	def get(self, request):

		page_requested = request.GET.get('page') 		# no need to validate, pagination does this for us
		results_requested = request.GET.get('results')

		if results_requested == None or not is_positive_integer(results_requested):
			results_requested = 5

		# Get all projects from the db
		project_list = Project.objects.order_by('deployment_date')
		open_project_count = project_list.exclude(is_complete = True).count()
		closed_project_count = project_list.exclude(is_complete = False).count()

		# Store show_all config in the session so the app remembers it's value when the user navigates away
		request.session['show_all'] = get_show_all(request, closed_project_count)

		# If show_all has been set to false (default option), filter those records out
		if request.session['show_all'] == False:
			project_list = project_list.exclude(is_complete = True)

		# Now we have a list of projects, get associated pagination
		pagination = Paginator(project_list, results_requested)

			projects = pagination.page(page_requested)
		except PageNotAnInteger:
			projects = pagination.page(1)
		except EmptyPage:
			projects = pagination.page(pagination.num_pages)

		pagination.query_string = get_paging_params(request)
		pagination.display_pages = get_pages_to_display(pagination, projects, 3)

		return render(request, 'projects/list.html', {
			'projects': projects,
			'pagination': pagination,
			'open_project_count': open_project_count,
			'closed_project_count': closed_project_count,
			'show_all': request.session['show_all']