def main(): lcd = display_ssd1306_i2c.Display() sd = sdread.init_SD() sdread.mount(sd) wav_list = sdread.get_wav_list(sd) index = 0 last_index = -1 play_status = 0 while True: pass if Pin_up.value() == 0 : print("up") if index > 0: index -= 1 if Pin_down.value() == 0 : print("down") if index < len(wav_list) - 1: index += 1 if Pin_play.value() == 0 : print("play") play_status = 1 if index is not last_index: music_list_show(lcd,wav_list,index) last_index = index time.sleep(0.5) if play_status == 1:,wav_list[index]) play_status = 0 time.sleep(0.5) sdread.umount() pass
def __init__(self): #obj self.Lcd = display_ssd1306_i2c.Display() self.Audio = None self.SDcard = None self.SPI = None #GPIO self.Pin_up = Pin(39, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.Pin_down = Pin(36, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.Pin_play = Pin(35, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.bck_pin = Pin(26) self.ws_pin = Pin(25) self.sdout_pin = Pin(27) #var self.index = 0 self.last_index = -1 self.play_status = 0 self.wav_list = None self.wav_name = None pass
# ??? pir_delay = 1 def reset_pin(pin, duration_low = 0.05, duration_high = 0.05): pin.value(0) sleep(duration_low) pin.value(1) sleep(duration_high) # init OLED -- reset maybe not needed?! prst = machine.Pin(16, machine.Pin.OUT) reset_pin(prst) display = display_ssd1306_i2c.Display(width = oled_width, height = oled_height, scl_pin_id = scl_oled, sda_pin_id = sda_oled, freq = freq_oled) display.show_text("Display working!", x = 0, y = 10) for k in range(3): i = 3-k display.show_text("starting test in", x = 0, y = 30, clear_first=False) display.show_text(str(i), x = k*10, y = 50, clear_first=False) sleep(1) # init i2c i2c = machine.I2C(scl = scl_i2c, sda = sda_i2c, freq=freq_i2c) i2c_devices = i2c.scan() # test display.show_text("I2C Devices", x = 0, y = 5, clear_first=True)
pass print('Network configuration:', sta_if.ifconfig()) wait_for_wifi() # Signal boot successfully ___________ import led led.blink_on_board_led(times = 2) # Display ____________________________ import display_ssd1306_i2c as display display = display.Display(width = 128, height = 32) import ntp_clock ntp_clock.Clock(display).run() # import wf8266kd # display = wf8266kd.WF8266KD() # import ntp_clock # ntp_clock.Clock(display).run() # import wf8266t # display = wf8266t.WF8266T() # import ntp_clock # ntp_clock.Clock(display, buzzer = display.buzzer).run() # import max_matrices # display = max_matrices.Matrices()
def blink(pin_id, low_seconds=0.05, high_seconds=0.05): pin = Pin(pin_id, Pin.OUT) pin.value(0) sleep(low_seconds) pin.value(1) sleep(high_seconds) print('EUI', get_eui()) blink(16) Pin(15, Pin.OUT) oled = display_ssd1306_i2c.Display(width=128, height=64, scl_pin_id=15, sda_pin_id=4, freq=400000) def show_packet(payload_string, rssi=None): oled.clear() line_idx = 0 if rssi: oled.show_text('RSSI: {}'.format(rssi), x=0, y=line_idx * 10, clear_first=False, show_now=False) line_idx += 1 for line, x, y in _wrap(payload_string, start_line=line_idx):
def main(): wind_txt = ["north","northeast","east","southeast","south","southwest","west","northwest"] print('LOG::This message is from main function') micropython.mem_info() lcd = display_ssd1306_i2c.Display() ip = webserver.connect() lcd.show_text_wrap(ip) print('LOG::WIFI connect over.') micropython.mem_info() while True: """ try: """ #request weather api url = "" print("Prepare to get API") res = urequests.get(url) html=res.text print(html) print("request over") #parse json from weather api str_weather = "" weather_json = ujson.loads(html) up_time = weather_json["HeWeather6"][0]["update"]["loc"] location = weather_json["HeWeather6"][0]["basic"]["location"] cond_code = weather_json["HeWeather6"][0]["now"]["cond_code"] cond_txt = weather_json["HeWeather6"][0]["now"]["cond_txt"] tmp = weather_json["HeWeather6"][0]["now"]["tmp"] wind_deg = weather_json["HeWeather6"][0]["now"]["wind_deg"] wind_spd = weather_json["HeWeather6"][0]["now"]["wind_spd"] wind_dir = wind_txt[int(int(wind_deg)/45)] print("Prepare to Show") lcd.clear() lcd.show_text(up_time,0,0,False,True) lcd.show_text(location,0,10,False,True) lcd.show_text(tmp +" centigrade",0,20,False,True) lcd.show_text(cond_txt,0,30,False,True) lcd.show_text(wind_dir + " wind",0,40,False,True) lcd.show_text(wind_spd + " km/h",0,50,False,True) #init i2s to output audio speaker = print("Prepare to Speak") str_weather = location + " is " + tmp + " cent grade" speaker.say_sentance(str_weather) time.sleep(2) #wait speak over str_weather = "weather is " + cond_txt speaker.say_sentance(str_weather) time.sleep(2) #wait speak over str_weather = "wind direction is " + wind_dir speaker.say_sentance(str_weather) time.sleep(2) #wait speak over str_weather = "wind speed is " + wind_spd + " kilometers per hour " speaker.say_sentance(str_weather) time.sleep(2) #wait speak over speaker.close() """ except : print("ERROR") pass """ gc.collect() time.sleep(5)