class GroupTrackerPage(ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage): notify = directNotify.newCategory('GroupTrackerPage') def __init__(self): ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage.__init__(self) self.groupWidgets = [] self.playerWidgets = [] self.images = [] # image nodes: Possible images to apply on groups self.scrollList = None # DirectScrolledList: Holds the GroupTrackerGroup widgets self.scrollTitle = None # DirectLabel: Title of the list that holds the groups self.playerList = None # DirectScrolledList: Holds players when showing a specific group details self.playerListTitle = None # DirectLabel: Title of the playerList self.groupInfoTitle = None # DirectLabel: holds the group detail title to show on the right self.groupInfoDistrict = None # DirectLabel: shows group detail district on the right self.statusMessage = None # DirectLabel: Shows important messages like Loading... or "No boarding groups available" self.groupIcon = None # DirectButton: Icon to associate with the group ex. sellbot icon or cashbot icon depending on group info self.wantGroupToggle = None # DirectButton: Allows the toon to toggle his listing def load(self): self.listXorigin = -0.02 self.listFrameSizeX = 0.67 self.listZorigin = -0.96 self.listFrameSizeZ = 1.04 self.arrowButtonScale = 1.3 self.itemFrameXorigin = -0.237 self.itemFrameZorigin = 0.365 self.buttonXstart = self.itemFrameXorigin + 0.293 self.gui = loader.loadModel('phase_3.5/models/gui/friendslist_gui') guiButton = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/quit_button') self.scrollList = DirectScrolledList( parent=self, relief=None, pos=(-0.5, 0, 0), incButton_image=(self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollDN'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp')), incButton_relief=None, incButton_scale=(self.arrowButtonScale, self.arrowButtonScale, -self.arrowButtonScale), incButton_pos=(self.buttonXstart, 0, self.itemFrameZorigin - 0.999), incButton_image3_color=Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.2), decButton_image=(self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollDN'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp')), decButton_relief=None, decButton_scale=(self.arrowButtonScale, self.arrowButtonScale, self.arrowButtonScale), decButton_pos=(self.buttonXstart, 0, self.itemFrameZorigin + 0.227), decButton_image3_color=Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.2), itemFrame_pos=(self.itemFrameXorigin, 0, self.itemFrameZorigin), itemFrame_scale=1.0, itemFrame_relief=DGG.SUNKEN, itemFrame_frameSize=(self.listXorigin, self.listXorigin + self.listFrameSizeX, self.listZorigin, self.listZorigin + self.listFrameSizeZ), itemFrame_frameColor=(0.85, 0.95, 1, 1), itemFrame_borderWidth=(0.01, 0.01), numItemsVisible=15, forceHeight=0.065, items=self.groupWidgets) self.scrollTitle = DirectFrame(parent=self.scrollList, text=TTLocalizer.GroupTrackerListTitle, text_scale=0.06, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, relief=None, pos=(self.buttonXstart, 0, self.itemFrameZorigin + 0.127)) self.playerList = DirectScrolledList( parent=self, relief=None, pos=(0.45, 0, 0.1), incButton_image=(self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollDN'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp')), incButton_relief=None, incButton_scale=(1.0, 1.0, -1.0), incButton_pos=(0, 0, -0.28), incButton_image3_color=Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.05), decButton_image=(self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollDN'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp')), decButton_relief=None, decButton_scale=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), decButton_pos=(0.0, 0, 0.04), decButton_image3_color=Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.25), itemFrame_pos=(0, 0, -0.05), itemFrame_scale=1.0, itemFrame_relief=DGG.SUNKEN, itemFrame_frameSize=( -0.3, 0.3, #x -0.2, 0.06), #z itemFrame_frameColor=(0.85, 0.95, 1, 1), itemFrame_borderWidth=(0.01, 0.01), numItemsVisible=4, forceHeight=0.05, items=self.playerWidgets) self.playerListTitle = DirectFrame(parent=self.playerList, text='', text_scale=0.05, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, relief=None, pos=(0, 0, 0.08)) self.groupInfoTitle = DirectLabel(parent=self, text='', text_scale=0.080, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=15, relief=None, pos=(0.45, 0, 0.5)) self.groupInfoDistrict = DirectLabel(parent=self, text='', text_scale=0.050, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=15, relief=None, pos=(0.45, 0, 0.4)) self.statusMessage = DirectLabel(parent=self, text='', text_scale=0.060, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=5, relief=None, pos=(0.45, 0, 0.1)) # Group Image: self.groupIcon = DirectButton(parent=self, relief=None, state=DGG.DISABLED, image=None, image_scale=(0.35, 1, 0.35), image_color=Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.75), pos=(0.45, 10, -0.45), command=self.doNothing) # Group Toggle: self.wantGroupToggle = DirectButton( parent=self, relief=None, image=(guiButton.find('**/QuitBtn_UP'), guiButton.find('**/QuitBtn_DN'), guiButton.find('**/QuitBtn_RLVR')), image_scale=(0.7, 1, 1), text='', text_scale=0.052, text_pos=(0, -0.02), pos=(0.2, 0, -0.65), command=self.toggleWantGroup) self.updateWantGroupButton() # Loading possible group icons suitIcons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/cog_icons') bossbotIcon = suitIcons.find('**/CorpIcon') bossbotIcon.setColor(SUIT_ICON_COLORS[0]) self.images.append(bossbotIcon) lawbotIcon = suitIcons.find('**/LegalIcon') lawbotIcon.setColor(SUIT_ICON_COLORS[1]) self.images.append(lawbotIcon) cashbotIcon = suitIcons.find('**/MoneyIcon') cashbotIcon.setColor(SUIT_ICON_COLORS[2]) self.images.append(cashbotIcon) sellbotIcon = suitIcons.find('**/SalesIcon') sellbotIcon.setColor(SUIT_ICON_COLORS[3]) self.images.append(sellbotIcon) # Clean up self.clearGroupInfo() self.statusMessage.hide() suitIcons.removeNode() self.gui.removeNode() guiButton.removeNode() self.accept('GroupTrackerResponse', self.updatePage) def unload(self): self.scrollList.destroy() self.groupInfoDistrict.destroy() self.playerList.destroy() self.groupInfoTitle.destroy() self.groupIcon.destroy() self.wantGroupToggle.destroy() for widget in self.playerWidgets: widget.destroy() for widget in self.groupWidgets: widget.destroy() self.playerWidgets = [] del self.scrollList del self.groupInfoDistrict del self.playerList del self.groupInfoTitle del self.groupIcon del self.wantGroupToggle ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage.unload(self) def enter(self): ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage.enter(self) self.setGroups([]) # CLEAR IT ALL self.setPlayers() # CLEAR IT ALL if (self.scrollList['items'] == []): self.statusMessage['text'] = TTLocalizer.GroupTrackerLoading taskMgr.doMethodLater(3, self.displayNoGroupsTaskHandler, self.uniqueName('timeout')) def displayNoGroups(self): self.statusMessage['text'] = TTLocalizer.GroupTrackerEmpty self.clearGroupInfo() def displayNoGroupsTaskHandler(self, task): self.displayNoGroups() return task.done def updatePage(self): taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('timeout')) groups = self.setGroups(groups) def exit(self): self.clearGroupInfo() ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage.exit(self) def updateGroupInfoEventHandle(self, groupWidget, mouseEvent): self.updateGroupInfo(groupWidget) def updateGroupInfo(self, groupWidget): ''' Updates the Right Page of the Group Tracker Page with new Info ''' self.statusMessage.hide() # Update the Player List self.setPlayers(groupWidget) # Update the Player List Title self.playerListTitle['text'] = ('Players ' + str(groupWidget.getCurrentPlayers()) + '/' + str(groupWidget.getMaxPlayers()) + ':') # Update the District self.groupInfoDistrict[ 'text'] = TTLocalizer.BoardingGroupDistrictInformation % { 'district': groupWidget.getDistrict() } # Update the Title self.groupInfoTitle['text'] = groupWidget.getTitle() # Update the Image self.groupIcon['image'] = self.images[ GroupTrackerGlobals.CATEGORY_TO_IMAGE_ID[ groupWidget.getCategory()]] self.groupIcon['image_scale'] = (0.35, 1, 0.35) def clearGroupInfo(self): self.playerList.hide() self.playerListTitle.hide() self.groupInfoDistrict.hide() self.groupInfoTitle.hide() self.groupIcon.hide() def setPlayers(self, groupWidget=None): ''' Calls updatePlayerList ''' # Clear the Widgets that were held in the listings for playerWidget in self.playerWidgets: playerWidget.destroy() self.playerWidgets = [] # Make a player widget for each player # TODO: Edit this stuff when avIds come from players if groupWidget: leaderId = groupWidget.getLeaderId() playerNames = groupWidget.getMemberNames() playerIds = groupWidget.getMemberIds() for playerName in playerNames: playerId = playerIds[playerNames.index(playerName)] isLeader = playerId == leaderId self.playerWidgets.append( GroupTrackerPlayer(parent=self, avId=playerId, name=playerName, isLeader=isLeader)) self.updatePlayerList() def reconsiderGroupInfo(self, groupWidget): ''' If someone is viewing this info and it was updated, we also want to update the info being viewed ''' if self.playerWidgets is None or self.playerList['items'] == []: return # No Info is being viewed at the moment since you cant have an empty group # We have to update if this group's leader is the leader in the playerlist being viewed right now leaderId = groupWidget.getLeaderId() # Check all the players in the playerList being viewed for the same leader for playerWidget in self.playerWidgets: if playerWidget.getLeader(): if leaderId == playerWidget.getId(): self.updateGroupInfo(groupWidget) return False return True def setGroups(self, groups): ''' Calls updateGroupList ''' # Clear our Group Widgets for group in self.groupWidgets: group.destroy() self.groupWidgets = [] wantReconsiderInfo = True # Create a new group widget for each group for group in groups: if not group[GroupTrackerGlobals.SHOW] or len( group[GroupTrackerGlobals.MEMBER_IDS]) == 0: continue # We are using this to see if this group is dead or if someone doesnt want it up leaderId = 0 for i, g in if g == group: leaderId = i if not leaderId: continue leaderName = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.LEADER_NAME] shardName = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.SHARD_NAME] category = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.CATEGORY] memberIds = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.MEMBER_IDS] memberNames = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.MEMBER_NAMES] groupWidget = GroupTrackerGroup(parent=self, leaderId=leaderId, leaderName=leaderName, shardName=shardName, category=category, memberIds=memberIds, memberNames=memberNames) groupWidget.bind(DGG.WITHIN, self.updateGroupInfoEventHandle, extraArgs=[groupWidget]) self.groupWidgets.append(groupWidget) if wantReconsiderInfo: wantReconsiderInfo = self.reconsiderGroupInfo(groupWidget) # Edge case where a group that was removed, info might remain on the screen if it didn't exist any more if wantReconsiderInfo: self.clearGroupInfo() # There are no groups, hide the information if len(self.groupWidgets) == 0: self.displayNoGroups() self.updateGroupList() def updateGroupList(self): self.statusMessage.hide() if self.scrollList is None: return # Clear the Group Listing for item in self.scrollList['items']: if item: self.scrollList.removeItem(item, refresh=True) self.scrollList['items'] = [] # Re-populate the Group Listing for groupWidget in self.groupWidgets: self.scrollList.addItem(groupWidget, refresh=True) if len(self.groupWidgets) == 0: self.displayNoGroups() def updatePlayerList(self): if self.playerList is None: return # Clear the Player Listing for item in self.playerList['items']: if item: self.playerList.removeItem(item) self.playerList['items'] = [] # Re-Populate the List for playerWidget in self.playerWidgets: self.playerList.addItem(playerWidget) def toggleWantGroup(self): if settings.get('grouptracker', False): settings['grouptracker'] = False else: settings['grouptracker'] = True base.localAvatar.wantGroupTracker() base.localAvatar.wantGroupTracker( ) # Updates the ai toon so the boarding group AI could know what he wants self.updateWantGroupButton() def updateWantGroupButton(self): if settings.get('grouptracker', False): self.wantGroupToggle['text'] = 'Hide Me' else: self.wantGroupToggle['text'] = 'Show Me' def doNothing(self): pass
class lobbyGUI(): def __init__(self, _client): self.client = _client self.playerList = [] # Visuals self.lstLobby = DirectScrolledList( decButton_pos= (1.1, 0, -0.45), decButton_text = "up", decButton_text_scale = 0.06, decButton_borderWidth = (0.005, 0.005), incButton_pos= (1.1, 0, -0.55), incButton_text = "down", incButton_text_scale = 0.06, incButton_borderWidth = (0.005, 0.005), frameSize = (-1.05, 1.20, -1.16, 0.16), frameColor = (1,0,0,0.5), pos = (-0.075, 0, 0.5), numItemsVisible = 10, forceHeight = 0.11, itemFrame_frameSize = (-1, 1, -1.11, 0.11), itemFrame_pos = (0, 0, 0), ) # create a start button self.btnStart = DirectButton( # Scale and position scale = 0.15, pos = (1,0,-0.90), # Text text = "Start", # Frame # Functionality command = self.start) # create a back button self.btnBack = DirectButton( # Scale and position scale = 0.15, pos = (-1,0,-0.90), # Text text = "back", # Frame # Functionality command = self.back) self.hide() def show(self): def hide(self): self.lstLobby.hide() self.btnStart.hide() self.btnBack.hide() def start(self): #TODO: Send event or whatever to let the other parts know we can # start the game pass def back(self): #TODO: Send event or whatever to let the other parts know we # want to move to the previous menu pass def updateList(self, newList): for item in newList: l = DirectLabel(text = item, text_scale=0.1) self.lstLobby.addItem(l)
class Highscore(): def __init__(self): home = os.path.expanduser("~") quickJNRDir = os.path.join(home, ".quickShooter") if not os.path.exists(quickJNRDir): os.makedirs(quickJNRDir) self.highscorefile = os.path.join(quickJNRDir, "highscore.txt") self.highscore = [] if not os.path.exists(self.highscorefile): with open(self.highscorefile, "w") as f: f.write("""Foxy;4000 Wolf;3500 Coon;3000 Kitty;2020 Ferret;2000 Lynx;1700 Lion;1280 Tiger;800 Birdy;450 Fishy;250""") with open(self.highscorefile, "r+") as f: data = f.readlines() for line in data: name = line.split(";")[0] pts = line.split(";")[1] self.highscore.append([name, pts]) self.lstHighscore = DirectScrolledList( frameSize = (-1, 1, -0.6, 0.6), frameColor = (0,0,0,0.5), pos = (0, 0, 0), numItemsVisible = 10, itemMakeFunction = self.__makeListItem, itemFrame_frameSize = (-0.9, 0.9, 0.0, -1), itemFrame_color = (1, 1, 1, 0), itemFrame_pos = (0, 0, 0.5)) self.btnBack = DirectButton( # size of the button scale = (0.15, 0.15, 0.15), text = "Back", # set no relief relief = None, frameColor = (0,0,0,0), # No sink in when press pressEffect = False, # position on the window pos = (0.2, 0, 0.1), # the event which is thrown on clickSound command = self.btnBack_Click, # sounds that should be played rolloverSound = None, clickSound = None) self.btnBack.setTransparency(1) self.btnBack.reparentTo(base.a2dBottomLeft) self.refreshList() self.hide() def show(self): def hide(self): self.lstHighscore.hide() self.btnBack.hide() def writeHighscore(self): self.__sortHigscore() with open(self.highscorefile, "w") as f: for entry in self.highscore: f.write("{0};{1}".format(entry[0], entry[1])) def refreshList(self): self.__sortHigscore() self.lstHighscore.removeAllItems() for entry in self.highscore: self.lstHighscore.addItem("{0};{1}".format(entry[0], entry[1])) def __makeListItem(self, highscoreItem, stuff, morestuff): name = highscoreItem.split(";")[0] pts = highscoreItem.split(";")[1] # left l = -0.9 # right r = 0.9 itemFrame = DirectFrame( frameColor=(1, 1, 1, 0.5), frameSize=(l, r, -0.1, 0), relief=DGG.SUNKEN, borderWidth=(0.01, 0.01), pos=(0, 0, 0)) lblName = DirectLabel( pos=(l + 0.01, 0, -0.07), text=name, text_align=TextNode.ALeft, scale=0.07, frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 0)) lblPts = DirectLabel( pos=(r - 0.01, 0, -0.07), text=pts, text_align=TextNode.ARight, scale=0.07, frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 0)) lblName.reparentTo(itemFrame) lblPts.reparentTo(itemFrame) return itemFrame def __sortHigscore(self): self.highscore = sorted( self.highscore, key=lambda score: int(score[1]), reverse=True)[:10] def setPoints(self, name, points): self.highscore.append([name, str(points) + "\n"]) self.refreshList() self.writeHighscore() def btnBack_Click(self): self.hide() base.messenger.send("Highscore_back")
class MainMenu(): def __init__(self, showbase): self.showbase = showbase self.status = OnscreenText(text = "", pos = Vec3(0, -0.35, 0), scale = 0.05, fg = (1, 0, 0, 1), align = TextNode.ACenter, mayChange = True) self.background = DirectFrame( frameSize = (-1, 1, -1, 1), frameTexture = 'media/gui/mainmenu/menu.png', parent = self.showbase.render2d, ) self.title = OnscreenText( text = 'Main Menu', fg = (1, 1, 1, 1), parent = self.background, pos = (-0.6, 0.1), scale = 0.06 ) self.ip = '' # Should make this write to file... so that the user can save ip's... # yep thats a good idea, there will be a few things i guess that need to be done like this # like settings and keys and whatnot # Buttons self.buttons = [] serverButtons = Vec3(-0.60, 0, -0.79) # Host self.params = ['3', '8'] p = serverButtons + Vec3(-0.25, 0, 0) self.hostButton = DirectButton(text = 'Host', pos = p, scale = 0.048, relief = DGG.GROOVE, command = self.showbase.hostGame, extraArgs = [self.params]) self.buttons.append(self.hostButton) # Join p = serverButtons + Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.joinButton = DirectButton(text = 'Join', pos = p, scale = 0.048, relief = DGG.GROOVE, command = self.joinServer) self.buttons.append(self.joinButton) # Refresh if p = serverButtons + Vec3(0.25, 0, 0) self.refreshButton = DirectButton(text = "Refresh", pos = p, scale = 0.048, relief = DGG.GROOVE, command = self.refreshStart) self.buttons.append(self.refreshButton) self.refreshStart() chatFrameCenter = (0.0, 0.325) chatFrameSize = (2.5, 1.2) = DirectFrame( frameColor = (0, 0, 0, 1), frameSize = (chatFrameSize[0] / 2, -chatFrameSize[0] / 2, chatFrameSize[1] / 2, -chatFrameSize[1] / 2), pos = (chatFrameCenter[0], 0, chatFrameCenter[1]) ) channelFrameSize = (chatFrameSize[0] / 4, chatFrameSize[1]) channelFrameCenter = (- chatFrameSize[0] / 2 + channelFrameSize[0] / 2, 0) numItemsVisible = 8 itemHeight = channelFrameSize[1] / (numItemsVisible + 1) self.channels = DirectScrolledList( parent =, pos = (channelFrameCenter[0], 0, channelFrameCenter[1]), frameSize = (-channelFrameSize[0] / 2, channelFrameSize[0] / 2, channelFrameSize[1] / 2, -channelFrameSize[1] / 2), frameColor = (1, 0, 0, 0.5), numItemsVisible = numItemsVisible, forceHeight = itemHeight, #itemFrame_frameSize = (-channelFrameSize[0] / 2.1, channelFrameSize[0] / 2.1, itemHeight, -channelFrameSize[1] + itemHeight), itemFrame_pos = (0, 0, channelFrameSize[1] / 2 - itemHeight), decButton_pos = (-0.2, 0, channelFrameCenter[1] - channelFrameSize[1] / 2 + itemHeight / 4), decButton_text = 'Prev', decButton_text_scale = 0.05, decButton_borderWidth = (0.005, 0.005), incButton_pos = (0.2, 0, channelFrameCenter[1] - channelFrameSize[1] / 2 + itemHeight / 4), incButton_text = 'Next', incButton_text_scale = 0.05, incButton_borderWidth = (0.005, 0.005), ) b1 = DirectButton(text = ("Button1", "click!", "roll", "disabled"), text_scale = 0.1, borderWidth = (0.01, 0.01), relief = 2) b2 = DirectButton(text = ("Button2", "click!", "roll", "disabled"), text_scale = 0.1, borderWidth = (0.01, 0.01), relief = 2) l1 = DirectLabel(text = "Test1", text_scale = 0.1) l2 = DirectLabel(text = "Test2", text_scale = 0.1) l3 = DirectLabel(text = "Test3", text_scale = 0.1) self.channels.addItem(b1) self.channels.addItem(b2) self.channels.addItem(l1) self.channels.addItem(l2) self.channels.addItem(l3) for fruit in ['apple', 'pear', 'banana', 'orange', 'cake', 'chocolate']: l = DirectLabel(text = fruit, text_scale = 0.1) self.channels.addItem(l) # need to add the chat stuff # i guess have like a chat manager which will hold an array of 'chat_instances' # and the chat manager can sort out which is displayed and which channel the text is sent from/received to # a bit more thinking needs to be done i guess # can discuss sometime (not really that important now :P) # also i guess the layout and shit will need to be sorted (for whoever is doing the designing) # current games list (need to implement this) # it should send a query to the master server to get the current list (just ip's atmo i guess) # options shit aswell needs to be sorted # maybe just an overlay or something # functionality for the host button (popup an overlay that will be able to set options and then 'start_game' button # then should auto connect and go to lobby (will be same as for all clients, except have a couple of different buttons i guess) # close game instead of disconnect, start game instead of ready (greyed until all others are ready), kick button i suppose # once the options are set the 'server_inst' should be started on the local computer (which will broadcast to master server, once host can successfully connect) # then game client will move to pregame state (connect to the server, and wait for others and ready) else: self.entry = DirectEntry( focusInCommand = self.clearText, frameSize = (-3, 3, -.5, 1), initialText = self.ip, parent = self.buttons[0], pos = (0, -0.6, -1.5), text_align = TextNode.ACenter, ) self.hide() def refreshStart(self): self.refreshButton["state"] = DGG.DISABLED if self.showbase.authCon.getConnected(): self.servers = [] self.showbase.authCon.sendData('serverQuery') self.showbase.taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.25, self.queryServers, 'Server Query') def queryServers(self, task): finished = False temp = self.showbase.authCon.getData() for package in temp: if len(package) == 2: # Handle Server Query if package[0] == 'server': self.servers.append(package[1]) print package[1] elif package[0] == 'final': self.refreshButton["state"] = DGG.NORMAL finished = True else: self.showbase.authCon.passData(package) if finished: return task.done return task.cont def joinChat(self): pass # Let the client mini auth with the lobby server(lobby_loop) by "Logging into the chat" # Since everything will be in the main menu? like a main chat window.. something similar to HoN i guess? # When the player opens the Join game by button, a list will be send from the lobby server telling it what games are active. # Then the player picks one and it connects via the host name/ip or whatever. # While this is busy happening the client stays connected to the lobby server. def joinServer(self): if self.ip = '' else: self.ip = self.entry.get() self.status.setText('Attempting to join server @ ' + self.ip + '...') # attempt to connect to the game server self.showbase.client = Client(self.showbase, self.ip, 9099, compress = True) if self.showbase.client.getConnected(): print 'Connected to server, Awaiting authentication...' self.showbase.client.sendData(('username', self.showbase.username)) self.showbase.taskMgr.add(self.authorizationListener, 'Authorization Listener') else: self.status.setText('Could not Connect...') def authorizationListener(self, task): temp = self.showbase.client.getData() auth = False if temp != []: for package in temp: if len(package) == 2: if package[0] == 'auth': print 'Authentication Successful' auth = True elif package[0] == 'fail': self.status.setText('Authentication failed on server...') return task.done else: self.showbase.client.passData(package) if auth: self.showbase.startPregame() return task.done return task.again def clearText(self): self.entry.enterText('') def hide(self): self.showbase.taskMgr.remove('Server Query Timeout') self.background.hide() for b in self.buttons: b.hide() self.status.hide() if self.channels.hide() else: self.entry.hide() def show(self): for b in self.buttons: if else:
class MainMenu(): def __init__(self, showbase): self.showbase = showbase self.status = OnscreenText(text="", pos=Vec3(0, -0.35, 0), scale=0.05, fg=(1, 0, 0, 1), align=TextNode.ACenter, mayChange=True) self.background = DirectFrame( frameSize=(-1, 1, -1, 1), frameTexture='media/gui/mainmenu/menu.png', parent=self.showbase.render2d, ) self.title = OnscreenText(text='Main Menu', fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), parent=self.background, pos=(-0.6, 0.1), scale=0.06) self.ip = '' # Should make this write to file... so that the user can save ip's... # yep thats a good idea, there will be a few things i guess that need to be done like this # like settings and keys and whatnot # Buttons self.buttons = [] serverButtons = Vec3(-0.60, 0, -0.79) # Host self.params = ['3', '8'] p = serverButtons + Vec3(-0.25, 0, 0) self.hostButton = DirectButton(text='Host', pos=p, scale=0.048, relief=DGG.GROOVE, command=self.showbase.hostGame, extraArgs=[self.params]) self.buttons.append(self.hostButton) # Join p = serverButtons + Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.joinButton = DirectButton(text='Join', pos=p, scale=0.048, relief=DGG.GROOVE, command=self.joinServer) self.buttons.append(self.joinButton) # Refresh if p = serverButtons + Vec3(0.25, 0, 0) self.refreshButton = DirectButton(text="Refresh", pos=p, scale=0.048, relief=DGG.GROOVE, command=self.refreshStart) self.buttons.append(self.refreshButton) self.refreshStart() chatFrameCenter = (0.0, 0.325) chatFrameSize = (2.5, 1.2) = DirectFrame( frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 1), frameSize=(chatFrameSize[0] / 2, -chatFrameSize[0] / 2, chatFrameSize[1] / 2, -chatFrameSize[1] / 2), pos=(chatFrameCenter[0], 0, chatFrameCenter[1])) channelFrameSize = (chatFrameSize[0] / 4, chatFrameSize[1]) channelFrameCenter = (-chatFrameSize[0] / 2 + channelFrameSize[0] / 2, 0) numItemsVisible = 8 itemHeight = channelFrameSize[1] / (numItemsVisible + 1) self.channels = DirectScrolledList(, pos=(channelFrameCenter[0], 0, channelFrameCenter[1]), frameSize=(-channelFrameSize[0] / 2, channelFrameSize[0] / 2, channelFrameSize[1] / 2, -channelFrameSize[1] / 2), frameColor=(1, 0, 0, 0.5), numItemsVisible=numItemsVisible, forceHeight=itemHeight, #itemFrame_frameSize = (-channelFrameSize[0] / 2.1, channelFrameSize[0] / 2.1, itemHeight, -channelFrameSize[1] + itemHeight), itemFrame_pos=(0, 0, channelFrameSize[1] / 2 - itemHeight), decButton_pos=(-0.2, 0, channelFrameCenter[1] - channelFrameSize[1] / 2 + itemHeight / 4), decButton_text='Prev', decButton_text_scale=0.05, decButton_borderWidth=(0.005, 0.005), incButton_pos=(0.2, 0, channelFrameCenter[1] - channelFrameSize[1] / 2 + itemHeight / 4), incButton_text='Next', incButton_text_scale=0.05, incButton_borderWidth=(0.005, 0.005), ) b1 = DirectButton(text=("Button1", "click!", "roll", "disabled"), text_scale=0.1, borderWidth=(0.01, 0.01), relief=2) b2 = DirectButton(text=("Button2", "click!", "roll", "disabled"), text_scale=0.1, borderWidth=(0.01, 0.01), relief=2) l1 = DirectLabel(text="Test1", text_scale=0.1) l2 = DirectLabel(text="Test2", text_scale=0.1) l3 = DirectLabel(text="Test3", text_scale=0.1) self.channels.addItem(b1) self.channels.addItem(b2) self.channels.addItem(l1) self.channels.addItem(l2) self.channels.addItem(l3) for fruit in [ 'apple', 'pear', 'banana', 'orange', 'cake', 'chocolate' ]: l = DirectLabel(text=fruit, text_scale=0.1) self.channels.addItem(l) # need to add the chat stuff # i guess have like a chat manager which will hold an array of 'chat_instances' # and the chat manager can sort out which is displayed and which channel the text is sent from/received to # a bit more thinking needs to be done i guess # can discuss sometime (not really that important now :P) # also i guess the layout and shit will need to be sorted (for whoever is doing the designing) # current games list (need to implement this) # it should send a query to the master server to get the current list (just ip's atmo i guess) # options shit aswell needs to be sorted # maybe just an overlay or something # functionality for the host button (popup an overlay that will be able to set options and then 'start_game' button # then should auto connect and go to lobby (will be same as for all clients, except have a couple of different buttons i guess) # close game instead of disconnect, start game instead of ready (greyed until all others are ready), kick button i suppose # once the options are set the 'server_inst' should be started on the local computer (which will broadcast to master server, once host can successfully connect) # then game client will move to pregame state (connect to the server, and wait for others and ready) else: self.entry = DirectEntry( focusInCommand=self.clearText, frameSize=(-3, 3, -.5, 1), initialText=self.ip, parent=self.buttons[0], pos=(0, -0.6, -1.5), text_align=TextNode.ACenter, ) self.hide() def refreshStart(self): self.refreshButton["state"] = DGG.DISABLED if self.showbase.authCon.getConnected(): self.servers = [] self.showbase.authCon.sendData('serverQuery') self.showbase.taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.25, self.queryServers, 'Server Query') def queryServers(self, task): finished = False temp = self.showbase.authCon.getData() for package in temp: if len(package) == 2: # Handle Server Query if package[0] == 'server': self.servers.append(package[1]) print package[1] elif package[0] == 'final': self.refreshButton["state"] = DGG.NORMAL finished = True else: self.showbase.authCon.passData(package) if finished: return task.done return task.cont def joinChat(self): pass # Let the client mini auth with the lobby server(lobby_loop) by "Logging into the chat" # Since everything will be in the main menu? like a main chat window.. something similar to HoN i guess? # When the player opens the Join game by button, a list will be send from the lobby server telling it what games are active. # Then the player picks one and it connects via the host name/ip or whatever. # While this is busy happening the client stays connected to the lobby server. def joinServer(self): if self.ip = '' else: self.ip = self.entry.get() self.status.setText('Attempting to join server @ ' + self.ip + '...') # attempt to connect to the game server self.showbase.client = Client(self.showbase, self.ip, 9099, compress=True) if self.showbase.client.getConnected(): print 'Connected to server, Awaiting authentication...' self.showbase.client.sendData(('username', self.showbase.username)) self.showbase.taskMgr.add(self.authorizationListener, 'Authorization Listener') else: self.status.setText('Could not Connect...') def authorizationListener(self, task): temp = self.showbase.client.getData() auth = False if temp != []: for package in temp: if len(package) == 2: if package[0] == 'auth': print 'Authentication Successful' auth = True elif package[0] == 'fail': self.status.setText( 'Authentication failed on server...') return task.done else: self.showbase.client.passData(package) if auth: self.showbase.startPregame() return task.done return task.again def clearText(self): self.entry.enterText('') def hide(self): self.showbase.taskMgr.remove('Server Query Timeout') self.background.hide() for b in self.buttons: b.hide() self.status.hide() if self.channels.hide() else: self.entry.hide() def show(self): for b in self.buttons: if else:
class GroupTrackerPage(ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage): notify = directNotify.newCategory('GroupTrackerPage') def __init__(self): ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage.__init__(self) self.groupWidgets = [] self.playerWidgets = [] self.images = [] # image nodes: Possible images to apply on groups self.scrollList = None # DirectScrolledList: Holds the GroupTrackerGroup widgets self.scrollTitle = None # DirectLabel: Title of the list that holds the groups self.playerList = None # DirectScrolledList: Holds players when showing a specific group details self.playerListTitle = None # DirectLabel: Title of the playerList self.groupInfoTitle = None # DirectLabel: holds the group detail title to show on the right self.groupInfoDistrict = None # DirectLabel: shows group detail district on the right self.statusMessage = None # DirectLabel: Shows important messages like Loading... or "No boarding groups available" self.groupIcon = None # DirectButton: Icon to associate with the group ex. sellbot icon or cashbot icon depending on group info self.wantGroupToggle = None # DirectButton: Allows the toon to toggle his listing def load(self): self.listXorigin = -0.02 self.listFrameSizeX = 0.67 self.listZorigin = -0.96 self.listFrameSizeZ = 1.04 self.arrowButtonScale = 1.3 self.itemFrameXorigin = -0.237 self.itemFrameZorigin = 0.365 self.buttonXstart = self.itemFrameXorigin + 0.293 self.gui = loader.loadModel('phase_3.5/models/gui/friendslist_gui') guiButton = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/quit_button') self.scrollList = DirectScrolledList(parent=self, relief=None, pos=(-0.5, 0, 0), incButton_image=(self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollDN'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp') ), incButton_relief=None, incButton_scale=(self.arrowButtonScale, self.arrowButtonScale, -self.arrowButtonScale), incButton_pos=(self.buttonXstart, 0, self.itemFrameZorigin - 0.999), incButton_image3_color=Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.2), decButton_image=(self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollDN'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp') ), decButton_relief=None, decButton_scale=(self.arrowButtonScale, self.arrowButtonScale, self.arrowButtonScale), decButton_pos=(self.buttonXstart, 0, self.itemFrameZorigin + 0.227), decButton_image3_color=Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.2), itemFrame_pos=(self.itemFrameXorigin, 0, self.itemFrameZorigin), itemFrame_scale=1.0, itemFrame_relief=DGG.SUNKEN, itemFrame_frameSize=(self.listXorigin, self.listXorigin + self.listFrameSizeX, self.listZorigin, self.listZorigin + self.listFrameSizeZ ), itemFrame_frameColor=(0.85, 0.95, 1, 1), itemFrame_borderWidth=(0.01, 0.01), numItemsVisible=15, forceHeight=0.065, items=self.groupWidgets ) self.scrollTitle = DirectFrame(parent=self.scrollList, text=TTLocalizer.GroupTrackerListTitle, text_scale=0.06, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, relief=None, pos=(self.buttonXstart, 0, self.itemFrameZorigin + 0.127) ) self.playerList = DirectScrolledList(parent=self, relief=None, pos=(0.45, 0, 0.1), incButton_image=(self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollDN'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp') ), incButton_relief=None, incButton_scale=(1.0, 1.0, -1.0), incButton_pos=(0, 0, -0.28), incButton_image3_color=Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.05), decButton_image=(self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollDN'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr'), self.gui.find('**/FndsLst_ScrollUp') ), decButton_relief=None, decButton_scale=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), decButton_pos=(0.0, 0, 0.04), decButton_image3_color=Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.25), itemFrame_pos=(0, 0, -0.05), itemFrame_scale=1.0, itemFrame_relief=DGG.SUNKEN, itemFrame_frameSize=(-0.3, 0.3, #x -0.2, 0.06), #z itemFrame_frameColor=(0.85, 0.95, 1, 1), itemFrame_borderWidth=(0.01, 0.01), numItemsVisible=4, forceHeight=0.05, items=self.playerWidgets ) self.playerListTitle = DirectFrame(parent=self.playerList, text='', text_scale=0.05, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, relief=None, pos=(0, 0, 0.08) ) self.groupInfoTitle = DirectLabel(parent=self, text='', text_scale=0.080, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=15, relief=None, pos=(0.45, 0, 0.5)) self.groupInfoDistrict = DirectLabel(parent=self, text='', text_scale=0.050, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=15, relief=None, pos=(0.45, 0, 0.4) ) self.statusMessage = DirectLabel(parent=self, text='', text_scale=0.060, text_align=TextNode.ACenter, text_wordwrap=5, relief=None, pos=(0.45,0,0.1)) # Group Image: self.groupIcon = DirectButton(parent=self, relief=None, state=DGG.DISABLED, image=None, image_scale=(0.35, 1, 0.35), image_color=Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.75), pos=(0.45, 10, -0.45), command=self.doNothing) # Group Toggle: self.wantGroupToggle = DirectButton(parent=self, relief=None, image=(guiButton.find('**/QuitBtn_UP'), guiButton.find('**/QuitBtn_DN'), guiButton.find('**/QuitBtn_RLVR')), image_scale=(0.7, 1, 1), text='', text_scale=0.052, text_pos=(0, -0.02), pos=(0.2, 0, -0.65), command=self.toggleWantGroup) self.updateWantGroupButton() # Loading possible group icons suitIcons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/cog_icons') bossbotIcon = suitIcons.find('**/CorpIcon') bossbotIcon.setColor(SUIT_ICON_COLORS[0]) self.images.append(bossbotIcon) lawbotIcon = suitIcons.find('**/LegalIcon') lawbotIcon.setColor(SUIT_ICON_COLORS[1]) self.images.append(lawbotIcon) cashbotIcon = suitIcons.find('**/MoneyIcon') cashbotIcon.setColor(SUIT_ICON_COLORS[2]) self.images.append(cashbotIcon) sellbotIcon = suitIcons.find('**/SalesIcon') sellbotIcon.setColor(SUIT_ICON_COLORS[3]) self.images.append(sellbotIcon) # Clean up self.clearGroupInfo() self.statusMessage.hide() suitIcons.removeNode() self.gui.removeNode() guiButton.removeNode() self.accept('GroupTrackerResponse', self.updatePage) def unload(self): self.scrollList.destroy() self.groupInfoDistrict.destroy() self.playerList.destroy() self.groupInfoTitle.destroy() self.groupIcon.destroy() self.wantGroupToggle.destroy() for widget in self.playerWidgets: widget.destroy() for widget in self.groupWidgets: widget.destroy() self.playerWidgets = [] del self.scrollList del self.groupInfoDistrict del self.playerList del self.groupInfoTitle del self.groupIcon del self.wantGroupToggle ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage.unload(self) def enter(self): ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage.enter(self) self.setGroups([]) # CLEAR IT ALL self.setPlayers() # CLEAR IT ALL if(self.scrollList['items'] == []): self.statusMessage['text'] = TTLocalizer.GroupTrackerLoading taskMgr.doMethodLater(3, self.displayNoGroupsTaskHandler, self.uniqueName('timeout')) def displayNoGroups(self): self.statusMessage['text'] = TTLocalizer.GroupTrackerEmpty self.clearGroupInfo() def displayNoGroupsTaskHandler(self, task): self.displayNoGroups() return task.done def updatePage(self): taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('timeout')) groups = self.setGroups(groups) def exit(self): self.clearGroupInfo() ShtikerPage.ShtikerPage.exit(self) def updateGroupInfoEventHandle(self, groupWidget, mouseEvent): self.updateGroupInfo(groupWidget) def updateGroupInfo(self, groupWidget): ''' Updates the Right Page of the Group Tracker Page with new Info ''' self.statusMessage.hide() # Update the Player List self.setPlayers(groupWidget) # Update the Player List Title self.playerListTitle['text'] = ('Players ' + str(groupWidget.getCurrentPlayers()) + '/' + str(groupWidget.getMaxPlayers()) + ':') # Update the District self.groupInfoDistrict['text'] = TTLocalizer.BoardingGroupDistrictInformation % { 'district' : groupWidget.getDistrict() } # Update the Title self.groupInfoTitle['text'] = groupWidget.getTitle() # Update the Image self.groupIcon['image'] = self.images[GroupTrackerGlobals.CATEGORY_TO_IMAGE_ID[groupWidget.getCategory()]] self.groupIcon['image_scale'] = (0.35, 1, 0.35) def clearGroupInfo(self): self.playerList.hide() self.playerListTitle.hide() self.groupInfoDistrict.hide() self.groupInfoTitle.hide() self.groupIcon.hide() def setPlayers(self, groupWidget=None): ''' Calls updatePlayerList ''' # Clear the Widgets that were held in the listings for playerWidget in self.playerWidgets: playerWidget.destroy() self.playerWidgets = [] # Make a player widget for each player # TODO: Edit this stuff when avIds come from players if groupWidget: leaderId = groupWidget.getLeaderId() playerNames = groupWidget.getMemberNames() playerIds = groupWidget.getMemberIds() for playerName in playerNames: playerId = playerIds[playerNames.index(playerName)] isLeader = playerId == leaderId self.playerWidgets.append(GroupTrackerPlayer(parent=self, avId=playerId, name=playerName, isLeader=isLeader)) self.updatePlayerList() def reconsiderGroupInfo(self, groupWidget): ''' If someone is viewing this info and it was updated, we also want to update the info being viewed ''' if self.playerWidgets is None or self.playerList['items'] == []: return # No Info is being viewed at the moment since you cant have an empty group # We have to update if this group's leader is the leader in the playerlist being viewed right now leaderId = groupWidget.getLeaderId() # Check all the players in the playerList being viewed for the same leader for playerWidget in self.playerWidgets: if playerWidget.getLeader(): if leaderId == playerWidget.getId(): self.updateGroupInfo(groupWidget) return False return True def setGroups(self, groups): ''' Calls updateGroupList ''' # Clear our Group Widgets for group in self.groupWidgets: group.destroy() self.groupWidgets = [] wantReconsiderInfo = True # Create a new group widget for each group for group in groups: if not group[GroupTrackerGlobals.SHOW] or len(group[GroupTrackerGlobals.MEMBER_IDS]) == 0: continue # We are using this to see if this group is dead or if someone doesnt want it up leaderId = 0 for i, g in if g == group: leaderId = i if not leaderId: continue leaderName = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.LEADER_NAME] shardName = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.SHARD_NAME] category = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.CATEGORY] memberIds = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.MEMBER_IDS] memberNames = group[GroupTrackerGlobals.MEMBER_NAMES] groupWidget = GroupTrackerGroup(parent=self, leaderId=leaderId, leaderName=leaderName, shardName=shardName, category=category, memberIds=memberIds, memberNames=memberNames) groupWidget.bind(DGG.WITHIN, self.updateGroupInfoEventHandle, extraArgs=[groupWidget]) self.groupWidgets.append(groupWidget) if wantReconsiderInfo: wantReconsiderInfo = self.reconsiderGroupInfo(groupWidget) # Edge case where a group that was removed, info might remain on the screen if it didn't exist any more if wantReconsiderInfo: self.clearGroupInfo() # There are no groups, hide the information if len(self.groupWidgets) == 0: self.displayNoGroups() self.updateGroupList() def updateGroupList(self): self.statusMessage.hide() if self.scrollList is None: return # Clear the Group Listing for item in self.scrollList['items']: if item: self.scrollList.removeItem(item, refresh=True) self.scrollList['items'] = [] # Re-populate the Group Listing for groupWidget in self.groupWidgets: self.scrollList.addItem(groupWidget, refresh=True) if len(self.groupWidgets) == 0: self.displayNoGroups() def updatePlayerList(self): if self.playerList is None: return # Clear the Player Listing for item in self.playerList['items']: if item: self.playerList.removeItem(item) self.playerList['items'] = [] # Re-Populate the List for playerWidget in self.playerWidgets: self.playerList.addItem(playerWidget) def toggleWantGroup(self): if settings.get('grouptracker', False): settings['grouptracker'] = False else: settings['grouptracker'] = True base.localAvatar.wantGroupTracker() base.localAvatar.wantGroupTracker() # Updates the ai toon so the boarding group AI could know what he wants self.updateWantGroupButton() def updateWantGroupButton(self): if settings.get('grouptracker', False): self.wantGroupToggle['text'] = 'Hide Me' else: self.wantGroupToggle['text'] = 'Show Me' def doNothing(self): pass