class EventColors(Enum):
    ban = Colour.dark_red()
    unban = Colour.teal()
    kick = Colour.red()
    join = Colour.dark_green()
    leave = Colour.blue()
    delete = Colour.magenta()
    bulk_delete = Colour.dark_magenta()
    edit = Colour.gold()
    name_change = Colour.purple()
    nickname_change = Colour.blurple()
    role_added = Colour.dark_teal()
    role_removed = Colour.orange()
    verified = Colour.light_grey()
文件: notes.py 项目: gdude2002/Smithy
# coding=utf-8
import datetime
from discord import TextChannel, Guild, Embed, HTTPException, Member
from discord.colour import Colour
from discord.ext.commands import AutoShardedBot, Context, group, guild_only, has_permissions
from peewee import DoesNotExist

from smithy.constants import NOTE_CLOSED, NOTE_OPEN, NOTE_RESOLVED
from smithy.database import manager, DBServer, Note

__author__ = "Gareth Coles"

CLOSED_COLOUR = Colour.red()
OPEN_COLOR = Colour.blurple()
RESOLVED_COLOUR = Colour.green()

class Notes:
    In-channel notes
    def __init__(self, bot: AutoShardedBot):
        self.bot = bot

    @group(invoke_without_command=True, aliases=["note"])
    async def notes(self, ctx: Context):
        In-channel notes management

        await ctx.invoke(self.bot.get_command("help"), "notes")
class Track(PCMVolumeTransformer):
    length = 0
    requester = None
    _embed_colour = Colour.blurple()
    _track_type = 'Track'

    def __init__(
            config: SubRedis,
            volume: float = 0.15,
            requester: Optional[User] = None,

        if not volume:
            volume = float(config.hget("config:defaults", "volume"))

        super().__init__(FFmpegPCMAudio(source, **kwargs), volume)

        self.requester = requester
        self._frames = 0

    def read(self):
        self._frames += 1
        return super().read()

    def play_time(self) -> int:
        """Returns the current track play time in seconds."""
        return round(self._frames / 50)

    def information(self) -> str:
        """Provides basic information on a track

        An example of this would be the title and artist.
        return self._track_type

    def status_information(self) -> str:
        """Provides basic information on a track for use in the discord status section

        An example of this would be the title and artist.
        return self._track_type

    def playing_message(self) -> Dict[str, Embed]:
        """A discord embed with more detailed information to be displayed when a track is playing."""

        em = Embed(

        return {'embed': em}

    def request_message(self) -> Dict[str, Embed]:
        """A discord Embed with basic information to be displayed when a track is requested."""

        em = Embed(
            description=f'Adding {self.information} to the queue...'

        em.set_author(name=f'{self._track_type} - Requested by {self.requester}')

        return {'embed': em}

    # @classmethod
    # async def convert(cls, ctx: Converter, argument: str):
    #     raise NotImplementedError

    async def get_user_choice(cls, ctx: Context, search_query: str, entries: List[Tuple[str]]) -> int:

        em = Embed(colour=cls._embed_colour,)
        em.set_author(name=f'{cls._track_type} search results - {search_query} - Requested by {ctx.author}')

        for index, entry in enumerate(entries, 1):
                name=f'{index} - {entry[0]}', value=entry[1], inline=False)

        search_message = await ctx.send(embed=em)
        ensure_future(add_numeric_reactions(search_message, len(entries)))

        def check(react: Reaction, user: User):
            return any((
                    react.message.id == search_message.id,
                    user == ctx.author,
                    react.emoji in (numeric_emoji(n) for n in range(1, 1+len(entries)))

            reaction, _ = await ctx.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=check, timeout=60)

        except TimeoutError:
            raise BadArgument("You did not choose a search result in time.")

        await search_message.delete()
        return int(reaction.emoji[0]) - 1