_result = x + y + z + o.ravel()
        assert_array_almost_equal(tli[x, y, z], expected_result, decimal=5)
        ind = np.array([x, y, z])
        assert_array_almost_equal(tli[ind], expected_result)

    # Index at 0
    expected_value = np.arange(4) + 1.5
    assert_array_almost_equal(tli[0, 0, 0], expected_value)
    # Index at shape
    expected_value = np.arange(4) + (6.5 * 3)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tli[7, 7, 7], expected_value)

    assert_raises(OutsideImage, tli.__getitem__, (-.1, 0, 0))
    assert_raises(OutsideImage, tli.__getitem__, (0, 7.01, 0))
文件: lut.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
def aux_structures_resample( scheme, lmax = 12 ) :
    """Compute the auxiliary data structures to resample the kernels to the original acquisition scheme.

    scheme : Scheme class
        Acquisition scheme of the acquired signal
    lmax : int
        Maximum SH order to use for the rotation phase (default : 12)

    idx_OUT : numpy array
        Indices of the samples belonging to each shell
    Ylm_OUT : numpy array
        Operator to transform each shell from Spherical harmonics to original signal space
    nSH = (lmax+1)*(lmax+2)//2
    idx_OUT = np.zeros( scheme.dwi_count, dtype=np.int32 )
    Ylm_OUT = np.zeros( (scheme.dwi_count,nSH*len(scheme.shells)), dtype=np.float32 ) # matrix from SH to real space
    idx = 0
    for s in xrange( len(scheme.shells) ) :
        nS = len( scheme.shells[s]['idx'] )
        idx_OUT[ idx:idx+nS ] = scheme.shells[s]['idx']
        _, theta, phi = cart2sphere( scheme.shells[s]['grad'][:,0], scheme.shells[s]['grad'][:,1], scheme.shells[s]['grad'][:,2] )
        tmp, _, _ = real_sym_sh_basis( lmax, theta, phi )
        Ylm_OUT[ idx:idx+nS, nSH*s:nSH*(s+1) ] = tmp
        idx += nS
    return ( idx_OUT, Ylm_OUT )
def test_TriLinearInterpolator():
    # Place (0, 0, 0) at the bottom left of the image
    l, m, n, o = np.ogrid[.5:6.51, .5:6.51, .5:6.51, 0:4]
    data = l + m + n + o
    data = data.astype("float32")

    tli = TriLinearInterpolator(data, (1, 1, 1))
    a, b, c = np.mgrid[.5:6.5:1.6, .5:6.5:2.7, .5:6.5:3.8]
    for ii in xrange(a.size):
        x = a.flat[ii]
        y = b.flat[ii]
        z = c.flat[ii]
        expected_result = x + y + z + o.ravel()
        assert_array_almost_equal(tli[x, y, z], expected_result, decimal=5)
        ind = np.array([x, y, z])
        assert_array_almost_equal(tli[ind], expected_result)

    # Index at 0
    expected_value = np.arange(4) + 1.5
    assert_array_almost_equal(tli[0, 0, 0], expected_value)
    # Index at shape
    expected_value = np.arange(4) + (6.5 * 3)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tli[7, 7, 7], expected_value)

    assert_raises(OutsideImage, tli.__getitem__, (-.1, 0, 0))
    assert_raises(OutsideImage, tli.__getitem__, (0, 7.01, 0))
文件: lut.py 项目: devhliu/AMICO
def aux_structures_resample(scheme, lmax=12):
    """Compute the auxiliary data structures to resample the kernels to the original acquisition scheme.

    scheme : Scheme class
        Acquisition scheme of the acquired signal
    lmax : int
        Maximum SH order to use for the rotation phase (default : 12)

    idx_OUT : numpy array
        Indices of the samples belonging to each shell
    Ylm_OUT : numpy array
        Operator to transform each shell from Spherical harmonics to original signal space
    nSH = (lmax + 1) * (lmax + 2) // 2
    idx_OUT = np.zeros(scheme.dwi_count, dtype=np.int32)
    Ylm_OUT = np.zeros((scheme.dwi_count, nSH * len(scheme.shells)),
                       dtype=np.float32)  # matrix from SH to real space
    idx = 0
    for s in xrange(len(scheme.shells)):
        nS = len(scheme.shells[s]['idx'])
        idx_OUT[idx:idx + nS] = scheme.shells[s]['idx']
        _, theta, phi = cart2sphere(scheme.shells[s]['grad'][:, 0],
                                    scheme.shells[s]['grad'][:, 1],
                                    scheme.shells[s]['grad'][:, 2])
        tmp, _, _ = real_sym_sh_basis(lmax, theta, phi)
        Ylm_OUT[idx:idx + nS, nSH * s:nSH * (s + 1)] = tmp
        idx += nS
    return (idx_OUT, Ylm_OUT)
文件: lut.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
def create_high_resolution_scheme( scheme, b_scale = 1 ) :
    """Create an high-resolution version of a scheme to be used for kernel rotation (500 directions per shell).
    All other parameters of the scheme remain the same.

    scheme : Scheme class
        Original acquisition scheme
    b_scale : float
        If needed, apply a scaling to the b-values (default : 1)
    n = len( scheme.shells )
    raw = np.zeros( (500*n, 4 if scheme.version==0 else 7) )
    row = 0
    for i in xrange(n) :
        raw[row:row+500,0:3] = grad
        if scheme.version == 0 :
            raw[row:row+500,3] = scheme.shells[i]['b'] * b_scale
        else :
            raw[row:row+500,3] = scheme.shells[i]['G']
            raw[row:row+500,4] = scheme.shells[i]['Delta']
            raw[row:row+500,5] = scheme.shells[i]['delta']
            raw[row:row+500,6] = scheme.shells[i]['TE']
        row += 500

    return amico.scheme.Scheme( raw )
文件: lut.py 项目: devhliu/AMICO
def precompute_rotation_matrices(lmax=12):
    """Precompute the rotation matrices to rotate the high-resolution kernels (500 directions/shell).

    lmax : int
        Maximum SH order to use for the rotation phase (default : 12)
    if not isdir(dipy_home):
    filename = pjoin(dipy_home, 'AMICO_aux_matrices_lmax=%d.pickle' % lmax)
    if isfile(filename):

    print('\n-> Precomputing rotation matrices for l_max=%d:' % lmax)
    AUX = {}
    AUX['lmax'] = lmax

    # matrix to fit the SH coefficients
    _, theta, phi = cart2sphere(grad[:, 0], grad[:, 1], grad[:, 2])
    tmp, _, _ = real_sym_sh_basis(lmax, theta, phi)
    AUX['fit'] = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(tmp.T, tmp)), tmp.T)

    # matrices to rotate the functions in SH space
    AUX['Ylm_rot'] = np.zeros((181, 181), dtype=np.object)
    for ox in xrange(181):
        for oy in xrange(181):
            tmp, _, _ = real_sym_sh_basis(lmax, ox / 180.0 * np.pi,
                                          oy / 180.0 * np.pi)
            AUX['Ylm_rot'][ox, oy] = tmp.reshape(-1)

    # auxiliary data to perform rotations
    AUX['const'] = np.zeros(AUX['fit'].shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
    AUX['idx_m0'] = np.zeros(AUX['fit'].shape[0], dtype=np.int32)
    i = 0
    for l in xrange(0, AUX['lmax'] + 1, 2):
        const = np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi / (2.0 * l + 1.0))
        idx_m0 = (l * l + l + 2.0) / 2.0 - 1
        for m in xrange(-l, l + 1):
            AUX['const'][i] = const
            AUX['idx_m0'][i] = idx_m0
            i += 1

    with open(filename, 'wb+') as fid:
        pickle.dump(AUX, fid, protocol=2)

    print('   [ DONE ]')
文件: lut.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
def precompute_rotation_matrices( lmax = 12 ) :
    """Precompute the rotation matrices to rotate the high-resolution kernels (500 directions/shell).

    lmax : int
        Maximum SH order to use for the rotation phase (default : 12)
    if not isdir(dipy_home) :
    filename = pjoin( dipy_home, 'AMICO_aux_matrices_lmax=%d.pickle'%lmax )
    if isfile( filename ) :

    print('\n-> Precomputing rotation matrices for l_max=%d:' % lmax)
    AUX = {}
    AUX['lmax'] = lmax

    # matrix to fit the SH coefficients
    _, theta, phi = cart2sphere( grad[:,0], grad[:,1], grad[:,2] )
    tmp, _, _ = real_sym_sh_basis( lmax, theta, phi )
    AUX['fit'] = np.dot( np.linalg.pinv( np.dot(tmp.T,tmp) ), tmp.T )

    # matrices to rotate the functions in SH space
    AUX['Ylm_rot'] = np.zeros( (181,181), dtype=np.object )
    for ox in xrange(181) :
        for oy in xrange(181) :
            tmp, _, _ = real_sym_sh_basis( lmax, ox/180.0*np.pi, oy/180.0*np.pi )
            AUX['Ylm_rot'][ox,oy] = tmp.reshape(-1)

    # auxiliary data to perform rotations
    AUX['const'] = np.zeros( AUX['fit'].shape[0], dtype=np.float64 )
    AUX['idx_m0'] = np.zeros( AUX['fit'].shape[0], dtype=np.int32 )
    i = 0
    for l in xrange(0,AUX['lmax']+1,2) :
        const  = np.sqrt(4.0*np.pi/(2.0*l+1.0))
        idx_m0 = (l*l + l + 2.0)/2.0 - 1
        for m in xrange(-l,l+1) :
            AUX['const'][i]  = const
            AUX['idx_m0'][i] = idx_m0
            i += 1

    with open( filename, 'wb+' ) as fid :
        pickle.dump( AUX, fid, protocol=2 )

    print('   [ DONE ]')
文件: lut.py 项目: devhliu/AMICO
def rotate_kernel(K, AUX, idx_IN, idx_OUT, is_isotropic):
    """Rotate a response function (symmetric about z-axis).

    K : numpy.ndarray
        Spherical function (in signal space) to rotate
    AUX : dictionary
        Auxiliary data structures needed to rotate functions in SH space
    idx_IN : list of list
        Index of samples in input kernel (K) belonging to each shell
    idx_OUT : list of list
        Index of samples in output kernel (K) belonging to each shell
    is_isotropic : boolean
        Indentifies whether K is an isotropic function or not

    KRlm = numpy.array
        Spherical function (in SH space) rotated to 181x181 directions distributed
        on a hemisphere
    # project kernel K to SH space
    Klm = []
    for s in xrange(len(idx_IN)):
        Klm.append(np.dot(AUX['fit'], K[idx_IN[s]]))

    n = len(idx_IN) * AUX['fit'].shape[0]

    if is_isotropic == False:
        # fit SH and rotate kernel to 181*181 directions
        KRlm = np.zeros((181, 181, n), dtype=np.float32)
        for ox in xrange(181):
            for oy in xrange(181):
                Ylm_rot = AUX['Ylm_rot'][ox, oy]
                for s in xrange(len(idx_IN)):
                    KRlm[ox, oy, idx_OUT[s]] = AUX['const'] * Klm[s][
                        AUX['idx_m0']] * Ylm_rot
        # simply fit SH
        KRlm = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.float32)
        for s in xrange(len(idx_IN)):
            KRlm[idx_OUT[s]] = Klm[s].astype(np.float32)

    return KRlm
文件: sphere.py 项目: MPDean/dipy
def disperse_charges(hemi, iters, const=.2):
    """Models electrostatic repulsion on the unit sphere

    Places charges on a sphere and simulates the repulsive forces felt by each
    one. Allows the charges to move for some number of iterations and returns
    their final location as well as the total potential of the system at each

    hemi : HemiSphere
        Points on a unit sphere.
    iters : int
        Number of iterations to run.
    const : float
        Using a smaller const could provide a more accurate result, but will
        need more iterations to converge.

    hemi : HemiSphere
        Distributed points on a unit sphere.
    potential : ndarray
        The electrostatic potential at each iteration. This can be useful to
        check if the repulsion converged to a minimum.

    This function is meant to be used with diffusion imaging so antipodal
    symmetry is assumed. Therefor each charge must not only be unique, but if
    there is a charge at +x, there cannot be a charge at -x. These are treated
    as the same location and because the distance between the two charges will
    be zero, the result will be unstable.
    if not isinstance(hemi, HemiSphere):
        raise ValueError("expecting HemiSphere")
    charges = hemi.vertices
    forces, v = _get_forces(charges)
    force_mag = np.sqrt((forces*forces).sum())
    const = const / force_mag.max()
    potential = np.empty(iters)
    v_min = v

    for ii in xrange(iters):
        new_charges = charges + forces * const
        norms = np.sqrt((new_charges**2).sum(-1))
        new_charges /= norms[:, None]
        new_forces, v = _get_forces(new_charges)
        if v <= v_min:
            charges = new_charges
            forces = new_forces
            potential[ii] = v_min = v
            const /= 2.
            potential[ii] = v_min

    return HemiSphere(xyz=charges), potential
def disperse_charges(hemi, iters, const=.2):
    """Models electrostatic repulsion on the unit sphere

    Places charges on a sphere and simulates the repulsive forces felt by each
    one. Allows the charges to move for some number of iterations and returns
    their final location as well as the total potential of the system at each

    hemi : HemiSphere
        Points on a unit sphere.
    iters : int
        Number of iterations to run.
    const : float
        Using a smaller const could provide a more accurate result, but will
        need more iterations to converge.

    hemi : HemiSphere
        Distributed points on a unit sphere.
    potential : ndarray
        The electrostatic potential at each iteration. This can be useful to
        check if the repulsion converged to a minimum.

    This function is meant to be used with diffusion imaging so antipodal
    symmetry is assumed. Therefor each charge must not only be unique, but if
    there is a charge at +x, there cannot be a charge at -x. These are treated
    as the same location and because the distance between the two charges will
    be zero, the result will be unstable.
    if not isinstance(hemi, HemiSphere):
        raise ValueError("expecting HemiSphere")
    charges = hemi.vertices
    forces, v = _get_forces(charges)
    force_mag = np.sqrt((forces * forces).sum())
    const = const / force_mag.max()
    potential = np.empty(iters)
    v_min = v

    for ii in xrange(iters):
        new_charges = charges + forces * const
        norms = np.sqrt((new_charges**2).sum(-1))
        new_charges /= norms[:, None]
        new_forces, v = _get_forces(new_charges)
        if v <= v_min:
            charges = new_charges
            forces = new_forces
            potential[ii] = v_min = v
            const /= 2.
            potential[ii] = v_min

    return HemiSphere(xyz=charges), potential
文件: lut.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
def rotate_kernel( K, AUX, idx_IN, idx_OUT, is_isotropic ) :
    """Rotate a response function (symmetric about z-axis).

    K : numpy.ndarray
        Spherical function (in signal space) to rotate
    AUX : dictionary
        Auxiliary data structures needed to rotate functions in SH space
    idx_IN : list of list
        Index of samples in input kernel (K) belonging to each shell
    idx_OUT : list of list
        Index of samples in output kernel (K) belonging to each shell
    is_isotropic : boolean
        Indentifies whether K is an isotropic function or not

    KRlm = numpy.array
        Spherical function (in SH space) rotated to 181x181 directions distributed
        on a hemisphere
    # project kernel K to SH space
    Klm = []
    for s in xrange(len(idx_IN)) :
        Klm.append( np.dot( AUX['fit'], K[ idx_IN[s] ] ) )

    n = len(idx_IN)*AUX['fit'].shape[0]

    if is_isotropic == False :
        # fit SH and rotate kernel to 181*181 directions
        KRlm = np.zeros( (181,181,n), dtype=np.float32 )
        for ox in xrange(181) :
            for oy in xrange(181) :
                Ylm_rot = AUX['Ylm_rot'][ox,oy]
                for s in xrange(len(idx_IN)) :
                    KRlm[ox,oy,idx_OUT[s]] = AUX['const'] * Klm[s][AUX['idx_m0']] * Ylm_rot
    else :
        # simply fit SH
        KRlm = np.zeros( n, dtype=np.float32 )
        for s in xrange(len(idx_IN)) :
            KRlm[idx_OUT[s]] = Klm[s].astype(np.float32)

    return KRlm
文件: models.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
    def resample( self, in_path, idx_out, Ylm_out, doMergeB0 ):
        nATOMS = len(self.IC_ODs)*len(self.IC_VFs) + 1
        if doMergeB0:
            nS = 1+self.scheme.dwi_count
            merge_idx = np.hstack((self.scheme.b0_idx[0],self.scheme.dwi_idx))
            nS = self.scheme.nS
            merge_idx = np.arange(nS)
        KERNELS = {}
        KERNELS['model'] = self.id
        KERNELS['wm']    = np.zeros( (nATOMS-1,181,181,nS), dtype=np.float32 )
        KERNELS['iso']   = np.zeros( nS, dtype=np.float32 )
        KERNELS['kappa'] = np.zeros( nATOMS-1, dtype=np.float32 )
        KERNELS['icvf']  = np.zeros( nATOMS-1, dtype=np.float32 )
        KERNELS['norms'] = np.zeros( (self.scheme.dwi_count, nATOMS-1) )

        progress = ProgressBar( n=nATOMS, prefix="   ", erase=True )

        # Coupled contributions
        for i in xrange( len(self.IC_ODs) ):
            for j in xrange( len(self.IC_VFs) ):
                lm = np.load( pjoin( in_path, 'A_%03d.npy'%progress.i ) )
                idx = progress.i - 1
                KERNELS['wm'][idx,:,:,:] = amico.lut.resample_kernel( lm, self.scheme.nS, idx_out, Ylm_out, False )[:,:,merge_idx]
                KERNELS['kappa'][idx] = 1.0 / np.tan( self.IC_ODs[i]*np.pi/2.0 )
                KERNELS['icvf'][idx]  = self.IC_VFs[j]
                if doMergeB0:
                    KERNELS['norms'][:,idx] = 1 / np.linalg.norm( KERNELS['wm'][idx,0,0,1:] ) # norm of coupled atoms (for l1 minimization)
                    KERNELS['norms'][:,idx] = 1 / np.linalg.norm( KERNELS['wm'][idx,0,0,self.scheme.dwi_idx] ) # norm of coupled atoms (for l1 minimization)

        # Isotropic
        lm = np.load( pjoin( in_path, 'A_%03d.npy'%progress.i ) )
        KERNELS['iso'] = amico.lut.resample_kernel( lm, self.scheme.nS, idx_out, Ylm_out, True )[merge_idx]

        return KERNELS
def test_disperse_charges():
    charges = np.array([[1., 0, 0],
                        [0, 1., 0],
                        [0, 0, 1.]])
    d_sphere, pot = disperse_charges(HemiSphere(xyz=charges), 10)
    nt.assert_array_almost_equal(charges, d_sphere.vertices)

    a = np.sqrt(3)/2
    charges = np.array([[3./5, 4./5, 0],
                        [4./5, 3./5, 0]])
    expected_charges = np.array([[0, 1., 0],
                                 [1., 0, 0]])
    d_sphere, pot = disperse_charges(HemiSphere(xyz=charges), 1000, .2)
    nt.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_charges, d_sphere.vertices)
    for ii in xrange(1, len(pot)):
        # check that the potential of the system is going down
        nt.assert_(pot[ii] - pot[ii-1] <= 0)

    # Check that the disperse_charges does not blow up with a large constant
    d_sphere, pot = disperse_charges(HemiSphere(xyz=charges), 1000, 20.)
    nt.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_charges, d_sphere.vertices)
    for ii in xrange(1, len(pot)):
        # check that the potential of the system is going down
        nt.assert_(pot[ii] - pot[ii-1] <= 0)

    # check that the function seems to work with a larger number of charges
    charges = np.arange(21).reshape(7, 3)
    norms = np.sqrt((charges*charges).sum(-1))
    charges = charges / norms[:, None]
    d_sphere, pot = disperse_charges(HemiSphere(xyz=charges), 1000, .05)
    for ii in xrange(1, len(pot)):
        # check that the potential of the system is going down
        nt.assert_(pot[ii] - pot[ii-1] <= 0)
    # check that the resulting charges all lie on the unit sphere
    d_charges = d_sphere.vertices
    norms = np.sqrt((d_charges*d_charges).sum(-1))
    nt.assert_array_almost_equal(norms, 1)
文件: models.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
    def fit( self, y, dirs, KERNELS, params ) :
        nD = dirs.shape[0]
        n1 = len(self.Rs)
        n2 = len(self.ICVFs)
        n3 = len(self.d_ISOs)
        if self.isExvivo:
            nATOMS = nD*(n1+n2)+n3+1
            nATOMS = nD*(n1+n2)+n3
        # prepare DICTIONARY from dirs and lookup tables
        A = np.ones( (len(y), nATOMS ), dtype=np.float64, order='F' )
        o = 0
        for i in xrange(nD) :
            i1, i2 = amico.lut.dir_TO_lut_idx( dirs[i] )
            A[:,o:(o+n1)] = KERNELS['wmr'][:,i1,i2,:].T
            o += n1
        for i in xrange(nD) :
            i1, i2 = amico.lut.dir_TO_lut_idx( dirs[i] )
            A[:,o:(o+n2)] = KERNELS['wmh'][:,i1,i2,:].T
            o += n2
        A[:,o:] = KERNELS['iso'].T

        # empty dictionary
        if A.shape[1] == 0 :
            return [0, 0, 0], None, None, None

        # fit
        x = spams.lasso( np.asfortranarray( y.reshape(-1,1) ), D=A, **params ).todense().A1

        # return estimates
        f1 = x[ :(nD*n1) ].sum()
        f2 = x[ (nD*n1):(nD*(n1+n2)) ].sum()
        v = f1 / ( f1 + f2 + 1e-16 )
        xIC = x[:nD*n1].reshape(-1,n1).sum(axis=0)
        a = 1E6 * 2.0 * np.dot(self.Rs,xIC) / ( f1 + 1e-16 )
        d = (4.0*v) / ( np.pi*a**2 + 1e-16 )
        return [v, a, d], dirs, x, A
    def subdivide(self, n=1):
        """Subdivides each face of the sphere into four new faces.

        New vertices are created at a, b, and c. Then each face [x, y, z] is
        divided into faces [x, a, c], [y, a, b], [z, b, c], and [a, b, c].


               /  \
             /\    /\
            /  \  /  \
          x      c     z

        n : int, optional
            The number of subdivisions to preform.

        new_sphere : Sphere
            The subdivided sphere.

        vertices = self.vertices
        faces = self.faces
        for _ in xrange(n):
            edges, mapping = unique_edges(faces, return_mapping=True)
            new_vertices = vertices[edges].sum(1)
            new_vertices /= vector_norm(new_vertices, keepdims=True)
            mapping += len(vertices)
            vertices = np.vstack([vertices, new_vertices])

            x, y, z = faces.T
            a, b, c = mapping.T
            face1 = np.column_stack([x, a, c])
            face2 = np.column_stack([y, b, a])
            face3 = np.column_stack([z, c, b])
            face4 = mapping
            faces = np.concatenate([face1, face2, face3, face4])

        if len(vertices) < 2**16:
            faces = np.asarray(faces, dtype='uint16')
        return Sphere(xyz=vertices, faces=faces)
文件: sphere.py 项目: MPDean/dipy
    def subdivide(self, n=1):
        """Subdivides each face of the sphere into four new faces.

        New vertices are created at a, b, and c. Then each face [x, y, z] is
        divided into faces [x, a, c], [y, a, b], [z, b, c], and [a, b, c].


               /  \
             /\    /\
            /  \  /  \
          x      c     z

        n : int, optional
            The number of subdivisions to preform.

        new_sphere : Sphere
            The subdivided sphere.

        vertices = self.vertices
        faces = self.faces
        for i in xrange(n):
            edges, mapping = unique_edges(faces, return_mapping=True)
            new_vertices = vertices[edges].sum(1)
            new_vertices /= vector_norm(new_vertices, keepdims=True)
            mapping += len(vertices)
            vertices = np.vstack([vertices, new_vertices])

            x, y, z = faces.T
            a, b, c = mapping.T
            face1 = np.column_stack([x, a, c])
            face2 = np.column_stack([y, b, a])
            face3 = np.column_stack([z, c, b])
            face4 = mapping
            faces = np.concatenate([face1, face2, face3, face4])

        if len(vertices) < 2**16:
            faces = np.asarray(faces, dtype='uint16')
        return Sphere(xyz=vertices, faces=faces)
def test_NearestNeighborInterpolator():
    # Place integers values at the center of every voxel
    l, m, n, o = np.ogrid[0:6.01, 0:6.01, 0:6.01, 0:4]
    data = l + m + n + o

    nni = NearestNeighborInterpolator(data, (1, 1, 1))
    a, b, c = np.mgrid[.5:6.5:1.6, .5:6.5:2.7, .5:6.5:3.8]
    for ii in xrange(a.size):
        x = a.flat[ii]
        y = b.flat[ii]
        z = c.flat[ii]
        expected_result = int(x) + int(y) + int(z) + o.ravel()
        assert_array_equal(nni[x, y, z], expected_result)
        ind = np.array([x, y, z])
        assert_array_equal(nni[ind], expected_result)
    assert_raises(OutsideImage, nni.__getitem__, (-.1, 0, 0))
    assert_raises(OutsideImage, nni.__getitem__, (0, 8.2, 0))
def test_NearestNeighborInterpolator():
    # Place integers values at the center of every voxel
    l, m, n, o = np.ogrid[0:6.01, 0:6.01, 0:6.01, 0:4]
    data = l + m + n + o

    nni = NearestNeighborInterpolator(data, (1, 1, 1))
    a, b, c = np.mgrid[.5:6.5:1.6, .5:6.5:2.7, .5:6.5:3.8]
    for ii in xrange(a.size):
        x = a.flat[ii]
        y = b.flat[ii]
        z = c.flat[ii]
        expected_result = int(x) + int(y) + int(z) + o.ravel()
        assert_array_equal(nni[x, y, z], expected_result)
        ind = np.array([x, y, z])
        assert_array_equal(nni[ind], expected_result)
    assert_raises(OutsideImage, nni.__getitem__, (-.1, 0, 0))
    assert_raises(OutsideImage, nni.__getitem__, (0, 8.2, 0))
文件: lut.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
def aux_structures_generate( scheme, lmax = 12 ) :
    """Compute the auxiliary data structures to generate the high-resolution kernels.

    scheme : Scheme class
        Acquisition scheme of the acquired signal
    lmax : int
        Maximum SH order to use for the rotation phase (default : 12)

    idx_IN : numpy array
        Indices of the samples belonging to each shell
    idx_OUT : numpy array
        Indices of the SH corresponding to each shell
    nSH = (lmax+1)*(lmax+2)//2
    idx_IN  = []
    idx_OUT = []
    for s in xrange( len(scheme.shells) ) :
        idx_IN.append( range(500*s,500*(s+1)) )
        idx_OUT.append( range(nSH*s,nSH*(s+1)) )
    return ( idx_IN, idx_OUT )
文件: lut.py 项目: devhliu/AMICO
def aux_structures_generate(scheme, lmax=12):
    """Compute the auxiliary data structures to generate the high-resolution kernels.

    scheme : Scheme class
        Acquisition scheme of the acquired signal
    lmax : int
        Maximum SH order to use for the rotation phase (default : 12)

    idx_IN : numpy array
        Indices of the samples belonging to each shell
    idx_OUT : numpy array
        Indices of the SH corresponding to each shell
    nSH = (lmax + 1) * (lmax + 2) // 2
    idx_IN = []
    idx_OUT = []
    for s in xrange(len(scheme.shells)):
        idx_IN.append(range(500 * s, 500 * (s + 1)))
        idx_OUT.append(range(nSH * s, nSH * (s + 1)))
    return (idx_IN, idx_OUT)
文件: peaks.py 项目: MarcCote/dipy
def peak_directions_nl(sphere_eval, relative_peak_threshold=.25,
                       min_separation_angle=25, sphere=default_sphere,
    """Non Linear Direction Finder.

    sphere_eval : callable
        A function which can be evaluated on a sphere.
    relative_peak_threshold : float
        Only return peaks greater than ``relative_peak_threshold * m`` where m
        is the largest peak.
    min_separation_angle : float in [0, 90]
        The minimum distance between directions. If two peaks are too close
        only the larger of the two is returned.
    sphere : Sphere
        A discrete Sphere. The points on the sphere will be used for initial
        estimate of maximums.
    xtol : float
        Relative tolerance for optimization.

    directions : array (N, 3)
        Points on the sphere corresponding to N local maxima on the sphere.
    values : array (N,)
        Value of sphere_eval at each point on directions.

    # Find discrete peaks for use as seeds in non-linear search
    discrete_values = sphere_eval(sphere)
    values, indices = local_maxima(discrete_values, sphere.edges)

    seeds = np.column_stack([sphere.theta[indices], sphere.phi[indices]])

    # Helper function
    def _helper(x):
        sphere = Sphere(theta=x[0], phi=x[1])
        return -sphere_eval(sphere)

    # Non-linear search
    num_seeds = len(seeds)
    theta = np.empty(num_seeds)
    phi = np.empty(num_seeds)
    for i in xrange(num_seeds):
        peak = opt.fmin(_helper, seeds[i], xtol=xtol, disp=False)
        theta[i], phi[i] = peak

    # Evaluate on new-found peaks
    small_sphere = Sphere(theta=theta, phi=phi)
    values = sphere_eval(small_sphere)

    # Sort in descending order
    order = values.argsort()[::-1]
    values = values[order]
    directions = small_sphere.vertices[order]

    # Remove directions that are too small
    n = search_descending(values, relative_peak_threshold)
    directions = directions[:n]

    # Remove peaks too close to each-other
    directions, idx = remove_similar_vertices(directions, min_separation_angle,
    values = values[idx]
    return directions, values
文件: core.py 项目: ketograph/AMICO
    def load_data(self,
        """Load the diffusion signal and its corresponding acquisition scheme.

        dwi_filename : string
            The file name of the DWI data, relative to the subject folder (default : 'DWI.nii')
        scheme_filename : string
            The file name of the corresponding acquisition scheme (default : 'DWI.scheme')
        mask_filename : string
            The file name of the (optional) binary mask (default : None)
        b0_thr : float
            The threshold below which a b-value is considered a b0 (default : 0)

        # Loading data, acquisition scheme and mask (optional)
        tic = time.time()
        print('\n-> Loading data:')

        print('\t* DWI signal...')
        self.set_config('dwi_filename', dwi_filename)
        self.niiDWI = nibabel.load(
            pjoin(self.get_config('DATA_path'), dwi_filename))
        self.niiDWI_img = self.niiDWI.get_data().astype(np.float32)
        hdr = self.niiDWI.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else self.niiDWI.get_header(
        self.set_config('dim', self.niiDWI_img.shape[:3])
        self.set_config('pixdim', tuple(hdr.get_zooms()[:3]))
        print('\t\t- dim    = %d x %d x %d x %d' % self.niiDWI_img.shape)
        print('\t\t- pixdim = %.3f x %.3f x %.3f' % self.get_config('pixdim'))
        # Scale signal intensities (if necessary)
        if (np.isfinite(hdr['scl_slope']) and np.isfinite(hdr['scl_inter'])
                and hdr['scl_slope'] != 0
                and (hdr['scl_slope'] != 1 or hdr['scl_inter'] != 0)):
            print('\t\t- rescaling data', end=' ')
            self.niiDWI_img = self.niiDWI_img * hdr['scl_slope'] + hdr[

        print('\t* Acquisition scheme...')
        self.set_config('scheme_filename', scheme_filename)
        self.set_config('b0_thr', b0_thr)
        self.scheme = amico.scheme.Scheme(
            pjoin(self.get_config('DATA_path'), scheme_filename), b0_thr)
        print('\t\t- %d samples, %d shells' %
              (self.scheme.nS, len(self.scheme.shells)))
        print('\t\t- %d @ b=0' % (self.scheme.b0_count), end=' ')
        for i in xrange(len(self.scheme.shells)):
            print(', %d @ b=%.1f' % (len(
                self.scheme.shells[i]['idx']), self.scheme.shells[i]['b']),
                  end=' ')

        if self.scheme.nS != self.niiDWI_img.shape[3]:
            raise ValueError('Scheme does not match with DWI data')

        print('\t* Binary mask...')
        if mask_filename is not None:
            self.niiMASK = nibabel.load(
                pjoin(self.get_config('DATA_path'), mask_filename))
            self.niiMASK_img = self.niiMASK.get_data().astype(np.uint8)
            niiMASK_hdr = self.niiMASK.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else self.niiMASK.get_header(
            print('\t\t- dim    = %d x %d x %d' % self.niiMASK_img.shape[:3])
            print('\t\t- pixdim = %.3f x %.3f x %.3f' %
            if self.get_config('dim') != self.niiMASK_img.shape[:3]:
                raise ValueError('MASK geometry does not match with DWI data')
            self.niiMASK = None
            self.niiMASK_img = np.ones(self.get_config('dim'))
            print('\t\t- not specified')
        print('\t\t- voxels = %d' % np.count_nonzero(self.niiMASK_img))

        # Preprocessing
        print('\n-> Preprocessing:')

        if self.get_config('doDebiasSignal'):
            print('\t* Debiasing signal...\n')
            if self.get_config('DWI-SNR') == None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Set noise variance for debiasing (eg. ae.set_config('RicianNoiseSigma', sigma))"
            self.niiDWI_img = debiasRician(self.niiDWI_img,
                                           self.niiMASK_img, self.scheme)

        if self.get_config('doNormalizeSignal'):
            print('\t* Normalizing to b0...', end=' ')
            if self.scheme.b0_count > 0:
                self.mean_b0s = np.mean(self.niiDWI_img[:, :, :,
                raise ValueError('No b0 volume to normalize signal with')
            norm_factor = self.mean_b0s.copy()
            idx = self.mean_b0s <= 0
            norm_factor[idx] = 1
            norm_factor = 1 / norm_factor
            norm_factor[idx] = 0
            for i in xrange(self.scheme.nS):
                self.niiDWI_img[:, :, :, i] *= norm_factor
            print('[ min=%.2f,  mean=%.2f, max=%.2f ]' %
                  (self.niiDWI_img.min(), self.niiDWI_img.mean(),

        if self.get_config('doMergeB0'):
            print('\t* Merging multiple b0 volume(s)...', end=' ')
            mean = np.expand_dims(np.mean(self.niiDWI_img[:, :, :,
            self.niiDWI_img = np.concatenate(
                (mean, self.niiDWI_img[:, :, :, self.scheme.dwi_idx]), axis=3)
            print('\t* Keeping all b0 volume(s)...')

        print('   [ %.1f seconds ]' % (time.time() - tic))
文件: core.py 项目: ketograph/AMICO
    def save_results(self, path_suffix=None):
        """Save the output (directions, maps etc).

        path_suffix : string
            Text to be appended to the output path (default : None)
        if self.RESULTS is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Model not fitted to the data; call "fit()" first.')
        if self.get_config('OUTPUT_path') is None:
            RESULTS_path = pjoin('AMICO', self.model.id)
            if path_suffix:
                RESULTS_path = RESULTS_path + '_' + path_suffix
            self.RESULTS['RESULTS_path'] = RESULTS_path
            print('\n-> Saving output to "%s/*":' % RESULTS_path)

            # delete previous output
            RESULTS_path = pjoin(self.get_config('DATA_path'), RESULTS_path)
            RESULTS_path = self.get_config('OUTPUT_path')
            if path_suffix:
                RESULTS_path = RESULTS_path + '_' + path_suffix
            self.RESULTS['RESULTS_path'] = RESULTS_path
            print('\n-> Saving output to "%s/*":' % RESULTS_path)

        if not exists(RESULTS_path):
            for f in glob.glob(pjoin(RESULTS_path, '*')):

        # configuration
        print('\t- configuration', end=' ')
        with open(pjoin(RESULTS_path, 'config.pickle'), 'wb+') as fid:
            pickle.dump(self.CONFIG, fid, protocol=2)
        print(' [OK]')

        # estimated orientations
        print('\t- FIT_dir.nii.gz', end=' ')
        niiMAP_img = self.RESULTS['DIRs']
        affine = self.niiDWI.affine if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else self.niiDWI.get_affine(
        niiMAP = nibabel.Nifti1Image(niiMAP_img, affine)
        niiMAP_hdr = niiMAP.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else niiMAP.get_header(
        niiMAP_hdr['cal_min'] = -1
        niiMAP_hdr['cal_max'] = 1
        niiMAP_hdr['scl_slope'] = 1
        niiMAP_hdr['scl_inter'] = 0
        nibabel.save(niiMAP, pjoin(RESULTS_path, 'FIT_dir.nii.gz'))
        print(' [OK]')

        # fitting error
        if self.get_config('doComputeNRMSE'):
            print('\t- FIT_nrmse.nii.gz', end=' ')
            niiMAP_img = self.RESULTS['NRMSE']
            niiMAP = nibabel.Nifti1Image(niiMAP_img, affine)
            niiMAP_hdr = niiMAP.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else niiMAP.get_header(
            niiMAP_hdr['cal_min'] = 0
            niiMAP_hdr['cal_max'] = 1
            niiMAP_hdr['scl_slope'] = 1
            niiMAP_hdr['scl_inter'] = 0
            nibabel.save(niiMAP, pjoin(RESULTS_path, 'FIT_nrmse.nii.gz'))
            print(' [OK]')

        if self.get_config('doSaveCorrectedDWI'):
            if self.model.name == 'Free-Water':
                print('\t- dwi_fw_corrected.nii.gz', end=' ')
                niiMAP_img = self.RESULTS['DWI_corrected']
                niiMAP = nibabel.Nifti1Image(niiMAP_img, affine)
                niiMAP_hdr = niiMAP.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else niiMAP.get_header(
                niiMAP_hdr['cal_min'] = 0
                niiMAP_hdr['cal_max'] = 1
                             pjoin(RESULTS_path, 'dwi_fw_corrected.nii.gz'))
                print(' [OK]')
                    '          doSaveCorrectedDWI option not supported for %s model'
                    % self.model.name)

        # voxelwise maps
        for i in xrange(len(self.model.maps_name)):
            print('\t- FIT_%s.nii.gz' % self.model.maps_name[i], end=' ')
            niiMAP_img = self.RESULTS['MAPs'][:, :, :, i]
            niiMAP = nibabel.Nifti1Image(niiMAP_img, affine)
            niiMAP_hdr = niiMAP.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else niiMAP.get_header(
            niiMAP_hdr['descrip'] = self.model.maps_descr[i]
            niiMAP_hdr['cal_min'] = niiMAP_img.min()
            niiMAP_hdr['cal_max'] = niiMAP_img.max()
            niiMAP_hdr['scl_slope'] = 1
            niiMAP_hdr['scl_inter'] = 0
                pjoin(RESULTS_path, 'FIT_%s.nii.gz' % self.model.maps_name[i]))
            print(' [OK]')

        print('   [ DONE ]')
文件: core.py 项目: ketograph/AMICO
    def fit(self):
        """Fit the model to the data iterating over all voxels (in the mask) one after the other.
        Call the appropriate fit() method of the actual model used.
        if self.niiDWI is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Data not loaded; call "load_data()" first.')
        if self.model is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Model not set; call "set_model()" first.')
        if self.KERNELS is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Response functions not generated; call "generate_kernels()" and "load_kernels()" first.'
        if self.KERNELS['model'] != self.model.id:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Response functions were not created with the same model.')

        self.set_config('fit_time', None)
        totVoxels = np.count_nonzero(self.niiMASK_img)
        print('\n-> Fitting "%s" model to %d voxels:' %
              (self.model.name, totVoxels))

        # setup fitting directions
        peaks_filename = self.get_config('peaks_filename')
        if peaks_filename is None:
            DIRs = np.zeros([
                self.get_config('dim')[2], 3
            nDIR = 1
            if self.get_config('doMergeB0'):
                gtab = gradient_table(
                    np.hstack((0, self.scheme.b[self.scheme.dwi_idx])),
                        (1, 3)), self.scheme.raw[self.scheme.dwi_idx, :3])))
                gtab = gradient_table(self.scheme.b, self.scheme.raw[:, :3])
            DTI = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
            niiPEAKS = nibabel.load(
                pjoin(self.get_config('DATA_path'), peaks_filename))
            DIRs = niiPEAKS.get_data().astype(np.float32)
            nDIR = np.floor(DIRs.shape[3] / 3)
            print('\t* peaks dim = %d x %d x %d x %d' % DIRs.shape[:4])
            if DIRs.shape[:3] != self.niiMASK_img.shape[:3]:
                raise ValueError('PEAKS geometry does not match with DWI data')

        # setup other output files
        MAPs = np.zeros([

        if self.get_config('doComputeNRMSE'):
            NRMSE = np.zeros([

        if self.get_config('doSaveCorrectedDWI'):
            DWI_corrected = np.zeros(self.niiDWI.shape, dtype=np.float32)

        # fit the model to the data
        # =========================
        t = time.time()
        progress = ProgressBar(n=totVoxels, prefix="   ", erase=True)
        for iz in xrange(self.niiMASK_img.shape[2]):
            for iy in xrange(self.niiMASK_img.shape[1]):
                for ix in xrange(self.niiMASK_img.shape[0]):
                    if self.niiMASK_img[ix, iy, iz] == 0:

                    # prepare the signal
                    y = self.niiDWI_img[ix, iy, iz, :].astype(np.float64)
                    y[y < 0] = 0  # [NOTE] this should not happen!

                    # fitting directions
                    if peaks_filename is None:
                        dirs = DTI.fit(y).directions[0]
                        dirs = DIRs[ix, iy, iz, :]

                    # dispatch to the right handler for each model
                    MAPs[ix, iy,
                         iz, :], DIRs[ix, iy, iz, :], x, A = self.model.fit(
                             y, dirs.reshape(-1, 3), self.KERNELS,

                    # compute fitting error
                    if self.get_config('doComputeNRMSE'):
                        y_est = np.dot(A, x)
                        den = np.sum(y**2)
                        NRMSE[ix, iy,
                              iz] = np.sqrt(np.sum(
                                  (y - y_est)**2) / den) if den > 1e-16 else 0

                    if self.get_config('doSaveCorrectedDWI'):

                        if self.model.name == 'Free-Water':
                            n_iso = len(self.model.d_isos)
                            x[-1 * n_iso:] = 0

                            #print(y, x, b0, A.shape)
                            if self.get_config('doNormalizeSignal'
                                               ) and self.scheme.b0_count > 0:
                                y_fw_corrected = np.dot(
                                    A, x) * self.mean_b0s[ix, iy, iz]
                                y_fw_corrected = np.dot(A, x)

                            if self.get_config('doKeepb0Intact'
                                               ) and self.scheme.b0_count > 0:
                                # put original b0 data back in.
                                y_fw_corrected[self.scheme.b0_idx] = y[
                                    self.scheme.b0_idx] * self.mean_b0s[ix, iy,

                            DWI_corrected[ix, iy, iz, :] = y_fw_corrected


        self.set_config('fit_time', time.time() - t)
        print('   [ %s ]' % (time.strftime(
            "%Hh %Mm %Ss", time.gmtime(self.get_config('fit_time')))))

        # store results
        self.RESULTS = {}
        self.RESULTS['DIRs'] = DIRs
        self.RESULTS['MAPs'] = MAPs
        if self.get_config('doComputeNRMSE'):
            self.RESULTS['NRMSE'] = NRMSE
        if self.get_config('doSaveCorrectedDWI'):
            self.RESULTS['DWI_corrected'] = DWI_corrected
文件: core.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
    def save_results( self, path_suffix = None ) :
        """Save the output (directions, maps etc).

        path_suffix : string
            Text to be appended to the output path (default : None)
        if self.RESULTS is None :
            raise RuntimeError( 'Model not fitted to the data; call "fit()" first.' )
        if self.get_config('OUTPUT_path') is None:
            RESULTS_path = pjoin( 'AMICO', self.model.id )
            if path_suffix :
                RESULTS_path = RESULTS_path +'_'+ path_suffix
            self.RESULTS['RESULTS_path'] = RESULTS_path
            print('\n-> Saving output to "%s/*":' % RESULTS_path)

            # delete previous output
            RESULTS_path = pjoin( self.get_config('DATA_path'), RESULTS_path )
            RESULTS_path = self.get_config('OUTPUT_path')
            if path_suffix :
                RESULTS_path = RESULTS_path +'_'+ path_suffix
            self.RESULTS['RESULTS_path'] = RESULTS_path
            print('\n-> Saving output to "%s/*":' % RESULTS_path)

        if not exists( RESULTS_path ) :
            makedirs( RESULTS_path )
        else :
            for f in glob.glob( pjoin(RESULTS_path,'*') ) :
                remove( f )

        # configuration
        print('\t- configuration', end=' ')
        with open( pjoin(RESULTS_path,'config.pickle'), 'wb+' ) as fid :
            pickle.dump( self.CONFIG, fid, protocol=2 )
        print(' [OK]')

        # estimated orientations
        print('\t- FIT_dir.nii.gz', end=' ')
        niiMAP_img = self.RESULTS['DIRs']
        affine     = self.niiDWI.affine if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else self.niiDWI.get_affine()
        niiMAP     = nibabel.Nifti1Image( niiMAP_img, affine )
        niiMAP_hdr = niiMAP.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else niiMAP.get_header()
        niiMAP_hdr['cal_min'] = -1
        niiMAP_hdr['cal_max'] = 1
        niiMAP_hdr['scl_slope'] = 1
        niiMAP_hdr['scl_inter'] = 0
        nibabel.save( niiMAP, pjoin(RESULTS_path, 'FIT_dir.nii.gz') )
        print(' [OK]')

        # fitting error
        if self.get_config('doComputeNRMSE') :
            print('\t- FIT_nrmse.nii.gz', end=' ')
            niiMAP_img = self.RESULTS['NRMSE']
            niiMAP     = nibabel.Nifti1Image( niiMAP_img, affine )
            niiMAP_hdr = niiMAP.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else niiMAP.get_header()
            niiMAP_hdr['cal_min'] = 0
            niiMAP_hdr['cal_max'] = 1
            niiMAP_hdr['scl_slope'] = 1
            niiMAP_hdr['scl_inter'] = 0
            nibabel.save( niiMAP, pjoin(RESULTS_path, 'FIT_nrmse.nii.gz') )
            print(' [OK]')

        if self.get_config('doSaveCorrectedDWI') :
            if self.model.name == 'Free-Water' :
                print('\t- dwi_fw_corrected.nii.gz', end=' ')
                niiMAP_img = self.RESULTS['DWI_corrected']
                niiMAP     = nibabel.Nifti1Image( niiMAP_img, affine )
                niiMAP_hdr = niiMAP.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else niiMAP.get_header()
                niiMAP_hdr['cal_min'] = 0
                niiMAP_hdr['cal_max'] = 1
                nibabel.save( niiMAP, pjoin(RESULTS_path, 'dwi_fw_corrected.nii.gz') )
                print(' [OK]')
            else :
                print('          doSaveCorrectedDWI option not supported for %s model' % self.model.name)

        # voxelwise maps
        for i in xrange( len(self.model.maps_name) ) :
            print('\t- FIT_%s.nii.gz' % self.model.maps_name[i], end=' ')
            niiMAP_img = self.RESULTS['MAPs'][:,:,:,i]
            niiMAP     = nibabel.Nifti1Image( niiMAP_img, affine )
            niiMAP_hdr = niiMAP.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else niiMAP.get_header()
            niiMAP_hdr['descrip'] = self.model.maps_descr[i]
            niiMAP_hdr['cal_min'] = niiMAP_img.min()
            niiMAP_hdr['cal_max'] = niiMAP_img.max()
            niiMAP_hdr['scl_slope'] = 1
            niiMAP_hdr['scl_inter'] = 0
            nibabel.save( niiMAP, pjoin(RESULTS_path, 'FIT_%s.nii.gz' % self.model.maps_name[i] ) )
            print(' [OK]')

        print('   [ DONE ]')
def sphere_funcs(sphere_values, sphere, image=None, colormap='jet',
                 scale=2.2, norm=True, radial_scale=True):
    """Plot many morphed spherical functions simultaneously.

    sphere_values : (M,) or (X, M) or (X, Y, M) or (X, Y, Z, M) ndarray
        Values on the sphere.
    sphere : Sphere
    image : None,
        Not  yet supported.
    colormap : None or 'jet'
        If None then no color is used.
    scale : float,
        Distance between spheres.
    norm : bool,
        Normalize `sphere_values`.
    radial_scale : bool,
        Scale sphere points according to odf values.

    actor : vtkActor

    >>> from dipy.viz import fvtk
    >>> r = fvtk.ren()
    >>> odfs = np.ones((5, 5, 724))
    >>> odfs[..., 0] = 2.
    >>> from dipy.data import get_sphere
    >>> sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    >>> fvtk.add(r, fvtk.sphere_funcs(odfs, sphere))
    >>> #fvtk.show(r)


    sphere_values = np.asarray(sphere_values)
    if sphere_values.ndim > 4:
        raise ValueError("Wrong shape")
    sphere_values = _makeNd(sphere_values, 4)

    grid_shape = np.array(sphere_values.shape[:3])
    faces = np.asarray(sphere.faces, dtype=int)
    vertices = sphere.vertices

    if sphere_values.shape[-1] != sphere.vertices.shape[0]:
        msg = 'Sphere.vertices.shape[0] should be the same as the '
        msg += 'last dimensions of sphere_values i.e. sphere_values.shape[-1]'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    list_sq = []
    list_cols = []

    for ijk in np.ndindex(*grid_shape):
        m = sphere_values[ijk].copy()

        if norm:
            m /= abs(m).max()

        if radial_scale:
            xyz = vertices.T * m
            xyz = vertices.T.copy()

        xyz += scale * (ijk - grid_shape / 2.)[:, None]

        xyz = xyz.T

        if colormap is not None:
            cols = create_colormap(m, colormap)
            cols = np.interp(cols, [0, 1], [0, 255]).astype('ubyte')

    points = vtk.vtkPoints()
    triangles = vtk.vtkCellArray()
    if colormap is not None:
        colors = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray()

    for k in xrange(len(list_sq)):

        xyz = list_sq[k]
        if colormap is not None:
            cols = list_cols[k]

        for i in xrange(xyz.shape[0]):

            if colormap is not None:

        for j in xrange(faces.shape[0]):

            triangle = vtk.vtkTriangle()
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(0, faces[j, 0] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(1, faces[j, 1] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(2, faces[j, 2] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            del triangle

    polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData()

    if colormap is not None:

    mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    if major_version <= 5:

    actor = vtk.vtkActor()

    return actor
文件: peaks.py 项目: salma1601/dipy
def peak_directions_nl(sphere_eval,
    """Non Linear Direction Finder

    sphere_eval : callable
        A function which can be evaluated on a sphere.
    relative_peak_threshold : float
        Only return peaks greater than ``relative_peak_threshold * m`` where m
        is the largest peak.
    min_separation_angle : float in [0, 90]
        The minimum distance between directions. If two peaks are too close
        only the larger of the two is returned.
    sphere : Sphere
        A discrete Sphere. The points on the sphere will be used for initial
        estimate of maximums.
    xtol : float
        Relative tolerance for optimization.

    directions : array (N, 3)
        Points on the sphere corresponding to N local maxima on the sphere.
    values : array (N,)
        Value of sphere_eval at each point on directions.

    # Find discrete peaks for use as seeds in non-linear search
    discrete_values = sphere_eval(sphere)
    values, indices = local_maxima(discrete_values, sphere.edges)

    seeds = np.column_stack([sphere.theta[indices], sphere.phi[indices]])

    # Helper function
    def _helper(x):
        sphere = Sphere(theta=x[0], phi=x[1])
        return -sphere_eval(sphere)

    # Non-linear search
    num_seeds = len(seeds)
    theta = np.empty(num_seeds)
    phi = np.empty(num_seeds)
    for i in xrange(num_seeds):
        peak = opt.fmin(_helper, seeds[i], xtol=xtol, disp=False)
        theta[i], phi[i] = peak

    # Evaluate on new-found peaks
    small_sphere = Sphere(theta=theta, phi=phi)
    values = sphere_eval(small_sphere)

    # Sort in descending order
    order = values.argsort()[::-1]
    values = values[order]
    directions = small_sphere.vertices[order]

    # Remove directions that are too small
    n = search_descending(values, relative_peak_threshold)
    directions = directions[:n]

    # Remove peaks too close to each-other
    directions, idx = remove_similar_vertices(directions,
    values = values[idx]
    return directions, values
文件: fvtk.py 项目: MarcCote/dipy
def tensor(evals, evecs, scalar_colors=None,
           sphere=None, scale=2.2, norm=True):
    """Plot many tensors as ellipsoids simultaneously.

    evals : (3,) or (X, 3) or (X, Y, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3) ndarray
    evecs : (3, 3) or (X, 3, 3) or (X, Y, 3, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3, 3) ndarray
    scalar_colors : (3,) or (X, 3) or (X, Y, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3) ndarray
        RGB colors used to show the tensors
        Default None, color the ellipsoids using ``color_fa``
    sphere : Sphere,
        this sphere will be transformed to the tensor ellipsoid
        Default is None which uses a symmetric sphere with 724 points.
    scale : float,
        distance between ellipsoids.
    norm : boolean,
        Normalize `evals`.

    actor : vtkActor

    >>> from dipy.viz import fvtk
    >>> r = fvtk.ren()
    >>> evals = np.array([1.4, .35, .35]) * 10 ** (-3)
    >>> evecs = np.eye(3)
    >>> from dipy.data import get_sphere
    >>> sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    >>> fvtk.add(r, fvtk.tensor(evals, evecs, sphere=sphere))
    >>> #fvtk.show(r)


    evals = np.asarray(evals)
    if evals.ndim > 4:
        raise ValueError("Wrong shape")
    evals = _makeNd(evals, 4)
    evecs = _makeNd(evecs, 5)

    grid_shape = np.array(evals.shape[:3])

    if sphere is None:
        from dipy.data import get_sphere
        sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    faces = np.asarray(sphere.faces, dtype=int)
    vertices = sphere.vertices

    colors = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray()

    if scalar_colors is None:
        from dipy.reconst.dti import color_fa, fractional_anisotropy
        cfa = color_fa(fractional_anisotropy(evals), evecs)
        cfa = _makeNd(scalar_colors, 4)

    list_sq = []
    list_cols = []

    for ijk in ndindex(grid_shape):
        ea = evals[ijk]
        if norm:
            ea /= ea.max()
        ea = np.diag(ea.copy())

        ev = evecs[ijk].copy()
        xyz = np.dot(ev, np.dot(ea, vertices.T))

        xyz += scale * (ijk - grid_shape / 2.)[:, None]

        xyz = xyz.T


        acolor = np.zeros(xyz.shape)
        acolor[:, :] = np.interp(cfa[ijk], [0, 1], [0, 255])

    points = vtk.vtkPoints()
    triangles = vtk.vtkCellArray()

    for k in xrange(len(list_sq)):

        xyz = list_sq[k]

        cols = list_cols[k]

        for i in xrange(xyz.shape[0]):


        for j in xrange(faces.shape[0]):

            triangle = vtk.vtkTriangle()
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(0, faces[j, 0] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(1, faces[j, 1] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(2, faces[j, 2] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            del triangle

    polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData()


    mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    if major_version <= 5:

    actor = vtk.vtkActor()

    return actor
文件: fvtk.py 项目: MarcCote/dipy
def sphere_funcs(sphere_values, sphere, image=None, colormap='jet',
                 scale=2.2, norm=True, radial_scale=True):
    """Plot many morphed spherical functions simultaneously.

    sphere_values : (M,) or (X, M) or (X, Y, M) or (X, Y, Z, M) ndarray
        Values on the sphere.
    sphere : Sphere
    image : None,
        Not  yet supported.
    colormap : None or 'jet'
        If None then no color is used.
    scale : float,
        Distance between spheres.
    norm : bool,
        Normalize `sphere_values`.
    radial_scale : bool,
        Scale sphere points according to odf values.

    actor : vtkActor

    >>> from dipy.viz import fvtk
    >>> r = fvtk.ren()
    >>> odfs = np.ones((5, 5, 724))
    >>> odfs[..., 0] = 2.
    >>> from dipy.data import get_sphere
    >>> sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    >>> fvtk.add(r, fvtk.sphere_funcs(odfs, sphere))
    >>> #fvtk.show(r)


    sphere_values = np.asarray(sphere_values)
    if sphere_values.ndim > 4:
        raise ValueError("Wrong shape")
    sphere_values = _makeNd(sphere_values, 4)

    grid_shape = np.array(sphere_values.shape[:3])
    faces = np.asarray(sphere.faces, dtype=int)
    vertices = sphere.vertices

    if sphere_values.shape[-1] != sphere.vertices.shape[0]:
        msg = 'Sphere.vertices.shape[0] should be the same as the '
        msg += 'last dimensions of sphere_values i.e. sphere_values.shape[-1]'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    list_sq = []
    list_cols = []

    for ijk in np.ndindex(*grid_shape):
        m = sphere_values[ijk].copy()

        if norm:
            m /= abs(m).max()

        if radial_scale:
            xyz = vertices.T * m
            xyz = vertices.T.copy()

        xyz += scale * (ijk - grid_shape / 2.)[:, None]

        xyz = xyz.T

        if colormap is not None:
            cols = create_colormap(m, colormap)
            cols = np.interp(cols, [0, 1], [0, 255]).astype('ubyte')

    points = vtk.vtkPoints()
    triangles = vtk.vtkCellArray()
    if colormap is not None:
        colors = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray()

    for k in xrange(len(list_sq)):

        xyz = list_sq[k]
        if colormap is not None:
            cols = list_cols[k]

        for i in xrange(xyz.shape[0]):

            if colormap is not None:

        for j in xrange(faces.shape[0]):

            triangle = vtk.vtkTriangle()
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(0, faces[j, 0] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(1, faces[j, 1] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(2, faces[j, 2] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            del triangle

    polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData()

    if colormap is not None:

    mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    if major_version <= 5:

    actor = vtk.vtkActor()

    return actor
    def load_from_table( self, data, b0_thr = 0 ) :
        """Build the structure from an input matrix.

        The first three columns represent the gradient directions.
        Then, we accept two formats to describe each gradient:
            - if the shape of data is Nx4, the 4^ column is the b-value;
            - if the shape of data is Nx7, the last 4 columns are, respectively, the gradient strength, big delta, small delta and TE.

        data : numpy.ndarray
            Matrix containing tall the values.
        b0_thr : float
            The threshold on the b-values to identify the b0 images (default: 0)
        if data.ndim == 1 :
            data = np.expand_dims( data, axis=0 )
        self.raw = data

        # number of samples
        # self.nS = self.raw.shape[0] JL: incomplete getter/setter incompatible with 3.6; this is never used any as getter always returns derived value

        # set/calculate the b-values
        if self.raw.shape[1] == 4 :
            self.version = 0
            self.b = self.raw[:,3]
        elif self.raw.shape[1] == 7 :
            self.version = 1
            self.b = ( 267.513e6 * self.raw[:,3] * self.raw[:,5] )**2 * (self.raw[:,4] - self.raw[:,5]/3.0) * 1e-6 # in mm^2/s
        else :
            raise ValueError( 'Unrecognized scheme format' )

        # store information about the volumes
        self.b0_thr    = b0_thr
        self.b0_idx    = np.where( self.b <= b0_thr )[0]
        self.b0_count  = len( self.b0_idx )
        self.dwi_idx   = np.where( self.b > b0_thr )[0]
        self.dwi_count = len( self.dwi_idx )

        # ensure the directions are in the spherical range [0,180]x[0,180]
        idx = np.where( self.raw[:,1] < 0 )[0]
        self.raw[idx,0:3] = -self.raw[idx,0:3]

        # store information about each shell in a dictionary
        self.shells = []

        tmp = np.ascontiguousarray( self.raw[:,3:] )
        schemeUnique, schemeUniqueInd = np.unique( tmp.view([('', tmp.dtype)]*tmp.shape[1]), return_index=True )
        schemeUnique = schemeUnique.view(tmp.dtype).reshape((schemeUnique.shape[0], tmp.shape[1]))
        schemeUnique = [tmp[index] for index in sorted(schemeUniqueInd)]
        bUnique = [self.b[index] for index in sorted(schemeUniqueInd)]
        for i in xrange(len(schemeUnique)) :
            if bUnique[i] <= b0_thr :
            shell = {}
            shell['b'] = bUnique[i]
            if self.version == 0 :
                shell['G']     = None
                shell['Delta'] = None
                shell['delta'] = None
                shell['TE']    = None
            else :
                shell['G']     = schemeUnique[i][0]
                shell['Delta'] = schemeUnique[i][1]
                shell['delta'] = schemeUnique[i][2]
                shell['TE']    = schemeUnique[i][3]

            shell['idx']  = np.where((tmp == schemeUnique[i]).all(axis=1))[0]
            shell['grad'] = self.raw[shell['idx'],0:3]
            self.shells.append( shell )
def intersect_sphere(xyz, center, radius):
    """ If any segment of the track is intersecting with a sphere of
    specific center and radius return True otherwise False

    xyz : array, shape (N,3)
       representing x,y,z of the N points of the track
    center : array, shape (3,)
       center of the sphere
    radius : float
       radius of the sphere

    tf : {True, False}
       True if track `xyz` intersects sphere

    >>> from dipy.tracking.metrics import intersect_sphere
    >>> line=np.array(([0,0,0],[1,1,1],[2,2,2]))
    >>> sph_cent=np.array([1,1,1])
    >>> sph_radius = 1
    >>> intersect_sphere(line,sph_cent,sph_radius)

    The ray to sphere intersection method used here is similar with
    we just applied it for every segment neglecting the intersections where
    the intersecting points are not inside the segment
    center = np.array(center)
    # print center

    lt = xyz.shape[0]

    for i in xrange(lt-1):
        # first point
        x1 = xyz[i]
        # second point
        x2 = xyz[i+1]
        # do the calculations as given in the Notes
        x = x2-x1
        a = np.inner(x, x)
        x1c = x1-center
        b = 2*np.inner(x, x1c)
        c = (np.inner(center, center)+np.inner(x1, x1)-2*np.inner(center, x1) -
        bb4ac = b*b-4*a*c
        # print 'bb4ac',bb4ac
        if abs(a) < np.finfo(float).eps or bb4ac < 0:  # too small segment or
                                                        # no intersection
        if bb4ac == 0:  # one intersection point p
            mu = -b/2*a
            p = x1+mu*x
            # check if point is inside the segment
            # print 'p',p
            if np.inner(p-x1, p-x1) <= a:
                return True
        if bb4ac > 0:  # two intersection points p1 and p2
            mu = (-b+np.sqrt(bb4ac))/(2*a)
            p1 = x1+mu*x
            mu = (-b-np.sqrt(bb4ac))/(2*a)
            p2 = x1+mu*x
            # check if points are inside the line segment
            # print 'p1,p2',p1,p2
            if np.inner(p1-x1, p1-x1) <= a or np.inner(p2-x1, p2-x1) <= a:
                return True
    return False
文件: core.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
    def fit( self ) :
        """Fit the model to the data iterating over all voxels (in the mask) one after the other.
        Call the appropriate fit() method of the actual model used.
        if self.niiDWI is None :
            raise RuntimeError( 'Data not loaded; call "load_data()" first.' )
        if self.model is None :
            raise RuntimeError( 'Model not set; call "set_model()" first.' )
        if self.KERNELS is None :
            raise RuntimeError( 'Response functions not generated; call "generate_kernels()" and "load_kernels()" first.' )
        if self.KERNELS['model'] != self.model.id :
            raise RuntimeError( 'Response functions were not created with the same model.' )

        self.set_config('fit_time', None)
        totVoxels = np.count_nonzero(self.niiMASK_img)
        print('\n-> Fitting "%s" model to %d voxels:' % ( self.model.name, totVoxels ))

        # setup fitting directions
        peaks_filename = self.get_config('peaks_filename')
        if peaks_filename is None :
            DIRs = np.zeros( [self.get_config('dim')[0], self.get_config('dim')[1], self.get_config('dim')[2], 3], dtype=np.float32 )
            nDIR = 1
            if self.get_config('doMergeB0'):
                gtab = gradient_table( np.hstack((0,self.scheme.b[self.scheme.dwi_idx])), np.vstack((np.zeros((1,3)),self.scheme.raw[self.scheme.dwi_idx,:3])) )
                gtab = gradient_table( self.scheme.b, self.scheme.raw[:,:3] )
            DTI = dti.TensorModel( gtab )
        else :
            niiPEAKS = nibabel.load( pjoin( self.get_config('DATA_path'), peaks_filename) )
            DIRs = niiPEAKS.get_data().astype(np.float32)
            nDIR = np.floor( DIRs.shape[3]/3 )
            print('\t* peaks dim = %d x %d x %d x %d' % DIRs.shape[:4])
            if DIRs.shape[:3] != self.niiMASK_img.shape[:3] :
                raise ValueError( 'PEAKS geometry does not match with DWI data' )

        # setup other output files
        MAPs = np.zeros( [self.get_config('dim')[0], self.get_config('dim')[1], 
                          self.get_config('dim')[2], len(self.model.maps_name)], dtype=np.float32 )

        if self.get_config('doComputeNRMSE') :
            NRMSE = np.zeros( [self.get_config('dim')[0], 
                               self.get_config('dim')[1], self.get_config('dim')[2]], dtype=np.float32 )

        if self.get_config('doSaveCorrectedDWI') :
            DWI_corrected = np.zeros(self.niiDWI.shape, dtype=np.float32)

        # fit the model to the data
        # =========================
        t = time.time()
        progress = ProgressBar( n=totVoxels, prefix="   ", erase=True )
        for iz in xrange(self.niiMASK_img.shape[2]) :
            for iy in xrange(self.niiMASK_img.shape[1]) :
                for ix in xrange(self.niiMASK_img.shape[0]) :
                    if self.niiMASK_img[ix,iy,iz]==0 :

                    # prepare the signal
                    y = self.niiDWI_img[ix,iy,iz,:].astype(np.float64)
                    y[ y < 0 ] = 0 # [NOTE] this should not happen!

                    # fitting directions
                    if peaks_filename is None :
                        dirs = DTI.fit( y ).directions[0]
                    else :
                        dirs = DIRs[ix,iy,iz,:]

                    # dispatch to the right handler for each model
                    MAPs[ix,iy,iz,:], DIRs[ix,iy,iz,:], x, A = self.model.fit( y, dirs.reshape(-1,3), self.KERNELS, self.get_config('solver_params') )

                    # compute fitting error
                    if self.get_config('doComputeNRMSE') :
                        y_est = np.dot( A, x )
                        den = np.sum(y**2)
                        NRMSE[ix,iy,iz] = np.sqrt( np.sum((y-y_est)**2) / den ) if den > 1e-16 else 0

                    if self.get_config('doSaveCorrectedDWI') :

                        if self.model.name == 'Free-Water' :
                            n_iso = len(self.model.d_isos)
                            x[-1*n_iso:] = 0

                            #print(y, x, b0, A.shape)
                            if self.get_config('doNormalizeSignal') and self.scheme.b0_count > 0 :
                                y_fw_corrected = np.dot( A, x ) * self.mean_b0s[ix,iy,iz]
                            else :
                                y_fw_corrected = np.dot( A, x )

                            if self.get_config('doKeepb0Intact') and self.scheme.b0_count > 0 :
                                # put original b0 data back in. 
                                y_fw_corrected[self.scheme.b0_idx] = y[self.scheme.b0_idx]*self.mean_b0s[ix,iy,iz]

                            DWI_corrected[ix,iy,iz,:] = y_fw_corrected


        self.set_config('fit_time', time.time()-t)
        print('   [ %s ]' % ( time.strftime("%Hh %Mm %Ss", time.gmtime(self.get_config('fit_time')) ) ))

        # store results
        self.RESULTS = {}
        self.RESULTS['DIRs']  = DIRs
        self.RESULTS['MAPs']  = MAPs
        if self.get_config('doComputeNRMSE') :
            self.RESULTS['NRMSE'] = NRMSE
        if self.get_config('doSaveCorrectedDWI') :
            self.RESULTS['DWI_corrected'] = DWI_corrected
文件: core.py 项目: daducci/AMICO
    def load_data( self, dwi_filename = 'DWI.nii', 
                   scheme_filename = 'DWI.scheme', mask_filename = None, b0_thr = 0 ) :
        """Load the diffusion signal and its corresponding acquisition scheme.

        dwi_filename : string
            The file name of the DWI data, relative to the subject folder (default : 'DWI.nii')
        scheme_filename : string
            The file name of the corresponding acquisition scheme (default : 'DWI.scheme')
        mask_filename : string
            The file name of the (optional) binary mask (default : None)
        b0_thr : float
            The threshold below which a b-value is considered a b0 (default : 0)

        # Loading data, acquisition scheme and mask (optional)
        tic = time.time()
        print('\n-> Loading data:')

        print('\t* DWI signal...')
        self.set_config('dwi_filename', dwi_filename)
        self.niiDWI  = nibabel.load( pjoin( self.get_config('DATA_path'), dwi_filename) )
        self.niiDWI_img = self.niiDWI.get_data().astype(np.float32)
        hdr = self.niiDWI.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else self.niiDWI.get_header()
        self.set_config('dim', self.niiDWI_img.shape[:3])
        self.set_config('pixdim', tuple( hdr.get_zooms()[:3] ))
        print('\t\t- dim    = %d x %d x %d x %d' % self.niiDWI_img.shape)
        print('\t\t- pixdim = %.3f x %.3f x %.3f' % self.get_config('pixdim'))
        # Scale signal intensities (if necessary)
        if ( np.isfinite(hdr['scl_slope']) and np.isfinite(hdr['scl_inter']) and hdr['scl_slope'] != 0 and
            ( hdr['scl_slope'] != 1 or hdr['scl_inter'] != 0 ) ):
            print('\t\t- rescaling data', end=' ')
            self.niiDWI_img = self.niiDWI_img * hdr['scl_slope'] + hdr['scl_inter']

        print('\t* Acquisition scheme...')
        self.set_config('scheme_filename', scheme_filename)
        self.set_config('b0_thr', b0_thr)
        self.scheme = amico.scheme.Scheme( pjoin( self.get_config('DATA_path'), scheme_filename), b0_thr )
        print('\t\t- %d samples, %d shells' % ( self.scheme.nS, len(self.scheme.shells) ))
        print('\t\t- %d @ b=0' % ( self.scheme.b0_count ), end=' ')
        for i in xrange(len(self.scheme.shells)) :
            print(', %d @ b=%.1f' % ( len(self.scheme.shells[i]['idx']), self.scheme.shells[i]['b'] ), end=' ')

        if self.scheme.nS != self.niiDWI_img.shape[3] :
            raise ValueError( 'Scheme does not match with DWI data' )

        print('\t* Binary mask...')
        if mask_filename is not None :
            self.niiMASK  = nibabel.load( pjoin( self.get_config('DATA_path'), mask_filename) )
            self.niiMASK_img = self.niiMASK.get_data().astype(np.uint8)
            niiMASK_hdr = self.niiMASK.header if nibabel.__version__ >= '2.0.0' else self.niiMASK.get_header()
            print('\t\t- dim    = %d x %d x %d' % self.niiMASK_img.shape[:3])
            print('\t\t- pixdim = %.3f x %.3f x %.3f' % niiMASK_hdr.get_zooms()[:3])
            if self.get_config('dim') != self.niiMASK_img.shape[:3] :
                raise ValueError( 'MASK geometry does not match with DWI data' )
        else :
            self.niiMASK = None
            self.niiMASK_img = np.ones( self.get_config('dim') )
            print('\t\t- not specified')
        print('\t\t- voxels = %d' % np.count_nonzero(self.niiMASK_img))

        # Preprocessing
        print('\n-> Preprocessing:')

        if self.get_config('doDebiasSignal') :
            print('\t* Debiasing signal...\n')
            if self.get_config('DWI-SNR') == None:
                raise ValueError( "Set noise variance for debiasing (eg. ae.set_config('RicianNoiseSigma', sigma))" )
            self.niiDWI_img = debiasRician(self.niiDWI_img,self.get_config('DWI-SNR'),self.niiMASK_img,self.scheme)

        if self.get_config('doNormalizeSignal') :
            print('\t* Normalizing to b0...', end=' ')
            if self.scheme.b0_count > 0 :
                self.mean_b0s = np.mean( self.niiDWI_img[:,:,:,self.scheme.b0_idx], axis=3 )
                raise ValueError( 'No b0 volume to normalize signal with' )
            norm_factor = self.mean_b0s.copy()
            idx = self.mean_b0s <= 0
            norm_factor[ idx ] = 1
            norm_factor = 1 / norm_factor
            norm_factor[ idx ] = 0
            for i in xrange(self.scheme.nS) :
                self.niiDWI_img[:,:,:,i] *= norm_factor
            print('[ min=%.2f,  mean=%.2f, max=%.2f ]' % ( self.niiDWI_img.min(), self.niiDWI_img.mean(), self.niiDWI_img.max() ))

        if self.get_config('doMergeB0') :
            print('\t* Merging multiple b0 volume(s)...', end=' ')
            mean = np.expand_dims( np.mean( self.niiDWI_img[:,:,:,self.scheme.b0_idx], axis=3 ), axis=3 )
            self.niiDWI_img = np.concatenate( (mean, self.niiDWI_img[:,:,:,self.scheme.dwi_idx]), axis=3 )
        else :
            print('\t* Keeping all b0 volume(s)...')

        print('   [ %.1f seconds ]' % ( time.time() - tic ))
def intersect_sphere(xyz, center, radius):
    ''' If any segment of the track is intersecting with a sphere of
    specific center and radius return True otherwise False

    xyz : array, shape (N,3)
       representing x,y,z of the N points of the track
    center : array, shape (3,)
       center of the sphere
    radius : float
       radius of the sphere

    tf : {True, False}
       True if track `xyz` intersects sphere

    >>> from dipy.tracking.metrics import intersect_sphere
    >>> line=np.array(([0,0,0],[1,1,1],[2,2,2]))
    >>> sph_cent=np.array([1,1,1])
    >>> sph_radius = 1
    >>> intersect_sphere(line,sph_cent,sph_radius)

    The ray to sphere intersection method used here is similar with
    we just applied it for every segment neglecting the intersections where
    the intersecting points are not inside the segment
    center = np.array(center)
    # print center

    lt = xyz.shape[0]

    for i in xrange(lt-1):
        # first point
        x1 = xyz[i]
        # second point
        x2 = xyz[i+1]
        # do the calculations as given in the Notes
        x = x2-x1
        a = np.inner(x, x)
        x1c = x1-center
        b = 2*np.inner(x, x1c)
        c = (np.inner(center, center)+np.inner(x1, x1)-2*np.inner(center, x1) -
        bb4ac = b*b-4*a*c
        # print 'bb4ac',bb4ac
        if abs(a) < np.finfo(float).eps or bb4ac < 0:  # too small segment or
                                                        # no intersection
        if bb4ac == 0:  # one intersection point p
            mu = -b/2*a
            p = x1+mu*x
            # check if point is inside the segment
            # print 'p',p
            if np.inner(p-x1, p-x1) <= a:
                return True
        if bb4ac > 0:  # two intersection points p1 and p2
            mu = (-b+np.sqrt(bb4ac))/(2*a)
            p1 = x1+mu*x
            mu = (-b-np.sqrt(bb4ac))/(2*a)
            p2 = x1+mu*x
            # check if points are inside the line segment
            # print 'p1,p2',p1,p2
            if np.inner(p1-x1, p1-x1) <= a or np.inner(p2-x1, p2-x1) <= a:
                return True
    return False
def subsegment(streamlines, max_segment_length):
    """Splits the segments of the streamlines into small segments.

    Replaces each segment of each of the streamlines with the smallest possible
    number of equally sized smaller segments such that no segment is longer
    than max_segment_length. Among other things, this can useful for getting
    streamline counts on a grid that is smaller than the length of the
    streamline segments.

    streamlines : sequence of ndarrays
        The streamlines to be subsegmented.
    max_segment_length : float
        The longest allowable segment length.

    output_streamlines : generator
        A set of streamlines.

    Segments of 0 length are removed. If unchanged

    >>> streamlines = [np.array([[0,0,0],[2,0,0],[5,0,0]])]
    >>> list(subsegment(streamlines, 3.))
    [array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 5.,  0.,  0.]])]
    >>> list(subsegment(streamlines, 1))
    [array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 3.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 4.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 5.,  0.,  0.]])]
    >>> list(subsegment(streamlines, 1.6))
    [array([[ 0. ,  0. ,  0. ],
           [ 1. ,  0. ,  0. ],
           [ 2. ,  0. ,  0. ],
           [ 3.5,  0. ,  0. ],
           [ 5. ,  0. ,  0. ]])]
    for sl in streamlines:
        diff = (sl[1:] - sl[:-1])
        length = sqrt((diff*diff).sum(-1))
        num_segments = ceil(length/max_segment_length).astype('int')

        output_sl = empty((num_segments.sum()+1, 3), 'float')
        output_sl[0] = sl[0]

        count = 1
        for ii in xrange(len(num_segments)):
            ns = num_segments[ii]
            if ns == 1:
                output_sl[count] = sl[ii+1]
                count += 1
            elif ns > 1:
                small_d = diff[ii]/ns
                point = sl[ii]
                for _ in xrange(ns):
                    point = point + small_d
                    output_sl[count] = point
                    count += 1
            elif ns == 0:
                # repeated point
                # this should never happen because ns should be a positive
                # int
                assert(ns >= 0)
        yield output_sl
def subsegment(streamlines, max_segment_length):
    """Splits the segments of the streamlines into small segments.

    Replaces each segment of each of the streamlines with the smallest possible
    number of equally sized smaller segments such that no segment is longer
    than max_segment_length. Among other things, this can useful for getting
    streamline counts on a grid that is smaller than the length of the
    streamline segments.

    streamlines : sequence of ndarrays
        The streamlines to be subsegmented.
    max_segment_length : float
        The longest allowable segment length.

    output_streamlines : generator
        A set of streamlines.

    Segments of 0 length are removed. If unchanged

    >>> streamlines = [np.array([[0,0,0],[2,0,0],[5,0,0]])]
    >>> list(subsegment(streamlines, 3.))
    [array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 5.,  0.,  0.]])]
    >>> list(subsegment(streamlines, 1))
    [array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 3.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 4.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 5.,  0.,  0.]])]
    >>> list(subsegment(streamlines, 1.6))
    [array([[ 0. ,  0. ,  0. ],
           [ 1. ,  0. ,  0. ],
           [ 2. ,  0. ,  0. ],
           [ 3.5,  0. ,  0. ],
           [ 5. ,  0. ,  0. ]])]
    for sl in streamlines:
        diff = (sl[1:] - sl[:-1])
        length = sqrt((diff*diff).sum(-1))
        num_segments = ceil(length/max_segment_length).astype('int')

        output_sl = empty((num_segments.sum()+1, 3), 'float')
        output_sl[0] = sl[0]

        count = 1
        for ii in xrange(len(num_segments)):
            ns = num_segments[ii]
            if ns == 1:
                output_sl[count] = sl[ii+1]
                count += 1
            elif ns > 1:
                small_d = diff[ii]/ns
                point = sl[ii]
                for jj in xrange(ns):
                    point = point + small_d
                    output_sl[count] = point
                    count += 1
            elif ns == 0:
                # repeated point
                # this should never happen because ns should be a positive
                # int
                assert(ns >= 0)
        yield output_sl
def tensor(evals, evecs, scalar_colors=None,
           sphere=None, scale=2.2, norm=True):
    """Plot many tensors as ellipsoids simultaneously.

    evals : (3,) or (X, 3) or (X, Y, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3) ndarray
    evecs : (3, 3) or (X, 3, 3) or (X, Y, 3, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3, 3) ndarray
    scalar_colors : (3,) or (X, 3) or (X, Y, 3) or (X, Y, Z, 3) ndarray
        RGB colors used to show the tensors
        Default None, color the ellipsoids using ``color_fa``
    sphere : Sphere,
        this sphere will be transformed to the tensor ellipsoid
        Default is None which uses a symmetric sphere with 724 points.
    scale : float,
        distance between ellipsoids.
    norm : boolean,
        Normalize `evals`.

    actor : vtkActor

    >>> from dipy.viz import fvtk
    >>> r = fvtk.ren()
    >>> evals = np.array([1.4, .35, .35]) * 10 ** (-3)
    >>> evecs = np.eye(3)
    >>> from dipy.data import get_sphere
    >>> sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    >>> fvtk.add(r, fvtk.tensor(evals, evecs, sphere=sphere))
    >>> #fvtk.show(r)


    evals = np.asarray(evals)
    if evals.ndim > 4:
        raise ValueError("Wrong shape")
    evals = _makeNd(evals, 4)
    evecs = _makeNd(evecs, 5)

    grid_shape = np.array(evals.shape[:3])

    if sphere is None:
        from dipy.data import get_sphere
        sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
    faces = np.asarray(sphere.faces, dtype=int)
    vertices = sphere.vertices

    colors = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray()

    if scalar_colors is None:
        from dipy.reconst.dti import color_fa, fractional_anisotropy
        cfa = color_fa(fractional_anisotropy(evals), evecs)
        cfa = _makeNd(scalar_colors, 4)

    list_sq = []
    list_cols = []

    for ijk in ndindex(grid_shape):
        ea = evals[ijk]
        if norm:
            ea /= ea.max()
        ea = np.diag(ea.copy())

        ev = evecs[ijk].copy()
        xyz = np.dot(ev, np.dot(ea, vertices.T))

        xyz += scale * (ijk - grid_shape / 2.)[:, None]

        xyz = xyz.T


        acolor = np.zeros(xyz.shape)
        acolor[:, :] = np.interp(cfa[ijk], [0, 1], [0, 255])

    points = vtk.vtkPoints()
    triangles = vtk.vtkCellArray()

    for k in xrange(len(list_sq)):

        xyz = list_sq[k]

        cols = list_cols[k]

        for i in xrange(xyz.shape[0]):


        for j in xrange(faces.shape[0]):

            triangle = vtk.vtkTriangle()
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(0, faces[j, 0] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(1, faces[j, 1] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            triangle.GetPointIds().SetId(2, faces[j, 2] + k * xyz.shape[0])
            del triangle

    polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData()


    mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    if major_version <= 5:

    actor = vtk.vtkActor()

    return actor