def register_pygments_style(pygment_styles):
    Registers Pygments style classes. Pygments currently has plugin support at
    pkg_resources level which is not always straightforword. This method allows
    to register pygments styles easier and on the fly.

    Expects a dict with alias keys and classes/paths to classes values. Default
    pygments styles are always registered and you cannot override them (would
    raise ImproperlyConfigured exception). After style is registered, it may be
    received with ``richtemplates.pygstyles.get_style`` method which expects
    alias parameter.
        from pygments.styles import STYLE_MAP, get_style_by_name
        from import Style
    except ImportError:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured("pygments are required to use richtemplates")
    registry = {}
    for alias, style_path in pygment_styles.items():
        if alias in STYLE_MAP:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("Cannot override builtin %s pygments "
                "styles" % alias)
        if isinstance(style_path, Style):
            klass = style_path
                splitted = style_path.split('.')
                mod_path, class_name = '.'.join(splitted[:-1]), splitted[-1]
                mod = __import__(mod_path, (), (), [class_name], -1)
                klass = getattr(mod, class_name)
            except (ImportError, AttributeError), err:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured("Cannot register style %s: %s.\n"
                    "Original error was: %s" % (alias, style_path, err))
        registry[alias] = klass
        logger.debug("Registered %s as pygments style with alias %s"
            % (klass.__name__, alias))
def register_rst_directives(directives_items):
    Registers restructuredText directives given as dictionary
    with keys being names and paths to directive function.
    If directive_path is None then we would turn directive off.
    for name, directive_path in directives_items:
        if directive_path is None:
            directives.register_directive(name, None)
            msg = "Turned off '%s' directive" % name
            splitted = directive_path.split('.')
            mod_path, method_name = '.'.join(splitted[:-1]), splitted[-1]
            mod = __import__(mod_path, (), (), [method_name], -1)
            directive = getattr(mod, method_name)
            directives.register_directive(name, directive)
            msg = "Registered restructuredText directive: %s" % method_name
        except ImportError, err:
            msg = "Couldn't register restructuredText directive. Original "\
                "exception was: %s" % err
    for alias, style_path in pygment_styles.items():
        if alias in STYLE_MAP:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("Cannot override builtin %s pygments "
                "styles" % alias)
        if isinstance(style_path, Style):
            klass = style_path
                splitted = style_path.split('.')
                mod_path, class_name = '.'.join(splitted[:-1]), splitted[-1]
                mod = __import__(mod_path, (), (), [class_name], -1)
                klass = getattr(mod, class_name)
            except (ImportError, AttributeError), err:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured("Cannot register style %s: %s.\n"
                    "Original error was: %s" % (alias, style_path, err))
        registry[alias] = klass
        logger.debug("Registered %s as pygments style with alias %s"
            % (klass.__name__, alias))
    for alias in STYLE_MAP:
        klass = get_style_by_name(alias)
        registry[alias] = klass
        logger.debug("Registered %s as pygments style with alias %s"
            % (klass.__name__, alias))
    return registry

PYGMENTS_STYLES = getattr(settings,