class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        closestPos, minDistance = None, 100000
        for livingGhostPositionDistribution in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            likelyPosition = self.findLikelyPosition(livingGhostPositionDistribution)
            distance = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition,likelyPosition)
            if distance < minDistance:
                minDistance, closestPos = distance, likelyPosition
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition =  Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            if self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition,closestPos) > \
                return action

    def findLikelyPosition(self, livingGhostPositionDistribution):
        max_prob, max_pos = 0, None
        for pos, prob in livingGhostPositionDistribution.items():
            if prob > max_prob:
                max_prob, max_pos = prob, pos
        return max_pos
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closest to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        maxBeliefPos = [max(l, key = l.get) for l in livingGhostPositionDistributions]
        closestGhost = min(maxBeliefPos, key = lambda pos: self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, pos)) 
        successorPositions = [(Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action), action) for action in legal]
        closestAction = min([(self.distancer.getDistance(closestGhost, pos), action) for pos, action in successorPositions])[1]
        return closestAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closest to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        distances = inference.DiscreteDistribution()
        for pos in [x.argMax() for x in livingGhostPositionDistributions]:
            distances[pos] = -self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, pos)
        targetPos = distances.argMax()

        distances = inference.DiscreteDistribution()
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            distances[action] = -self.distancer.getDistance(targetPos, \
        return distances.argMax()
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closest to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        maxPositions = [belief.argMax() for belief in livingGhostPositionDistributions]
        dist = [self.distancer.getDistance(pos,pacmanPosition) for pos in maxPositions]
        minPos = maxPositions[dist.index(min(dist))]
        successorDistance = [self.distancer.getDistance(minPos,Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)) for action in legal]
        return legal[successorDistance.index(min(successorDistance))]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
  "An agent that charges the closest ghost."
  def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
    "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
    BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
    self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)
  def chooseAction(self, gameState):
    First computes the most likely position of each ghost that 
    has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings 
    Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).
    To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
    self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
    To find the successor position of a position after an action:
    successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)
    livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
    util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
    for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
    on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

      1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
         agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
         that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
         onwards (just as before).

      2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
         of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
         indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
         gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
    livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
    livingGhostPositionDistributions = [beliefs for i,beliefs
                                        in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
                                        if livingGhosts[i+1]]
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    closestDist = None
    closestGhostPos = None
    for ghost, dist in enumerate(livingGhostPositionDistributions):
        positions = dist.keys()
        positions.sort(cmp=lambda a, b: cmp(dist[a], dist[b]))
        pos = positions[-1]
        distance = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, pos)     
        if distance < closestDist or closestDist is None:
            closestGhostPos = pos
            closestDist = distance

    actionDistances = [(a, self.distancer.getDistance(Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, a), closestGhostPos)) for a in legal]
    bestAction = min(actionDistances, key=lambda ad: ad[1])[0]
    return bestAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        ghost_dist = {}
        for ghost_distribution in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
          most_likely_spot = max(ghost_distribution, key=ghost_distribution.get)
          ghost_dist[most_likely_spot] = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, most_likely_spot)

        closest_ghost = min(ghost_dist, key=ghost_dist.get)

        possible_actions = {}
        for action in gameState.getLegalActions():
          next_pacman_spot = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
          possible_actions[action] = self.distancer.getDistance(next_pacman_spot, closest_ghost)
        best_action = min(possible_actions, key=possible_actions.get)

        return best_action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
  "An agent that charges the closest ghost."
  def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
    "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
    BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
    self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)
  def chooseAction(self, gameState):
    First computes the most likely position of each ghost that 
    has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings 
    Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).
    To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
    self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
    To find the successor position of a position after an action:
    successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)
    livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
    util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
    for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
    on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

      1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
         agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
         that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
         onwards (just as before).

      2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
         of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
         indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
         gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
    livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
    livingGhostPositionDistributions = [beliefs for i,beliefs
                                        in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
                                        if livingGhosts[i+1]]
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    min = float("inf")
    for x in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
      mostProb = x.argMax()
      dist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition,mostProb)
      if dist<min:
    min = float("inf")
    for act in legal:
      if dist<min:
    return action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def mydistance(x, y, pacmanPosition):
        ghostLocation = (x, y)
        return self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, ghostLocation)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
    First computes the most likely position of each ghost that 
    has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings 
    Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).
    To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
    self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
    To find the successor position of a position after an action:
    successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)
    livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
    util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
    for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
    on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

      1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
         agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
         that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
         onwards (just as before).

      2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
         of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
         indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
         gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = [
            beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs) if livingGhosts[i + 1]

        ghostPositions = [max(distribution, key=distribution.get) for distribution in livingGhostPositionDistributions]
        print "ghostPositions", ghostPositions
        closestGhostPosition = min(ghostPositions, key=lambda x: self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, x))
        print "closestGhostPosition", closestGhostPosition
        successorPositions = [Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action) for action in legal]
        closestSuccessorPosition = min(
            successorPositions, key=lambda x: self.distancer.getDistance(closestGhostPosition, x)
        move = legal[successorPositions.index(closestSuccessorPosition)]

        return move
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        # get max position for every ghost
        def getMaxDictKey(d):
            maxKeys = [k for k in d.keys() if d[k] == max(d.values())]
            return maxKeys[0]

        maxPos = [getMaxDictKey(k) for k in livingGhostPositionDistributions]
        distances = map(lambda x: self.distancer.getDistance(x, pacmanPosition), maxPos)
        minDist = min(distances)
        goalPos = maxPos[distances.index(minDist)]
        for action in legal:
            if self.distancer.getDistance(Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action), goalPos) < minDist:
                return action
        # should not end here!
        return legal[0]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)
        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):
          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).
          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        mostPossiblePosition = lambda ghostPosDist: max(ghostPosDist.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
        mostPossiblePositions = map(mostPossiblePosition, livingGhostPositionDistributions)
        distToPacman = lambda x: self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, x)
        closestGhostPos = min(mostPossiblePositions, key=distToPacman)
        minDist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, closestGhostPos)
        delta_pos = set()
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            delta = self.distancer.getDistance(closestGhostPos, successorPosition)-minDist  # the more negative the better
            delta_pos.add((delta, action))
        return min(delta_pos)[1]
        # util.raiseNotDefined()
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        gohstPosition = [dist.argMax() for dist in livingGhostPositionDistributions]
        gohstDistance = [self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, pos) for pos in gohstPosition]
        closestGhostIndex = gohstDistance.index(min(gohstDistance))
        allPacPotentialPos = [Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action) for action in legal]
        distanceToClosestCostAfterAllActions = \
            [self.distancer.getDistance(newPacPost, gohstPosition[closestGhostIndex])\
             for newPacPost in allPacPotentialPos]
        return legal[distanceToClosestCostAfterAllActions.index(min(distanceToClosestCostAfterAllActions))]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
  "An agent that charges the closest ghost."
  def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
    "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
    BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
    self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)
  def chooseAction(self, gameState):
    First computes the most likely position of each ghost that 
    has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings 
    Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).
    To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
    self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
    To find the successor position of a position after an action:
    successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)
    livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
    util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
    for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
    on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

      1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
         agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
         that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
         onwards (just as before).

      2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
         of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
         indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
         gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
    pacman = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    legal  = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions() if a != Directions.STOP]
    ghosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
    distributions = [b for i, b in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs) if ghosts[i + 1]]

    successor = [(Actions.getSuccessor(pacman, a), a) for a in legal]
    positions = [max(d.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])[0] for d in distributions]
    distances = [(self.distancer.getDistance(pacman, d), d) for d in positions]
    choice    = min(distances)[1]   # min distance between current and any ghost
    actions   = [(self.distancer.getDistance(choice, s[0]), s[1]) for s in successor]
    action    = min(actions)[1]     # the action that gets us closer to the close ghost
    return action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
  "An agent that charges the closest ghost."
  def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
    "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
    BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
    self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)
  def chooseAction(self, gameState):
    First computes the most likely position of each ghost that 
    has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings 
    Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).
    To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
    self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
    To find the successor position of a position after an action:
    successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)
    To get a list of booleans, one for each agent, indicating whether
    or not the agent is alive, use gameState.getLivingGhosts()
    Note that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1, 
    onwards (just as before).
    You may remove Directions.STOP from the list of available actions.
    mostLikelyGhostPositions = util.Counter();
    for i in range(0,len(gameState.getLivingGhosts())):
      if (gameState.getLivingGhosts()[i]):
         mostLikelyGhostPositions[i] = self.inferenceModules[i-1].getBeliefDistribution().argMax()
    minDist = 100000000
    minIndex = 1
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    for ghostIndex in mostLikelyGhostPositions:
      dist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition,mostLikelyGhostPositions[ghostIndex])
      if (min(dist,minDist) != minDist):
        minDist = min(dist,minDist);
        minIndex = ghostIndex;

    legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions() if a != Directions.STOP]
    legalMoves = util.Counter();
    minGhostPos = mostLikelyGhostPositions[minIndex]
    for action in legal:
       legalMoves[action] = -1*self.distancer.getDistance(minGhostPos,Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition,action))
    return legalMoves.argMax()
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        # Get the position of the most likely ghost
        max_prob_pos = []
        for ghost_dist in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            best_pos = max(ghost_dist, key = ghost_dist.get)
        best_pos = max(max_prob_pos, key=lambda x : x[1])[0]

        # Find the best move
        best_dist = float("inf")
        best_move = None
        for move in legal:
            dist = self.distancer.getDistance(best_pos, Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, move))
            if dist < best_dist or not best_move:
                best_move = move 
                best_dist = dist
        return best_move
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
  "An agent that charges the closest ghost."
  def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
    "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
    BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
    self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)
  def chooseAction(self, gameState):
    First computes the most likely position of each ghost that 
    has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings 
    Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).
    To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
    self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
    To find the successor position of a position after an action:
    successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)
    livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
    util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
    for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
    on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

      1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
         agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
         that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
         onwards (just as before).

      2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
         of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
         indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
         gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
    You may remove Directions.STOP from the list of available actions.
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions() if a != Directions.STOP]
    livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
    livingGhostPositionDistributions = [beliefs for i,beliefs
                                        in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
                                        if livingGhosts[i+1]]
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    minDist = 99999999
    action = 'Stop'

    for la in legal:
      if la == 'North': newPacPos = (pacmanPosition[0],pacmanPosition[1]+1)
      elif la == 'South': newPacPos = (pacmanPosition[0],pacmanPosition[1]-1)
      elif la == 'West': newPacPos = (pacmanPosition[0]-1,pacmanPosition[1])
      elif la == 'East': newPacPos = (pacmanPosition[0]+1,pacmanPosition[1])
      else: print "TESTE"
      for i in range(0,len(livingGhostPositionDistributions)):
        ghostPos = livingGhostPositionDistributions[i].argMax()
        minDist, action = min((minDist,action), (self.distancer.getDistance(newPacPos,ghostPos),la))

    return action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        #initialize them to worst value possible
        closestDis, minMazeDis = float('inf'), float('inf')
        closestPos = None
        theAction = None

        #find the closest ghost
        for oneSetDistri in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            biggestDistriPos = oneSetDistri.argMax()
            mazeDis = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, biggestDistriPos)

            if (closestDis > mazeDis):
                closestDis = mazeDis
                closestPos = biggestDistriPos

        #greedy approach: always seek for action with closest distance to get to the ghost
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            mazeDis = self.distancer.getDistance(successorPosition, closestPos)

            if (minMazeDis > mazeDis):
                minMazeDis = mazeDis
                theAction = action

        return theAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
	m_dist = lambda pos1, pos2 : self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
	closest = None # closest ghost position
	best_action = None # best action position
	for distrib in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
	  mostLikelyPos = max(distrib.items(), \
	                      key=lambda item : item[1])[0]
	  dist = m_dist(pacmanPosition, mostLikelyPos)
	  if closest == None or dist < closest[1]:
	    closest = (mostLikelyPos, dist)
        for action in legal:	
	  succ_pos = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
	  dist = m_dist(succ_pos, closest[0])
	  if best_action == None or dist < best_action[2]:
	    best_action = (action, succ_pos, dist)
	return best_action[0]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
  "An agent that charges the closest ghost."
  def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
    "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
    BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
    self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)
  def chooseAction(self, gameState):
    First computes the most likely position of each ghost that 
    has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings 
    Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).
    To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
    self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
    To find the successor position of a position after an action:
    successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)
    livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
    util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
    for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
    on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

      1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
         agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
         that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
         onwards (just as before).

      2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
         of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
         indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
         gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
    livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
    livingGhostPositionDistributions = [beliefs for i,beliefs
                                        in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
                                        if livingGhosts[i+1]]
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    bestaction = Directions.STOP
    bestdistance = None
    for idx, action in enumerate(legal):
        nextpos = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
        for idx, dist in enumerate(livingGhostPositionDistributions):
            items = dist.items()
            ghostpos = sorted(items, cmp=lambda a,b: cmp(b[1], a[1]))[0][0]
            dist = self.distancer.getDistance(nextpos, ghostpos)
            if ((bestdistance == None) or (dist < bestdistance)):
                bestdistance = dist
                bestaction = action

    return bestaction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        localMax = []
        for belief in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
        goalCoordinate, goalProbability = None, 0
        for index, coordinate in enumerate(localMax):
            if livingGhostPositionDistributions[index][coordinate] >= goalProbability:
                goalCoordinate, goalProbability = coordinate, livingGhostPositionDistributions[index][coordinate]

        tempActions = []
        for action in legal:
            nextLocation = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            tempActions.append((self.distancer.getDistance(nextLocation, goalCoordinate), action))
        return min(tempActions)[1]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        mostLikely = util.Counter()
        for beliefs in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            likelyPos = beliefs.argMax()
            mostLikely[likelyPos] = beliefs[likelyPos]
        minDist = float('inf')
        closest = None
        for key in mostLikely:
            curDist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition,key)
            if curDist < minDist:
                minDist = curDist
                closest = key
        ghostPos = closest
        minDist = self.distancer.getDistance(closest,pacmanPosition)
        bestMove = None
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            dist = self.distancer.getDistance(ghostPos,successorPosition)
            if dist < minDist:
                bestMove = action
                minDist = dist
        return bestMove
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        distance = float('inf')

        for ghost in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            highest_prob = -1
            for key in ghost:
                if ghost[key] > highest_prob:
                    highest_prob = ghost[key]
                    ghost_loc = key
            new_dist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, ghost_loc)
            if new_dist < distance:
                distance = new_dist
                closest = ghost_loc

        distance = float('inf')
        successors = []
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            new_dist = self.distancer.getDistance(successorPosition, closest)
            if new_dist < distance:
                best_action = action
                distance = new_dist
        return best_action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        # print legal
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        # noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        for inf_mod in self.inferenceModules:
        dist = util.Counter()
        for belief in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            for p, val in belief.items():
                dist[p] += val
        max_prob = max(dist.items(), key = lambda x: x[1])[0]
        states = [(a, Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, a)) for a in legal]
        actions = [(a, self.distancer.getDistance(state, max_prob)) for a, state in states]
        return min(actions, key = lambda x: x[1])[0]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    """An agent that charges the closest ghost."""

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        """Pre-computes the distance between every two points."""
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        actions = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs) if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        if len(actions) == 1:
            best_action = actions[0]
            n_ghosts = len(livingGhostPositionDistributions)
            positions = livingGhostPositionDistributions[0].iterkeys()
            positionDistributions = {p: max(livingGhostPositionDistributions[i][p] for i in xrange(n_ghosts)) for p in positions}
            target = max(positionDistributions.iterkeys(), key=positionDistributions.get)

            def d(action):
                next_position = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
                return self.distancer.getDistance(next_position, target)
            best_action = min(actions, key=d)
        return best_action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = [
            beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs) if livingGhosts[i + 1]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        minDistance = float("inf")

        for i in range(len(livingGhostPositionDistributions)):
            ghostPosition = livingGhostPositionDistributions[i].argMax()
            ghostDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, ghostPosition)
            if minDistance > ghostDistance:
                minDistance = ghostDistance
                closestPosition = ghostPosition

        minDistance = float("inf")

        for a in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, a)
            ghostDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(closestPosition, successorPosition)
            if minDistance > ghostDistance:
                minDistance = ghostDistance
                action = a

        return action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        #find closest position
        minDistance = None
        for dist in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            mostLikelyPosition = dist.argMax()
            distance = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, mostLikelyPosition)
            if not minDistance or distance < minDistance:
                minDistance = distance
                closestPosition = mostLikelyPosition

        #find best action
        minDistance = None
        for action in legal:
            newPos = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            distanceAfterAction = self.distancer.getDistance(newPos, closestPosition)
            if not minDistance or distanceAfterAction < minDistance:
                minDistance = distanceAfterAction
                bestAction = action

        return bestAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closest to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        distance = float("inf")
        ghost_position = None
        for dist in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            temp_pos = dist.argMax()
            temp_distance = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, temp_pos)
            if temp_distance < distance:
                distance = temp_distance
                ghost_position = temp_pos

        dist = float("inf")
        action = None
        for a in legal:
            succ_pos = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, a)
            temp = self.distancer.getDistance(succ_pos, ghost_position)
            if temp < dist:
                dist = temp
                action = a
        return action
文件: inference.py 项目: yfw/pacman
 def observe(self, gameState, selfIndex, agentIndex):
   noisyAgentDistance = gameState.getAgentDistances()[agentIndex]
   distribution = Counter()
   pacmanPosition = gameState.getAgentState(selfIndex).getPosition()
   distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout)
   for x in xrange(gameState.data.layout.width):
     for y in xrange(gameState.data.layout.height):
       if not gameState.hasWall(x, y):
         position = (x, y)
         trueDistance = distancer.getDistance(position, pacmanPosition)
         distribution[position] = gameState.getDistanceProb(trueDistance, noisyAgentDistance) * self.distributions[agentIndex][position]
   self.distributions[agentIndex] = distribution
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = [beliefs for i,beliefs
                                            in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
                                            if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
	#Get the best distance to each ghost
	best_positions = []
	distances = []
	for ghost_distribution in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
		best_position = ghost_distribution.argMax()
	idx = distances.index(min(distances))
	target = best_positions.pop(idx)
	actions = []	
	distances = []
	for action in legal:
		new_position = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition,action)
	idx = distances.index(min(distances))
	best_action = actions.pop(idx)
	return best_action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closest to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        ghosts = [pos.argMax() for pos in livingGhostPositionDistributions]

        # djikstra's algorithm that i created, myself, and not djikstra
        toReturn = None
        for ghost in ghosts:
            distance = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, ghost)
            for action in legal:
                new_dist = self.distancer.getDistance(Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action), 
                # if this is the minimum distance for the ghost's new position, choose the
                # action that will get pacman closer to the ghost
                if new_dist < distance:
                    distance = new_dist
                    toReturn = action
        return toReturn
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        likelyGhostPos = []
        for dist in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            mostLikelyPos = dist.argMax()
            likelyGhostPos += [mostLikelyPos]
        closestGhost = likelyGhostPos[0]
        for pos in likelyGhostPos[1:]:
            if self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, pos) < self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, closestGhost):
                closestGhost = pos
        minDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, legal[0]), closestGhost)
        retAction = legal[0]
        for action in legal[1:]:
            if self.distancer.getDistance(Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action), closestGhost) < minDistance:
                minDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action), closestGhost)
                retAction = action
        return retAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that
        has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).

        To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
        self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
        successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
        for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
        on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = [
            beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
            if livingGhosts[i + 1]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        closest_ghost = []
        # find the closest ghost position that has not been captured yet
        for dist in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            # find the most likely position, which is the position where the distribution is the highest
            ghost_pos = sorted(dist, key=dist.get, reverse=True)
            maze_dist = self.distancer.getDistance(ghost_pos[0],
            closest_ghost.append((ghost_pos[0], maze_dist))
        # sort based on the maze distance in ascending order to have the closest ghost at index 0.
        closest_ghost = sorted(closest_ghost, key=lambda x: x[1])

        # find the least maze distance action of the closest ghost found
        actions = []
        for action in legal:
            maze_dist = self.distancer.getDistance(
                Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action))
            actions.append((action, maze_dist))
        actions = sorted(actions, key=lambda x: x[1])
        # returns the action that has the least maze distance
        return actions[0][0]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.

        #Fetch Pacman Position
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        #Fetch Legal Postions
        legalPositions = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        #Take all ghost postions, to find out the closest ghost
        ghosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        #Get ghost distribution for all livin ghosts

        index = 0
        ghostPositionDistributions = []
        for beliefs in self.ghostBeliefs:
            if ghosts[index + 1]:
            index += 1

        favBeliefs = []
        #find coordinates where ghost has max probability
        for belief in ghostPositionDistributions:
            maxBelief = 0
            maxCoordinate = 0
            for coor in belief:
                if belief[coor] > maxBelief:
                    maxBelief = belief[coor]
                    maxCoordinate = coor

        ghostPossiblePosition = None
        ghostPossibleProbability = 0
        nextPossibbleSteps = []

        #Find the coordiante with the highest pribability of having a ghost
        index = 0
        for coordinate in favBeliefs:
            if (ghostPositionDistributions[index][coordinate] >=
                ghostPossibleProbability = ghostPositionDistributions[index][
                ghostPossiblePosition = coordinate
            index += 1

        #Find the next legal positions closest to ghost coordinate
        for action in legalPositions:
            nextStep = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            distanceBtwGhostAndNextPosition = self.distancer.getDistance(
                nextStep, ghostPossiblePosition)
                (distanceBtwGhostAndNextPosition, action))

        #return the next step
        closestNextStep = min(nextPossibbleSteps)
        return closestNextStep[1]  #(distance, NextMove)
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs) if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        localMaximum = []

        for beliefs in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
        # print localMaximum
        goalCoordinate = None       # Initialize Goal Co-ordinates and Probability
        goalProbability = 0
        for i, position in enumerate(localMaximum):
            if livingGhostPositionDistributions[i][position] >= goalProbability:    # If existing goalProbability is less than a new Ghost's probability, then overwrite the probability
                goalCoordinate = position                                           # and assign the co-ordinates of the new ghost as the nearest one
                goalProbability = livingGhostPositionDistributions[i][position]

        Minimum = []    # Variable to store the list of Actions
        for action in legal:
            nextPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)             # Possible successor with current action
            # print nextPosition
            Minimum.append((self.distancer.getDistance(nextPosition, goalCoordinate), action)) # Append the distance and action performed
        # print min(Minimum)

        return min(Minimum)[1] # Return only the list of actions for the shortest path
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        MAX_DIST = float("inf")
        MIN_PROB = - float("inf")

        closestPos = []
        for gDistance in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            bestP = MIN_PROB
            for pos in gDistance:
                if gDistance[pos] > bestP:
                    bestP = gDistance[pos]
                    bestPos = pos

        closestDis = MAX_DIST
        for pos in closestPos:
            state = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
            currDis = self.distancer.getDistance(pos, state)
            if currDis < closestDis:
                closestDis = currDis
                closestPos = pos

        closestDis = MAX_DIST
        for action in legal:
            state = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
            successor = Actions.getSuccessor(state, action)
            dis = self.distancer.getDistance(successor, closestPos)
            if dis < closestDis:
                closestDis = dis
                bestA = action

        return bestA
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that
        has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).

        To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
        self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
        successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
        for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
        on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = [
            beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
            if livingGhosts[i + 1]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        livingGhostBeliefPositions = []
        for livingGhostPositionDistribution in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            maxProb = 0.0
            mostLikelyPosition = None
            for position in livingGhostPositionDistribution.keys():
                if livingGhostPositionDistribution[position] > maxProb:
                    mostLikelyPosition = position
                    maxProb = livingGhostPositionDistribution[position]

        bestAction = None
        minDist = float("inf")
        for action in legal:
            nextPacmanPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            minDistByAction = min([
                self.distancer.getDistance(nextPacmanPosition, ghostPosition)
                for ghostPosition in livingGhostBeliefPositions
            if minDistByAction < minDist:
                bestAction = action
                minDist = minDistByAction

        return bestAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        # livingGhostPositionDistributions[i] = singleGhostbelief
        # singlebelief[pos] = p
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        # find out the nearest ghost
        minGhostDist,minGhostPos = float('inf'), None
        for belief in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            mostLikelyPos = belief.argMax()
            dist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, mostLikelyPos)
            if dist < minGhostDist:
                minGhostDist = dist
                minGhostPos = mostLikelyPos

        #choose the actions leading to the closest dist
        minDist,minActions = float('inf'), []
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            dist = self.distancer.getDistance(minGhostPos, successorPosition)
            if dist< minDist:
                minDist = dist
                minActions = [action]
            elif dist == minDist:

        return random.choice(minAction)

class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        # Take a new list to store predicted ghost positions
        predictedGhostPositions = list()
        # Iterate over each ghost
        for ghostPositionDist in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            # Initialize the max_probabiity with the minimum probability of 0
            maxProbability = 0
            # Iterate over all possible ghost positions and get the position for which the
            # probabilty is the maximum
            for position in ghostPositionDist.keys():
                if ghostPositionDist[position] > maxProbability:
                    maxProbability = ghostPositionDist[position]
                    calculatedPos = position

        # Here we will calculate the minimum distance among all the predicted ghost positions 
        # from pacman's current position.
        minDistance = float("inf")
        for ghostPosition in predictedGhostPositions:
            if minDistance > self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, ghostPosition):
                minDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, ghostPosition)
                closestGhost = ghostPosition

        # We will choose a move which will bring pacman closer to the ghost in order to eat it
        final_action = None
        costOfbestAction = float("inf")
        for action in legal:
            succ = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            dist = self.distancer.getDistance(succ, closestGhost)
            if (dist < self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, closestGhost)) and dist < costOfbestAction:
                costOfbestAction = dist
                final_action = action
        return final_action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        maxPos = tuple()
        maxBelief = -99999
        #Iterate through all position, acquire position with highest belief
        for pos in livingGhostPositionDistributions[0].keys():
            curBelief = livingGhostPositionDistributions[0][pos]
            if curBelief > maxBelief:
                maxBelief = curBelief
                maxPos = pos

        #Current Distance to goal
        curDist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, maxPos)

        rightAction = None
        #Iterate through all actions, pick action that minimizes distance
        for action in legal:
            successor = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            newDist = self.distancer.getDistance(successor, maxPos)
            if newDist < curDist:
                rightAction = action

        return rightAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        # Find the position of the closest ghost
        minDistance = None
        closestGhostPosition = None
        for LGPD in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            #LGPD = livingGhostPositionDistributions[i]
            MLPosition = LGPD.argMax()
            currentDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, MLPosition)
            if minDistance is None or currentDistance < minDistance:
                minDistance = currentDistance
                closestGhostPosition = MLPosition

        # Find the action that minimizes the distance to the closest ghost
        minDistance = None
        bestAction = None
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            distance = self.distancer.getDistance(successorPosition, closestGhostPosition)
            if minDistance is None or distance < minDistance:
                minDistance = distance
                bestAction = action

        return bestAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        coord_goal = None
        prob_goal = 0
        all_ghosts = []
        distance_list = []

        for pos in livingGhostPositionDistributions:

        for p in enumerate(all_ghosts):
            positionDistribution = livingGhostPositionDistributions[p[0]][p[1]]

            if positionDistribution < prob_goal:
                prob_goal = positionDistribution
                coord_goal = p[1]

        for a in legal:
            successor = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, a)
            distance = self.distancer.getDistance(successor, coord_goal)
            d = [distance, a]

        minimum = min(distance_list)
        return minimum[1]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        # initialize a list
        minGhostPos = []
        # append arg max to the list initiated from the ghost position distribution
        for ghost in livingGhostPositionDistributions:

        minGhostDist = float("inf")
        currentPos = pacmanPosition
        for position in minGhostPos:
            # use the mazeDistance as instructed in the comments
            tempDist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, position)
            # the min of the distance between pacman position and ghost distance we have from above
            minGhostPos = min(tempDist, minGhostDist)
            currentPos = position

        # initialize an Null action
        bestAction = None
        # initialize a min as positive infinity to compare the new dist using self.distancer
        minDist = float("inf")
        for actions in legal:
            newDist = self.distancer.getDistance(
                Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, actions), currentPos)
            # if the minDist we initiated before is less than the new distance calculated
            #then swap the values and set best action as the respective action from iteration
            if newDist < minDist:
                minDist = min(newDist, minDist)
                bestAction = actions
        #return the best action
        return bestAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        mostLikeLyGhostPositions = []
        for index in range(len(livingGhostPositionDistributions)):
            highestProb, mostProbPosition = 0, None
            for position, prob in livingGhostPositionDistributions[index].items():
                if prob > highestProb:
                    highestProb, mostProbPosition = prob, position
            mostLikeLyGhostPositions.append((mostProbPosition, self.distancer.getDistance(mostProbPosition, pacmanPosition)))

        leastDistance = float('inf')
        closestPosition = None
        for ghostPosition, distance in mostLikeLyGhostPositions:
            if distance < leastDistance:
                leastDistance = distance
                closestPosition = ghostPosition

        bestNewDistance = float('inf')
        bestAction = []
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            newDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(closestPosition, successorPosition)
            if newDistance < bestNewDistance:
                bestNewDistance = newDistance
                bestAction = [action]
            elif newDistance == bestNewDistance:
        return random.choice(bestAction)
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        import random
        curr_living_ghost = []
        for d in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            max_dis = -1000000
            max_distribution = None
            for distance in d:
                if d[distance] > max_dis:
                    max_dis = d[distance]
                    max_distribution = distance
            if max_dis >= 0:

        living_ghost_distance = []
        for ghost in curr_living_ghost:
                (ghost, self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, ghost)))

        min_distance = 1000000
        min_position = None
        for item in living_ghost_distance:
            if item[1] < min_distance:
                min_position = item[0]

        movement = []
        min_dis = 10000000
        for action in legal:
                                 Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action),
        for item in movement:
            if item[1] < min_dis:
                min_distance = item[1]
                min_dis = min_distance
        actions = []
        for action in movement:
            if action[1] == min_distance:
        return random.choice(actions)
class BasicAgentAA(BustersAgent):
    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)
        self.countActions = 0

    ''' Example of counting something'''

    def countFood(self, gameState):
        food = 0
        for width in gameState.data.food:
            for height in width:
                if (height == True):
                    food = food + 1
        return food

    ''' Print the layout'''

    def printGrid(self, gameState):
        table = ""
        #print(gameState.data.layout) ## Print by terminal
        for x in range(gameState.data.layout.width):
            for y in range(gameState.data.layout.height):
                food, walls = gameState.data.food, gameState.data.layout.walls
                table = table + gameState.data._foodWallStr(
                    food[x][y], walls[x][y]) + ","
        table = table[:-1]
        return table

    def printInfo(self, gameState):
        print "---------------- TICK ", self.countActions, " --------------------------"
        # Dimensiones del mapa
        width, height = gameState.data.layout.width, gameState.data.layout.height
        print "Width: ", width, " Height: ", height
        # Posicion del Pacman
        print "Pacman position: ", gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        # Acciones legales de pacman en la posicion actual
        print "Legal actions: ", gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()
        # Direccion de pacman
        print "Pacman direction: ", gameState.data.agentStates[0].getDirection(
        # Numero de fantasmas
        print "Number of ghosts: ", gameState.getNumAgents() - 1
        # Fantasmas que estan vivos (el indice 0 del array que se devuelve corresponde a pacman y siempre es false)
        print "Living ghosts: ", gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        # Posicion de los fantasmas
        print "Ghosts positions: ", gameState.getGhostPositions()
        # Direciones de los fantasmas
        print "Ghosts directions: ", [
            for i in range(0,
                           gameState.getNumAgents() - 1)
        # Distancia de manhattan a los fantasmas
        print "Ghosts distances: ", gameState.data.ghostDistances
        # Puntos de comida restantes
        print "Pac dots: ", gameState.getNumFood()
        # Distancia de manhattan a la comida mas cercada
        print "Distance nearest pac dots: ", gameState.getDistanceNearestFood()
        # Paredes del mapa
        print "Map:  \n", gameState.getWalls()
        # Puntuacion
        print "Score: ", gameState.getScore()

    def getDistance_with_wall(self, pos1, pos2):
        The getDistance function is the only one you'll need after you create the object.
        if self._distances == None:
            return manhattanDistance(pos1, pos2)
        if isInt(pos1) and isInt(pos2):
            return self.getDistanceOnGrid(pos1, pos2)
        pos1Grids = getGrids2D(pos1)
        pos2Grids = getGrids2D(pos2)
        bestDistance = self.default
        for pos1Snap, snap1Distance in pos1Grids:
            for pos2Snap, snap2Distance in pos2Grids:
                gridDistance = self.getDistanceOnGrid(pos1Snap, pos2Snap)
                distance = gridDistance + snap1Distance + snap2Distance
                if bestDistance > distance:
                    bestDistance = distance
        return bestDistance

    def calculateDistribution(self, state):
        # Read variables from state
        numghosts = state.getNumAgents() - 1
        legalActions = state.getLegalActions(0)
        # No tiene sentido que incluyamos Stop, buscamos que termine lo antes posible

        pos = state.getPacmanPosition()  #posicion pacman
        ghosts_pos = state.getGhostPositions()  #posicion fantasmas

        bestGhostAction = [
        ] * numghosts  #mejor accion para cada uno de los ghosts
        distancesToGhosts = [
        ] * numghosts  #distancia del pacman a cada uno de los ghosts

        #Encuentra la mejor accion del Pacman para cada fantasma
        for i in range(0, numghosts):
            mini = 9999999999
            if (state.getLivingGhosts()[i + 1]):
                aux = 0
                if 'North' in legalActions:
                    aux = self.distancer.getDistance((pos[0], pos[1] + 1),
                    if mini > aux:
                        bestGhostAction[i] = 'North'
                        distancesToGhosts[i] = aux
                        mini = aux
                if 'East' in legalActions:
                    aux = self.distancer.getDistance((pos[0] + 1, pos[1]),
                    if mini > aux:
                        bestGhostAction[i] = 'East'
                        distancesToGhosts[i] = aux
                        mini = aux
                if 'West' in legalActions:
                    aux = self.distancer.getDistance((pos[0] - 1, pos[1]),
                    if mini > aux:
                        bestGhostAction[i] = 'West'
                        distancesToGhosts[i] = aux
                        mini = aux
                if 'South' in legalActions:
                    aux = self.distancer.getDistance((pos[0], pos[1] - 1),
                    if mini > aux:
                        bestGhostAction[i] = 'South'
                        distancesToGhosts[i] = aux
                        mini = aux

        bestScore = min(
            distancesToGhosts)  #distancia al fantasma o comida mas cercano

        bestAction = []  #mejor accion

        #Elige la mejor entre la mejor accion para cada fantasma/comida
        for action, distance in zip(bestGhostAction, distancesToGhosts):
            if distance == bestScore:
                if action != None:
                    bestAction = [action]

        return bestAction[0]

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):

        action, bestGhostAction, distancesToGhosts = self.bestActions(

        #------------------------------FASE 4--------------------------------------------------#
        direc, score, output = self.printLineData(gameState)
        l = output.split(",")

        x = []

        #Seleccionar los atributos que usamos para cada instancia (no incluir la clase)
        for i in range(0, len(l)):
            if ((i >= 2 and i <= 9) or (i >= 18 and i <= 29)):

        a = self.weka.predict("j48_tutorial1.model", x, "fase4.arff")

        if (a not in gameState.getLegalActions()):
            a = random.choice(gameState.getLegalActions())

        return a
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        print "Start"       
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        print "PacmanPosition = ",pacmanPosition
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = self.ghostBeliefs

        likelyPositions = []
        for i in range(1,len(livingGhosts)):
            if (livingGhosts[i] == True):
                # get max value key in livingGhostPositionDistributions[i-1]
                ghostPositionDistribution = livingGhostPositionDistributions[i-1]
                likelyPosition = ghostPositionDistribution.argMax()
        print "likely Positions List:",likelyPositions
        distances = util.Counter()
        for i in likelyPositions:
            distances[i] = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition,i)
        print "Target distances = ",distances

        sortedTargets = distances.sortedKeys()
        target = sortedTargets[len(sortedTargets)-1]
        print "target is,",target
        preferredAction = util.Counter()
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            preferredAction[action] = self.distancer.getDistance(successorPosition,target)
        sortedActions = preferredAction.sortedKeys();
        print "returned Action = ",sortedActions[0],"\n"
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        return sortedActions[len(sortedActions)-1]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        # Get our most likely positions
        most_likely_position = []
            most_likely_position.append(max(distance, key=distance.get))
            for distance in livingGhostPositionDistributions

        # Get our minimum distance / position
        our_distances = util.Counter()
        for position in most_likely_position:
            our_distances[position] = self.distancer.getDistance(
                pacmanPosition, position)
        shortest_position = min(our_distances, key=our_distances.get)

        # Use our minimum distance to find the best_action so far
        our_actions = util.Counter()
        for legal_action in legal:
            successor_position = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition,
            our_actions[legal_action] = self.distancer.getDistance(
                successor_position, shortest_position)
        best_action_for = min(our_actions, key=our_actions.get)

        # Return our best action
        return best_action_for
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]

        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        act = {}
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        ghost_pos = []
        for item in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            tmp = max(item.keys(), key=(lambda k: item[k]))
        for i in ghost_pos:
            act[i] = self.distancer.getDistance(i, pacmanPosition)
        act = min(act.keys(), key=(lambda k: act[k]))

        tmp_act = {}
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            succesorDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(
                successorPosition, act)
            tmp_act[action] = succesorDistance
        opt_action = min(tmp_act.keys(), key=(lambda k: tmp_act[k]))
        return opt_action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        maxValue = 0.0
        closestGhost = (0, 0)
        for key, value in livingGhostPositionDistributions[0].items(
        ):  #Looping over livingGhostPositionDistribution and finding that position which
            if maxValue < value:  # has highest probability. That ghost will be the nearest ghost
                maxValue = value
                closestGhost = key

        minDist = 10000
        minLegal = legal[0]
        for legal_move in legal:  #Looping over all legal moves for pacman
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(
                pacmanPosition, legal_move
            )  #Finding the successor position for the chosen pacman move
            mazeDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(
                successorPosition, closestGhost
            )  #Finding the distance between closestGhost and the successor position
            if minDist > mazeDistance:  #The action which gives minimun distance to closestGhost is chosen to be next move
                minDist = mazeDistance
                minLegal = legal_move

        return minLegal
  def getFeatures(self, gameState, action):
    distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout)
    #if have more food, make it more urgent to get back
    #move away from the ghosts
    #if on the defense side from getting set back, sort of act like a defender but don't make sacrifices
    features = util.Counter()
    successor = self.getSuccessor(gameState, action)
    foodList = self.getFood(successor).asList()
    features['foodLeft'] = len(foodList)#self.getScore(successor)

    #Run away from ghosts when on other side
    enemyIndices = self.getOpponents(successor)
    enemyPositions = [successor.getAgentPosition(index) for index in enemyIndices if not successor.getAgentState(index).isPacman] #only adds ghosts to the tally
    enemyDistances = []
    for pos in enemyPositions:
        enemyDistances.append(distancer.getDistance(successor.getAgentPosition(self.index), pos))
    ghostClose = 10
    if len(enemyDistances) > 0 and min(enemyDistances) < 3 and successor.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman: #only cares about ghosts if its a pacman and the distance is less than three
        ghostClose = min(enemyDistances)
    features['ghostClose'] = ghostClose

    numEat = gameState.getAgentState(self.index).numCarrying
    #now, find out if the next move is moving closer to home
    nextMoveCloser = 0
    currentX, currentY = gameState.getAgentPosition(self.index)
    succX, succY = successor.getAgentPosition(self.index)
    #if the next move is closer and numEat > 5, then homeUrgent is 1 and weight it
    ######SAM STUFF
    targetX = gameState.data.layout.width // 2
    if gameState.isOnRedTeam(self.index):
        targetX = targetX - 1

    targetPositions = [(targetX, y) for y in range(0, gameState.data.layout.height)]

    distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout)

    targetDistances = []
    for position in targetPositions:
            targetDistances.append(distancer.getDistance(position, successor.getAgentPosition(self.index)))
            doNothing = 0
    minDist = min(targetDistances)
    features['homeUrgent'] = 30
    if numEat > 0:
        features['homeUrgent'] = minDist

    enemies = [successor.getAgentState(i) for i in self.getOpponents(successor)]
    invaders = [a for a in enemies if a.isPacman and a.getPosition() != None]
    features['numInvaders'] = len(invaders)

    targetX = gameState.data.layout.width // 2
    if not gameState.isOnRedTeam(self.index):
        targetX = targetX - 1

    targetPositions = [(targetX, y) for y in range(0, gameState.data.layout.height)]

    distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout)

    targetsFarEnoughAway = []
    for position in targetPositions:
            minDistance = min([distancer.getDistance(position, enemy.getPosition()) for enemy in enemies])
            if minDistance > 7: #changed from 7 to 10
            doNothing = 0

    myPos = successor.getAgentState(self.index).getPosition()
    distanceToClosestGhost = min([distancer.getDistance(myPos, enemy.getPosition()) for enemy in enemies])
    distanceToTPs = [distancer.getDistance(myPos, position) for position in targetsFarEnoughAway]

        features['distanceToTargetCrossings'] = 0
        features['ghostClose'] = 0 if distanceToClosestGhost > 4 else distanceToClosestGhost
        features['ghostClose'] = 0
        features['distanceToTargetCrossings'] = min(distanceToTPs) if len(distanceToTPs) > 0 else 0

    #numeats is bigger than 5 and the next move is closer to home, then set homeUrgent to positive
    #if numeats > 5 and next move is farther from home, set homeUrgent to negative
    #otherwise set homeUrgent to 0

    # Compute distance to the nearest food

    if len(foodList) > 0: # This should always be True,  but better safe than sorry
      myPos = successor.getAgentState(self.index).getPosition()
      minDistance = min([self.getMazeDistance(myPos, food) for food in foodList])
#      if not successor.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman: #this basically means we only look for food if we're on the other side
#        minDistance = 100
      features['distanceToFood'] = minDistance
    return features
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        if len(livingGhostPositionDistributions) == 0:
            return legal[0]

        # print livingGhostPositionDistributions
        import operator
        maxLikelyGhostPositions = [
            max(ghost_dist.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
            for ghost_dist in livingGhostPositionDistributions
        dist2allGhosts = [
            self.distancer.getDistance(pos, pacmanPosition)
            for pos in maxLikelyGhostPositions
        # print maxLikelyGhostPositions , dist2allGhosts , min(dist2allGhosts)
        i, v = min(enumerate(dist2allGhosts), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        posClosestGhost = maxLikelyGhostPositions[i]
        # print posClosestGhost , legal
        dist_according_actions = [
                posClosestGhost, Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action))
            for action in legal
        i, v = min(enumerate(dist_according_actions),
        return legal[i]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        closestGhost = {}
        bestAction = {}

        for posDist in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            # check for most probable location for ghost and set that as temp position and get
            # the temp manhattan distance between ghost and pacman
            relMaxPos = posDist.argMax()
            relDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(relMaxPos, pacmanPosition)
            if bool(closestGhost):
                # if out closest ghost is not empty
                if closestGhost["dist"] > relDistance:
                    # if we found a closer ghost, set it as the closest ghost
                    closestGhost["pos"] = relMaxPos
                    closestGhost["dist"] = relDistance
                # if we are on our first ghost, default it as the closest
                closestGhost["pos"] = relMaxPos
                closestGhost["dist"] = relDistance
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(
                pacmanPosition, action)
            # find the distance between our potential successor position and our closest ghost
            newDistance = self.distancer.getDistance(
                successorPosition, closestGhost["pos"])
            if bool(bestAction):
                # if best action isnt empty
                if (bestAction["dist"] > newDistance):
                    # if we found a better action, set it as the best action
                    bestAction["action"] = action
                    bestAction["dist"] = newDistance
                # if we are on our first action, default it as the best
                bestAction["action"] = action
                bestAction["dist"] = newDistance

        return bestAction["action"]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition(
        )  # Posição atual do Pacman
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()
                 ]  # Ações possíveis do Pacman em sua posição atual
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts(
        )  # Cada posição da lista refere-se a um fantasma. Determina se o fantasma está vivo ou morto
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        i = 0
        ghostsPositions = []
        dists = []
        # Armazena as posições mais prováveis de cada fantasma estar
        for ghost in livingGhosts:  # Verifica se o fantasma está vivo
            if ghost == True:
                prob = 0
                pos = (-1, -1)
                for pos_a, prob_a in livingGhostPositionDistributions[i].items(
                ):  # Procura a posição mais provável de o fantasma estar
                    if prob_a > prob:
                        prob = prob_a
                        pos = pos_a
                )  # Armazena a posição mais provável de o fantasma estar
                i += 1

        # Recebe a posição mais próxima do Pacman (pos_clo) que provavelmente tem um fantasma
        dist_min = 10000000  # Menor distância entre o Pacman e a posição mais provável de um fantasma
        pos_clo = (
            -1, -1
        )  # Posição mais próxima do Pacman dentre as mais prováveis de ter um fantasma
        for p in ghostsPositions:
            d = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, p)
            if d < dist_min:
                dist_min = d
                pos_clo = p

        # Verifica qual ação que mais aproxima o Pacman da posição mais próxima que provavelmente tem um fantasma
        a = ""
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(
                pacmanPosition, action)  # Recebe uma ação do Pacman
            d = self.distancer.getDistance(
                pos_clo, successorPosition
            )  # Recebe a distância entre a posição onde o Pacman estará após essa ação e onde o fantasma mais próximo provavelmente está
            if d < dist_min:
                a = action

        return a
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        mostLikelyGP = util.Counter()
        closestpos = None
        closestdist = 999999
        #loop to find the closest ghost
        for ghostDistrib in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            maxprob = 0
            maxpos = None
            #loop and find the most likely location for the ghost
            for pos, prob in ghostDistrib.items():
                if prob > maxprob:
                    maxprob = prob
                    maxpos = pos
            tempdist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, maxpos)
            if tempdist < closestdist:
                closestpos = maxpos
                closestdist = tempdist
        #closest(ghost)pos has been found, now find best action to get closest to it
        closestaction = None
        closestchasedist = 99999
        #loop through actions and see which takes us closest to the ghost
        for legalaction in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition,
            tempdist = self.distancer.getDistance(closestpos,
            if closestchasedist > tempdist:
                closestaction = legalaction
                closestchasedist = tempdist
        return closestaction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        localMaxGhost = []
        for beliefs in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
        mostghostPos, mostghostProb = None, 0  # final one
        for i, belief in enumerate(localMaxGhost):
            if livingGhostPositionDistributions[i][belief] >= mostghostProb:
                mostghostProb = livingGhostPositionDistributions[i][belief]
                mostghostPos = belief

        mazeDistance = []
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
                                            mostghostPos), action))

        return min(mazeDistance)[1]
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that
        has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).

        To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
        self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
        successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
        for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
        on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        actions = gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = [beliefs for i,beliefs
                                            in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
                                            if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        # get the most likely ghost positions
        ghostPossitions = []
        for distribution in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            ghost = (max(distribution, key = distribution.get))

        # choose to folow the ghost closest to packman
        ghostDistances = []
        for ghost in ghostPossitions:
            distance = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, ghost)
        ghost = ghostPossitions[ghostDistances.index(min(ghostDistances))]

        # pick the action that minimixes the distance to the chosen ghost
        nextGhostDistances = []
        for action in actions:
            successor = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            distance = self.distancer.getDistance(successor, ghost)
        action = actions[nextGhostDistances.index(min(nextGhostDistances))]

        return action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        closest_ghost_pos = None
        closest_ghost_dist = None
        for ghost_dist in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            ghost_pos = None
            pos_prob = -1
            for pos, prob in ghost_dist.items():
                if prob > pos_prob:
                    pos_prob = prob
                    ghost_pos = pos
            distance = self.distancer.getDistance(ghost_pos, pacmanPosition)
            if closest_ghost_dist is None or closest_ghost_dist > distance:
                closest_ghost_dist = distance
                closest_ghost_pos = ghost_pos
        min_action = None
        min_action_distance = None
        for a in legal:
            new_pos = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, a)
            dist = self.distancer.getDistance(new_pos, closest_ghost_pos)
            if min_action_distance is None or min_action_distance > dist:
                min_action_distance = dist
                min_action = a
        return min_action
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
  "An agent that charges the closest ghost."
  def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
    "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
    BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
    self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)
  def chooseAction(self, gameState):
    First computes the most likely position of each ghost that 
    has not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings 
    Pacman closer to the closest ghost (in maze distance!).
    To find the maze distance between any two positions, use:
    self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)
    To find the successor position of a position after an action:
    successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)
    livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
    util.Counter objects equal to the position belief distributions
    for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It is defined based
    on (these are implementation details about which you need not be

      1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
         agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
         that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
         onwards (just as before).

      2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
         of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
         indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
         gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
    pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
    livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
    livingGhostPositionDistributions = [beliefs for i,beliefs
                                        in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
                                        if livingGhosts[i+1]]
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    ############################## DONE ##############################
    distance = 10000000000
    ghost = None
    returnAction = None
    for d in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
      tempGhost = d.argMax()
      tempDist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, tempGhost)
      if tempDist < distance:
        ghost = tempGhost
        distance = tempDist

    distance = 10000000000
    for act in legal:
      tempDist = self.distancer.getDistance(ghost,Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, act))
      if tempDist < distance:
        distance = tempDist
        returnAction = act
    return returnAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        bestGhostIndex = 0
        bestGhostDistance = -1
        bestGhostPosition = None
        for i in range(len(livingGhostPositionDistributions)):
            # distribution :: Position => Float (prob at positon)
            distribution = livingGhostPositionDistributions[i]
            bestPos = max(distribution, key=lambda x: distribution[x])
            bestPosDist = self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, bestPos)
            if bestGhostDistance < 0 or bestPosDist < bestGhostDistance:
                bestGhostIndex = i
                bestGhostDistance = bestPosDist
                bestGhostPosition = bestPos

        def distanceToGhost(action):
            succPos = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            return self.distancer.getDistance(succPos, bestGhostPosition)

        return min(legal, key=distanceToGhost)
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.

        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        maxProb = 0
        distToBestGhost = float('inf')
        bestGhostPos = None
        minDistToGhost = float('inf')
        for belief in livingGhostPositionDistributions:
            for position, probability in belief.items():
                if probability > maxProb:
                    maxProb = probability
                    maxProbPos = position
            maxProbDist = self.distancer.getDistance(maxProbPos,
            if maxProbDist <= minDistToGhost:
                minDistToGhost = maxProbDist
                bestGhostPos = maxProbPos

        bestAction = None
        bestDistance = float('inf')
        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            distanceOfSuccessor = self.distancer.getDistance(
                successorPosition, bestGhostPos)
            if distanceOfSuccessor < bestDistance:
                bestDistance = distanceOfSuccessor
                bestAction = action

        return bestAction
class GreedyBustersAgent(BustersAgent):
    "An agent that charges the closest ghost."

    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        "Pre-computes the distance between every two points."
        BustersAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)
        self.distancer = Distancer(gameState.data.layout, False)

    def chooseAction(self, gameState):
        First computes the most likely position of each ghost that has
        not yet been captured, then chooses an action that brings
        Pacman closer to the closest ghost (according to mazeDistance!).

        To find the mazeDistance between any two positions, use:
          self.distancer.getDistance(pos1, pos2)

        To find the successor position of a position after an action:
          successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(position, action)

        livingGhostPositionDistributions, defined below, is a list of
        util.Counter objects equal to the position belief
        distributions for each of the ghosts that are still alive.  It
        is defined based on (these are implementation details about
        which you need not be concerned):

          1) gameState.getLivingGhosts(), a list of booleans, one for each
             agent, indicating whether or not the agent is alive.  Note
             that pacman is always agent 0, so the ghosts are agents 1,
             onwards (just as before).

          2) self.ghostBeliefs, the list of belief distributions for each
             of the ghosts (including ghosts that are not alive).  The
             indices into this list should be 1 less than indices into the
             gameState.getLivingGhosts() list.
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        legal = [a for a in gameState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        livingGhosts = gameState.getLivingGhosts()
        livingGhostPositionDistributions = \
            [beliefs for i, beliefs in enumerate(self.ghostBeliefs)
             if livingGhosts[i+1]]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        ghostPos = []

        for i in range(len(livingGhostPositionDistributions)):
            guess = None
            for p in livingGhostPositionDistributions[i].sortedKeys():
                if livingGhostPositionDistributions[i][
                        p] > livingGhostPositionDistributions[i][guess]:
                    guess = p

        target = [(0, 0), 999999999]
        for p in ghostPos:
            if self.distancer.getDistance(p, pacmanPosition) < target[1]:
                target[0] = p
                target[1] = self.distancer.getDistance(p, pacmanPosition)

        decision = []

        for action in legal:
            successorPosition = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition, action)
            if self.distancer.getDistance(
                    target[0], successorPosition) < self.distancer.getDistance(
                        target[0], pacmanPosition):

        # choose random motion
        #import random
        #return random.choice(decision)

        return decision[0]