def get_django_filter(django_filter, load='django'):

    if django.VERSION < (1, 9):
        from django.template.base import get_library
        if load and not load == 'django':
            library = get_library(load)
            library_path = 'django.template.defaultfilters'
            if django.VERSION > (1, 8):
                from django.template.base import import_library
                library = import_library(library_path)
                from django.template import import_library
                library = import_library(library_path)

        from django.template.backends.django import get_installed_libraries
        from django.template.library import import_library
        libraries = get_installed_libraries()
        if load and not load == 'django':
            library_path = libraries.get(load)
            if not library_path:
                raise Exception(
                    'templatetag "{}" is not registered'.format(load))
            library_path = 'django.template.defaultfilters'

        library = import_library(library_path)
    filter_method = library.filters.get(django_filter)
    if not filter_method:
        raise Exception(
            'filter "{}" not exist on {} templatetag package'.format(
                django_filter, load))

    return filter_method
def get_django_filter(django_filter, load='django'):

    if django.VERSION < (1, 9):
        from django.template.base import get_library
        if load and not load == 'django':
            library = get_library(load)
            library_path = 'django.template.defaultfilters'
            if django.VERSION > (1, 8):
                from django.template.base import import_library
                library = import_library(library_path)
                from django.template import import_library
                library = import_library(library_path)

        from django.template.backends.django import get_installed_libraries
        from django.template.library import import_library
        libraries = get_installed_libraries()
        if load and not load == 'django':
            library_path = libraries.get(load)
            if not library_path:
                raise Exception('templatetag "{}" is not registered'.format(load))
            library_path = 'django.template.defaultfilters'

        library = import_library(library_path)
    filter_method = library.filters.get(django_filter)
    if not filter_method:
        raise Exception('filter "{}" not exist on {} templatetag package'.format(
            django_filter, load

    return filter_method
def get_module_library(library_name):
    Load the template library module with the given name.

    If library is not already loaded loop over all templatetags modules
    to locate it.

    {% load somelib %} and {% load someotherlib %} loops twice.

    Subsequent loads eg. {% load somelib %} in the same process will grab
    the cached module from libraries.
    lib = libraries.get(library_name, None)
    if not lib:
        templatetags_modules = get_modules()
        tried_modules = []

        for module in templatetags_modules:
            taglib_module = '%s.%s' % (module, library_name)
            lib = import_library(taglib_module)
            if lib:
                libraries[library_name] = lib
        if not lib:
            raise InvalidTemplateLibrary(
                "Template library {} not found, tried {}".format(
                    library_name, ','.join(tried_modules)
    return lib
    def compile_string(self, template_string, origin):
        if self.debug:
            from django.template.debug import DebugLexer, DebugParser
            lexer_class, parser_class = DebugLexer, DebugParser
            lexer_class, parser_class = Lexer, Parser
        lexer = lexer_class(template_string, origin)
        tokens = lexer.tokenize()
        parser = parser_class(tokens)
        if self.use_form_tags:
#            parser.add_library(import_library('template_forms.templatetags.loader_tags'))
        return parser.parse()
 def compile_string(self, template_string, origin):
     if self.debug:
         from django.template.debug import DebugLexer, DebugParser
         lexer_class, parser_class = DebugLexer, DebugParser
         lexer_class, parser_class = Lexer, Parser
     lexer = lexer_class(template_string, origin)
     tokens = lexer.tokenize()
     parser = parser_class(tokens)
     if self.use_form_tags:
         #            parser.add_library(import_library('template_forms.templatetags.loader_tags'))
     return parser.parse()
def get_library(library_name, app_name=None):
    (Forked from django.template.get_library)

    Load the template library module with the given name.

    If library is not already loaded loop over all templatetags modules to locate it.

    {% load somelib %} and {% load someotherlib %} loops twice.
    #TODO: add in caching. (removed when forked from django.template.get_library).
    templatetags_modules = get_templatetags_modules()
    tried_modules = []
    best_match_lib = None
    last_found_lib = None
    app_name_parts = 0
    if app_name:
        app_name_parts = app_name.count('.')
    for module in templatetags_modules:
        taglib_module = '%s.%s' % (module, library_name)
        lib = import_library(taglib_module)
        if not lib:
        last_found_lib = lib

        if not app_name:

        module_list = module.split('.')
        module_list.pop() # remove the last part 'templetags'
        current_app = '.'.join(module_list)
        if current_app == app_name:

        start = len(module_list) - app_name_parts - 1
        if start < 0:

        partial_app = '.'.join(module_list[start:])
        if partial_app == app_name:
            best_match_lib = lib

    if best_match_lib:
        last_found_lib = best_match_lib
    if not last_found_lib:
        raise InvalidTemplateLibrary("Template library %s not found, tried %s" % (library_name, ','.join(tried_modules)))

    return last_found_lib
文件: resources.py 项目: lxp20201/lxp
    def render_django_template(self,
        Evaluate a django template by resource path, applying the provided context.
        context = context or {}
        context['_i18n_service'] = i18n_service
        libraries = {
            'i18n': 'xblockutils.templatetags.i18n',

        # For django 1.8, we have to load the libraries manually, and restore them once the template is rendered.
        _libraries = None
        if django.VERSION[0] == 1 and django.VERSION[1] == 8:
            _libraries = TemplateBase.libraries.copy()
            for library_name in libraries:
                library = TemplateBase.import_library(libraries[library_name])
                if library:
                    TemplateBase.libraries[library_name] = library
            engine = Engine()
            # Django>1.8 Engine can load the extra templatetag libraries itself
            # but we have to override the default installed libraries.
            from django.template.backends.django import get_installed_libraries
            installed_libraries = get_installed_libraries()
            engine = Engine(libraries=installed_libraries)

        template_str = self.load_unicode(template_path)
        template = Template(template_str, engine=engine)
        rendered = template.render(Context(context))

        # Restore the original TemplateBase.libraries
        if _libraries is not None:
            TemplateBase.libraries = _libraries

        return rendered
    def render_django_template(self, template_path, context=None, i18n_service=None):
        Evaluate a django template by resource path, applying the provided context.
        context = context or {}
        context['_i18n_service'] = i18n_service
        libraries = {
            'i18n': 'xblockutils.templatetags.i18n',

        # For django 1.8, we have to load the libraries manually, and restore them once the template is rendered.
        _libraries = None
        if django.VERSION[0] == 1 and django.VERSION[1] == 8:
            _libraries = TemplateBase.libraries.copy()
            for library_name in libraries:
                library = TemplateBase.import_library(libraries[library_name])
                if library:
                    TemplateBase.libraries[library_name] = library
            engine = Engine()
            # Django>1.8 Engine can load the extra templatetag libraries itself
            # but we have to override the default installed libraries.
            from django.template.backends.django import get_installed_libraries
            installed_libraries = get_installed_libraries()
            engine = Engine(libraries=installed_libraries)

        template_str = self.load_unicode(template_path)
        template = Template(template_str, engine=engine)
        rendered = template.render(Context(context))

        # Restore the original TemplateBase.libraries
        if _libraries is not None:
            TemplateBase.libraries = _libraries

        return rendered
def get_library(library_name):
    An extension to Django's django.template.base.get_library, which allows
    tags to be loaded from specific apps using the 'app:taglib' syntax.
    So if in 'app1' you had templatetags/foo.py, you could load it as:
        {% import app1:foo %}
    or if you wanted to load a specific tag:
        {% import mytag from app1:foo %}
    This uses the same syntax as referencing URL patterns from specific
    apps, and does not clash with the '.' notation already used for loading
    modules within templatetags (e.g. templatetags/news/posts.py as news.posts).
    Without this functionality, Django template tags become a global namespace 
    issue, where different apps can easily clash with one another.
    # Extract the specific information regarding the app and module from 
    # the library name, and calculate the fully qualified name.
    app_name = ""
    tagparts = library_name.split(":")
    if len(tagparts) > 1:
        app_name = tagparts[0]
        library_name = tagparts[1]
        qualified_library_name = "%s:%s" % (app_name, library_name)
        library_name = tagparts[0]
        qualified_library_name = library_name
    # See if it exists in the cache
    lib = libraries.get(qualified_library_name, None) 
    # If it isn't, we're going to look. Even though we know which app we want
    # to load it from, we're going to loop over the all modules to avoid 
    # introducing significant new code, and since the result is going to be 
    # cached.
    if not lib:
        templatetags_modules = get_templatetags_modules()
        tried_modules = []
        for module in templatetags_modules:
            taglib_module = '%s.%s' % (module, library_name)
            lib = import_library(taglib_module)
            if lib:
                # We managed to load a library, but now we need to see if it is
                # from the right app. We can do that by finding out which app
                # it came from.
                if app_name:
                    lib_app = taglib_module[:taglib_module.index('.')]
                    lib_name = "%s:%s" % (lib_app, library_name)
                    lib_name = library_name
                # OK, is it the right one? If so, store it in the cache
                if lib_name == qualified_library_name:
                    libraries[lib_name] = lib
            # Haven't found it yet, keep going.
            lib = None
        # If we don't find any, we throw an exception with the ones we've tried.
        if not lib:
            raise InvalidTemplateLibrary("Template library %s not found, "
                                         "tried %s" %
    return lib
 def import_library(module):
     return tplbase.import_library(module)
def get_library(library_name):
    An extension to Django's django.template.base.get_library, which allows
    tags to be loaded from specific apps using the 'app:taglib' syntax.
    So if in 'app1' you had templatetags/foo.py, you could load it as:
        {% import app1:foo %}
    or if you wanted to load a specific tag:
        {% import mytag from app1:foo %}
    This uses the same syntax as referencing URL patterns from specific
    apps, and does not clash with the '.' notation already used for loading
    modules within templatetags (e.g. templatetags/news/posts.py as news.posts).
    Without this functionality, Django template tags become a global namespace 
    issue, where different apps can easily clash with one another.
    # Extract the specific information regarding the app and module from
    # the library name, and calculate the fully qualified name.
    app_name = ""

    tagparts = library_name.split(":")
    if len(tagparts) > 1:
        app_name = tagparts[0]
        library_name = tagparts[1]
        qualified_library_name = "%s:%s" % (app_name, library_name)
        library_name = tagparts[0]
        qualified_library_name = library_name

    # See if it exists in the cache
    lib = libraries.get(qualified_library_name, None)

    # If it isn't, we're going to look. Even though we know which app we want
    # to load it from, we're going to loop over the all modules to avoid
    # introducing significant new code, and since the result is going to be
    # cached.
    if not lib:
        templatetags_modules = get_templatetags_modules()
        tried_modules = []
        for module in templatetags_modules:
            taglib_module = '%s.%s' % (module, library_name)
            lib = import_library(taglib_module)
            if lib:
                # We managed to load a library, but now we need to see if it is
                # from the right app. We can do that by finding out which app
                # it came from.
                if app_name:
                    lib_app = taglib_module[:taglib_module.index('.')]
                    lib_name = "%s:%s" % (lib_app, library_name)
                    lib_name = library_name

                # OK, is it the right one? If so, store it in the cache
                if lib_name == qualified_library_name:
                    libraries[lib_name] = lib

            # Haven't found it yet, keep going.
            lib = None

        # If we don't find any, we throw an exception with the ones we've tried.
        if not lib:
            raise InvalidTemplateLibrary(
                "Template library %s not found, "
                "tried %s" % (library_name, ','.join(tried_modules)))
    return lib
 def import_library(module):
     return tplbase.import_library(module)