    def boundary_faces(self):
        """Boundary face locations

        This property returns the locations of the faces on
        the boundary of the mesh as a numpy array. The shape
        of the numpy array is the number of boundary faces by
        the dimension of the mesh.

        (n_boundary_faces, dim) numpy.ndarray of float
            Boundary faces locations
        dim = self.dim
        if dim == 1:
            return self.nodes_x[[0, -1]]
        if dim == 2:
            fx = ndgrid(self.nodes_x[[0, -1]], self.cell_centers_y)
            fy = ndgrid(self.cell_centers_x, self.nodes_y[[0, -1]])
            return np.r_[fx, fy]
        if dim == 3:
            fx = ndgrid(self.nodes_x[[0, -1]], self.cell_centers_y, self.cell_centers_z)
            fy = ndgrid(self.cell_centers_x, self.nodes_y[[0, -1]], self.cell_centers_z)
            fz = ndgrid(self.cell_centers_x, self.cell_centers_y, self.nodes_z[[0, -1]])
            return np.r_[fx, fy, fz]
 def boundary_face_outward_normals(self):
     dim = self.dim
     if dim == 1:
         return np.array([-1, 1])
     if dim == 2:
         nx = ndgrid(np.r_[-1, 1], np.zeros(self.shape_cells[1]))
         ny = ndgrid(np.zeros(self.shape_cells[0]), np.r_[-1, 1])
         return np.r_[nx, ny]
     if dim == 3:
         nx = ndgrid(
             np.r_[-1, 1],
         ny = ndgrid(
             np.r_[-1, 1],
         nz = ndgrid(
             np.r_[-1, 1],
         return np.r_[nx, ny, nz]
    def boundary_edges(self):
        """Boundary edge locations

        This property returns the locations of the edges on
        the boundary of the mesh as a numpy array. The shape
        of the numpy array is the number of boundary edges by
        the dimension of the mesh.

        (n_boundary_edges, dim) numpy.ndarray of float
            Boundary edge locations
        dim = self.dim
        if dim == 1:
            return None  # no boundary edges in 1D
        if dim == 2:
            ex = ndgrid(self.cell_centers_x, self.nodes_y[[0, -1]])
            ey = ndgrid(self.nodes_x[[0, -1]], self.cell_centers_y)
            return np.r_[ex, ey]
        if dim == 3:
            ex = self.edges_x[make_boundary_bool(self.shape_edges_x, dir="yz")]
            ey = self.edges_y[make_boundary_bool(self.shape_edges_y, dir="xz")]
            ez = self.edges_z[make_boundary_bool(self.shape_edges_z, dir="xy")]
            return np.r_[ex, ey, ez]
    def setUp(self):
        a = np.array([1, 1, 1])
        b = np.array([1, 2])
        c = np.array([1, 4])

        def gridIt(h): return [np.cumsum(np.r_[0, x]) for x in h]

        X, Y = ndgrid(gridIt([a, b]), vector=False)
        self.TM2 = TensorMesh([a, b])
        self.Curv2 = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y])
        X, Y, Z = ndgrid(gridIt([a, b, c]), vector=False)
        self.TM3 = TensorMesh([a, b, c])
        self.Curv3 = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y, Z])
 def h_gridded(self):
     Returns an (nC, dim) numpy array with the widths of all cells in order
     if self.dim == 1:
         return self.h[0][:, None]
     return ndgrid(*self.h)
    def _getEdgePxx(M):
        i, j = np.arange(M.nCx), np.arange(M.nCy)

        iijj = ndgrid(i, j)
        ii, jj = iijj[:, 0], iijj[:, 1]

        if M._meshType == 'Curv':
            eT1 = M.r(M.tangents, 'E', 'Ex', 'M')
            eT2 = M.r(M.tangents, 'E', 'Ey', 'M')

        def Pxx(xEdge, yEdge):
            no | node      | e1      | e2
            00 | i  ,j     | i  ,j   | i  ,j
            10 | i+1,j     | i  ,j   | i+1,j
            01 | i  ,j+1   | i  ,j+1 | i  ,j
            11 | i+1,j+1   | i  ,j+1 | i+1,j
            posX = 0 if xEdge == 'eX0' else 1
            posY = 0 if yEdge == 'eY0' else 1

            ind1 = sub2ind(M.vnEx, np.c_[ii, jj + posX])
            ind2 = sub2ind(M.vnEy, np.c_[ii + posY, jj]) + M.nEx

            IND = np.r_[ind1, ind2].flatten()

            PXX = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(2*M.nC), (range(2*M.nC), IND)), shape=(2*M.nC, M.nE)).tocsr()

            if M._meshType == 'Curv':
                I2x2 = inv2X2BlockDiagonal(getSubArray(eT1[0], [i, j + posX]), getSubArray(eT1[1], [i, j + posX]),
                                           getSubArray(eT2[0], [i + posY, j]), getSubArray(eT2[1], [i + posY, j]))
                PXX = I2x2 * PXX

            return PXX
        return Pxx
 def boundary_faces(self):
     dim = self.dim
     if dim == 1:
         return self.nodes_x[[0, -1]]
     if dim == 2:
         fx = ndgrid(self.nodes_x[[0, -1]], self.cell_centers_y)
         fy = ndgrid(self.cell_centers_x, self.nodes_y[[0, -1]])
         return np.r_[fx, fy]
     if dim == 3:
         fx = ndgrid(self.nodes_x[[0, -1]], self.cell_centers_y,
         fy = ndgrid(self.cell_centers_x, self.nodes_y[[0, -1]],
         fz = ndgrid(self.cell_centers_x, self.cell_centers_y,
                     self.nodes_z[[0, -1]])
         return np.r_[fx, fy, fz]
    def test_ndgrid_2D(self):
        XY = ndgrid([self.a, self.b])

        X1_test = np.array([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])
        X2_test = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])

        self.assertTrue(np.all(XY[:, 0] == X1_test))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(XY[:, 1] == X2_test))
    def _getFacePxxx(M):
        """returns a function for creating projection matrices

        Mats takes you from faces a subset of all faces on only the
        faces that you ask for.

        These are centered around a single nodes.

        i, j, k = np.arange(M.nCx), np.arange(M.nCy), np.arange(M.nCz)

        iijjkk = ndgrid(i, j, k)
        ii, jj, kk = iijjkk[:, 0], iijjkk[:, 1], iijjkk[:, 2]

        if M._meshType == 'Curv':
            fN1 = M.r(M.normals, 'F', 'Fx', 'M')
            fN2 = M.r(M.normals, 'F', 'Fy', 'M')
            fN3 = M.r(M.normals, 'F', 'Fz', 'M')

        def Pxxx(xFace, yFace, zFace):
            xFace is 'fXp' or 'fXm'
            yFace is 'fYp' or 'fYm'
            zFace is 'fZp' or 'fZm'

            # no  | node        | f1        | f2        | f3
            # 000 | i  ,j  ,k   | i  , j, k | i, j  , k | i, j, k
            # 100 | i+1,j  ,k   | i+1, j, k | i, j  , k | i, j, k
            # 010 | i  ,j+1,k   | i  , j, k | i, j+1, k | i, j, k
            # 110 | i+1,j+1,k   | i+1, j, k | i, j+1, k | i, j, k
            # 001 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i  , j, k | i, j  , k | i, j, k+1
            # 101 | i+1,j  ,k+1 | i+1, j, k | i, j  , k | i, j, k+1
            # 011 | i  ,j+1,k+1 | i  , j, k | i, j+1, k | i, j, k+1
            # 111 | i+1,j+1,k+1 | i+1, j, k | i, j+1, k | i, j, k+1

            posX = 0 if xFace == 'fXm' else 1
            posY = 0 if yFace == 'fYm' else 1
            posZ = 0 if zFace == 'fZm' else 1

            ind1 = sub2ind(M.vnFx, np.c_[ii + posX, jj, kk])
            ind2 = sub2ind(M.vnFy, np.c_[ii, jj + posY, kk]) + M.nFx
            ind3 = sub2ind(M.vnFz, np.c_[ii, jj, kk + posZ]) + M.nFx + M.nFy

            IND = np.r_[ind1, ind2, ind3].flatten()

            PXXX = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(3*M.nC), (range(3*M.nC), IND)), shape=(3*M.nC, M.nF)).tocsr()

            if M._meshType == 'Curv':
                I3x3 = inv3X3BlockDiagonal(getSubArray(fN1[0], [i + posX, j, k]), getSubArray(fN1[1], [i + posX, j, k]), getSubArray(fN1[2], [i + posX, j, k]),
                                           getSubArray(fN2[0], [i, j + posY, k]), getSubArray(fN2[1], [i, j + posY, k]), getSubArray(fN2[2], [i, j + posY, k]),
                                           getSubArray(fN3[0], [i, j, k + posZ]), getSubArray(fN3[1], [i, j, k + posZ]), getSubArray(fN3[2], [i, j, k + posZ]))
                PXXX = I3x3 * PXXX

            return PXXX
        return Pxxx
    def test_ndgrid_3D(self):
        XYZ = ndgrid([self.a, self.b, self.c])

        X1_test = np.array([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])
        X2_test = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])
        X3_test = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4])

        self.assertTrue(np.all(XYZ[:, 0] == X1_test))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(XYZ[:, 1] == X2_test))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(XYZ[:, 2] == X3_test))
    def boundary_face_outward_normals(self):
        """Outward normal vectors of boundary faces

        This property returns the outward normal vectors of faces
        the boundary of the mesh as a numpy array. The shape
        of the numpy array is the number of boundary faces by
        the dimension of the mesh.

        (n_boundary_faces, dim) numpy.ndarray of float
            Outward normal vectors of boundary faces
        dim = self.dim
        if dim == 1:
            return np.array([-1, 1])
        if dim == 2:
            nx = ndgrid(np.r_[-1, 1], np.zeros(self.shape_cells[1]))
            ny = ndgrid(np.zeros(self.shape_cells[0]), np.r_[-1, 1])
            return np.r_[nx, ny]
        if dim == 3:
            nx = ndgrid(
                np.r_[-1, 1],
            ny = ndgrid(
                np.r_[-1, 1],
            nz = ndgrid(
                np.r_[-1, 1],
            return np.r_[nx, ny, nz]
    def h_gridded(self):
        """Return dimensions of all mesh cells as staggered grid.

        This property returns a numpy array of shape (n_cells, dim)
        containing gridded x, (y and z) dimensions for all cells in the mesh.
        The first row corresponds to the bottom-front-leftmost cell.
        The cells are ordered along the x, then y, then z directions.

        (n_cells, dim) numpy.ndarray of float
            Dimensions of all mesh cells as staggered grid

        The following is a 1D example.

        >>> from discretize import TensorMesh
        >>> hx = np.ones(5)
        >>> mesh_1D = TensorMesh([hx])
        >>> mesh_1D.h_gridded

        The following is a 3D example.

        >>> hx, hy, hz = np.ones(2), 2*np.ones(2), 3*np.ones(2)
        >>> mesh_3D = TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz])
        >>> mesh_3D.h_gridded
        array([[1., 2., 3.],
               [1., 2., 3.],
               [1., 2., 3.],
               [1., 2., 3.],
               [1., 2., 3.],
               [1., 2., 3.],
               [1., 2., 3.],
               [1., 2., 3.]])

        if self.dim == 1:
            return self.h[0][:, None]
        return ndgrid(*self.h)
    def _getEdgePxxx(M):
        i, j, k = np.arange(M.nCx), np.arange(M.nCy), np.arange(M.nCz)

        iijjkk = ndgrid(i, j, k)
        ii, jj, kk = iijjkk[:, 0], iijjkk[:, 1], iijjkk[:, 2]

        if M._meshType == 'Curv':
            eT1 = M.r(M.tangents, 'E', 'Ex', 'M')
            eT2 = M.r(M.tangents, 'E', 'Ey', 'M')
            eT3 = M.r(M.tangents, 'E', 'Ez', 'M')

        def Pxxx(xEdge, yEdge, zEdge):
            no  | node        | e1          | e2          | e3
            000 | i  ,j  ,k   | i  ,j  ,k   | i  ,j  ,k   | i  ,j  ,k
            100 | i+1,j  ,k   | i  ,j  ,k   | i+1,j  ,k   | i+1,j  ,k
            010 | i  ,j+1,k   | i  ,j+1,k   | i  ,j  ,k   | i  ,j+1,k
            110 | i+1,j+1,k   | i  ,j+1,k   | i+1,j  ,k   | i+1,j+1,k
            001 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k
            101 | i+1,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i+1,j  ,k+1 | i+1,j  ,k
            011 | i  ,j+1,k+1 | i  ,j+1,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j+1,k
            111 | i+1,j+1,k+1 | i  ,j+1,k+1 | i+1,j  ,k+1 | i+1,j+1,k

            posX = [0,0] if xEdge == 'eX0' else [1, 0] if xEdge == 'eX1' else [0,1] if xEdge == 'eX2' else [1,1]
            posY = [0,0] if yEdge == 'eY0' else [1, 0] if yEdge == 'eY1' else [0,1] if yEdge == 'eY2' else [1,1]
            posZ = [0,0] if zEdge == 'eZ0' else [1, 0] if zEdge == 'eZ1' else [0,1] if zEdge == 'eZ2' else [1,1]

            ind1 = sub2ind(M.vnEx, np.c_[ii, jj + posX[0], kk + posX[1]])
            ind2 = sub2ind(M.vnEy, np.c_[ii + posY[0], jj, kk + posY[1]]) + M.nEx
            ind3 = sub2ind(M.vnEz, np.c_[ii + posZ[0], jj + posZ[1], kk]) + M.nEx + M.nEy

            IND = np.r_[ind1, ind2, ind3].flatten()

            PXXX = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(3*M.nC), (range(3*M.nC), IND)), shape=(3*M.nC, M.nE)).tocsr()

            if M._meshType == 'Curv':
                I3x3 = inv3X3BlockDiagonal(getSubArray(eT1[0], [i, j + posX[0], k + posX[1]]), getSubArray(eT1[1], [i, j + posX[0], k + posX[1]]), getSubArray(eT1[2], [i, j + posX[0], k + posX[1]]),
                                           getSubArray(eT2[0], [i + posY[0], j, k + posY[1]]), getSubArray(eT2[1], [i + posY[0], j, k + posY[1]]), getSubArray(eT2[2], [i + posY[0], j, k + posY[1]]),
                                           getSubArray(eT3[0], [i + posZ[0], j + posZ[1], k]), getSubArray(eT3[1], [i + posZ[0], j + posZ[1], k]), getSubArray(eT3[2], [i + posZ[0], j + posZ[1], k]))
                PXXX = I3x3 * PXXX

            return PXXX
        return Pxxx
    def _getEdgePxx(M):
        i, j = np.arange(M.shape_cells[0]), np.arange(M.shape_cells[1])

        iijj = ndgrid(i, j)
        ii, jj = iijj[:, 0], iijj[:, 1]

        if M._meshType == "Curv":
            eT1 = M.reshape(M.edge_tangents, "E", "Ex", "M")
            eT2 = M.reshape(M.edge_tangents, "E", "Ey", "M")

        def Pxx(xEdge, yEdge):
            no | node      | e1      | e2
            00 | i  ,j     | i  ,j   | i  ,j
            10 | i+1,j     | i  ,j   | i+1,j
            01 | i  ,j+1   | i  ,j+1 | i  ,j
            11 | i+1,j+1   | i  ,j+1 | i+1,j
            posX = 0 if xEdge == "eX0" else 1
            posY = 0 if yEdge == "eY0" else 1

            ind1 = sub2ind(M.vnEx, np.c_[ii, jj + posX])
            ind2 = sub2ind(M.vnEy, np.c_[ii + posY, jj]) + M.nEx

            IND = np.r_[ind1, ind2].flatten()

            PXX = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(2 * M.nC), (range(2 * M.nC), IND)),
                                shape=(2 * M.nC, M.nE)).tocsr()

            if M._meshType == "Curv":
                I2x2 = inverse_2x2_block_diagonal(
                    get_subarray(eT1[0], [i, j + posX]),
                    get_subarray(eT1[1], [i, j + posX]),
                    get_subarray(eT2[0], [i + posY, j]),
                    get_subarray(eT2[1], [i + posY, j]),
                PXX = I2x2 * PXX

            return PXX

        return Pxx
    def test_active_from_xyz(self):

        # Create 3D topo
        [xx, yy] = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-200, 200, 50), np.linspace(-200, 200, 50))
        b = 50
        A = 50
        zz = A * np.exp(-0.5 * ((xx / b) ** 2. + (yy / b) ** 2.))

        h = [5., 5., 5.]

        # Test 1D Mesh
        topo1D = zz[25, :].ravel()
        mesh1D = discretize.TensorMesh(
            [np.ones(10) * 20],

        indtopoCC = active_from_xyz(mesh1D, topo1D, grid_reference='CC', method='nearest')
        indtopoN = active_from_xyz(mesh1D, topo1D, grid_reference='N', method='nearest')

        self.assertEqual(indtopoCC.sum(), 3)
        self.assertEqual(indtopoN.sum(), 2)

        # Test 2D Tensor mesh
        topo2D = np.c_[xx[25, :].ravel(), zz[25, :].ravel()]

        mesh_tensor = discretize.TensorMesh([
            [(h[0], 24)],
            [(h[1], 20)]

        indtopoCC = active_from_xyz(mesh_tensor, topo2D, grid_reference='CC', method='nearest')
        indtopoN = active_from_xyz(mesh_tensor, topo2D, grid_reference='N', method='nearest')

        self.assertEqual(indtopoCC.sum(), 434)
        self.assertEqual(indtopoN.sum(), 412)

        # Test 2D Tree mesh
        mesh_tree = mesh_builder_xyz(topo2D, h[:2], mesh_type='TREE')
        mesh_tree = refine_tree_xyz(
            mesh_tree, topo2D,
        indtopoCC = active_from_xyz(mesh_tree, topo2D, grid_reference='CC', method='nearest')
        indtopoN = active_from_xyz(mesh_tree, topo2D, grid_reference='N', method='nearest')

        self.assertEqual(indtopoCC.sum(), 167)
        self.assertEqual(indtopoN.sum(), 119)

        # Test 3D Tensor meshes
        topo3D = np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel(), zz.ravel()]

        mesh_tensor = discretize.TensorMesh([
            [(h[0], 24)],
            [(h[1], 20)],
            [(h[2], 30)]

        indtopoCC = active_from_xyz(mesh_tensor, topo3D, grid_reference='CC', method='nearest')
        indtopoN = active_from_xyz(mesh_tensor, topo3D, grid_reference='N', method='nearest')

        self.assertEqual(indtopoCC.sum(), 10496)
        self.assertEqual(indtopoN.sum(), 10084)

        # Test 3D Tree mesh
        mesh_tree = mesh_builder_xyz(topo3D, h, mesh_type='TREE')
        mesh_tree = refine_tree_xyz(
            mesh_tree, topo3D,
        indtopoCC = active_from_xyz(mesh_tree, topo3D, grid_reference='CC', method='nearest')
        indtopoN = active_from_xyz(mesh_tree, topo3D, grid_reference='N', method='nearest')

        self.assertEqual(indtopoCC.sum(), 6299)
        self.assertEqual(indtopoN.sum(), 4639)

        # Test 3D CYL Mesh
        ncr = 10  # number of mesh cells in r
        ncz = 15  # number of mesh cells in z
        dr = 15  # cell width r
        dz = 10  # cell width z
        npad_r = 4  # number of padding cells in r
        npad_z = 4  # number of padding cells in z
        exp_r = 1.25  # expansion rate of padding cells in r
        exp_z = 1.25  # expansion rate of padding cells in z

        hr = [(dr, ncr), (dr, npad_r, exp_r)]
        hz = [(dz, npad_z, -exp_z), (dz, ncz), (dz, npad_z, exp_z)]

        # A value of 1 is used to define the discretization in phi for this case.
        mesh_cyl = discretize.CylMesh([hr, 1, hz], x0='00C')

        indtopoCC = active_from_xyz(mesh_cyl, topo3D, grid_reference='CC', method='nearest')
        indtopoN = active_from_xyz(mesh_cyl, topo3D, grid_reference='N', method='nearest')

        self.assertEqual(indtopoCC.sum(), 183)
        self.assertEqual(indtopoN.sum(), 171)

        htheta = meshTensor([(1., 4)])
        htheta = htheta * 2*np.pi / htheta.sum()

        mesh_cyl2 = discretize.CylMesh([hr, htheta, hz], x0='00C')
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            indtopoCC = active_from_xyz(mesh_cyl2, topo3D, grid_reference='CC', method='nearest')

        def gridIt(h): return [np.cumsum(np.r_[0, x]) for x in h]

        X, Y = ndgrid(gridIt([[5.]*24, [5.]*20]), vector=False)

        mesh_curvi = discretize.CurvilinearMesh([X, Y])
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            indTopoCC = active_from_xyz(mesh_curvi, topo3D, grid_reference='CC', method='nearest')
    def _getFacePxx(M):
        """returns a function for creating projection matrices

        Mats takes you from faces a subset of all faces on only the
        faces that you ask for.

        These are centered around a single nodes.

        For example, if this was your entire mesh:

                  |               |
                  |               |
                  |               |
          f0(Xm)  |       x       |  f1(Xp)
                  |               |
                  |               |
                  0               1

        Pxx('fXm','fYm') = | 1, 0, 0, 0 |
                           | 0, 0, 1, 0 |

        Pxx('fXp','fYm') = | 0, 1, 0, 0 |
                           | 0, 0, 1, 0 |

        i, j = np.arange(M.nCx), np.arange(M.nCy)

        iijj = ndgrid(i, j)
        ii, jj = iijj[:, 0], iijj[:, 1]

        if M._meshType == 'Curv':
            fN1 = M.r(M.normals, 'F', 'Fx', 'M')
            fN2 = M.r(M.normals, 'F', 'Fy', 'M')

        def Pxx(xFace, yFace):
                xFace is 'fXp' or 'fXm'
                yFace is 'fYp' or 'fYm'
            # no | node      | f1     | f2
            # 00 | i  ,j     | i  , j | i, j
            # 10 | i+1,j     | i+1, j | i, j
            # 01 | i  ,j+1   | i  , j | i, j+1
            # 11 | i+1,j+1   | i+1, j | i, j+1

            posFx = 0 if xFace == 'fXm' else 1
            posFy = 0 if yFace == 'fYm' else 1

            ind1 = sub2ind(M.vnFx, np.c_[ii + posFx, jj])
            ind2 = sub2ind(M.vnFy, np.c_[ii, jj + posFy]) + M.nFx

            IND = np.r_[ind1, ind2].flatten()

            PXX = sp.csr_matrix((np.ones(2 * M.nC), (range(2 * M.nC), IND)),
                                shape=(2 * M.nC, M.nF))

            if M._meshType == 'Curv':
                I2x2 = inv2X2BlockDiagonal(getSubArray(fN1[0], [i + posFx, j]),
                                           getSubArray(fN1[1], [i + posFx, j]),
                                           getSubArray(fN2[0], [i, j + posFy]),
                                           getSubArray(fN2[1], [i, j + posFy]))
                PXX = I2x2 * PXX

            return PXX

        return Pxx
 def _getTensorGrid(self, key):
     if getattr(self, "_" + key, None) is None:
         setattr(self, "_" + key, ndgrid(self.get_tensor(key)))
     return getattr(self, "_" + key)
 def _getTensorGrid(self, key):
     if getattr(self, '_grid' + key, None) is None:
         setattr(self, '_grid' + key, utils.ndgrid(self.getTensor(key)))
     return getattr(self, '_grid' + key)
    def _getEdgePxxx(M):
        i, j, k = (

        iijjkk = ndgrid(i, j, k)
        ii, jj, kk = iijjkk[:, 0], iijjkk[:, 1], iijjkk[:, 2]

        if M._meshType == "Curv":
            eT1 = M.reshape(M.edge_tangents, "E", "Ex", "M")
            eT2 = M.reshape(M.edge_tangents, "E", "Ey", "M")
            eT3 = M.reshape(M.edge_tangents, "E", "Ez", "M")

        def Pxxx(xEdge, yEdge, zEdge):
            no  | node        | e1          | e2          | e3
            000 | i  ,j  ,k   | i  ,j  ,k   | i  ,j  ,k   | i  ,j  ,k
            100 | i+1,j  ,k   | i  ,j  ,k   | i+1,j  ,k   | i+1,j  ,k
            010 | i  ,j+1,k   | i  ,j+1,k   | i  ,j  ,k   | i  ,j+1,k
            110 | i+1,j+1,k   | i  ,j+1,k   | i+1,j  ,k   | i+1,j+1,k
            001 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k
            101 | i+1,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i+1,j  ,k+1 | i+1,j  ,k
            011 | i  ,j+1,k+1 | i  ,j+1,k+1 | i  ,j  ,k+1 | i  ,j+1,k
            111 | i+1,j+1,k+1 | i  ,j+1,k+1 | i+1,j  ,k+1 | i+1,j+1,k

            posX = ([0, 0] if xEdge == "eX0" else [1, 0] if xEdge == "eX1" else
                    [0, 1] if xEdge == "eX2" else [1, 1])
            posY = ([0, 0] if yEdge == "eY0" else [1, 0] if yEdge == "eY1" else
                    [0, 1] if yEdge == "eY2" else [1, 1])
            posZ = ([0, 0] if zEdge == "eZ0" else [1, 0] if zEdge == "eZ1" else
                    [0, 1] if zEdge == "eZ2" else [1, 1])

            ind1 = sub2ind(M.vnEx, np.c_[ii, jj + posX[0], kk + posX[1]])
            ind2 = sub2ind(M.vnEy, np.c_[ii + posY[0], jj,
                                         kk + posY[1]]) + M.nEx
            ind3 = (sub2ind(M.vnEz, np.c_[ii + posZ[0], jj + posZ[1], kk]) +
                    M.nEx + M.nEy)

            IND = np.r_[ind1, ind2, ind3].flatten()

            PXXX = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(3 * M.nC), (range(3 * M.nC), IND)),
                                 shape=(3 * M.nC, M.nE)).tocsr()

            if M._meshType == "Curv":
                I3x3 = inverse_3x3_block_diagonal(
                    get_subarray(eT1[0], [i, j + posX[0], k + posX[1]]),
                    get_subarray(eT1[1], [i, j + posX[0], k + posX[1]]),
                    get_subarray(eT1[2], [i, j + posX[0], k + posX[1]]),
                    get_subarray(eT2[0], [i + posY[0], j, k + posY[1]]),
                    get_subarray(eT2[1], [i + posY[0], j, k + posY[1]]),
                    get_subarray(eT2[2], [i + posY[0], j, k + posY[1]]),
                    get_subarray(eT3[0], [i + posZ[0], j + posZ[1], k]),
                    get_subarray(eT3[1], [i + posZ[0], j + posZ[1], k]),
                    get_subarray(eT3[2], [i + posZ[0], j + posZ[1], k]),
                PXXX = I3x3 * PXXX

            return PXXX

        return Pxxx