def decorate_model(model):
    Add attributes and methods to a google db Model instance
    to allow functions in the django admin to work as expected.
    # Grab the app_label from the models module path
    # myproject.myapp.models.MyModel => 'myapp'
    app_label = re.sub('\.models$', '', model.__module__).split('.')[-1]
    if not hasattr(model, 'Meta'):
        setattr(model, 'Meta', DefaultMeta)
    opts = Options(model.Meta, app_label)
    opts.pk = PK
    opts.contribute_to_class(model, 'NAME_DOES_NOT_APPEAR_TO_BE_USED')
    # Add some methods that Django uses
    model.serializable_value = lambda m, attr: getattr(m, attr)
    model._deferred = False
    model._get_pk_val = lambda m: str(m.key)
    model._get_id = lambda m: m.key.id()
    model.id = property(model._get_id)
    model.pk = property(model._get_pk_val)
    return model
    def _meta(self):
        if hasattr(self.Meta, 'unique_together'):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'unique_together property not supported by neomodel')

        opts = Options(self.Meta, app_label=self.Meta.app_label)
        opts.contribute_to_class(self.__class__, self.__class__.__name__)

        for key, prop in self.__all_properties__:
            opts.add_field(DjangoField(prop, key),
                           getattr(prop, 'private', False))

        return opts
def decorate_ndb_model(model):
    Add attributes and methods to a google db Model instance
    to allow functions in the django admin to work as expected.

    # Grab the app_label from the models module path
    # myproject.myapp.models.MyModel => 'myapp'
    app_label = re.sub('\.models$', '', model.__module__).split('.')[-1]

    if not hasattr(model, 'Meta'):
        setattr(model, 'Meta', DefaultMeta)

    opts = Options(model.Meta, app_label)
    opts.pk = PK
    opts.contribute_to_class(model, 'NAME_DOES_NOT_APPEAR_TO_BE_USED')
    # Add some methods that Django uses
    model.serializable_value = lambda m, attr: getattr(m, attr)
    model._deferred = False
    model._get_pk_val = lambda m: m.key.urlsafe()
    model._get_id = lambda m: m.key.id()
    model.id = property(model._get_id)
    model.pk = property(model._get_pk_val)
    return model