    def test_all(self):
            self.disc4.is_touching(self.disc5, precision=self.PRECISION))
            self.disc1.is_touching(self.disc2, precision=self.PRECISION))

        disc2 = Disc(Center(-1, -1), 3)
        (disc5, disc6) = disc2.inscribe_discs()
        self.assertEqual(str(disc5), "(x-3.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 4.00")
        self.assertEqual(str(disc6), "(x-7.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 4.00")

        self.assertEqual(str(disc2), "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 36.00")
        self.assertEqual(str(disc2), "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 16.00")
        # Transformed disc is a new object
        disc = disc2.transformed_disc(2)
        self.assertIsinstance(disc, Disc)
        self.assertEqual(str(disc2), "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 16.00")
        self.assertEqual(str(disc), "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 36.00")
def testDiscClass():
    print('Testing Disc class...', end='')
    # Disc have two main properties:
    # center of disc and the radius of disc.
    # A Disc objects convert to a printable string as:
    assert str(Disc(Center(1, 1), 3)) == "(x-1.00)**2 + (y-1.00)**2 = 9.00"
    assert str(Disc(Center(5, 5), 4)) == "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 16.00"
    assert str(Disc(Center(0, 3), 1)) == "(x)**2 + (y-3.00)**2 = 1.00"
    assert str(Disc(Center(0, 0), 2)) == "(x)**2 + (y)**2 = 4.00"
    assert str(Disc(Center(0, 1), 1)) == "(x)**2 + (y-1.00)**2 = 1.00"
    assert str(Disc(Center(1, 4), 1)) == "(x-1.00)**2 + (y-4.00)**2 = 1.00"
    # A Disc objects convert to a printable string as:
    assert str(Center(1, 4)) == "Center is x=1, y=4"

    disc1 = Disc(Center(1, 1), 3)
    assert str(disc1) == "(x-1.00)**2 + (y-1.00)**2 = 9.00"
    assert disc1.radius == 3
    assert isinstance(disc1.radius, int)
    assert disc1.center == (1, 1)

    disc2 = Disc(Center(5, 5), 4)
    assert str(disc2) == "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 16.00"
    assert disc2.radius == 4
    assert disc2.center == (5, 5)

    # Whether the discs are touching
    assert Disc(Center(0, 1), 1).is_touching(Disc(Center(0, 0), 2),
    assert not disc1.is_touching(disc2, precision=PRECISION)

    # inscribe_discs returns the two disks of the same radius
    # that inscribed in the given disc, are touching and
    # one coordinate coincides
    (disc5, disc6) = disc2.inscribe_discs()
    assert str(disc5) == "(x-3.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 4.00"
    assert str(disc6) == "(x-7.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 4.00"
    assert disc5.is_touching(disc6, precision=PRECISION)

    # We can transform disc
    assert str(disc2) == "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 36.00"
    assert str(disc2) == "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 16.00"
    # Transformed disc is a new object
    disc = disc2.transformed_disc(2)
    assert isinstance(disc, Disc)
    assert str(disc2) == "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 16.00"
    assert str(disc) == "(x-5.00)**2 + (y-5.00)**2 = 36.00"

    # We should be able to test disc for basic functionality
    assert Disc(Center(5, 5), 5) == Disc(Center(5, 5), 5)
    assert Disc(Center(4, 4), 5) != Disc(Center(1, 3), 3)
    assert Disc(Center(4, 4), 5) != "don't crash here!"

    disc_set = set()
    assert Disc(Center(1, 2), 3) not in disc_set
    disc_set.add(Disc(Center(1, 2), 3))
    assert Disc(Center(1, 2), 3) in disc_set
    disc_set.remove(Disc(Center(1, 2), 3))
    assert Disc(Center(1, 2), 3) not in disc_set

    discx = Disc.fromstring('2 3 5')
    assert str(discx) == "(x-2.00)**2 + (y-3.00)**2 = 25.00"

    # If two discs are superimposed, the lens forms and
    # can be calculated its parameters - four point:
    # two disc centers and two disk intersection points
    ((x4, y4), (x3, y3), (x2, y2),
     (x1, y1)) = disc1.lens_creation(disc2, precision=PRECISION)
    # (1, 1) (5, 5) (1.13, 4.00) (4.00, 1.13)
    # assert math.isclose(x4, disc1.center[0]) and math.isclose(y4,
    #                                                           disc1.center[1])
    # assert math.isclose(x3, disc2.center[0]) and math.isclose(y3,
    #                                                           disc2.center[0])
    # assert math.isclose(x1, 4.00) and math.isclose(y1, 1.13)
    # assert math.isclose(x2, 1.13) and math.isclose(y2, 4.00)
    # disc3 = Disc(Center(0, 3), 1)
    # disc4 = Disc(Center(0, 0), 2)
    # (x, y) = disc3.lens_creation(disc4, precision=PRECISION)  # (0, 2)
    # assert math.isclose(x, 0) and math.isclose(y, 2)
    # (x, y) = disc5.lens_creation(disc6, precision=PRECISION)  # (5, 5)
    # assert math.isclose(x, 5) and math.isclose(y, 5)
    # # If the disks are coincident then the lens is not formed -
    # # there are an infinite number of common points
    # assert Disc(Center(2, 2), 3).lens_creation(Disc(Center(2, 2), 3),
    #                                            precision=PRECISION) == math.inf
    # # The discs are separate and the lens is not formed
    # assert Disc(Center(1, 4), 1).lens_creation(Disc(Center(2, -1), 2),
    #                                            precision=PRECISION) is None
