class ControlPointBar(DirectWaitBar): def __init__(self, barColor=(255,0,0,1), pos=(1.0,0,0.9)): = DirectWaitBar(pos = pos, barColor = barColor, text="", value=70, range=100, frameSize=(-0.3,0.3,0,0.03), frameColor=(0,0,255,1)) def setValue(self, value):['value'] = float(value) self.setPos((0,0,0)) def hide(self): # to make inherited setPos available for this object def show(self): # to make inherited setPos available for this object def setPos(self, pos):
class ValueBar(rootsim.RootSim): """Display Value in a loading bar fashion""" def __init__(self, path, scale=0.5, extraText='', decimal=0, showOverValues=1): rootsim.RootSim.__init__(self, path, scale=scale) self.extraText = extraText self.currentValue = 0.0 self.maxValue = 0.0 self.barValue = 0.0 self.scale = scale self.decimal = decimal self.showOverValues = showOverValues self.myText = '' self.textOverValue = None self.myBar = DirectWaitBar(text = '0 / 0', scale = scale, frameColor = globals.colors['guiblue2'], borderWidth = (0.01, 0.01)) self.barColor = globals.colors['guiblue1'] def setMyPosition(self, x, y, z): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.myBar.setPos(x, y, z) if self.textOverValue != None: barWidth = self.myBar.getWidth()*self.scale/2.0 barHeight = self.myBar.getHeight()*self.scale/3.0 self.textOverValue.setMyPosition(x+barWidth, y, z-barHeight) def updateMyBar(self): """Update the bar on the screen""" self.myBar['text'] = self.myText self.myBar['value'] = self.barValue self.myBar['barColor'] = self.barColor def setMyValues(self, currentValue, maxValue): self.currentValue = float(currentValue) self.maxValue = float(maxValue) self.setMyText() self.setBarValue() self.updateMyBar() self.writeOverValue() def setMyText(self): if self.currentValue == self.maxValue: if self.decimal == 1: self.myText = '%s' % self.currentValue else: self.myText = '%d' % self.currentValue else: if self.decimal == 1: self.myText = '%s / %s' % (self.currentValue, self.maxValue) else: self.myText = '%d / %d' % (self.currentValue, self.maxValue) self.myText = self.myText + ' %s' % self.extraText def setBarValue(self): """Bar Value can only be from 0 to 100""" if self.currentValue > self.maxValue: self.barValue = 100 elif self.maxValue == 0: self.barValue = 0 else: self.barValue = (self.currentValue / self.maxValue) * 100.0 def setColor(self, color): """set the text color = Vec4(red, green, blue, alpha)""" self.barColor = color self.updateMyBar() def writeOverValue(self): """Set the textOverValue text if currentValue > maxValue""" if self.showOverValues == 1: value = self.currentValue - self.maxValue self.clearText(self.textOverValue) if int(value) > 0: self.textOverValue = textonscreen.TextOnScreen(self.path, '+ %d' % value, self.scale/8.0, parent=aspect2d) self.textOverValue.writeTextToScreen(self.x, self.y, self.z) self.textOverValue.setColor(globals.colors['guiyellow']) def clearText(self, textSim): """If sim exists remove from panda""" if textSim != None: textSim.destroy() textSim = None def destroy(self): """remove Bar, text""" self.myBar.destroy() self.clearText(self.textOverValue)