# create Nansat object
n = Nansat(iPath + fileName)

# list bands and georeference of the object
print n

# Reprojected image into Lat/Lon WGS84 (Simple Cylindrical) projection
# 1. Cancel previous reprojection
# 2. Get corners of the image and the pixel resolution
# 3. Create Domain with stereographic projection, corner coordinates and resolution 1000m
# 4. Reproject
# 5. Write image
n.reproject() # 1.
lons, lats = n.get_corners() # 2.
pxlRes = distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons), n[1])
pxlRes = array(pxlRes)*360/40000 # great circle distance
srsString = "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs"
#~ extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -ts 3000 3000' % (min(lons), min(lats), max(lons), max(lats))
extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -tr %f %f' % (min(lons), min(lats), \
                max(lons), max(lats), pxlRes[1], pxlRes[0])
d = Domain(srs=srsString, ext=extentString) # 3.
print d
n.reproject(d) # 4.

# get array with watermask (landmask) b 
# it must be done after reprojection!
# 1. Get Nansat object with watermask
# 2. Get array from Nansat object. 0 - land, 1 - water
#wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/magDesk/media/SOLabNFS/store/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/data/data/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
	    lns   = lns   + 180

	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_speed'] = griddata((lts.flatten(), lns.flatten()), (ncepGFSmodelWind['wind_speed']).flatten(), (lats_2, lons_2), method='cubic')
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_dir'] = griddata((lts.flatten(), lns.flatten()), (ncepGFSmodelWind['wind_dir']).flatten(), (lats_2, lons_2), method='cubic')
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['u'] = griddata((lts.flatten(), lns.flatten()), (ncepGFSmodelWind['u']).flatten(), (lats_2, lons_2), method='cubic')
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['v'] = griddata((lts.flatten(), lns.flatten()), (ncepGFSmodelWind['v']).flatten(), (lats_2, lons_2), method='cubic')
	#     ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_speed']  = RectBivariateSpline(lts, lns, flipud(ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_speed']), kx=2, ky=2)(lts_2, lns_2)

	# FOR SOME REASON RectSphereBivariateSpline doesn't work very good, using griddata instead

    pxlResWindSwath = asarray(distancelib.getPixelResolution(lts_2, \
                                                        lns_2, \
                                                        lns_2.shape, 'km'))

    print "Interpolated Wind cell resolution, %s km" % pxlResWindSwath

    del lts, lns, lts_2, lns_2

    # calculate bearing from initial lats/lons for further wind calculation
    # Taking initial values as bearing is more accurate after
    # interpolation than vice versa
    bearing = zeros((GEOgrid['lons'].shape[0]-1, GEOgrid['lons'].shape[1]))

    for n in range(0, GEOgrid['lons'].shape[1]):
        col = ([GEOgrid['lats'][:-1, n], GEOgrid['lons'][:-1, n]],
               [GEOgrid['lats'][1:, n], GEOgrid['lons'][1:, n]])
        for m in range(0, GEOgrid['lons'].shape[0]-1):
def processingS1(inpath, fn, scale=1, resolution=80):
    #~ Setting default resolution to 80m, which in most cases sorresponds to scale=8
    pxlResSARm = resolution
    s1 = readS1(inpath=inpath, fn=fn, resolution=pxlResSARm, min_lat=35)
    if s1.lat_skip:
        return None
    # s1.__dict__['raw_counts']

    # get vars from s1 class
    # polarization
    # raw_counts
    # incidenceAngle_2
    # sigmaNought_2
    # noiseLut_2
    # sigma0
    # lons_2
    # lats_2
    # GEOgrid
    # cLUTs
    # nLUTs
    # manifest
    polarization = s1.polarization
    incidenceAngle_2 = s1.incidenceAngle_2
    sigma0 = s1.sigma0
    lons_2 = s1.lons_2
    lats_2 = s1.lats_2
    GEOgrid = s1.GEOgrid
    manifest = s1.manifest

    del s1

    sigma0w = {}
    roughness = {}

    print "Scale set to: \'%s\' " % scale

    for p in polarization:
        print "Filtering Image: \'%s\' polarization" % p

        # filter the image
        sigma0w[p] = wiener(
            sigma0[p][::scale, ::scale], mysize=(7, 7), noise=None
        # sigma0w[p] = sigma0[p]

    del sigma0

    # S1 Pixel resolution
    # we use pxlResSAR for further GSHHS rasterizing and
    # reprojecting data with pyresample

    lonlim = (lons_2[::scale, ::scale].min(), lons_2[::scale, ::scale].max())
    latlim = (lats_2[::scale, ::scale].min(), lats_2[::scale, ::scale].max())

    # enlarge lonlims for cropping a bit larger area for masking
    lonlimGSHHS = (lonlim[0]-1.0, lonlim[1]+1.0)
    latlimGSHHS = (latlim[0]-1.0, latlim[1]+1.0)

    # Get first guess pixel resolution
    pxlResSARm = asarray(
            lats_2[::scale, ::scale], lons_2[::scale, ::scale],
            lons_2[::scale, ::scale].shape, 'km'
    pxlResSARdeg = asarray(
            lats_2[::scale, ::scale], lons_2[::scale, ::scale],
            lons_2[::scale, ::scale].shape, 'deg'

    # Define areas with pyresample
    swath_def = pr.geometry.SwathDefinition(
        lons=lons_2[::scale, ::scale], lats=lats_2[::scale, ::scale]

    area_def_4326 = swath_area_def(name='Temporal SWATH EPSG Projection 4326',
                                   proj='eqc', lonlim=lonlimGSHHS,
                                   latlim=latlimGSHHS, ellps="WGS84",

    # Get the SAR pixel resolution from the area_def
    # for further identical shapes
    up = min(latlimGSHHS)
    down = max(latlimGSHHS)
    left = min(lonlimGSHHS)
    right = max(lonlimGSHHS)
    area_extent_deg = (left, down, right, up)

    area_extent_deg_shape = area_def_4326.shape

    pxlResSARdeg = asarray(
        (abs(area_extent_deg[2] - area_extent_deg[0]) /
         abs(area_extent_deg[3] - area_extent_deg[1]) /

    pxlResSARm = asarray(
        (area_def_4326.pixel_size_x, area_def_4326.pixel_size_y)
    print "S1 cell resolution, %s deg" % str(pxlResSARdeg)
    print "S1 cell resolution, %s m" % str(pxlResSARm)

    # Apply Mask from GSHHS

    # ESRI shapefile containing land polygons
    shapefile = '/media/SOLabNFS/store/auxdata/coastline/GSHHS_shp/f/GSHHS_f_L1.shp'

    # reproject GSHHS onto S1 grid before calculations
    print "Rasterizing Land Mask"
    mask_arr_4326 = gshhs_rasterize.gshhs_rasterize_4326(
        lonlimGSHHS, latlimGSHHS, pxlResSARdeg, area_def_4326.shape,
        True, shapefile

    del pxlResSARdeg

    mask_arr_swath = pr.kd_tree.resample_nearest(
        area_def_4326, mask_arr_4326, swath_def,
        radius_of_influence=4*pxlResSARm.max(), epsilon=0.5, fill_value=None

    # Commented until roughness is needed
    # # Nice Image (Roughness)
    # sigma0wAvg = {}
    # roughnessNrmlzd = {}

    # if len(polarization[0]) >= 2:  # if 2 polarizations
    #     for p in polarization:
    #         print "Nice Image: \'%s\' polarization" % p

        # NB!!! DO NOT MASK LAND for Sigma0w and Roughness!!!!

    #         roughness[p] = ma.masked_where(mask_arr_swath, sigma0w[p])
    #         sigma0wAvg[p] = ma.median(roughness[p], axis=0)
    #         roughnessNrmlzd[p] = (roughness[p]-sigma0wAvg[p])/sigma0wAvg[p]
    # elif len(polarization[0]) == 1:  # if only 1 polarization
    #     p = polarization
    #     print "Nice Image: \'%s\' polarization" % p
    #     roughness[p] = ma.masked_where(mask_arr_swath, sigma0w[p])
    #     sigma0wAvg[p] = ma.median(roughness[p], axis=0)
    #     roughnessNrmlzd[p] = (roughness[p]-sigma0wAvg[p])/sigma0wAvg[p]
    # del roughness, sigma0wAvg

    # Adding Model wind

    # import xmltodict

    # zf = zipfile.ZipFile(inpath+fn, 'r')
    # manifest = zf.read(fn[:-4] + '.SAFE/manifest.safe')
    # manifest = xmltodict.parse(manifest) # Parse the read document string
    # zf.close()

    Objects = manifest['xfdu:XFDU']['metadataSection']['metadataObject']
    for Object in Objects:
            startTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(

    ncepGFSmodelWind = ncepGFSmodel(startTime, lats_2, lons_2)

    # Reprojecting data
    # Pixel resolution
    # we use pxlResWind/pxlResSAR for further pyresample
    # radius_of_influence and sigmas
    pxlResWind = asarray(
            ncepGFSmodelWind['lons_wind'].shape, 'km'

    # Note pxlResWind is in KM, multiply by 1e3 for meters
    print "S1 cell resolution, %s m" % pxlResSARm
    print "Wind cell resolution, %s km" % pxlResWind

	# reproject NCEP onto S1 grid before calculations
	# Using RectSphereBivariateSpline - Bivariate spline approximation over a rectangular mesh on a sphere
	# as it is much more efficiant for full resolution
	# as well as smoothes nicely the image

	# We don't want to work with full res wind so scaling the image for about 100m resolution
	# Adjust scale to get appropriate value
	# scale = 5

	lts = ncepGFSmodelWind['lats_wind']
	lns = ncepGFSmodelWind['lons_wind']

	ncepGFSmodelWindSwath = {}
	# check that lns increasing, if not
	if ~all(diff(lns[0,:]) > 0):
	    lns_ = lns[0,:]
	    # we must start lns from -180 increasing to +180
	    # so we reconcatenate lns array and data array, by cropping part of array and putting in front
	    lns_ = concatenate((lns_[(lns_>=-180) & (lns_<0)], lns_[(lns_>=0)]),0)
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_speed'] = (ncepGFSmodelWind['wind_speed'])
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_speed'] = concatenate((ncepGFSmodelWind['wind_speed'][:,(lns_>=-180) & (lns_<0)],\
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_dir'] = (ncepGFSmodelWind['wind_dir'])
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_dir'] = concatenate((ncepGFSmodelWind['wind_dir'][:,(lns_>=-180) & (lns_<0)],\
	    # only then we do interpolate

	lts_2 = lats_2[::scale,::scale]
	lns_2 = lons_2[::scale,::scale]

	# RectSphereBivariateSpline uses lats and lons within the intervals (0, pi), (0, 2pi).
	# Make sure the latitude is between 0 .. 180
	if lts_2.min()<0:
	    lts_2 = lts_2 + 90
	    lts   = lts   + 90
	if lns_2.min()<0:
	    lns_2 = lns_2 + 180
	    lns   = lns   + 180

	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_speed'] = griddata((lts.flatten(), lns.flatten()), (ncepGFSmodelWind['wind_speed']).flatten(), (lats_2, lons_2), method='cubic')
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_dir'] = griddata((lts.flatten(), lns.flatten()), (ncepGFSmodelWind['wind_dir']).flatten(), (lats_2, lons_2), method='cubic')
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['u'] = griddata((lts.flatten(), lns.flatten()), (ncepGFSmodelWind['u']).flatten(), (lats_2, lons_2), method='cubic')
	    ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['v'] = griddata((lts.flatten(), lns.flatten()), (ncepGFSmodelWind['v']).flatten(), (lats_2, lons_2), method='cubic')
	#     ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_speed']  = RectBivariateSpline(lts, lns, flipud(ncepGFSmodelWindSwath['wind_speed']), kx=2, ky=2)(lts_2, lns_2)
def main( argv=None ):

    year = '2012'
    useMask = False

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    if argv is None:
        print ( "Please specify the path/year to the asar folder! \n")

    # Parse arguments
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hi:o:",["year=","oPath=","iPath=","useMask="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'readASAR.py -year <year> ...'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print 'readASAR.py -year <year> ...'
        elif opt in ("-year", "--year"):
            year = arg
        elif opt in ("-oPath", "--oPath"):
            oPath = arg
        elif opt in ("-iPath", "--iPath"):
            iPath = arg
        elif opt in ("-useMask", "--useMask"):
            useMask = arg

    oPath = '/media/SOLabNFS2/tmp/roughness/' + year + '/'
    iPath = '/media/SOLabNFS2/store/satellite/asar/' + year + '/'

    if not os.path.exists(oPath):

    for dirName in dirNames:
        for fileName in fileNames:
            figureName = oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' + fileName + '_proj.png'
            kmlName = oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' + fileName + '.kml'
            if not os.path.exists(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/'):
                os.makedirs(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/')

            if os.path.isfile(kmlName):
                print "%s already processed" % (fileName)
                print "%s" % (fileName)

            # try to create Nansat object
                n = Nansat(iPath + dirName + '/' + fileName, mapperName='asar', logLevel=27)
            except Exception as e:
                print "Failed to create Nansat object:"
                print str(e)
                os.rmdir(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' )

            #~ Get the bands
            raw_counts = n[1]
            inc_angle = n[2]

            #~ NICE image (roughness)
            pol = n.bands()[3]['polarization']
            if pol == 'HH':
                ph = (2.20495, -14.3561e-2, 11.28e-4)
                sigma0_hh_ref = exp( ( ph[0]+inc_angle*ph[1]+inc_angle**2*ph[2])*log(10) )
                roughness = n[3]/sigma0_hh_ref
            elif pol == 'VV':
                pv = (2.29373, -15.393e-2, 15.1762e-4)
                sigma0_vv_ref = exp( ( pv[0]+inc_angle*pv[1]+inc_angle**2*pv[2])*log(10) )
                roughness = n[3]/sigma0_vv_ref

            #~ Create new band
            n.add_band(bandID=4, array=roughness, \
               parameters={'name':'roughness', \
               'wkv': 'surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave', \
               'dataType': 6})

            # Reproject image into Lat/Lon WGS84 (Simple Cylindrical) projection
            # 1. Cancel previous reprojection
            # 2. Get corners of the image and the pixel resolution
            # 3. Create Domain with stereographic projection, corner coordinates 1000m
            # 4. Reproject
            # 5. Write image
            n.reproject() # 1.
            lons, lats = n.get_corners() # 2.
            # Pixel resolution
            #~ pxlRes = distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons), n.shape())
            #~ pxlRes = array(pxlRes)*360/40000 # great circle distance
            pxlRes = array(distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons), n.shape(), 'deg'))
            if min(lats) >= 65 and max(lats) >= 75 and max(lats)-min(lats) >= 13:
               pxlRes = array([0.00065, 0.00065])*2 # make the resolution 150x150m
            #~ pxlRes = pxlRes*7 # make the resolution worser
            srsString = "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs"
            #~ extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -ts 3000 3000' % (min(lons), min(lats), max(lons), max(lats))
            extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -tr %f %f' % (min(lons), min(lats), \
                            max(lons), max(lats), pxlRes[1], pxlRes[0])
            d = Domain(srs=srsString, ext=extentString) # 3.
            n.reproject(d) # 4.

            if useMask:
               # get array with watermask (landmask) b
               # it must be done after reprojection!
               # 1. Get Nansat object with watermask
               # 2. Get array from Nansat object. 0 - land, 1 - water
               #wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/magDesk/media/SOLabNFS/store/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
               wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/data/data/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
               wmArray = wm[1]

               #~ ОШИБКА numOfColor=255 не маскирует, потому что в figure.apply_mask: availIndeces = range(self.d['numOfColor'], 255 - 1)
               #~ n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[3], \
                            #~ numOfColor=255, mask_array=wmArray, mask_lut={0: 0},
                            #~ clim=[0,0.15], cmapName='gray', transparency=0) # 5.
               n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[4], \
                                 mask_array=wmArray, mask_lut={0: [0,0,0]},
                                 clim=[0,2], cmapName='gray', transparency=[0,0,0]) # 5.
               n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[1], \
                              clim=[0,2], cmapName='gray', transparency=[0,0,0]) # 5.

            # open the input image and convert to RGBA for further tiling with slbtiles
            input_img = Image.open(figureName)
            output_img = input_img.convert("RGBA")

            # make KML image
            n.write_kml_image(kmlFileName=kmlName, kmlFigureName=figureName)

            #~ Change the file permissions
            os.chmod(oPath, 0777)
            os.chmod(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/', 0777)
            os.chmod(kmlName, 0777)
            os.chmod(figureName, 0777)

            #~ Change the owner and group
            #~ os.chown(oPath, 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/', 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(kmlName, 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(figureName, 1111, 1111)
            #~ garbage collection
def main( argv=None ):

    # default values
    pn = '/media/data/data/OTHER/RS2 Agulhas and Lion/RS2_FQA_1xQGSS20101218_173930_00000005/'
    s = 'abs'

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    if argv is None:
        print ( "Please specify the path to the RS2 folder! \n" + \
                "See USAGE for more details \n")
        return Usage()

    # Parse arguments
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hi:o:",["pn=","xoff="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'readRS2.py -pn <inputfile> ...'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print 'readRS2.py -pn <inputfile> ...'
        elif opt in ("-pn", "--pn"):
            pn = arg
        elif opt in ("-xoff", "--xoff"):
            xOff = arg
        elif opt in ("-yoff", "--yoff"):
            yOff = arg
        elif opt in ("-xS", "--xS"):
            xS = arg
        elif opt in ("-yS", "--yS"):
            yS = arg
        elif opt in ("-xScale", "--xScale"):
            xBufScale = arg
        elif opt in ("-yScale", "--yScale"):
            yBufScale = arg

    print "Path to the RS2 file:\n", pn

    if core_ct < 4:
        # calibrate the scene
        print "Calibrating"
        currtime = time()
        calib = calibRS2(pn, xOff, yOff, xS, yS, xBufScale, yBufScale, 'sigma0')
        # get the incidence angle
        print "Incidence Angle and Lats/Lons"
        IncidenceAngle = calib.incidence_angle()
        IncidenceAngle = rad2deg(IncidenceAngle)
        # get the lats/lons
        (lat, lon, line, pixel) = calib.xml2geo()
        print "Filtering"
        # 1. Remove speckle noise (using Lee-Wiener filter)
        calib.speckle_filter('wiener', 7)
        print 'Serial: time elapsed:', time() - currtime
    elif core_ct >= 4:
        # calibrate the scene
        print "Calibrating"
        currtime = time()
        calibPar = calibRS2par(pn, xOff, yOff, xS, yS, xBufScale, yBufScale, s)
        # get the incidence angle
        print "Incidence Angle and Lats/Lons"
        IncidenceAngle = calibPar.incidence_angle()
        IncidenceAngle = rad2deg(IncidenceAngle)
        # get the lats/lons
        (lat, lon, line, pixel) = calibPar.xml2geo()
        print "Filtering"
        # 1. Remove speckle noise (using Lee-Wiener filter)
        calibPar.speckle_filter('wiener', 7)
        print 'Parallel: time elapsed: %f' % ( time() - currtime )
        # export to geotiff
#        calibPar.save_tiff()

    print "Some Sigma calculations..."

    SigmaHHwnr = calibPar.SigmaHHwnr
    SigmaVVwnr = calibPar.SigmaVVwnr
#    SigmaHVwnr = calibPar.SigmaHVwnr

    # Free up some memory
    del calibPar.SigmaHHwnr, calibPar.SigmaVVwnr, calibPar.SigmaHVwnr

#    # Calculate some wind
#    # testing that with sar=-0.387 wind speed is 10m/s
#    w = rcs2wind(sar=-0.387*ones((1,1)), cmdv=4, windir=0, theta=20*ones((1,1)))
#    print "Testing CMOD4 passed, Wind =", w
#    sar=10*log10(SigmaVVwnr[::10,::10])
##    sar=10*log10(SigmaVVwnr)
#    w = rcs2wind(sar, cmdv=4, windir=130, theta=33*ones(sar.shape))
#    print "Mean CMOD4 Wind =", w.mean()

    # calculate the conjugate
    SigmaVVConjHH = calibPar.S_VV*conj(calibPar.S_HH)
    SigmaVVConjHHWnr = wiener(SigmaVVConjHH, mysize=(7,7), noise=None)
    # all sigmas in linear units
    SigmaVVConjHHdelta = SigmaVVConjHHWnr/(SigmaVVwnr - SigmaHHwnr)

#    # Check that imagenary part is much less then the real one
#    SigmaVVConjHHr = real(SigmaVVConjHH)
#    SigmaVVConjHHi = imag(SigmaVVConjHH)
#    SigmaVVConjHHr.mean()
#    SigmaVVConjHHi.mean()

    # Free up some memory
    del SigmaVVConjHH, calibPar.S_HH, calibPar.S_VV

    # 2. Find Poolarization ratio PR in dB and delta - linear
    # delta - is a Bragg component, which describes wind field impact
    # PR = 10*log10(SigmaHHwnr) - 10*log10(SigmaVVwnr)
#    # PR must not be > 0, be careful with masking
    #P[P>0] = 0
    PR = SigmaHHwnr/SigmaVVwnr
    delta = SigmaVVwnr - SigmaHHwnr

#    # Masking Land from HV polarization
#    maskedLand = SigmaHVwnr>0.003

    # 3. Linear fit of Sigma and delta: Sigma = A*delta
#    A = sum(SigmaVVwnr[~maskedLand]*delta[~maskedLand])/sum(delta[~maskedLand]^2);
#    B = sum(SigmaHHwnr[~maskedLand]*delta[~maskedLand])/sum(delta[~maskedLand]^2);
    # imposing from theory
    A = linspace(2.3,1.8,IncidenceAngle.size) # dependence on inc angle
    A = tile(A, (line[-1,0]+1, 1))

    # 4. Calculate SigmaVVwb = SigmaVVwb === SigmaHHwb
    # substracting wind field variability contribution, the rest is impact of
    # current and film on the image
    SigmaWb = SigmaVVwnr - ( A*delta )

    # Checking that SigmaWb from VV and HH are the same
    # SigmaVVwb = SigmaVVwnr - ( A*delta )
    # SigmaHHwb = SigmaHHwnr - ( B*delta )
    # SigmaWb = SigmaVVwb
    # mean(SigmaHHwb(:)./SigmaVVwb(:))
    # clear SigmaVVwb SigmaHHwb

    # Cropping the oil slicks

#    проверить почему переворот изображения!!!
#    print ( "Cropping...")
#    plt.figure()
#    plt.imshow(delta)
#    plt.clim(-0.01,0.03)
#    plt.gray()
#    plt.show()
#    pts = imzoom()

    ptsCropSouth = array([[ 3200, 4550],
                          [ 3800, 5100]])
    oilCropSouth = imcrop(ptsCropSouth, delta)
    ptsCropNorth = array([[ 3400, 0],
                          [ 4900,  1650]])
    oilCropNorth = imcrop(ptsCropNorth, delta)

    # reduce the speckle noise
    oilN = wiener(oilCropNorth, mysize=(3,3), noise=None)
    oilS = wiener(oilCropSouth, mysize=(3,3), noise=None)

    # use median filter to smooth
    oilN = median_filter(oilN, radius=37)
    oilS = median_filter(oilS, radius=37)

    # find the global threshold
    global_threshN = threshold_otsu(oilN)
    global_threshS = threshold_otsu(oilS)

    # create a binary mask
    markersN = ones(oilN.shape, dtype=uint)
    markersS = ones(oilS.shape, dtype=uint)
    markersN[oilN < global_threshN*0.84] = 0
    markersS[oilS < global_threshS*0.84] = 0

    # Find the relation of PR in/out-side the Slicks
    oilCropNorthPR = imcrop(ptsCropNorth, PR)
    oilCropPN = oilCropNorthPR[markersN==0].mean()/oilCropNorthPR[markersS==1].mean()

    oilCropSouthP = imcrop(ptsCropSouth, PR)
    oilCropPS = oilCropSouthP[markersS==0].mean()/oilCropSouthP[markersS==1].mean()

    # Checking that calculations are OK
    oilCropNorthKVV = imcrop(ptsCropNorth, SigmaVVwnr)
    KVV = oilCropNorthKVV[markersN==0].mean()/oilCropNorthKVV[markersN==1].mean()
    oilCropNorthKHH = imcrop(ptsCropNorth, SigmaHHwnr)
    KHH = oilCropNorthKHH[markersN==0].mean()/oilCropNorthKHH[markersN==1].mean()
    PSlick = KHH/KVV*oilCropNorthKHH[markersN==1].mean()/oilCropNorthKVV[markersN==1].mean()

    print "Polarization ratio Out/In-side Slick = \
        \n %0.2f for Northern \n %0.2f for Southern" \
        %(1/oilCropPN, 1/oilCropPS)

    oilCropNorthVV = imcrop(ptsCropNorth, SigmaVVwnr)
    oilCropNorthDelta = imcrop(ptsCropNorth, delta)
    oilCropNorthSigmaWb = imcrop(ptsCropNorth, SigmaWb)

    # Interpolating lat/lon to image size for future pcolormesh
    from numpy import linspace, arange, round, floor, ceil
    from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
    def interpLL(l, pixel, line, gx, gy):
        Interpolating lat/lon to image size for future pcolormesh
        fl = interp2d(pixel[0,:], line[:,0], l, kind='linear')
        l_new = fl(gx, gy)
        return l_new

    ptsCrop = ptsCropNorth
    RasterXSize = round((-ptsCrop[0,0]+ptsCrop[-1,0]))
    RasterYSize = round((-ptsCrop[0,-1]+ptsCrop[-1,-1]))
    gx = linspace(ptsCrop[0,0], ptsCrop[-1,0], RasterXSize+1)
    gy = linspace(ptsCrop[0,-1], ptsCrop[-1,-1], RasterYSize+1)
    RasterXSize = round(pixel[0,-1])
    RasterYSize = round(line[-1,0])
    gx = linspace(0, pixel[0,-1], RasterXSize+1)
    gy = linspace(0, line[-1,0], RasterYSize+1)    
    lat_new = interpLL(lat, pixel, line, gx, gy)
    lon_new = interpLL(lon, pixel, line, gx, gy)

    # save to MAT file
    from scipy.io import savemat
    print "Exporting"
    pn = '/home/mag/Documents/MATLAB/Leon_Agulhas_RS2/'
    expFn = 'OilSlickTrns/OilSlickTrns.mat'
    if not path.isfile(pn + expFn):
        print "Exporting to:\n" , pn + expFn
        savemat(pn + expFn, mdict={ \
                'VV':oilCropNorthVV, \
                'PD':oilCropNorthDelta, \
                'SigmaWb':oilCropNorthSigmaWb, \
                'PR':oilCropNorthPR, \
                'lat':lat_new, 'lon':lon_new, \
                }, do_compression=False)

    expFn = 'CurrentFrontTrns/CurrentFrontTrns.mat'
    if not path.isfile(pn + expFn):
        print "Exporting to:\n" , pn + expFn
        savemat(pn + expFn, mdict={ \
                'PD':delta, \
                'PR':PR, \
                'VV':SigmaVVwnr, \
                'SigmaWb':SigmaWb, \
                'lat':lat_new, 'lon':lon_new, \
                }, do_compression=False)

    import h5py
    pn = '/home/mag/Documents/MATLAB/Leon_Agulhas_RS2/'
    expFn = 'CurrentFrontTrns/CurrentFrontTrns.mat'
    expFn = 'OilSlickTrns/OilSlickTrns.mat'
    f = h5py.File(pn + expFn)
    SigmaWb = f["SigmaWb"]
    SigmaWb = flipud(rot90(array(SigmaWb)))
    lat = f["lat"]
    lat = flipud(rot90(array(lat)))
    lon = f["lon"]
    lon = flipud(rot90(array(lon)))
    y = f["tWb"]['transx']
    y = array(y)
    x = f["tWb"]['transy']
    x = array(x)
    pts = zeros((2,2))
    pts[:,0] = x
    pts[:,1] = y
#    transec_init = f["tWb"]['transec_init']
#    transec_init = array(transec_init)

    import distancelib
    # Get pixel resolution in Col/Row direction
    PxResCol, PxResRow = distancelib.getPixelResolution(lat, lon, SigmaWb)
    # Get the length of the transect. Input coords in (row,col)
    trnsLength = distancelib.getDistancePx([pts[0,1], pts[0,0]], [pts[1,1], pts[1,0]], lat, lon, SigmaWb)

    import transect
    transect.plotTrns(SigmaWbtrans, pts, lat, lon, SigmaWb, pn)

    # Making transect
    plt.clim(0, 0.02)
    pts = transect.imagePts()
    plt.savefig('/home/mag/PDtrns.png', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
                 dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)

    # Transect North Oil Slick
    pts = array([[610, 871], [822, 1007]])

    # [1] returns only Mean Transect
    PDtrans = transect.transect(oilCropNorthDelta, pts, 30)[1]
    PRtrans = transect.transect(oilCropNorthPR, pts, 30)[1]
    VVtrans = transect.transect(oilCropNorthVV, pts, 30)[1]
    SigmaWbtrans = transect.transect(oilCropNorthSigmaWb, pts, 30)[1]

#    PDtrans = transect.transect(oilCropNorthDelta, pts, 100)[0]

    plt.clim(0, 0.03)
    pts = transect.imagePts()
    plt.savefig('/home/mag/PDtrns.png', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
                 dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)

    # Transect Current Front
    pts = array([[1207., 4318.], [2473., 3763.]])
    PDtrans = transect.transect(delta, pts, 30)[1]
    PRtrans = transect.transect(PR, pts, 30)[1]
    VVtrans = transect.transect(SigmaVVwnr, pts, 30)[1]
    SigmaWbtrans = transect.transect(SigmaWb, pts, 30, method='cubic')[1]

    # use median filter to smooth
    from scipy.ndimage import median_filter as mflt
    PRtransSmthd = mflt(PRtrans, size=21, mode='nearest')
    PDtransSmthd = mflt(PDtrans, size=21, mode='nearest')
    VVtransSmthd = mflt(VVtrans, size=21, mode='nearest')
    SigmaWbtransSmthd = mflt(SigmaWbtrans, size=21, mode='nearest')

#    plt.imshow(SigmaWb)
    plt.clim(0, 0.02)
    ax = plt.gca().get_xbound()
    ay = plt.gca().get_ybound()
    x = pts[:, 0]
    y = pts[:, 1]
    plt.plot(x, y, '-o')
    plt.text(x[0],y[0],"A",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.7),stretch='expanded',fontsize=21)
    plt.text(x[1],y[1],"B",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.7),stretch='expanded',fontsize=21)
#    window = gtk.Window()
#    screen = window.get_screen()
#    width = screen.get_width()
#    height = screen.get_height()
#    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
#    mng.resize(width, height)
    plt.savefig('/home/mag/PDtrns.png', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
                 dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)

#    window = gtk.Window()
#    screen = window.get_screen()
#    width = screen.get_width()
#    height = screen.get_height()
#    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
#    mng.resize(width, height)
    plt.savefig('/home/mag/PDtrnsLine.png', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
                 dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)

#    window = gtk.Window()
#    screen = window.get_screen()
#    width = screen.get_width()
#    height = screen.get_height()
#    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
#    mng.resize(width, height)
    plt.savefig('/home/mag/PRtransLine.png', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
                 dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)

#    window = gtk.Window()
#    screen = window.get_screen()
#    width = screen.get_width()
#    height = screen.get_height()
#    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
#    mng.resize(width, height)
    plt.savefig('/home/mag/VVtransLine.png', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
                 dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)

#    window = gtk.Window()
#    screen = window.get_screen()
#    width = screen.get_width()
#    height = screen.get_height()
#    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
#    mng.resize(width, height)
    plt.savefig('/home/mag/SigmaWbtransLine.png', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
                 dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)


    print ( "Plotting on a map... \nUsing default NSPER Basemap \n")

    # setup nsper basemap
    # Lat/Lon coords of image corners
    ll_lat = lat.min()
    ur_lat = lat.max()
    ll_lon = lon.min()
    ur_lon = lon.max()
    cent_lat = lat.mean()
    cent_lon = lon.mean()
    m = Basemap(llcrnrlat=ll_lat, urcrnrlat=ur_lat,\
                llcrnrlon=ll_lon, urcrnrlon=ur_lon, \
                resolution='f', projection='nsper', \
                satellite_height=798000, \

#    m = Basemap(llcrnrlat=30, urcrnrlat=50,\
#                llcrnrlon=1, urcrnrlon=20, \
#                resolution='l', projection='nsper', \
#                satellite_height=798000, \
#                lat_0=cent_lat,lon_0=cent_lon)

    print ( "Plotting figures... \n")

    scale = 8 # setting scale factor to resize in 1/scale times
    label1 = 'Sigma VV [dB]'
    label2 = 'Sigma HH [dB]'
    label11 = 'Sigma VV [linear units]'
    label22 = 'Sigma HH [linear units]'
    label3 = 'PR [dB]'
    label33 = 'PR [linear units]'
    label4 = 'PD [linear units]'
    label5 = 'Wb contribution [linear units]'
    label6 = 'SigmaVVConjHH [linear units]'
    label7 = 'SigmaVVConjHHdelta [linear units]'

#    label8 = 'Wind CMOD4 [m/s]'

    import plotRS2
    from plotRS2 import plotRS2

#    import mpl_util
#    reload(mpl_util)
#    import gmtColormap
#    reload(gmtColormap)
#    import createMapsEtopo1
#    reload(createMapsEtopo1)
#    from createMapsEtopo1 import makeMap
#    import g1sst
#    reload(g1sst)
#    from g1sst import g1sst

#    plotRS2(10*log10(SigmaVVwnr), lat, lon, pixel, line, \
#            scale=scale, m=m, clm=(-25,-5), label=label1)
#    makeMap(ll_lon, ur_lon, \
#            ll_lat, ur_lat, m, name=label1, contour='land')
#    plt.close('all')
#    plotRS2(10*log10(SigmaHHwnr), lat, lon, pixel, line, \
#            scale=scale, m=m, clm=(-25,-5), label=label2)
#    makeMap(ll_lon, ur_lon, \
#            ll_lat, ur_lat, m, name=label2, contour='land')
#    plt.close('all')
#    plotRS2(PR, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
#            scale=scale, m=m, clm=(-2.7,0), label=label3)
#    makeMap(ll_lon, ur_lon, \
#            ll_lat, ur_lat, m, name=label3, contour='land')
#    plt.close('all')

    # Coords to plot Figure number
    x, y = m(3.15, 42.15)

    # Figure 1 a - VV
    plotRS2(SigmaVVwnr, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
            scale=scale, m=m, clm=(0,0.05), label=label11)
    plt.text(x,y,"a",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
    makeMap(ll_lon, ur_lon, \
            ll_lat, ur_lat, m, name=label11, contour='land')
    a = label11.split(' ')[0] # split the name if it has spaces
    system("rm " + "/home/mag/" + a + ".tiff")
    system("mv " + "/home/mag/" + a + "_ETOPO1.tiff" + " " + "/home/mag/Figure1a.tiff")
    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure1a.tiff /home/mag/Figure1a.tiff")

    # Figure 1 b - HH
    plotRS2(SigmaHHwnr, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
            scale=scale, m=m, clm=(0,0.05), label=label22)
    plt.text(x,y,"b",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
    makeMap(ll_lon, ur_lon, \
            ll_lat, ur_lat, m, name=label22, contour='land')
    a = label22.split(' ')[0] # split the name if it has spaces
    system("rm " + "/home/mag/" + a + ".tiff")
    system("mv " + "/home/mag/" + a + "_ETOPO1.tiff" + " " + "/home/mag/Figure1b.tiff")
    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure1b.tiff /home/mag/Figure1b.tiff")

    # Figure 1 c - polarization ratio (PR) (always<1)
    plotRS2(PR, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
            scale=scale, m=m, clm=(0.4,1), label=label33)
    plt.text(x,y,"c",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
    makeMap(ll_lon, ur_lon, \
            ll_lat, ur_lat, m, name=label3, contour='land')
    a = label33.split(' ')[0] # split the name if it has spaces
    system("rm " + "/home/mag/" + a + ".tiff")
    system("mv " + "/home/mag/" + a + "_ETOPO1.tiff" + " " + "/home/mag/Figure1c.tiff")
    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure1c.tiff /home/mag/Figure1c.tiff")

    # Figure 1 d - polarization difference (PD) (always>0)
    plotRS2(delta, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
            scale=scale, m=m, clm=(0,0.02), label=label4)
    plt.text(x,y,"d",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
    makeMap(ll_lon, ur_lon, \
            ll_lat, ur_lat, m, name=label4, contour='land')
    a = label4.split(' ')[0] # split the name if it has spaces
    system("rm " + "/home/mag/" + a + ".tiff")
    system("mv " + "/home/mag/" + a + "_ETOPO1.tiff" + " " + "/home/mag/Figure1d.tiff")
    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure1d.tiff /home/mag/Figure1d.tiff")

    # Figure 4 - wave breaking contribution
    plotRS2(SigmaWb, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
            scale=scale, m=m, clm=(0,0.03), label=label5)
    plt.text(x,y,"d",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
    makeMap(ll_lon, ur_lon, \
            ll_lat, ur_lat, m, name=label5, contour='land')
    a = label5.split(' ')[0] # split the name if it has spaces
    system("rm " + "/home/mag/" + a + ".tiff")
    system("mv " + "/home/mag/" + a + "_ETOPO1.tiff" + " " + "/home/mag/Figure4.tiff")
    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure4.tiff /home/mag/Figure4.tiff")

    import transect
    transect.plotTrns(SigmaWbtrans, pts, lat, lon, SigmaWb, pn)

    # Figure 3
    # Plot cropped Oil Spills
    # Northern
    # setup nsper basemap
    # Lat/Lon coords of image corners
    lat_new, lon_new = intCrpLL(lat, lon, pixel, line, scale=1, ptsCrop=ptsCropNorth)
    ll_lat = lat_new.min()
    ur_lat = lat_new.max()
    ll_lon = lon_new.min()
    ur_lon = lon_new.max()
    cent_lat = lat_new.mean()
    cent_lon = lon_new.mean()
    m = Basemap(llcrnrlat=ll_lat, urcrnrlat=ur_lat,\
                llcrnrlon=ll_lon, urcrnrlon=ur_lon, \
                resolution='c', projection='nsper', \
                satellite_height=798000, \
    # Coords to plot Figure number
    xSl, ySl = m(3.473, 42.173)
    # Figure 3 a - VV
    plotRS2(SigmaVVwnr, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
            scale=1, m=m, clm=(0,0.05), label=label11, ptsCrop=ptsCropNorth)
    plt.text(xSl,ySl,"a",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
    plt.savefig('/home/mag/Figure3a.tiff', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
                 dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)
    # Figure 3 b - PR
    plotRS2(PR, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
            scale=1, m=m, clm=(0.5,1), label=label33, ptsCrop=ptsCropNorth)
    plt.text(xSl,ySl,"b",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
    plt.savefig('/home/mag/Figure3b.tiff', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
                 dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)
#    # Figure 3 c - PD  (always>0)
#    plotRS2(delta, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
#            scale=1, m=m, clm=(0,0.03), label=label4, ptsCrop=ptsCropNorth)
#    plt.text(xSl,ySl,"c",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
#    plt.savefig('/home/mag/Figure3c.tiff', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
#                 dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)
#    plt.close('all')
    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure3a.tiff /home/mag/Figure3a.tiff")
    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure3b.tiff /home/mag/Figure3b.tiff")
#    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure3c.tiff /home/mag/Figure3c.tiff")
#    # Southern
#        # setup nsper basemap
#    # Lat/Lon coords of image corners
#    lat_new, lon_new = intCrpLL(lat, lon, pixel, line, scale=1, ptsCrop=ptsCropSouth)
#    ll_lat = lat_new.min()
#    ur_lat = lat_new.max()
#    ll_lon = lon_new.min()
#    ur_lon = lon_new.max()
#    cent_lat = lat_new.mean()
#    cent_lon = lon_new.mean()
#    m = Basemap(llcrnrlat=ll_lat, urcrnrlat=ur_lat,\
#                llcrnrlon=ll_lon, urcrnrlon=ur_lon, \
#                resolution='c', projection='nsper', \
#                satellite_height=798000, \
#                lat_0=cent_lat,lon_0=cent_lon)
#    # Coords to plot Figure number
#    xSl, ySl = m(3.491, 41.973)
#    # Figure 3 d - VV
#    plotRS2(SigmaVVwnr, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
#            scale=1, m=m, clm=(0,0.05), label=label11, ptsCrop=ptsCropSouth)
#    plt.text(xSl,ySl,"d",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
#    plt.savefig('/home/mag/Figure3d.tiff', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
#                 dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)
#    plt.close('all')
#    # Figure 3 e - PR (always<1)
#    plotRS2(PR, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
#            scale=1, m=m, clm=(0.4,1), label=label33, ptsCrop=ptsCropSouth)
#    plt.text(xSl,ySl,"e",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
#    plt.savefig('/home/mag/Figure3e.tiff', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
#                 dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)
#    plt.close('all')
#    # Figure 3 f - PD  (always>0)
#    plotRS2(delta, lat, lon, pixel, line, \
#            scale=1, m=m, clm=(0,0.03), label=label4, ptsCrop=ptsCropSouth)
#    plt.text(xSl,ySl,"f",bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.5),stretch='expanded',fontsize=27)
#    plt.savefig('/home/mag/Figure3f.tiff', facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', \
#                 dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=1.75)
#    plt.close('all')
#    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure3d.tiff /home/mag/Figure3d.tiff")
#    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure3e.tiff /home/mag/Figure3e.tiff")
#    system("convert -compress lzw /home/mag/Figure3f.tiff /home/mag/Figure3f.tiff")
    import transect
    transect.plotTrns(PRtrans, pts, lat, lon, PR, pixel, line, pn='/home/mag/', \
                      label='PR [linear units]', clm=(0.5,1), \
                      ptsCrop=ptsCropNorth, m=m, scale=1)
# create Nansat object
#~ n = Nansat(iPath + fileName, mapperName="modis_l1", logLevel=10)
n = Nansat(iPath + fileName, mapperName="modis_l1")

# list bands and georeference of the object
print n

# Reprojected image into Lat/Lon WGS84 (Simple Cylindrical) projection
# 1. Cancel previous reprojection
# 2. Get corners of the image and the pixel resolution
# 3. Create Domain with stereographic projection, corner coordinates and resolution 1000m
# 4. Reproject
# 5. Write image
n.reproject() # 1.
lons, lats = n.get_corners() # 2.
pxlRes = distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons), n.shape(), units="deg")
srsString = "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs"
#~ extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -ts 3000 3000' % (min(lons), min(lats), max(lons), max(lats))
extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -tr %f %f' % (min(lons), min(lats), \
                max(lons), max(lats), pxlRes[1], pxlRes[0])
d = Domain(srs=srsString, ext=extentString) # 3.
print d
n.reproject(d) # 4.

# get array with watermask (landmask) b 
# it must be done after reprojection!
# 1. Get Nansat object with watermask
# 2. Get array from Nansat object. 0 - land, 1 - water
#wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/magDesk/media/SOLabNFS/store/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/data/data/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
wmArray = wm[1]
sigma0 = raw_counts**2.0 * sin(deg2rad(inc_angle))
sigma0 = 10*log10(sigma0)
n.add_band(bandID=4, array=sigma0)

# 1. Remove speckle noise (using Lee-Wiener filter)
speckle_filter('wiener', 7)

# Reprojected image into Lat/Lon WGS84 (Simple Cylindrical) projection
# 1. Cancel previous reprojection
# 2. Get corners of the image and the pixel resolution
# 3. Create Domain with stereographic projection, corner coordinates and resolution 1000m
# 4. Reproject
# 5. Write image
n.reproject() # 1.
lons, lats = n.get_corners() # 2.
pxlRes = distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons), n.shape(), units="deg")
srsString = "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs"
#~ extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -ts 3000 3000' % (min(lons), min(lats), max(lons), max(lats))
extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -tr %f %f' % (min(lons), min(lats), \
                max(lons), max(lats), pxlRes[1], pxlRes[0])
d = Domain(srs=srsString, ext=extentString) # 3.
n.reproject(d) # 4.

# get array with watermask (landmask) b 
# it must be done after reprojection!
# 1. Get Nansat object with watermask
# 2. Get array from Nansat object. 0 - land, 1 - water
#wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/magDesk/media/SOLabNFS/store/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/data/data/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
wmArray = wm[1]
def main(argv=None):

    year = '2012'
    useMask = False

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    if argv is None:
        print("Please specify the path/year to the asar folder! \n")

    # Parse arguments
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:o:",
                                   ["year=", "oPath=", "iPath=", "useMask="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'readASAR.py -year <year> ...'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print 'readASAR.py -year <year> ...'
        elif opt in ("-year", "--year"):
            year = arg
        elif opt in ("-oPath", "--oPath"):
            oPath = arg
        elif opt in ("-iPath", "--iPath"):
            iPath = arg
        elif opt in ("-useMask", "--useMask"):
            useMask = arg

    oPath = '/media/SOLabNFS2/tmp/roughness/' + year + '/'
    iPath = '/media/SOLabNFS2/store/satellite/asar/' + year + '/'

    if not os.path.exists(oPath):

    dirNames = os.listdir(iPath)
    for dirName in dirNames:
        fileNames = os.listdir(iPath + dirName)
        for fileName in fileNames:
            figureName = oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' + fileName + '_proj.png'
            kmlName = oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/' + fileName + '.kml'
            if not os.path.exists(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/'):
                os.makedirs(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/')

            if os.path.isfile(kmlName):
                print "%s already processed" % (fileName)
                print "%s" % (fileName)

            # try to create Nansat object
                n = Nansat(iPath + dirName + '/' + fileName,
            except Exception as e:
                print "Failed to create Nansat object:"
                print str(e)
                os.rmdir(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/')

            #~ Get the bands
            raw_counts = n[1]
            inc_angle = n[2]

            #~ NICE image (roughness)
            pol = n.bands()[3]['polarization']
            if pol == 'HH':
                ph = (2.20495, -14.3561e-2, 11.28e-4)
                sigma0_hh_ref = exp(
                    (ph[0] + inc_angle * ph[1] + inc_angle**2 * ph[2]) *
                roughness = n[3] / sigma0_hh_ref
            elif pol == 'VV':
                pv = (2.29373, -15.393e-2, 15.1762e-4)
                sigma0_vv_ref = exp(
                    (pv[0] + inc_angle * pv[1] + inc_angle**2 * pv[2]) *
                roughness = n[3] / sigma0_vv_ref

            #~ Create new band
            n.add_band(bandID=4, array=roughness, \
               parameters={'name':'roughness', \
               'wkv': 'surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave', \
               'dataType': 6})

            # Reproject image into Lat/Lon WGS84 (Simple Cylindrical) projection
            # 1. Cancel previous reprojection
            # 2. Get corners of the image and the pixel resolution
            # 3. Create Domain with stereographic projection, corner coordinates 1000m
            # 4. Reproject
            # 5. Write image
            n.reproject()  # 1.
            lons, lats = n.get_corners()  # 2.
            # Pixel resolution
            #~ pxlRes = distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons), n.shape())
            #~ pxlRes = array(pxlRes)*360/40000 # great circle distance
            pxlRes = array(
                distancelib.getPixelResolution(array(lats), array(lons),
                                               n.shape(), 'deg'))


            if min(lats) >= 65 and max(
                    lats) >= 75 and max(lats) - min(lats) >= 13:
                pxlRes = array([0.00065, 0.00065
                                ]) * 2  # make the resolution 150x150m
            #~ pxlRes = pxlRes*7 # make the resolution worser
            srsString = "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs"
            #~ extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -ts 3000 3000' % (min(lons), min(lats), max(lons), max(lats))
            extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -tr %f %f' % (min(lons), min(lats), \
                            max(lons), max(lats), pxlRes[1], pxlRes[0])
            d = Domain(srs=srsString, ext=extentString)  # 3.
            n.reproject(d)  # 4.

            if useMask:
                # get array with watermask (landmask) b
                # it must be done after reprojection!
                # 1. Get Nansat object with watermask
                # 2. Get array from Nansat object. 0 - land, 1 - water
                #wm = n.watermask(mod44path='/media/magDesk/media/SOLabNFS/store/auxdata/coastline/mod44w/')
                wm = n.watermask(
                wmArray = wm[1]

                #~ ОШИБКА numOfColor=255 не маскирует, потому что в figure.apply_mask: availIndeces = range(self.d['numOfColor'], 255 - 1)
                #~ n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[3], \
                #~ numOfColor=255, mask_array=wmArray, mask_lut={0: 0},
                #~ clim=[0,0.15], cmapName='gray', transparency=0) # 5.
                n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[4], \
                                  mask_array=wmArray, mask_lut={0: [0,0,0]},
                                  clim=[0,2], cmapName='gray', transparency=[0,0,0]) # 5.
                n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[1], \
                               clim=[0,2], cmapName='gray', transparency=[0,0,0]) # 5.

            # open the input image and convert to RGBA for further tiling with slbtiles
            input_img = Image.open(figureName)
            output_img = input_img.convert("RGBA")

            # make KML image
            n.write_kml_image(kmlFileName=kmlName, kmlFigureName=figureName)

            #~ Change the file permissions
            os.chmod(oPath, 0777)
            os.chmod(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/', 0777)
            os.chmod(kmlName, 0777)
            os.chmod(figureName, 0777)

            #~ Change the owner and group
            #~ os.chown(oPath, 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(oPath + fileName[0:27] + '/', 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(kmlName, 1111, 1111)
            #~ os.chown(figureName, 1111, 1111)

            #~ garbage collection