def generate_customers(self, generation_date):
        print('Generating customers')
        start_time = time()

        for group_name in user_groups_info:
            group_info = user_groups_info[group_name]
            size = group_info['size']
            customer_type = group_info['customer_type']
            if customer_type == 'individual':
                age_distribution = Distribution(info=distributions_info['age'][group_info['ages']])
                gender_distribution = distribution_from_list(distributions_info['gender'][group_info['gender']])

            for i in range(size):
                if customer_type == 'individual':
                    age = int(age_distribution.get_value(return_array=False))
                    gender = gender_distribution.get_value(return_array=False)
                    customer = random_individual(generation_date, age, gender)
                    customer = random_organization(generation_date)

                customer.cluster_id = group_info['cluster_id']
                c = SimulatedCustomer(customer, group_info['agreements'], self.main_session, self.system, verbose=True)

        end_time = time()
        print('Customers generation done in %f seconds' % (end_time-start_time))
class FSMNode(Module):
    Implement a Finite State Machine initialized with a transition table that
    maps pairs (State, Event) to an action and an event transition.

    For internal state S0 and event E0 there is a transition function T such
    that T:(S0, E0) -> S1 changes the internal state to S1.
    To avoid an anti-pattern the current state is not accessible from within
    a transition function.

    # transmission speed parameter (bits per second)
    DATARATE = "datarate"
    # queue size
    QUEUE = "queue"
    # inter-arrival distribution (seconds)
    INTERARRIVAL = "interarrival"
    # packet size distribution (bytes)
    SIZE = "size"
    # processing time distribution (seconds)
    PROC_TIME = "processing"
    # max available time slots
    MAXSLOTS = "maxslots"

    STAY = -1

    def __init__(self, config, channel, x, y):
        :param initialState: The state the FSM has to start from
        :param transitions: A dictionary that maps pairs (State, Event) to a
        transition function. The transition function is defined as t(E) -> E
        where E is the event to handle.
        The FSM will move to the state returned by the function.
        If the function returns None, the FSM remains in the same state.

        # load configuration parameters
        self.datarate = config.get_param(FSMNode.DATARATE)
        self.queue_size = config.get_param(FSMNode.QUEUE)
        self.interarrival = Distribution(config.get_param(FSMNode.INTERARRIVAL))
        self.size = Distribution(config.get_param(FSMNode.SIZE))
        self.proc_time = Distribution(config.get_param(FSMNode.PROC_TIME))

        # a slot lasts the maximum time a packet would take to be transmitted
        max_pkt_time = (config.get_param(FSMNode.SIZE)[Distribution.MAX] * 8) / self.datarate
        prop_delay = (config.get_param(Channel.PAR_RANGE)) / Channel.SOL

        self.slot_duration = max_pkt_time + prop_delay

        # the slots distribution for a node
        self.slots = Distribution({"distribution" : "unif",
                                   "int" : True, "min" : 0,
                                   "max" : config.get_param(FSMNode.MAXSLOTS) })

        # save position
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

        # save channel = channel

        # queue of packets to be sent
        self.queue = []

    def set_transitions(self, initialState, transitions):
        self.state = initialState
        self.transitions = transitions

    def initialize(self):
        Initialization. Starts node operation by scheduling the first packet

    def schedule_next_arrival(self):
        Schedules a new arrival event
        # extract random value for next arrival
        arrival = self.interarrival.get_value()

        # draw packet size from the distribution
        packet_size = self.size.get_value()

        # generate an event setting this node as destination
        event = Event(self.sim.get_time() + arrival, Events.PACKET_ARRIVAL,
                      self, self, packet_size)

    def handle_event(self, event):
        Handles the given event with a mapped transition function.
        If there is no mapping an exeception will be raised.
        :param event: the event to handle

        # Log current state
        self.logger.log_state(self, self.state)

        # On arrival always try to enqueue and schedule next packet arrival
        if(event.get_type() == Events.PACKET_ARRIVAL):
            # If enqueue fails don't notify the node and remain in the
            # same state
            if(not self.enqueue_arrived(event)):
                event = Event(event.get_time(), Events.PACKET_ENQUEUED,
                              event.get_destination(), event.get_source(),

        key = (self.state, event.get_type())

        if key not in self.transitions.keys():
            raise AssertionError("Unhandled event %s in state %s" %
                                 (event.get_type(), self.state))

        action = self.transitions[key]

        nextState = action(event)

        if(nextState is None):
            raise AssertionError("Unknown next state for transition"
                                 + " function %s" % action.__name__)

        if(nextState is not FSMNode.STAY):
            self.state = nextState

    def enqueue_arrived(self, event):
        packet_size = event.get_obj()
        self.logger.log_arrival(self, packet_size)

        if self.queue_size == 0 or len(self.queue) < self.queue_size:
            # if queue size is infinite or there is still space
            self.logger.log_queue_length(self, len(self.queue))
            return True
            # if there is no space left, we drop the packet and log
            self.logger.log_queue_drop(self, packet_size)
            return False

    def stay(self, event):
        return self.STAY

    def transmit(self):
        assert(len(self.queue) > 0)

        packet_size = self.queue.pop(0)
        self.logger.log_queue_length(self, len(self.queue))

        duration = packet_size * 8 / self.datarate
        # transmit packet
        packet = Packet(packet_size, duration)
        if(packet.get_id() == 19):
            pass, packet)
        # schedule end of transmission
        end_tx = Event(self.sim.get_time() + duration, Events.END_TX, self,
                       self, packet)

    def get_posx(self):
        Returns x position
        :returns: x position in meters
        return self.x

    def get_posy(self):
        Returns y position
        :returns: y position in meters
        return self.y
class Node(Module):
    This class implements a node capable of communicating with other devices

    # transmission speed parameter (bits per second)
    DATARATE = "datarate"
    # queue size
    QUEUE = "queue"
    # inter-arrival distribution (seconds)
    INTERARRIVAL = "interarrival"
    # packet size distribution (bytes)
    SIZE = "size"
    # processing time distribution (seconds)
    PROC_TIME = "processing"
    # max packet size (bytes)
    MAXSIZE = "maxsize"

    # list of possible states for this node
    IDLE = 0
    TX = 1
    RX = 2
    PROC = 3

    def __init__(self, config, channel, x, y):
        :param config: the set of configs loaded by the simulator
        :param channel: the channel to which frames are sent
        :param x: x position
        :param y: y position
        # load configuration parameters
        self.datarate = config.get_param(Node.DATARATE)
        self.queue_size = config.get_param(Node.QUEUE)
        self.interarrival = Distribution(config.get_param(Node.INTERARRIVAL))
        self.size = Distribution(config.get_param(Node.SIZE))
        self.proc_time = Distribution(config.get_param(Node.PROC_TIME))
        self.maxsize = config.get_param(Node.MAXSIZE)
        # queue of packets to be sent
        self.queue = []
        # current state
        self.state = Node.IDLE
        self.logger.log_state(self, Node.IDLE)
        # save position
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        # save channel = channel
        # current packet being either sent or received
        self.current_pkt = None
        # count the number of frames currently under reception
        self.receiving_count = 0
        # timeout event used to avoid being stuck in the RX state
        self.timeout_event = None
        # timeout time for the rx timeout event. set as the time needed to
        # transmit a packet of the maximum size plus a small amount of 10
        # microseconds
        self.timeout_time = self.maxsize * 8.0 / self.datarate + 10e-6

    def initialize(self):
        Initialization. Starts node operation by scheduling the first packet

    def handle_event(self, event):
        Handles events notified to the node
        :param event: the event
        if event.get_type() == Events.PACKET_ARRIVAL:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.START_RX:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.END_RX:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.END_TX:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.END_PROC:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.RX_TIMEOUT:
                "Node %d has received a notification for event type %d which"
                " can't be handled", (self.get_id(), event.get_type()))

    def schedule_next_arrival(self):
        Schedules a new arrival event
        # extract random value for next arrival
        arrival = self.interarrival.get_value()
        # generate an event setting this node as destination
        event = Event(self.sim.get_time() + arrival, Events.PACKET_ARRIVAL,
                      self, self)

    def handle_arrival(self):
        Handles a packet arrival
        # draw packet size from the distribution
        packet_size = self.size.get_value()
        # log the arrival
        self.logger.log_arrival(self, packet_size)
        if self.state == Node.IDLE:
            # if we are in a idle state, then there must be no packets in the
            # queue
            assert (len(self.queue) == 0)
            # if current state is IDLE and there are no packets in the queue, we
            # can start transmitting
            self.state = Node.TX
            self.logger.log_state(self, Node.TX)
            # if we are either transmitting or receiving, packet must be queued
            if self.queue_size == 0 or len(self.queue) < self.queue_size:
                # if queue size is infinite or there is still space
                self.logger.log_queue_length(self, len(self.queue))
                # if there is no space left, we drop the packet and log
                self.logger.log_queue_drop(self, packet_size)
        # schedule next arrival

    def handle_start_rx(self, event):
        Handles beginning of a frame reception
        :param event: the RX event including the frame being received
        new_packet = event.get_obj()
        if self.state == Node.IDLE:
            if self.receiving_count == 0:
                # node is idle: it will try to receive this packet
                assert (self.current_pkt is None)
                self.current_pkt = new_packet
                self.state = Node.RX
                assert (self.timeout_event is None)
                # create and schedule the RX timeout
                self.timeout_event = Event(
                    self.sim.get_time() + self.timeout_time, Events.RX_TIMEOUT,
                    self, self, None)
                self.logger.log_state(self, Node.RX)
                # there is another signal in the air but we are IDLE. this
                # happens if we start receiving a frame while transmitting
                # another. when we are done with the transmission we assume we
                # are not able to detect that there is another frame in the air
                # (we are not doing carrier sensing). In this case we assume we
                # are not able to detect the new one and set that to corrupted
            # node is either receiving or transmitting
            if self.state == Node.RX and self.current_pkt is not None:
                # the frame we are currently receiving is corrupted by a
                # collision, if we have one
            # the same holds for the new incoming packet. either if we are in
            # the RX, TX, or PROC state, we won't be able to decode it
        # in any case, we schedule a new event to handle the end of this frame
        end_rx = Event(self.sim.get_time() + new_packet.get_duration(),
                       Events.END_RX, self, self, new_packet)
        # count this as currently being received
        self.receiving_count = self.receiving_count + 1

    def handle_end_rx(self, event):
        Handles the end of a reception
        :param event: the END_RX event
        packet = event.get_obj()
        # if the packet that ends is the one that we are trying to receive, but
        # we are not in the RX state, then something is very wrong
        if self.current_pkt is not None and \
           packet.get_id() == self.current_pkt.get_id():
            assert (self.state == Node.RX)
        if self.state == Node.RX:
            if packet.get_state() == Packet.PKT_RECEIVING:
                # the packet is not in a corrupted state: we succesfully
                # received it
                # just to be sure: we can only correctly receive the packet we
                # were trying to decode
                assert (packet.get_id() == self.current_pkt.get_id())
            # we might be in RX state but have no current packet. this can
            # happen when a packet overlaps with the current one being received
            # and the one being received terminates earlier. we assume to stay
            # in the RX state because we are not able to detect the end of the
            # frame
            if self.current_pkt is not None and \
               packet.get_id() == self.current_pkt.get_id():
                self.current_pkt = None
            if self.receiving_count == 1:
                # this is the only frame currently in the air, move to PROC
                # before restarting operations
                # delete the timeout event
                self.timeout_event = None
        self.receiving_count = self.receiving_count - 1
        # log packet
        self.logger.log_packet(event.get_source(), self, packet)

    def switch_to_proc(self):
        Switches to the processing state and schedules the end_proc event
        proc_time = self.proc_time.get_value()
        proc = Event(self.sim.get_time() + proc_time, Events.END_PROC, self,
        self.state = Node.PROC
        self.logger.log_state(self, Node.PROC)

    def handle_rx_timeout(self, event):
        Handles RX timeout
        :param event: the RX_TIMEOUT event
        # when this event happens, we can only be in RX state, otherwise
        # something is wrong
        assert (self.state == Node.RX)
        # in addition, the timeout should be longer than any possible packet,
        # meaning that we must not be receiving a packet when the timeout occurs
        assert (self.current_pkt is None)
        # the timeout forces us to switch to the PROC state
        self.timeout_event = None

    def handle_end_tx(self, event):
        Handles the end of a transmission done by this node
        :param event: the END_TX event
        assert (self.state == Node.TX)
        assert (self.current_pkt is not None)
        assert (self.current_pkt.get_id() == event.get_obj().get_id())
        self.current_pkt = None
        # the only thing to do here is to move to the PROC state

    def handle_end_proc(self, event):
        Handles the end of the processing period, resuming operations
        :param event: the END_PROC event
        assert (self.state == Node.PROC)
        if len(self.queue) == 0:
            # resuming operations but nothing to transmit. back to IDLE
            self.state = Node.IDLE
            self.logger.log_state(self, Node.IDLE)
            # there is a packet ready, trasmit it
            packet_size = self.queue.pop(0)
            self.state = Node.TX
            self.logger.log_state(self, Node.TX)
            self.logger.log_queue_length(self, len(self.queue))

    def transmit_packet(self, packet_size):
        Generates, sends, and schedules end of transmission of a new packet
        :param packet_size: size of the packet to send in bytes
        assert (self.current_pkt is None)
        duration = packet_size * 8 / self.datarate
        # transmit packet
        packet = Packet(packet_size, duration), packet)
        # schedule end of transmission
        end_tx = Event(self.sim.get_time() + duration, Events.END_TX, self,
                       self, packet)
        self.current_pkt = packet

    def get_posx(self):
        Returns x position
        :returns: x position in meters
        return self.x

    def get_posy(self):
        Returns y position
        :returns: y position in meters
        return self.y
class Node(Module):
    This class implements a node capable of communicating with other devices

    # transmission speed parameter (bits per second)
    DATARATE = "datarate"
    # queue size
    QUEUE = "queue"
    # inter-arrival distribution (seconds)
    INTERARRIVAL = "interarrival"
    # packet size distribution (bytes)
    SIZE = "size"
    # processing time distribution (seconds)
    PROC_TIME = "processing"
    # max packet size (bytes)
    MAXSIZE = "maxsize"
    # type of propagation
    PROPAGATION = "propagation"
    # p-persistence
    PERSISTENCE = "persistence"

    # list of possible states for this node
    IDLE = 0
    TX = 1
    RX = 2
    PROC = 3
    WC = 4  # waiting for the channel to get free (then transmit immediately)
    WT = 5  # waiting random exp time to transmit (NB: channel may NOT be free)

    def __init__(self, config, channel, x, y):
        :param config: the set of configs loaded by the simulator
        :param channel: the channel to which frames are sent
        :param x: x position
        :param y: y position
        # load configuration parameters
        self.datarate = config.get_param(Node.DATARATE)
        self.queue_size = config.get_param(Node.QUEUE)
        self.interarrival = Distribution(config.get_param(Node.INTERARRIVAL))
        self.size = Distribution(config.get_param(Node.SIZE))
        self.proc_time = Distribution(config.get_param(Node.PROC_TIME))
        self.maxsize = config.get_param(Node.MAXSIZE)
        # queue of packets to be sent
        self.queue = []
        # current state
        self.state = Node.IDLE
        self.logger.log_state(self, Node.IDLE)
        # save position
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        # save channel = channel
        # current packet being either sent or received
        self.current_pkt = None
        # count the number of frames currently under reception
        self.receiving_count = 0
        # timeout event used to avoid being stuck in the RX state
        self.timeout_rx_event = None
        # timeout used for the p-persistence
        self.timeout_wt_event = None
        # time needed to transmit a packet with the maximum size
        self.packet_max_tx_time = self.maxsize * 8.0 / self.datarate
        # p-persistence probability [simple carrier sensing]
        self.p_persistence = float(config.get_param(Node.PERSISTENCE))
        # timeout time for the rx timeout event. set as the time needed to
        # transmit a packet of the maximum size plus a small amount of 10
        # microseconds
        self.timeout_time = self.packet_max_tx_time + 10e-6
        # determine the type of propagation..
        self.realistic_propagation = config.get_param(
            Node.PROPAGATION) == "realistic"

    def initialize(self):
        Initialization. Starts node operation by scheduling the first packet

    def schedule_next_arrival(self):
        Schedules a new arrival event
        # extract random value for next arrival
        arrival = self.interarrival.get_value()
        # generate an event setting this node as destination
        event = Event(self.sim.get_time() + arrival, Event.PACKET_ARRIVAL,
                      self, self)

    def handle_event(self, event):
        Handles events notified to the node
        :param event: the event
        if event.get_type() == Event.PACKET_ARRIVAL:
        elif event.get_type() == Event.START_RX:
        elif event.get_type() == Event.END_RX:
        elif event.get_type() == Event.END_TX:
        elif event.get_type() == Event.END_PROC:
        elif event.get_type() == Event.RX_TIMEOUT:
        elif event.get_type() == Event.WT_TIMEOUT:
                "Node %d has received a notification for event type %d which"
                " can't be handled", (self.get_id(), event.get_type()))

    def handle_arrival(self):
        Handles a packet arrival
        # draw packet size from the distribution
        packet_size = self.size.get_value()

        # log the arrival
        self.logger.log_arrival(self, packet_size)

        # if IDLE -> transit
        if self.state == Node.IDLE:
            # if we are in a idle state, there must be no packets in the queue
            assert (len(self.queue) == 0)
            # if current state is IDLE and there are no packets in the queue, we
            # can start transmitting
            # if we are doing something, packet must be queued
            if self.queue_size == 0 or len(self.queue) < self.queue_size:
                # if queue size is infinite or there is still space
                self.logger.log_queue_length(self, len(self.queue))
                # if there is no space left, we drop the packet and log
                self.logger.log_queue_drop(self, packet_size)

        # schedule next arrival

    def handle_start_rx(self, event):
        Handles beginning of a frame reception
        :param event: the RX event including the frame being received
        new_packet = event.get_obj()

        # node is idle: it will try to receive this packet
        if self.state == Node.IDLE:

            # with carrier sensing, this should be the only possibility
            assert self.receiving_count == 0

        # I am waiting to transmit... but I can receive packets
        # receive the packet only if it is the only one in the air
        elif self.state == Node.WT and self.receiving_count == 0:

            # delete the timeout
            self.timeout_wt_event = None

            # receive the packet

            # node is doing something
            if self.state == Node.RX and self.current_pkt is not None:
                # the frame we are currently receiving is corrupted by a
                # collision, if we have one
            # the same holds for the new incoming packet.
            # if we are NOT in IDLE we won't be able to decode it
        # in any case, we schedule a new event to handle the end of this frame
        end_rx = Event(self.sim.get_time() + new_packet.get_duration(),
                       Event.END_RX, self, self, new_packet)
        # count this as currently being received
        self.receiving_count += 1

    def handle_end_rx(self, event):
        Handles the end of a reception
        :param event: the END_RX event

        # with carrier sensing, this event should not happen in IDLE
        # also, I am receiving at least one packet
        assert (self.state != self.IDLE)
        assert (self.receiving_count >= 1)

        packet = event.get_obj()

        # if the packet that ends is the one that we are trying to receive, but
        # we are not in the RX state, then something is very wrong
        if self.current_pkt is not None and \
                packet.get_id() == self.current_pkt.get_id():
            assert (self.state == Node.RX)

        # ignore the packet if in some state other than RX
        if self.state == Node.RX:
            if packet.get_state() == Packet.PKT_RECEIVING:

                # "Realistic Propagation" model
                # if here, there was NO collision... the packet may be good
                # extract: random ~ Unif(0,1)
                if self.realistic_propagation:
                    random = Uniform(0, 1).get_value()
                    prob_correct = packet.get_prob_correct()

                    if random >= prob_correct:
                        # the packet is not in a corrupted state:
                        # we successfully received it
                        # we were unlucky: the channel corrupted the packet

                # original propagation model
                    # the packet is not in a corrupted state:
                    # we successfully received it

                # just to be sure: we can only correctly receive the packet we
                # were trying to decode
                assert (packet.get_id() == self.current_pkt.get_id())

            # we might be in RX state but have no current packet. this can
            # happen when a packet overlaps with the current one being received
            # and the one being received terminates earlier. we assume to stay
            # in the RX state because we are not able to detect the end of the
            # frame
            if self.current_pkt is not None and \
                    packet.get_id() == self.current_pkt.get_id():
                self.current_pkt = None
            if self.receiving_count == 1:
                # this is the only frame currently in the air, move to PROC
                # before restarting operations
                # delete the timeout event
                self.timeout_rx_event = None

        # trivial carrier sensing
        elif self.state == Node.WC:

            # if count = 1, I am receiving the last packet in the channel
            # I can exit the carrier sensing and go either to IDLE of TX
            if self.receiving_count == 1:
                if len(self.queue) == 0:
                    # resuming operations but nothing to transmit. back to IDLE
                    # there is a packet ready, transmit it

        # remove packet from the channel
        self.receiving_count -= 1

        # log packet
        self.logger.log_packet(event.get_source(), self, packet)

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def handle_rx_timeout(self, event):
        Handles RX timeout
        :param event: the RX_TIMEOUT event
        # when this event happens, we can only be in RX state, otherwise
        # something is wrong
        assert (self.state == Node.RX)
        # in addition, the timeout should be longer than any possible packet,
        # meaning that we must not be receiving a packet when the timeout occurs
        assert (self.current_pkt is None)
        # the timeout forces us to switch to the PROC state
        self.timeout_rx_event = None

    def handle_end_tx(self, event):
        Handles the end of a transmission done by this node
        :param event: the END_TX event
        assert (self.state == Node.TX)
        assert (self.current_pkt is not None)
        assert (self.current_pkt.get_id() == event.get_obj().get_id())
        self.current_pkt = None
        # the only thing to do here is to move to the PROC state

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def handle_end_proc(self, event):
        Handles the end of the processing period, resuming operations
        :param event: the END_PROC event
        assert (self.state == Node.PROC)
        assert (self.receiving_count >= 0)
        assert (len(self.queue) >= 0)

        # nothing in the air... IDLE / TX
        if self.receiving_count == 0:
            if len(self.queue) == 0:
                # resuming operations but nothing to transmit. back to IDLE
                # there is a packet ready, transmit it
                packet_size = self.queue.pop(0)
                self.logger.log_queue_length(self, len(self.queue))

        # something there... do carrier sensing... WC or WT
            # NB: if nothing to transmit, just wait for the channel to get free
            # to then move to IDLE
            if len(self.queue) == 0:

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def handle_wt_timeout(self, event):
        Handles the end of the processing period, resuming operations
        :param event: the WT_TIMEOUT event

        # when this event happens, we can only be in WT state
        # each time I move out from WT, I cancel the timeout
        assert (self.state == Node.WT)

        # remove timeout from node
        self.timeout_wt_event = None

        # if the channel is free, I can transmit
        if self.receiving_count == 0:

        # channel is NOT free... repeat the procedure


    def switch_to_proc(self):
        Switches to the processing state and schedules the end_proc event
        proc_time = self.proc_time.get_value()
        proc = Event(self.sim.get_time() + proc_time, Event.END_PROC, self,

    def receive_packet(self, new_packet):
        Receive a packet. NB: this function assumes that the channel is free!
        assert (self.current_pkt is None)
        self.current_pkt = new_packet
        assert (self.timeout_rx_event is None)
        # create and schedule the RX timeout
        self.timeout_rx_event = Event(self.sim.get_time() + self.timeout_time,
                                      Event.RX_TIMEOUT, self, self, None)

    def transmit_packet(self, packet_size):
        Generates, sends, and schedules end of transmission of a new packet
        :param packet_size: size of the packet to send in bytes
        assert (self.current_pkt is None)
        duration = packet_size * 8 / self.datarate
        # transmit packet
        packet = Packet(packet_size, duration), packet)
        # schedule end of transmission
        end_tx = Event(self.sim.get_time() + duration, Event.END_TX, self,
                       self, packet)
        self.current_pkt = packet

    def dequeue_and_transmit_packer(self):
        Utility method to transmit the next packet in the queue.
        assert (len(self.queue) > 0)
        packet_size = self.queue.pop(0)
        self.logger.log_queue_length(self, len(self.queue))

    def schedule_packet_transmission(self):
        Schedule the next packet transmission, using p-persistence.
        p is the probability to transmit immediately after the
        channel gets free (WC).
        assert (len(self.queue) > 0)

        # simple carrier sensing - p-persistence
        # extract a random number from a uniform distribution
        # if number >= p, else schedule transmission
        # after exponential time
        random = Uniform(0, 1).get_value()

        # will transmit this packet immediately when channel gets free
        if random >= self.p_persistence:

        # wait random exponential time... then try again
        # average time is 10 * time to send biggest packet allowed
            max_tx_time = Exp(self.packet_max_tx_time * 10).get_value()
            self.timeout_wt_event = Event(self.sim.get_time() + max_tx_time,
                                          Event.WT_TIMEOUT, self, self)

    def change_state(self, state):
        Utility method to change the state of this node.
        :param state: New state to set.
        if state != Node.WT:
            assert self.timeout_wt_event is None
        self.state = state
        self.logger.log_state(self, state)

    def get_posx(self):
        Returns x position
        :returns: x position in meters
        return self.x

    def get_posy(self):
        Returns y position
        :returns: y position in meters
        return self.y
class Node(Module):
    This class implements a node capable of communicating with other devices

    # transmission speed parameter (bits per second)
    DATARATE = "datarate"
    # queue size
    QUEUE = "queue"
    # contention window size
    WINDOW_SIZE = "window_size"
    # channel listening time (seconds)
    LISTENING_TIME = "listening"
    # inter-arrival distribution (seconds)
    INTERARRIVAL = "interarrival"
    # packet size distribution (bytes)
    SIZE = "size"
    # processing time distribution (seconds)
    PROC_TIME = "processing"
    # max packet size (bytes)
    MAXSIZE = "maxsize"

    # list of possible states for this node
    IDLE = 0
    TX = 1
    RX = 2
    SLOTTING = 3

    def __init__(self, config, channel, x, y):
        :param config: the set of configs loaded by the simulator
        :param channel: the channel to which frames are sent
        :param x: x position
        :param y: y position

        #Number of slots in the contention window
        self.window_slots_count = config.get_param(Node.WINDOW_SIZE)
        #Duration in seconds of the channel listening period
        self.listening_duration = config.get_param(Node.LISTENING_TIME)
        #Duration in seconds of each slot
        self.slot_duration = self.listening_duration

        # load configuration parameters
        self.datarate = config.get_param(Node.DATARATE)
        self.queue_size = config.get_param(Node.QUEUE)
        self.interarrival = Distribution(config.get_param(Node.INTERARRIVAL))
        self.size = Distribution(config.get_param(Node.SIZE))

        self.proc_time = Distribution(config.get_param(Node.PROC_TIME))
        self.maxsize = config.get_param(Node.MAXSIZE)
        # queue of packets to be sent
        self.queue = []

        # current state
        self.state = None

        # save position
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        # save channel = channel

        #Number of packets being received
        self.packets_in_air = 0

        #Number of window slots we still have to wait before transmitting
        self.slot_countdown = 0

        #First packet in the current sequence of receiving packets
        self.rx_sequence_first_packet = None

        #Hook to events in the queue for future manipulation
        self.end_listenting_event_hook = None
        self.end_slot_event_hook = None

    Changes state of the reception node
    Performs necessary logging
    :param new state: state to which to switch
    def switch_state(self, new_state):

        self.state = new_state
        self.logger.log_state(self, self.state)

    Enqueues a new packet in the send buffer. If the buffer is full the packet is dropped
    Performs necessary logging
    :param packet_size: integer representing the size of the packet to transmit
    def enqueue_packet_size(self, packet_size):
        if len(self.queue) < self.queue_size:
            self.logger.log_queue_length(self, len(self.queue))
            self.logger.log_queue_drop(self, packet_size)

    Dequeues a packet from the buffer. The buffer must be non empty
    Performs necessary logging

    def dequeue_packet_size(self):
        if(len(self.queue) == 0):
            print("Node %d tried to dequeue a packet from an empty queue", self.get_id())

        packet_size = self.queue.pop(0)
        self.logger.log_queue_length(self, len(self.queue))

        return packet_size

    def initialize(self):
        Initialization. Starts node operation by scheduling the first packet

    def handle_event(self, event):
        Handles events notified to the node
        :param event: the event
        if event.get_type() == Events.END_LISTENING:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.NEW_PACKET:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.END_TX:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.END_SLOT:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.START_RX:
        elif event.get_type() == Events.END_RX:
            print("Node %d has received a notification for event type %d which"
                  " can't be handled", (self.get_id(), event.get_type()))

    Schedules the arrival of the next packet
    def schedule_next_packet_arrival(self):

        # extract random value for next arrival
        arrival = self.interarrival.get_value()
        # generate an event setting this node as destination
        event = Event(self.sim.get_time() + arrival, Events.NEW_PACKET,
                      self, self)

    Schedules the next end of contention window slot
    def schedule_next_slot_end(self):
        end_slot_event = Event(self.sim.get_time() +
                               self.slot_duration, Events.END_SLOT,
                               self, self, None)
        self.end_slot_event_hook = end_slot_event  # Saves the event for future cancellation

    Handles the request to transmit a new packet
    def handle_new_packet(self, event):

        new_packet_size = self.size.get_value()
        self.logger.log_arrival(self, new_packet_size)

        #Enqueues or drops packet

        #If we are idle then start immediately channel listening, otherwise keep doing what we were doing
        if self.state == self.IDLE:

            end_listening_event = Event(self.sim.get_time() +
                                   self.listening_duration, Events.END_LISTENING,
                                   self, self, None)
            self.end_listenting_event_hook = end_listening_event  # Saves the event for future cancellation

    Handles the end of listenting event
    def handle_end_listenting(self, event):
        #An end listenting event can arrive only if we were listening
        #Did you forget to cancel the event?
        assert(self.state == self.LISTENING)

        #If we are at this point no packets must be in the air and there must be something to transmit
        assert(len(self.queue) > 0)
        assert(self.packets_in_air == 0)

        #Channel is free, start transmisison

    Handles the end of a slot during a contention window
    def handle_end_slot(self, event):

        #And end slotting event can arrive only if we are in a contention window
        #Did you forget to cancel the event?
        assert(self.state == self.SLOTTING)

        #A contention window cannot be open if there are pakets being received or there is nothing to transmit
        assert (len(self.queue) > 0)
        assert(self.packets_in_air == 0)

        #Counts down a slot and check if we can transmit
        self.slot_countdown -= 1
        if self.slot_countdown == 0:
            #We won contention and can start transmit


    Handles the end of transmission
    def handle_end_tx(self, event):

        #And end tx event can arrive only if we were transmitting something
        assert(self.state == self.TX)

        if len(self.queue) == 0:
            #No need to open contention window. Decide what to to based on the state of the channel

            if self.packets_in_air == 0:
                #Nothing left to do
                #The channel is busy, start listenting

            #Need to open a contention window.
            self.slot_countdown = randint(0, self.window_slots_count - 1)

            if self.slot_countdown == 0:
                # Must transmit immediately without listening. Nothing new can get corrupted

            elif self.packets_in_air > 0:
                #We must wait at least a slot and realize the channel is busy. No need to schedule slot countdowns, go to RX

                #We must wait but for now the channel is free. Schedule next slot countdown
                assert(self.packets_in_air == 0)


    Handles the start of reception of a packet
    def handle_start_rx(self, event):

        #There is one more receiving packet in the air
        self.packets_in_air += 1
        current_packet = event.get_obj()

        #Schedules the end of reception
        end_rx_event = Event(self.sim.get_time() + current_packet.get_duration(),
                       Events.END_RX, self, self, current_packet)

        if self.packets_in_air == 1:
            #It was the first packet
            self.rx_sequence_first_packet = current_packet


            #Other packets were in the air, the current and the first packet are corrupted
            #First packet might already be completely processed so it could be None
            if self.rx_sequence_first_packet is not None:

        if self.state == self.IDLE:

        if self.state == self.LISTENING:
            assert(self.end_listenting_event_hook is not None)

        if self.state == self.SLOTTING:
            assert(self.end_slot_event_hook is not None)

        elif self.state == self.TX:
            #If I am transmitting there is a collision

    def handle_end_rx(self, event):

        assert(self.state == self.RX or self.state == self.TX)

        self.packets_in_air -= 1

        ended_packet = event.get_obj()

        #If I ended the reception of the first packet remove it
        if self.rx_sequence_first_packet is not None and self.rx_sequence_first_packet.get_id() == ended_packet.get_id():
            self.rx_sequence_first_packet = None

        #If the packet was not corrupted then mark it as correctly received
        if ended_packet.get_state() == Packet.PKT_RECEIVING:
            assert(self.state == self.RX) #Cannot correctly receive anything if not in RX

        self.logger.log_packet(event.get_source(), event.get_destination(), ended_packet)

        if self.state == self.RX:
            if self.packets_in_air != 0:
                #Do nothing, must still rx

            elif self.packets_in_air == 0 and len(self.queue) == 0:
                #Nothing left to do

            elif self.packets_in_air == 0 and len(self.queue) >= 0:

                # Need to open a contention window.
                self.slot_countdown = randint(0, self.window_slots_count - 1)

                if self.slot_countdown == 0:
                    # Must transmit immediately without listening.

                    # We must wait but for now the channel is free. Schedule next slot countdown

    Sends the first packet in the buffer, schedules end of tx event and performs necessary logging.
    Must be called in TX state. Buffer must be not empty.
    def transmit_next_packet(self):

        assert(self.state == self.TX)
        assert(len(self.queue) > 0)

        packet_size = self.dequeue_packet_size()
        duration = packet_size * 8 / self.datarate

        # transmit packet
        tx_packet = Packet(packet_size, duration), tx_packet)
        # schedule end of transmission
        end_tx = Event(self.sim.get_time() + duration, Events.END_TX, self,
                       self, tx_packet)

    Returns x position
    :returns: x position in meters
    def get_posx(self):

        return self.x

    Returns y position
    :returns: y position in meters
    def get_posy(self):

        return self.y
class Link:
    Class defining a link between nodes
    this class contains properties for the link
    like delay or preference and link policy functions
    Every link have a unique id
    A single link can have a specific id

    __link_counter = 0
    __waiter = 0.001

    DELAY = "delay"
    POLICY_FUNCTION = "policy"
    MRAI = "mrai"

    def __init__(self, env, node, resource, properties):
        Creates a link and automatically assign a uniqueid to the link
        It requires a simpy environment where to operate.
        It also require a simpy resource to operate correctly and
        reserve the channel for a message.

        :param env: Simpy environment
        :param node: Node which the link is refered to
        :param resource: unitary resource used to lock the link
        :param properties: properties of the link in the graphml that
            needs to be evaluated
        self._id = Link.__link_counter
        Link.__link_counter += 1
        self._env = env
        self._node = node
        self._res = resource
        self._delay = None
        if Link.DELAY in properties:
            self._delay = Distribution(json.loads(properties[Link.DELAY]))
        if Link.POLICY_FUNCTION in properties:
            self._policy_function = PolicyFunction(properties[Link.POLICY_FUNCTION])
            self._policy_function = PolicyFunction(PolicyFunction.PASS_EVERYTHING)
        self._mrai = 30.0
        if Link.MRAI in properties:
            self._mrai = float(properties[Link.MRAI])
        self._mrai_active = False
        self._jitter = Distribution(json.loads('{"distribution": "unif", \
                       "min": 0, "max": ' + str(self._mrai*0.25)  + ', "int": 0.01}'))

    def _print(self, msg: str) -> None:
        Print helper function for the Link
        All messages will be preceded by the time, the link id and the neighbour

        :param msg: The message that needs to be printed by the link
        :type msg: str
        :rtype: None
        if self._node.verbose:
            print("{}-Lid:{} to {} ".format(, self._id, + msg)

    def transmit(self, msg: Any, delay: float) -> None:
        Actual transmitting function

        :param msg: message that needs to be trasfered
        :param delay: time that needs to be waited before the message arrives
            to the destination
        # Request of the unique resource, if the resource is available
        # it means the message is the first in the sequence of messages
        # that needs to be transfered
        # link:[----msg2----msg1+res--->dst]
        # Once a node have the resource and has waited for delay time it
        # can be delivered
        request = self._res.request()
        yield self._env.timeout(delay) & request
        self._print("Transmitting msg: " + str(msg.obj))
        yield self._env.timeout(self.__waiter)

    def tx(self, msg, delay): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Transmission function fot the node
        use this function to trigger a simpy process
        :param msg: message that needs to be transfered
        :param delay: delay that needs to be waited
        self._env.process(self.transmit(msg, delay))

    def test(self, policy_value: PolicyValue) -> PolicyValue:
        Test if a policy value is applicable to the policy function of the link

        :param policy_value: policy value to test
        :type policy_value: PolicyValue
        :rtype: PolicyValue
        return self._policy_function[policy_value]

    def id(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Returns the link id
        :returns: id of the link
        return self._id

    def node(self):
        Returns the referenced node
        :returns: node reference
        return self._node

    def delay(self):
        Returns the delay distribution that needs to be used
        for the link
        :returns: link delay distribution
        return self._delay

    def mrai(self) -> float:
        Function to get an MRAI value from the distribution
        If the MRAI is not active will be returned 0 and the MRAI will
        be activated
        For all the other iteration the MRAI will return a value equal
        to the value given minus the jitter

        :rtype: float
        if not self.mrai_state:
            self._mrai_active = True
            return 0
        jitter = self._jitter.get_value()
        return self._mrai - jitter

    def mrai_state(self) -> bool:
        Get the MRAI state value

        :rtype: bool
        return self._mrai_active

    def mrai_not_active(self) -> None:
        Disable the current MRAI
        if the MRAI was already disable this will have no effects

        :rtype: None
        self._mrai_active = False

    def __str__(self):
        Prints the link in a human readable format
        :returns: link in a string format
        res = "id: {} ref_node: {}".format(self._id,
        return res
class Cluster:
    This class allocates resources on the cluster by calling the cluster API

    SIZE = "size"
    OFFER = "offer"
    APPLICATION = "application"
    ENDPOINT = "endpoint"
    RESOURCE = "resource"
    RESOURCE_SCALE = "resource_scale"

    def __init__(self):
        self.sim = sim.Sim.Instance()
        self.logger = self.sim.get_logger()
        self.requests = []

    def initialize(self, config):
        self.run_number = config.run_number
        self.application = config.get_param(Cluster.APPLICATION)
        self.size = Distribution(config.get_param(Cluster.SIZE))
        self.offer = Distribution(config.get_param(Cluster.OFFER))
        self.resource = config.get_param(Cluster.RESOURCE)
        self.resource_scale = int(config.get_param(Cluster.RESOURCE_SCALE))
        Configuration().host = config.get_param(Cluster.ENDPOINT)
        self.api = swagger_client.DeploymentsApi()
        self.nodes_api = swagger_client.NodesApi()

        self.index = 0

    def finalize(self):
        for app in self.requests:
            except ApiException:

    def request_allocation(self):

        app_name = "test-%s-%s" % (self.run_number, self.index)
        self.index += 1

        unity_offer = self.offer.get_value()

        scaled_size = self.size.get_value()

        # Offer for the requested size (same magnitude)
        offer = scaled_size * unity_offer

        raw_size = scaled_size * self.resource_scale
        request = swagger_client.DeploymentRequest(self.application,
                                                   [{'name': self.resource, 'amount': str(raw_size) }])


        # Request an application deployment
            allocation = self.api.put_deployment(app_name, request)
            allocation.resources[self.resource]['used'] = scaled_size
            self.logger.log_allocation(allocation, self.resource)
            return True
        except ApiException as e:
            request.resources[0]['amount'] = scaled_size
            return False

    def get_expected_deployments(self):
        total = 0
        dep_size = int(self.size.get_mean())
        for node in self.nodes_api.get_nodes_collection().nodes:
            alloc_s = node.resources[self.resource]['allocatable'] / \
            total += alloc_s / dep_size
        return total

    def get_allocation_probability(self):
        nodes = self.nodes_api.get_nodes_collection()

        # Get smallest amount of free resources on a node
        remaining = max([node.resources[self.resource]['free'] for node in nodes.nodes])

        remaining /= self.resource_scale
        return self.size.get_probability(0, remaining)