def get_local_disk(answers): diskEntries = diskutil.getQualifiedDiskList() entries = [] target_is_sr = {} for de in diskEntries: (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) # determine current usage target_is_sr[de] = False (boot, root, state, storage, logs) = diskutil.probeDisk(de) if storage[0]: target_is_sr[de] = True (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) stringEntry = "%s - %s [%s %s]" % (diskutil.getHumanDiskName(de), diskutil.getHumanDiskSize(size), vendor, model) e = (stringEntry, de) entries.append(e) # default value: default = None if 'dest-disk' in answers: default = selectDefault(answers['dest-disk'], entries) tui.update_help_line([None, "<F5> more info"]) scroll, height = snackutil.scrollHeight(4, len(entries)) (button, entry) = snackutil.ListboxChoiceWindowEx( tui.screen, "Select Device", "Please select the device to store the report on.", entries, ['Ok', 'Back'], 55, scroll, height, default, help='getlocaldisk:info', hotkeys={'F5': disk_more_info}) tui.screen.popHelpLine() if button == 'back': return uicontroller.LEFT_BACKWARDS # entry contains the 'de' part of the tuple passed in answers['dest-disk'] = entry return uicontroller.RIGHT_FORWARDS
def get_local_disk(answers): diskEntries = diskutil.getQualifiedDiskList() entries = [] target_is_sr = {} for de in diskEntries: (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) # determine current usage target_is_sr[de] = False (boot, state, storage) = diskutil.probeDisk(de) if storage[0]: target_is_sr[de] = True (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) stringEntry = "%s - %s [%s %s]" % (diskutil.getHumanDiskName(de), diskutil.getHumanDiskSize(size), vendor, model) e = (stringEntry, de) entries.append(e) # default value: default = None if 'dest-disk' in answers: default = selectDefault(answers['dest-disk'], entries) tui.update_help_line([None, "<F5> more info"]) scroll, height = snackutil.scrollHeight(4, len(entries)) (button, entry) = snackutil.ListboxChoiceWindowEx( tui.screen, "Select Device", "Please select the device to store the report on.", entries, ['Ok', 'Back'], 55, scroll, height, default, help = 'getlocaldisk:info', hotkey = 'F5', hotkey_cb = disk_more_info) tui.screen.popHelpLine() if button == 'back': return uicontroller.LEFT_BACKWARDS # entry contains the 'de' part of the tuple passed in answers['dest-disk'] = entry return uicontroller.RIGHT_FORWARDS
def raid_array_ui(answers): disk_entries = sorted_disk_list() raid_disks = [de for de in disk_entries if diskutil.is_raid(de)] raid_slaves = [slave for master in raid_disks for slave in diskutil.getDeviceSlaves(master)] entries = [] for de in disk_entries: if de not in raid_slaves and de not in raid_disks: vendor, model, size = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) string_entry = "%s - %s [%s %s]" % ( diskutil.getHumanDiskName(de), diskutil.getHumanDiskSize(size), vendor, model) entries.append((string_entry, de)) if len(entries) < 2: return SKIP_SCREEN text = TextboxReflowed(54, "Do you want to group disks in a software RAID 1 array? \n\n" + "The array will be created immediately and erase all the target disks.") buttons = ButtonBar(tui.screen, [('Create', 'create'), ('Back', 'back')]) scroll, _ = snackutil.scrollHeight(3, len(entries)) cbt = CheckboxTree(3, scroll) for (c_text, c_item) in entries: cbt.append(c_text, c_item, False) gf = GridFormHelp(tui.screen, 'RAID Array', 'guestdisk:info', 1, 4) gf.add(text, 0, 0, padding=(0, 0, 0, 1)) gf.add(cbt, 0, 1, padding=(0, 0, 0, 1)) gf.add(buttons, 0, 3, growx=1) gf.addHotKey('F5') tui.update_help_line([None, "<F5> disk info"]) loop = True while loop: rc = if rc == 'F5': disk_more_info(cbt.getCurrent()) else: loop = False tui.screen.popWindow() tui.screen.popHelpLine() button = buttons.buttonPressed(rc) if button == 'create': selected = cbt.getSelection() txt = 'The content of the disks %s will be deleted when you activate "Ok"' % (str(selected)) title = 'RAID array creation' confirmation = snackutil.ButtonChoiceWindowEx(tui.screen, title, txt, ('Ok', 'Cancel'), 40, default=1) if confirmation == 'ok': answers['raid'] = {'/dev/md127': selected} tui.progress.showMessageDialog("Please wait", "Creating raid array...") diskutil.create_raid(answers['raid']) tui.progress.clearModelessDialog() return REPEAT_STEP
def select_guest_disks(answers): diskEntries = filter_out_raid_member(sorted_disk_list()) # CA-38329: filter out device mapper nodes (except primary disk) as these won't exist # at XenServer boot and therefore cannot be added as physical volumes to Local SR. # Also, since the DM nodes are multipathed SANs it doesn't make sense to include them # in the "Local" SR. allowed_in_local_sr = lambda dev: (dev == answers['primary-disk']) or (not isDeviceMapperNode(dev)) diskEntries = filter(allowed_in_local_sr, diskEntries) if len(diskEntries) == 0 or constants.CC_PREPARATIONS: answers['guest-disks'] = [] return SKIP_SCREEN # set up defaults: if answers.has_key('guest-disks'): currently_selected = answers['guest-disks'] else: currently_selected = answers['primary-disk'] srtype = constants.SR_TYPE_LVM if 'sr-type' in answers: srtype = answers['sr-type'] # Make a list of entries: (text, item) entries = [] for de in diskEntries: (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) entry = "%s - %s [%s %s]" % (diskutil.getHumanDiskName(de), diskutil.getHumanDiskSize(size), vendor, model) entries.append((entry, de)) text = TextboxReflowed(54, "Which disks would you like to use for %s storage? \n\nOne storage repository will be created that spans the selected disks. You can choose not to prepare any storage if you wish to create an advanced configuration after installation." % BRAND_GUEST) buttons = ButtonBar(tui.screen, [('Ok', 'ok'), ('Back', 'back')]) scroll, _ = snackutil.scrollHeight(3, len(entries)) cbt = CheckboxTree(3, scroll) for (c_text, c_item) in entries: cbt.append(c_text, c_item, c_item in currently_selected) txt = "Use EXT instead of LVM for local storage repository" tb = Checkbox(txt, srtype == constants.SR_TYPE_EXT and 1 or 0) explanations = Textbox(54, 2, "LVM: block based. May be faster. Thick provisioning.\n" "EXT: file based. May be slower. Thin provisioning.") gf = GridFormHelp(tui.screen, 'Virtual Machine Storage', 'guestdisk:info', 1, 5) gf.add(text, 0, 0, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) gf.add(cbt, 0, 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) gf.add(tb, 0, 2, padding = (0, 0, 0, 0)) gf.add(explanations, 0, 3, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) gf.add(buttons, 0, 4, growx = 1) gf.addHotKey('F5') tui.update_help_line([None, "<F5> more info"]) loop = True while loop: rc = if rc == 'F5': disk_more_info(cbt.getCurrent()) else: loop = False tui.screen.popWindow() tui.screen.popHelpLine() button = buttons.buttonPressed(rc) if button == 'back': return LEFT_BACKWARDS answers['guest-disks'] = cbt.getSelection() answers['sr-type'] = tb.selected() and constants.SR_TYPE_EXT or constants.SR_TYPE_LVM answers['sr-on-primary'] = answers['primary-disk'] in answers['guest-disks'] # if the user select no disks for guest storage, check this is what # they wanted: if answers['guest-disks'] == []: button = ButtonChoiceWindow( tui.screen, "Warning", """You didn't select any disks for %s storage. Are you sure this is what you want? If you proceed, please refer to the user guide for details on provisioning storage after installation.""" % BRAND_GUEST, ['Continue', 'Back'], help = 'noguest' ) if button == 'back': return REPEAT_STEP return RIGHT_FORWARDS
def select_primary_disk(answers): button = None diskEntries = filter_out_raid_member(sorted_disk_list()) entries = [] target_is_sr = {} if answers['create-new-partitions']: min_primary_disk_size = constants.min_primary_disk_size else: min_primary_disk_size = constants.min_primary_disk_size_old for de in diskEntries: (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) if min_primary_disk_size <= diskutil.blockSizeToGBSize(size): # determine current usage target_is_sr[de] = False (boot, root, state, storage, logs) = diskutil.probeDisk(de) if storage[0]: target_is_sr[de] = True (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) stringEntry = "%s - %s [%s %s]" % (diskutil.getHumanDiskName(de), diskutil.getHumanDiskSize(size), vendor, model) e = (stringEntry, de) entries.append(e) # we should have at least one disk if len(entries) == 0: ButtonChoiceWindow(tui.screen, "No Primary Disk", "No disk with sufficient space to install %s on was found." % MY_PRODUCT_BRAND, ['Cancel']) return EXIT # if only one disk, set default: if len(entries) == 1: answers['primary-disk'] = entries[0][1] else: # default value: default = None if answers.has_key('primary-disk'): default = selectDefault(answers['primary-disk'], entries) tui.update_help_line([None, "<F5> more info"]) scroll, height = snackutil.scrollHeight(4, len(entries)) (button, entry) = snackutil.ListboxChoiceWindowEx( tui.screen, "Select Primary Disk", """Please select the disk you would like to install %s on (disks with insufficient space are not shown). You may need to change your system settings to boot from this disk.""" % (MY_PRODUCT_BRAND), entries, ['Ok', 'Software RAID', 'Back'], 55, scroll, height, default, help = 'pridisk:info', hotkeys = {'F5': disk_more_info}) tui.screen.popHelpLine() # entry contains the 'de' part of the tuple passed in answers['primary-disk'] = entry if 'installation-to-overwrite' in answers: answers['target-is-sr'] = target_is_sr[answers['primary-disk']] # Warn if not all of the disk is usable. # This can happen if we are unable to use GPT because we are currently # using DOS and need to preserve some utility partitions. blocks = diskutil.getDiskDeviceSize(answers['primary-disk']) tool = PartitionTool(answers['primary-disk']) if diskutil.blockSizeToGBSize(blocks) > constants.max_primary_disk_size_dos and tool.partTableType == 'DOS': if constants.GPT_SUPPORT and tool.utilityPartitions(): val = snackutil.ButtonChoiceWindowEx(tui.screen, "Large Disk Detected", "The disk selected is larger than the %d GB limit imposed by the DOS partitioning scheme. Would you like to remove the OEM partitions that require the DOS partitioning scheme, so that the whole disk can be used?" % constants.max_primary_disk_size_dos, ['Yes', 'No'], default=1) answers['zap-utility-partitions'] = (val == 'yes') elif not constants.GPT_SUPPORT: ButtonChoiceWindow(tui.screen, "Large Disk Detected", "The disk selected to install %s to is greater than %d GB. The partitioning scheme is limited to this value and therefore the remainder of this disk will be unavailable." % (MY_PRODUCT_BRAND, constants.max_primary_disk_size_dos), ['Ok']) if button == None: return RIGHT_FORWARDS if button == 'software raid': return raid_array_ui(answers) if button == 'back': return LEFT_BACKWARDS return RIGHT_FORWARDS
def select_guest_disks(answers): diskEntries = diskutil.getQualifiedDiskList() # CA-38329: filter out device mapper nodes (except primary disk) as these won't exist # at XenServer boot and therefore cannot be added as physical volumes to Local SR. # Also, since the DM nodes are multipathed SANs it doesn't make sense to include them # in the "Local" SR. allowed_in_local_sr = lambda dev: (dev == answers['primary-disk']) or (not isDeviceMapperNode(dev)) diskEntries = filter(allowed_in_local_sr, diskEntries) if len(diskEntries) == 0: answers['guest-disks'] = [] return SKIP_SCREEN # set up defaults: if answers.has_key('guest-disks'): currently_selected = answers['guest-disks'] else: currently_selected = answers['primary-disk'] srtype = constants.SR_TYPE_LVM if 'sr-type' in answers: srtype = answers['sr-type'] # Make a list of entries: (text, item) entries = [] for de in diskEntries: (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) entry = "%s - %s [%s %s]" % (diskutil.getHumanDiskName(de), diskutil.getHumanDiskSize(size), vendor, model) entries.append((entry, de)) text = TextboxReflowed(54, "Which disks would you like to use for %s storage? \n\nOne storage repository will be created that spans the selected disks. You can choose not to prepare any storage if you wish to create an advanced configuration after installation." % BRAND_GUEST) buttons = ButtonBar(tui.screen, [('Ok', 'ok'), ('Back', 'back')]) scroll, _ = snackutil.scrollHeight(3, len(entries)) cbt = CheckboxTree(3, scroll) for (c_text, c_item) in entries: cbt.append(c_text, c_item, c_item in currently_selected) tb = Checkbox("Enable thin provisioning (Optimized storage for XenDesktop)", srtype == constants.SR_TYPE_EXT and 1 or 0) gf = GridFormHelp(tui.screen, 'Virtual Machine Storage', 'guestdisk:info', 1, 4) gf.add(text, 0, 0, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) gf.add(cbt, 0, 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) gf.add(tb, 0, 2, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) gf.add(buttons, 0, 3, growx = 1) gf.addHotKey('F5') tui.update_help_line([None, "<F5> more info"]) loop = True while loop: rc = if rc == 'F5': disk_more_info(cbt.getCurrent()) else: loop = False tui.screen.popWindow() tui.screen.popHelpLine() button = buttons.buttonPressed(rc) if button == 'back': return LEFT_BACKWARDS answers['guest-disks'] = cbt.getSelection() answers['sr-type'] = tb.selected() and constants.SR_TYPE_EXT or constants.SR_TYPE_LVM # if the user select no disks for guest storage, check this is what # they wanted: if answers['guest-disks'] == []: button = ButtonChoiceWindow( tui.screen, "Warning", """You didn't select any disks for %s storage. Are you sure this is what you want? If you proceed, please refer to the user guide for details on provisioning storage after installation.""" % BRAND_GUEST, ['Continue', 'Back'], help = 'noguest' ) if button == 'back': return REPEAT_STEP return RIGHT_FORWARDS
def select_primary_disk(answers): button = None diskEntries = diskutil.getQualifiedDiskList() entries = [] target_is_sr = {} for de in diskEntries: (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) if constants.min_primary_disk_size <= diskutil.blockSizeToGBSize(size): # determine current usage target_is_sr[de] = False (boot, state, storage) = diskutil.probeDisk(de) if storage[0]: target_is_sr[de] = True (vendor, model, size) = diskutil.getExtendedDiskInfo(de) stringEntry = "%s - %s [%s %s]" % (diskutil.getHumanDiskName(de), diskutil.getHumanDiskSize(size), vendor, model) e = (stringEntry, de) entries.append(e) # we should have at least one disk if len(entries) == 0: ButtonChoiceWindow(tui.screen, "No Primary Disk", "No disk with sufficient space to install %s on was found." % MY_PRODUCT_BRAND, ['Cancel']) return EXIT # if only one disk, set default: if len(entries) == 1: answers['primary-disk'] = entries[0][1] else: # default value: default = None if answers.has_key('primary-disk'): default = selectDefault(answers['primary-disk'], entries) tui.update_help_line([None, "<F5> more info"]) scroll, height = snackutil.scrollHeight(4, len(entries)) (button, entry) = snackutil.ListboxChoiceWindowEx( tui.screen, "Select Primary Disk", """Please select the disk you would like to install %s on (disks with insufficient space are not shown). You may need to change your system settings to boot from this disk.""" % (MY_PRODUCT_BRAND), entries, ['Ok', 'Back'], 55, scroll, height, default, help = 'pridisk:info', hotkey = 'F5', hotkey_cb = disk_more_info) tui.screen.popHelpLine() # entry contains the 'de' part of the tuple passed in answers['primary-disk'] = entry if 'installation-to-overwrite' in answers: answers['target-is-sr'] = target_is_sr[answers['primary-disk']] # Warn if not all of the disk is usable. # This can happen if we are unable to use GPT because we are currently # using DOS and need to preserve some utility partitions. blocks = diskutil.getDiskDeviceSize(answers['primary-disk']) tool = PartitionTool(answers['primary-disk']) if diskutil.blockSizeToGBSize(blocks) > constants.max_primary_disk_size_dos and tool.partTableType == 'DOS': if constants.GPT_SUPPORT and tool.utilityPartitions(): val = snackutil.ButtonChoiceWindowEx(tui.screen, "Large Disk Detected", "The disk selected is larger than the %d GB limit imposed by the DOS partitioning scheme. Would you like to remove the OEM partitions that require the DOS partitioning scheme, so that the whole disk can be used?" % constants.max_primary_disk_size_dos, ['Yes', 'No'], default=1) answers['zap-utility-partitions'] = (val == 'yes') else: ButtonChoiceWindow(tui.screen, "Large Disk Detected", "The disk selected to install %s to is greater than %d GB. The partitioning scheme is limited to this value and therefore the remainder of this disk will be unavailable." % (MY_PRODUCT_BRAND, constants.max_primary_disk_size_dos), ['Ok']) if button == None: return SKIP_SCREEN if button == 'back': return LEFT_BACKWARDS return RIGHT_FORWARDS