    def url(self, name, force=False):
        Return the real URL in DEBUG mode.
        if settings.DEBUG and not force:
            hashed_name, fragment = name, ''
            clean_name, fragment = urldefrag(name)
            if urlsplit(clean_name).path.endswith('/'):  # don't hash paths
                hashed_name = name
                hashed_name = self.stored_name(clean_name)

        final_url = super(HashedFilesMixin, self).url(hashed_name)

        # Special casing for a @font-face hack, like url(myfont.eot?#iefix")
        # http://www.fontspring.com/blog/the-new-bulletproof-font-face-syntax
        query_fragment = '?#' in name  # [sic!]
        if fragment or query_fragment:
            urlparts = list(urlsplit(final_url))
            if fragment and not urlparts[4]:
                urlparts[4] = fragment
            if query_fragment and not urlparts[3]:
                urlparts[2] += '?'
            final_url = urlunsplit(urlparts)

        return unquote(final_url)
    def url(self, name, force=False):
        Returns the real URL in DEBUG mode.
        if settings.DEBUG and not force:
            hashed_name, fragment = name, ''
            clean_name, fragment = urldefrag(name)
            if urlsplit(clean_name).path.endswith('/'):  # don't hash paths
                hashed_name = name
                cache_key = self.cache_key(name)
                hashed_name = self.cache.get(cache_key)
                if hashed_name is None:
                    hashed_name = self.hashed_name(clean_name).replace(
                        '\\', '/')
                    # set the cache if there was a miss
                    # (e.g. if cache server goes down)
                    self.cache.set(cache_key, hashed_name)

        final_url = super(CachedFilesMixin, self).url(hashed_name)

        # Special casing for a @font-face hack, like url(myfont.eot?#iefix")
        # http://www.fontspring.com/blog/the-new-bulletproof-font-face-syntax
        query_fragment = '?#' in name  # [sic!]
        if fragment or query_fragment:
            urlparts = list(urlsplit(final_url))
            if fragment and not urlparts[4]:
                urlparts[4] = fragment
            if query_fragment and not urlparts[3]:
                urlparts[2] += '?'
            final_url = urlunsplit(urlparts)

        return unquote(final_url)
    def url(self, name, force=False):
        Return the real URL in DEBUG mode.
        if settings.DEBUG and not force:
            hashed_name, fragment = name, ''
            clean_name, fragment = urldefrag(name)
            if urlsplit(clean_name).path.endswith('/'):  # don't hash paths
                hashed_name = name
                hashed_name = self.stored_name(clean_name)

        final_url = super(HashedFilesMixin, self).url(hashed_name)

        # Special casing for a @font-face hack, like url(myfont.eot?#iefix")
        # http://www.fontspring.com/blog/the-new-bulletproof-font-face-syntax
        query_fragment = '?#' in name  # [sic!]
        if fragment or query_fragment:
            urlparts = list(urlsplit(final_url))
            if fragment and not urlparts[4]:
                urlparts[4] = fragment
            if query_fragment and not urlparts[3]:
                urlparts[2] += '?'
            final_url = urlunsplit(urlparts)

        return unquote(final_url)
    def url(self, name, force=False):
        Returns the real URL in DEBUG mode.
        if settings.DEBUG and not force:
            hashed_name, fragment = name, ""
            clean_name, fragment = urldefrag(name)
            if urlsplit(clean_name).path.endswith("/"):  # don't hash paths
                hashed_name = name
                cache_key = self.cache_key(name)
                hashed_name = self.cache.get(cache_key)
                if hashed_name is None:
                    hashed_name = self.hashed_name(clean_name).replace("\\", "/")
                    # set the cache if there was a miss
                    # (e.g. if cache server goes down)
                    self.cache.set(cache_key, hashed_name)

        final_url = super(CachedFilesMixin, self).url(hashed_name)

        # Special casing for a @font-face hack, like url(myfont.eot?#iefix")
        # http://www.fontspring.com/blog/the-new-bulletproof-font-face-syntax
        query_fragment = "?#" in name  # [sic!]
        if fragment or query_fragment:
            urlparts = list(urlsplit(final_url))
            if fragment and not urlparts[4]:
                urlparts[4] = fragment
            if query_fragment and not urlparts[3]:
                urlparts[2] += "?"
            final_url = urlunsplit(urlparts)

        return unquote(final_url)
        def converter(matchobj):
            Convert the matched URL to a normalized and hashed URL.
            This requires figuring out which files the matched URL resolves
            to and calling the url() method of the storage.
            matched, url = matchobj.groups()

            # Ignore absolute/protocol-relative and data-uri URLs.
            if re.match(r'^[a-z]+:', url):
                return matched

            # Ignore absolute URLs that don't point to a static file (dynamic
            # CSS / JS?). Note that STATIC_URL cannot be empty.
            if url.startswith('/') and not url.startswith(settings.STATIC_URL):
                return matched

            # Strip off the fragment so a path-like fragment won't interfere.
            url_path, fragment = urldefrag(url)

            if url_path.startswith('/'):
                # Otherwise the condition above would have returned prematurely.
                assert url_path.startswith(settings.STATIC_URL)
                target_name = url_path[len(settings.STATIC_URL):]
                # We're using the posixpath module to mix paths and URLs conveniently.
                source_name = name if os.sep == '/' else name.replace(
                    os.sep, '/')
                target_name = posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(source_name),

            # Determine the hashed name of the target file with the storage backend.
            hashed_url = self._url(

            # NOTE:
            # The line below was commented out so that absolute urls are used instead of relative urls to make themed
            # assets work correctly.
            # The line is commented and not removed to make future django upgrade easier and show exactly what is
            # changed in this method override
            #transformed_url = '/'.join(url_path.split('/')[:-1] + hashed_url.split('/')[-1:])
            transformed_url = hashed_url  # This line was added.

            # Restore the fragment that was stripped off earlier.
            if fragment:
                transformed_url += ('?#' if '?#' in url else '#') + fragment

            # Return the hashed version to the file
            return template % unquote(transformed_url)
        def converter(matchobj):
            Convert the matched URL to a normalized and hashed URL.
            This requires figuring out which files the matched URL resolves
            to and calling the url() method of the storage.
            matched, url = matchobj.groups()

            # Ignore absolute/protocol-relative and data-uri URLs.
            if re.match(r'^[a-z]+:', url):
                return matched

            # Ignore absolute URLs that don't point to a static file (dynamic
            # CSS / JS?). Note that STATIC_URL cannot be empty.
            if url.startswith('/') and not url.startswith(settings.STATIC_URL):
                return matched

            # Strip off the fragment so a path-like fragment won't interfere.
            url_path, fragment = urldefrag(url)

            if url_path.startswith('/'):
                # Otherwise the condition above would have returned prematurely.
                assert url_path.startswith(settings.STATIC_URL)
                target_name = url_path[len(settings.STATIC_URL):]
                # We're using the posixpath module to mix paths and URLs conveniently.
                source_name = name if os.sep == '/' else name.replace(os.sep, '/')
                target_name = posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(source_name), url_path)

            # Determine the hashed name of the target file with the storage backend.
            hashed_url = self._url(
                self._stored_name, unquote(target_name),
                force=True, hashed_files=hashed_files,

            # NOTE:
            # The line below was commented out so that absolute urls are used instead of relative urls to make themed
            # assets work correctly.
            # The line is commented and not removed to make future django upgrade easier and show exactly what is
            # changed in this method override
            #transformed_url = '/'.join(url_path.split('/')[:-1] + hashed_url.split('/')[-1:])
            transformed_url = hashed_url  # This line was added.

            # Restore the fragment that was stripped off earlier.
            if fragment:
                transformed_url += ('?#' if '?#' in url else '#') + fragment

            # Return the hashed version to the file
            return template % unquote(transformed_url)
        def converter(matchobj):
            Convert the matched URL to a normalized and hashed URL.

            This requires figuring out which files the matched URL resolves
            to and calling the url() method of the storage.
            matched, url = matchobj.groups()

            # Ignore absolute/protocol-relative, fragments and data-uri URLs.
            if url.startswith(('http:', 'https:', '//', '#', 'data:')):
                return matched

            # Ignore absolute URLs that don't point to a static file (dynamic
            # CSS / JS?). Note that STATIC_URL cannot be empty.
            if url.startswith('/') and not url.startswith(settings.STATIC_URL):
                return matched

            # Strip off the fragment so a path-like fragment won't interfere.
            url_path, fragment = urldefrag(url)

            if url_path.startswith('/'):
                # Otherwise the condition above would have returned prematurely.
                assert url_path.startswith(settings.STATIC_URL)
                target_name = url_path[len(settings.STATIC_URL):]
                # We're using the posixpath module to mix paths and URLs conveniently.
                source_name = name if os.sep == '/' else name.replace(
                    os.sep, '/')
                target_name = posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(source_name),

            # Determine the hashed name of the target file with the storage backend.
            hashed_url = self.url(unquote(target_name), force=True)

            transformed_url = '/'.join(
                url_path.split('/')[:-1] + hashed_url.split('/')[-1:])

            # Restore the fragment that was stripped off earlier.
            if fragment:
                transformed_url += ('?#' if '?#' in url else '#') + fragment

            # Return the hashed version to the file
            return template % unquote(transformed_url)
        def converter(matchobj):
            Convert the matched URL to a normalized and hashed URL.

            This requires figuring out which files the matched URL resolves
            to and calling the url() method of the storage.
            matched, url = matchobj.groups()

            # Ignore absolute/protocol-relative, fragments and data-uri URLs.
            if url.startswith(('http:', 'https:', '//', '#', 'data:')):
                return matched

            # Ignore absolute URLs that don't point to a static file (dynamic
            # CSS / JS?). Note that STATIC_URL cannot be empty.
            if url.startswith('/') and not url.startswith(settings.STATIC_URL):
                return matched

            # Strip off the fragment so a path-like fragment won't interfere.
            url_path, fragment = urldefrag(url)

            if url_path.startswith('/'):
                # Otherwise the condition above would have returned prematurely.
                assert url_path.startswith(settings.STATIC_URL)
                target_name = url_path[len(settings.STATIC_URL):]
                # We're using the posixpath module to mix paths and URLs conveniently.
                source_name = name if os.sep == '/' else name.replace(os.sep, '/')
                target_name = posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(source_name), url_path)

            # Determine the hashed name of the target file with the storage backend.
            hashed_url = self.url(unquote(target_name), force=True)

            transformed_url = '/'.join(url_path.split('/')[:-1] + hashed_url.split('/')[-1:])

            # Restore the fragment that was stripped off earlier.
            if fragment:
                transformed_url += ('?#' if '?#' in url else '#') + fragment

            # Return the hashed version to the file
            return template % unquote(transformed_url)
文件: storage.py 项目: zihua/django
        def converter(matchobj):
            Converts the matched URL depending on the parent level (`..`)
            and returns the normalized and hashed URL using the url method
            of the storage.
            matched, url = matchobj.groups()
            # Completely ignore http(s) prefixed URLs,
            # fragments and data-uri URLs
            if url.startswith(('#', 'http:', 'https:', 'data:', '//')):
                return matched
            name_parts = name.split(os.sep)
            # Using posix normpath here to remove duplicates
            url = posixpath.normpath(url)
            # Strip off the fragment so that a path-like fragment won't confuse
            # the lookup.
            url_path, fragment = urldefrag(url)
            url_parts = url_path.split('/')
            parent_level, sub_level = url_path.count('..'), url_path.count('/')
            if url_path.startswith('/'):
                sub_level -= 1
                url_parts = url_parts[1:]
            if parent_level or not url_path.startswith('/'):
                start, end = parent_level + 1, parent_level
                if sub_level:
                    if sub_level == 1:
                        parent_level -= 1
                    start, end = parent_level, 1
                    start, end = 1, sub_level - 1
            joined_result = '/'.join(name_parts[:-start] + url_parts[end:])
            hashed_url = self.url(unquote(joined_result), force=True)
            file_name = hashed_url.split('/')[-1:]
            relative_url = '/'.join(url_path.split('/')[:-1] + file_name)
            if fragment:
                relative_url += '?#%s' % fragment if '?#' in url else '#%s' % fragment

            # Return the hashed version to the file
            return template % unquote(relative_url)
文件: storage.py 项目: nbsky/django
        def converter(matchobj):
            Converts the matched URL depending on the parent level (`..`)
            and returns the normalized and hashed URL using the url method
            of the storage.
            matched, url = matchobj.groups()
            # Completely ignore http(s) prefixed URLs,
            # fragments and data-uri URLs
            if url.startswith(('#', 'http:', 'https:', 'data:', '//')):
                return matched
            name_parts = name.split(os.sep)
            # Using posix normpath here to remove duplicates
            url = posixpath.normpath(url)
            # Strip off the fragment so that a path-like fragment won't confuse
            # the lookup.
            url_path, fragment = urldefrag(url)
            url_parts = url_path.split('/')
            parent_level, sub_level = url_path.count('..'), url_path.count('/')
            if url_path.startswith('/'):
                sub_level -= 1
                url_parts = url_parts[1:]
            if parent_level or not url_path.startswith('/'):
                start, end = parent_level + 1, parent_level
                if sub_level:
                    if sub_level == 1:
                        parent_level -= 1
                    start, end = parent_level, 1
                    start, end = 1, sub_level - 1
            joined_result = '/'.join(name_parts[:-start] + url_parts[end:])
            hashed_url = self.url(unquote(joined_result), force=True)
            file_name = hashed_url.split('/')[-1:]
            relative_url = '/'.join(url_path.split('/')[:-1] + file_name)
            if fragment:
                relative_url += '?#%s' % fragment if '?#' in url else '#%s' % fragment

            # Return the hashed version to the file
            return template % unquote(relative_url)
from __future__ import unicode_literals