def __init__(self, geom_input, srs=None): """Initialize Geometry on either WKT or an OGR pointer as input.""" str_instance = isinstance(geom_input, str) # If HEX, unpack input to a binary buffer. if str_instance and hex_regex.match(geom_input): geom_input = memoryview(bytes.fromhex(geom_input)) str_instance = False # Constructing the geometry, if str_instance: wkt_m = wkt_regex.match(geom_input) json_m = json_regex.match(geom_input) if wkt_m: if wkt_m['srid']: # If there's EWKT, set the SRS w/value of the SRID. srs = int(wkt_m['srid']) if wkt_m['type'].upper() == 'LINEARRING': # OGR_G_CreateFromWkt doesn't work with LINEARRING WKT. # See g = capi.create_geom(OGRGeomType(wkt_m['type']).num) capi.import_wkt(g, byref(c_char_p(wkt_m['wkt'].encode()))) else: g = capi.from_wkt(byref(c_char_p(wkt_m['wkt'].encode())), None, byref(c_void_p())) elif json_m: g = self._from_json(geom_input.encode()) else: # Seeing if the input is a valid short-hand string # (e.g., 'Point', 'POLYGON'). OGRGeomType(geom_input) g = capi.create_geom(OGRGeomType(geom_input).num) elif isinstance(geom_input, memoryview): # WKB was passed in g = self._from_wkb(geom_input) elif isinstance(geom_input, OGRGeomType): # OGRGeomType was passed in, an empty geometry will be created. g = capi.create_geom(geom_input.num) elif isinstance(geom_input, self.ptr_type): # OGR pointer (c_void_p) was the input. g = geom_input else: raise GDALException( 'Invalid input type for OGR Geometry construction: %s' % type(geom_input)) # Now checking the Geometry pointer before finishing initialization # by setting the pointer for the object. if not g: raise GDALException('Cannot create OGR Geometry from input: %s' % geom_input) self.ptr = g # Assigning the SpatialReference object to the geometry, if valid. if srs: self.srs = srs # Setting the class depending upon the OGR Geometry Type self.__class__ = GEO_CLASSES[self.geom_type.num]
def __init__(self, geo_input, srid=None): """ The base constructor for GEOS geometry objects. It may take the following inputs: * strings: - WKT - HEXEWKB (a PostGIS-specific canonical form) - GeoJSON (requires GDAL) * buffer: - WKB The `srid` keyword specifies the Source Reference Identifier (SRID) number for this Geometry. If not provided, it defaults to None. """ input_srid = None if isinstance(geo_input, bytes): geo_input = force_text(geo_input) if isinstance(geo_input, str): wkt_m = wkt_regex.match(geo_input) if wkt_m: # Handle WKT input. if'srid'): input_srid = int('srid')) g = self._from_wkt(force_bytes('wkt'))) elif hex_regex.match(geo_input): # Handle HEXEWKB input. g = wkb_r().read(force_bytes(geo_input)) elif json_regex.match(geo_input): # Handle GeoJSON input. ogr = gdal.OGRGeometry.from_json(geo_input) g = ogr._geos_ptr() input_srid = ogr.srid else: raise ValueError('String input unrecognized as WKT EWKT, and HEXEWKB.') elif isinstance(geo_input, GEOM_PTR): # When the input is a pointer to a geometry (GEOM_PTR). g = geo_input elif isinstance(geo_input, memoryview): # When the input is a buffer (WKB). g = wkb_r().read(geo_input) elif isinstance(geo_input, GEOSGeometry): g = capi.geom_clone(geo_input.ptr) else: raise TypeError('Improper geometry input type: %s' % type(geo_input)) if not g: raise GEOSException('Could not initialize GEOS Geometry with given input.') input_srid = input_srid or capi.geos_get_srid(g) or None if input_srid and srid and input_srid != srid: raise ValueError('Input geometry already has SRID: %d.' % input_srid) super().__init__(g, None) # Set the SRID, if given. srid = input_srid or srid if srid and isinstance(srid, int): self.srid = srid
def __init__(self, geom_input, srs=None): """Initialize Geometry on either WKT or an OGR pointer as input.""" str_instance = isinstance(geom_input, str) # If HEX, unpack input to a binary buffer. if str_instance and hex_regex.match(geom_input): geom_input = memoryview(a2b_hex(geom_input.upper().encode())) str_instance = False # Constructing the geometry, if str_instance: wkt_m = wkt_regex.match(geom_input) json_m = json_regex.match(geom_input) if wkt_m: if'srid'): # If there's EWKT, set the SRS w/value of the SRID. srs = int('srid')) if'type').upper() == 'LINEARRING': # OGR_G_CreateFromWkt doesn't work with LINEARRING WKT. # See g = capi.create_geom(OGRGeomType('type')).num) capi.import_wkt(g, byref(c_char_p('wkt').encode()))) else: g = capi.from_wkt(byref(c_char_p('wkt').encode())), None, byref(c_void_p())) elif json_m: g = self._from_json(geom_input.encode()) else: # Seeing if the input is a valid short-hand string # (e.g., 'Point', 'POLYGON'). OGRGeomType(geom_input) g = capi.create_geom(OGRGeomType(geom_input).num) elif isinstance(geom_input, memoryview): # WKB was passed in g = self._from_wkb(geom_input) elif isinstance(geom_input, OGRGeomType): # OGRGeomType was passed in, an empty geometry will be created. g = capi.create_geom(geom_input.num) elif isinstance(geom_input, self.ptr_type): # OGR pointer (c_void_p) was the input. g = geom_input else: raise GDALException('Invalid input type for OGR Geometry construction: %s' % type(geom_input)) # Now checking the Geometry pointer before finishing initialization # by setting the pointer for the object. if not g: raise GDALException('Cannot create OGR Geometry from input: %s' % geom_input) self.ptr = g # Assigning the SpatialReference object to the geometry, if valid. if srs: self.srs = srs # Setting the class depending upon the OGR Geometry Type self.__class__ = GEO_CLASSES[self.geom_type.num]