def initialize_fixture(fixture_path, database='fixture_tools_db', debug=False, force=False): """ @brief: Adds up-to-date South migration history to the fixture at \a fixture_path. @author: Jivan @since: 2014-05-23 @param force: If True, existing South migration history in the fixture will be ignored. If False, fixtures with South migration history will result in a warning and remain unchanged. """ fms = get_latest_fixture_migrations(fixture_path) # If there is migration history in the fixture, and we're not forcing an overwrite. if len(fms) > 0 and not force: msg = 'Found South migration history in fixture:\n{}\n'\ "If you want to overwrite the fixture's South migration history please use --force."\ .format(fixture_path) logger.warning(msg) ret = False else: django.db.close_connection() reset_db(database=database, debug=debug) sync_all(database=database, debug=debug) load_fixture(fixture_path, database=database) # If there is migration history history & we're forcing an overwrite if len(fms) > 0 and force: # Scrap the migration history from the fixture MigrationHistory.objects.all().delete() migrate_and_dump(fixture_path, database=database, fake=True) ret = True return ret
def db_sample(db_obj_iterable, skip_south_history=False, child_depth=1, dest_db_alias=FIXTURE_DB, show_progress=False, outfile=None): at_least_one_object = False if show_progress: print("Sampling {} objects from 'origin' to '{}".format(len(db_obj_iterable), dest_db_alias)) # Make an empty database with schema reflecting current code. if show_progress: print("Emptying destination database '{}'".format(dest_db_alias)) django.db.close_connection() reset_db(database=dest_db_alias) sync_all(database=dest_db_alias) if not skip_south_history: fake_migrations(database=dest_db_alias) if show_progress: print("Destination database emptied, sampling objects.") # Copy requested objects from default db to fixture db. if show_progress: output_description = """ O = top-level object being sampled. . = top-level object dependency being saved. """ print(output_description) for obj in db_obj_iterable: at_least_one_object = True if show_progress: sys.stdout.write('O') sys.stdout.flush() sample_object(obj, child_depth=child_depth, dest_db_alias=dest_db_alias, show_progress=show_progress) if not at_least_one_object: logger.warn('No objects were requested for sampling. Did you want an empty fixture?') if show_progress: print() # Dump sampled data dumpdata(dest_db_alias, outfile)
def migrate_fixture(fixture_path, database='fixture_tools_db', load_commit=None, debug=False): """ @brief: Migrates \a fixture_path from the commit it was last modified to the current state of South migrations. @author: Jivan @since: 2014-05-23 @param load_commit: If not None, this commit will be used to load \a fixture_path instead of the commit in which it was most recently modified commit. """ fms = get_latest_fixture_migrations(fixture_path) # If there is no migration history in the fixture, exit with warning if len(fms) == 0:'There is no South migration history in this fixture. You need to '\ 'initialize the fixture before attempting to migrate it.') ret = False else:'--- Finding commit when fixture was last modified.') original_branch, load_commit = \ identify_and_check_out_last_modified_commit( fixture_path, debug=debug, commit=load_commit )'Using commit: {} to load fixture.'.format( load_commit[:8]))'--- Creating compatible database.') # Prevents 'another session is using the database' errors due to lingering connections. django.db.close_connection() clear_south_migration_caches() reset_db(database=database) if debug: if not query_yes_no('Database reset, continue?'): check_out_branch(original_branch, debug=debug) return False sync_all(database=database) if debug: if not query_yes_no('Empty database created, continue?'): check_out_branch(original_branch, debug=debug) return False'--- Loading fixture.')'Fixture name: {}'.format(fixture_path)) load_fixture(fixture_path, database=database)'--- Checking out original commit.') check_out_branch(original_branch, debug=debug) # This is performed in a subprocess because the django model caching gets too confused # by checking out a different commit to do it in this process. '--- Migrating to latest and dumping back to fixture file.') migrate_and_dump_cmd = ' '.join([ 'python', '../django_fixture_tools/', 'migrate_and_dump', fixture_path ]) migrate_and_dump_out = check_output(migrate_and_dump_cmd, shell=True) ret = True return ret
def migrate_fixture(fixture_path, database='fixture_tools_db', load_commit=None, debug=False): """ @brief: Migrates \a fixture_path from the commit it was last modified to the current state of South migrations. @author: Jivan @since: 2014-05-23 @param load_commit: If not None, this commit will be used to load \a fixture_path instead of the commit in which it was most recently modified commit. """ fms = get_latest_fixture_migrations(fixture_path) # If there is no migration history in the fixture, exit with warning if len(fms) == 0:'There is no South migration history in this fixture. You need to '\ 'initialize the fixture before attempting to migrate it.') ret = False else:'--- Finding commit when fixture was last modified.') original_branch, load_commit = \ identify_and_check_out_last_modified_commit( fixture_path, debug=debug, commit=load_commit )'Using commit: {} to load fixture.'.format(load_commit[:8]))'--- Creating compatible database.') # Prevents 'another session is using the database' errors due to lingering connections. django.db.close_connection() clear_south_migration_caches() reset_db(database=database) if debug: if not query_yes_no('Database reset, continue?'): check_out_branch(original_branch, debug=debug) return False sync_all(database=database) if debug: if not query_yes_no('Empty database created, continue?'): check_out_branch(original_branch, debug=debug) return False'--- Loading fixture.')'Fixture name: {}'.format(fixture_path)) load_fixture(fixture_path, database=database)'--- Checking out original commit.') check_out_branch(original_branch, debug=debug) # This is performed in a subprocess because the django model caching gets too confused # by checking out a different commit to do it in this process.'--- Migrating to latest and dumping back to fixture file.') migrate_and_dump_cmd = ' '.join(['python','../django_fixture_tools/', 'migrate_and_dump', fixture_path]) migrate_and_dump_out = check_output(migrate_and_dump_cmd, shell=True) ret = True return ret