def example_curvilinear_grid(nC, exType):
    if not isinstance(nC, list):
        raise TypeError("nC must be a list containing the number of nodes")
    if len(nC) != 2 and len(nC) != 3:
        raise ValueError("nC must either two or three dimensions")
    exType = exType.lower()

    possibleTypes = ["rect", "rotate"]
    if exType not in possibleTypes:
        raise TypeError("Not a possible example type.")

    if exType == "rect":
        return list(
            ndgrid([np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.ones(nx) / nx]) for nx in nC],
    elif exType == "rotate":
        if len(nC) == 2:
            X, Y = ndgrid([np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.ones(nx) / nx]) for nx in nC],
            amt = 0.5 - np.sqrt((X - 0.5)**2 + (Y - 0.5)**2)
            amt[amt < 0] = 0
            return [X + (-(Y - 0.5)) * amt, Y + (+(X - 0.5)) * amt]
        elif len(nC) == 3:
            X, Y, Z = ndgrid(
                [np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.ones(nx) / nx]) for nx in nC],
            amt = 0.5 - np.sqrt((X - 0.5)**2 + (Y - 0.5)**2 + (Z - 0.5)**2)
            amt[amt < 0] = 0
            return [
                X + (-(Y - 0.5)) * amt,
                Y + (-(Z - 0.5)) * amt,
                Z + (-(X - 0.5)) * amt,
def example_curvilinear_grid(nC, exType):
    """Creates and returns the gridded node locations for a curvilinear mesh.

    nC : list of int
        list of number of cells in each dimension. Must be length 2 or 3
    exType : {"rect", "rotate", "sphere"}
        String specifying the style of example curvilinear mesh.

    list of numpy.ndarray
        List containing the gridded x, y (and z) node locations for the
        curvilinear mesh.
    if not isinstance(nC, list):
        raise TypeError("nC must be a list containing the number of nodes")
    if len(nC) != 2 and len(nC) != 3:
        raise ValueError("nC must either two or three dimensions")
    exType = exType.lower()

    possibleTypes = ["rect", "rotate", "sphere"]
    if exType not in possibleTypes:
        raise TypeError("Not a possible example type.")

    if exType == "rect":
        return list(
            ndgrid([np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.ones(nx) / nx]) for nx in nC],
    elif exType == "sphere":
        nodes = list(
            ndgrid([np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.ones(nx) / nx]) - 0.5 for nx in nC],
        nodes = np.stack(nodes, axis=-1)
        nodes = 2 * nodes
        # L_inf distance to center
        r0 = np.linalg.norm(nodes, ord=np.inf, axis=-1)
        # L2 distance to center
        r2 = np.linalg.norm(nodes, axis=-1)
        r0[r0 == 0.0] = 1.0
        r2[r2 == 0.0] = 1.0
        scale = r0 / r2
        nodes = nodes * scale[..., None]
        nodes = np.transpose(nodes, (-1, *np.arange(len(nC))))
        nodes = [node for node in nodes]  # turn it into a list
        return nodes
    elif exType == "rotate":
        if len(nC) == 2:
            X, Y = ndgrid([np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.ones(nx) / nx]) for nx in nC],
            amt = 0.5 - np.sqrt((X - 0.5)**2 + (Y - 0.5)**2)
            amt[amt < 0] = 0
            return [X + (-(Y - 0.5)) * amt, Y + (+(X - 0.5)) * amt]
        elif len(nC) == 3:
            X, Y, Z = ndgrid(
                [np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.ones(nx) / nx]) for nx in nC],
            amt = 0.5 - np.sqrt((X - 0.5)**2 + (Y - 0.5)**2 + (Z - 0.5)**2)
            amt[amt < 0] = 0
            return [
                X + (-(Y - 0.5)) * amt,
                Y + (-(Z - 0.5)) * amt,
                Z + (-(X - 0.5)) * amt,
def index_cube(nodes, grid_shape, n=None):
    """Returns the index of nodes on a tensor (or curvilinear) mesh.

    For 2D tensor meshes, each cell is defined by nodes
    *A, B, C* and *D*. And for 3D tensor meshes, each cell
    is defined by nodes *A* through *H* (see below). *index_cube*
    outputs the indices for the specified node(s) for all
    cells in the mesh.


      node(i,j+1)      node(i+i,j+1)
           B -------------- C
           |                |
           |    cell(i,j)   |
           |        I       |
           |                |
           A -------------- D
       node(i,j)        node(i+1,j)


        node(i,j+1,k+1)    node(i+1,j+1,k+1)
                F ---------------- G
               /|                / |
              / |               /  |
             /  |              /   |
     node(i,j,k+1)     node(i+1,j,k+1)
           E --------------- H     |
           |    B -----------|---- C
           |   / cell(i,j,k) |   /
           |  /        I     |  /
           | /               | /
           A --------------- D
      node(i,j,k)     node(i+1,j,k)

    nodes : str
        String specifying which nodes to return. For 2D meshes,
        *nodes* must be a string containing combinations of the characters 'A', 'B',
        'C', or 'D'. For 3D meshes, *nodes* can also be 'E', 'F', 'G', or 'H'. Note that
        order is preserved. E.g. if we want to return the C, D and A node indices in
        that particular order, we input *nodes* = 'CDA'.
    grid_shape : list of int
        Number of nodes along the i,j,k directions; e.g. [ni,nj,nk]
    nc : list of int
        Number of cells along the i,j,k directions; e.g. [nci,ncj,nck]

    index : tuple of numpy.ndarray
        Each entry of the tuple is a 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` containing the indices of
        the nodes specified in the input *nodes* in the order asked;
        e.g. if *nodes* = 'DCBA', the tuple returned is ordered (D,C,B,A).

    Here, we construct a small 2D tensor mesh
    (works for a curvilinear mesh as well) and use *index_cube*
    to find the indices of the 'A' and 'C' nodes. We then
    plot the mesh, as well as the 'A' and 'C' node locations.

    >>> from discretize import TensorMesh
    >>> from discretize.utils import index_cube
    >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    >>> import numpy as np

    Create a simple tensor mesh.

    >>> n_cells = 5
    >>> h = 2*np.ones(n_cells)
    >>> mesh = TensorMesh([h, h], x0='00')

    Get indices of 'A' and 'C' nodes for all cells.

    >>> A, C = index_cube('AC', [n_cells+1, n_cells+1])

    Plot mesh and the locations of the A and C nodes

    .. collapse:: Expand to show scripting for plot

        >>> fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
        >>> ax1 = fig1.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
        >>> mesh.plot_grid(ax=ax1)
        >>> ax1.scatter(mesh.nodes[A, 0], mesh.nodes[A, 1], 100, 'r', marker='^')
        >>> ax1.scatter(mesh.nodes[C, 0], mesh.nodes[C, 1], 100, 'g', marker='v')
        >>> ax1.set_title('A nodes (red) and C nodes (green)')

    if not isinstance(nodes, str):
        raise TypeError("Nodes must be a str variable: e.g. 'ABCD'")
    nodes = nodes.upper()
        dim = len(grid_shape)
        if n is None:
            n = tuple(x - 1 for x in grid_shape)
    except TypeError:
        return TypeError("grid_shape must be iterable")
    # Make sure that we choose from the possible nodes.
    possibleNodes = "ABCD" if dim == 2 else "ABCDEFGH"
    for node in nodes:
        if node not in possibleNodes:
            raise ValueError(
                "Nodes must be chosen from: '{0!s}'".format(possibleNodes))

    if dim == 2:
        ij = ndgrid(np.arange(n[0]), np.arange(n[1]))
        i, j = ij[:, 0], ij[:, 1]
    elif dim == 3:
        ijk = ndgrid(np.arange(n[0]), np.arange(n[1]), np.arange(n[2]))
        i, j, k = ijk[:, 0], ijk[:, 1], ijk[:, 2]
        raise Exception("Only 2 and 3 dimensions supported.")

    nodeMap = {
        "A": [0, 0, 0],
        "B": [0, 1, 0],
        "C": [1, 1, 0],
        "D": [1, 0, 0],
        "E": [0, 0, 1],
        "F": [0, 1, 1],
        "G": [1, 1, 1],
        "H": [1, 0, 1],
    out = ()
    for node in nodes:
        shift = nodeMap[node]
        if dim == 2:
            out += (sub2ind(grid_shape, np.c_[i + shift[0],
                                              j + shift[1]]).flatten(), )
        elif dim == 3:
            out += (sub2ind(grid_shape, np.c_[i + shift[0], j + shift[1],
                                              k + shift[2]]).flatten(), )

    return out
def index_cube(nodes, grid_size, n=None):
    Returns the index of nodes on the mesh.

       nodes     - string of which nodes to return. e.g. 'ABCD'
       grid_size  - size of the nodal grid
       n         - number of nodes each i,j,k direction: [ni,nj,nk]

       index  - index in the order asked e.g. 'ABCD' --> (A,B,C,D)


      node(i,j)          node(i,j+1)
           A -------------- B
           |                |
           |    cell(i,j)   |
           |        I       |
           |                |
          D -------------- C
      node(i+1,j)        node(i+1,j+1)


            node(i,j,k+1)       node(i,j+1,k+1)
                E --------------- F
               /|               / |
              / |              /  |
             /  |             /   |
      node(i,j,k)         node(i,j+1,k)
           A -------------- B     |
           |    H ----------|---- G
           |   /cell(i,j)   |   /
           |  /     I       |  /
           | /              | /
           D -------------- C
      node(i+1,j,k)      node(i+1,j+1,k)


    if not isinstance(nodes, str):
        raise TypeError("Nodes must be a str variable: e.g. 'ABCD'")
    nodes = nodes.upper()
        dim = len(grid_size)
        if n is None:
            n = tuple(x - 1 for x in grid_size)
    except TypeError:
        return TypeError("grid_size must be iterable")
    # Make sure that we choose from the possible nodes.
    possibleNodes = "ABCD" if dim == 2 else "ABCDEFGH"
    for node in nodes:
        if node not in possibleNodes:
            raise ValueError(
                "Nodes must be chosen from: '{0!s}'".format(possibleNodes))

    if dim == 2:
        ij = ndgrid(np.arange(n[0]), np.arange(n[1]))
        i, j = ij[:, 0], ij[:, 1]
    elif dim == 3:
        ijk = ndgrid(np.arange(n[0]), np.arange(n[1]), np.arange(n[2]))
        i, j, k = ijk[:, 0], ijk[:, 1], ijk[:, 2]
        raise Exception("Only 2 and 3 dimensions supported.")

    nodeMap = {
        "A": [0, 0, 0],
        "B": [0, 1, 0],
        "C": [1, 1, 0],
        "D": [1, 0, 0],
        "E": [0, 0, 1],
        "F": [0, 1, 1],
        "G": [1, 1, 1],
        "H": [1, 0, 1],
    out = ()
    for node in nodes:
        shift = nodeMap[node]
        if dim == 2:
            out += (sub2ind(grid_size, np.c_[i + shift[0],
                                             j + shift[1]]).flatten(), )
        elif dim == 3:
            out += (sub2ind(grid_size, np.c_[i + shift[0], j + shift[1],
                                             k + shift[2]]).flatten(), )

    return out