 def test_textfield(self):
     "Tests that String content fits also in a TextField"
     mapping = copy(city_mapping)
     mapping['name_txt'] = 'Name'
     lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, mapping)
     lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)
     self.assertEqual(City.objects.count(), 3)
     self.assertEqual(City.objects.all().order_by('name_txt')[0].name_txt, "Houston")
    def test_layermap_strict(self):
        "Testing the `strict` keyword, and import of a LineString shapefile."
        # When the `strict` keyword is set an error encountered will force
        # the importation to stop.
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidDecimal):
            lm = LayerMapping(Interstate, inter_shp, inter_mapping)
            lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)

        # This LayerMapping should work b/c `strict` is not set.
        lm = LayerMapping(Interstate, inter_shp, inter_mapping)

        # Two interstate should have imported correctly.
        self.assertEqual(2, Interstate.objects.count())

        # Verifying the values in the layer w/the model.
        ds = DataSource(inter_shp)

        # Only the first two features of this shapefile are valid.
        valid_feats = ds[0][:2]
        for feat in valid_feats:
            istate = Interstate.objects.get(name=feat['Name'].value)

            if feat.fid == 0:
                self.assertEqual(Decimal(str(feat['Length'])), istate.length)
            elif feat.fid == 1:
                # Everything but the first two decimal digits were truncated,
                # because the Interstate model's `length` field has decimal_places=2.
                self.assertAlmostEqual(feat.get('Length'), float(istate.length), 2)

            for p1, p2 in zip(feat.geom, istate.path):
                self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[0], p2[0], 6)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(p1[1], p2[1], 6)
    def test_test_fid_range_step(self):
        "Tests the `fid_range` keyword and the `step` keyword of .save()."
        # Function for clearing out all the counties before testing.
        def clear_counties(): County.objects.all().delete()

            State(name='Colorado'), State(name='Hawaii'), State(name='Texas')

        # Initializing the LayerMapping object to use in these tests.
        lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name')

        # Bad feature id ranges should raise a type error.
        bad_ranges = (5.0, 'foo', co_shp)
        for bad in bad_ranges:
            self.assertRaises(TypeError, lm.save, fid_range=bad)

        # Step keyword should not be allowed w/`fid_range`.
        fr = (3, 5) # layer[3:5]
        self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, lm.save, fid_range=fr, step=10)

        # Features IDs 3 & 4 are for Galveston County, Texas -- only
        # one model is returned because the `unique` keyword was set.
        qs = County.objects.all()
        self.assertEqual(1, qs.count())
        self.assertEqual('Galveston', qs[0].name)

        # Features IDs 5 and beyond for Honolulu County, Hawaii, and
        # FID 0 is for Pueblo County, Colorado.
        lm.save(fid_range=slice(5, None), silent=True, strict=True) # layer[5:]
        lm.save(fid_range=slice(None, 1), silent=True, strict=True) # layer[:1]

        # Only Pueblo & Honolulu counties should be present because of
        # the `unique` keyword.  Have to set `order_by` on this QuerySet
        # or else MySQL will return a different ordering than the other dbs.
        qs = County.objects.order_by('name')
        self.assertEqual(2, qs.count())
        hi, co = tuple(qs)
        hi_idx, co_idx = tuple(map(NAMES.index, ('Honolulu', 'Pueblo')))
        self.assertEqual('Pueblo', co.name)
        self.assertEqual(NUMS[co_idx], len(co.mpoly))
        self.assertEqual('Honolulu', hi.name)
        self.assertEqual(NUMS[hi_idx], len(hi.mpoly))

        # Testing the `step` keyword -- should get the same counties
        # regardless of we use a step that divides equally, that is odd,
        # or that is larger than the dataset.
        for st in (4,7,1000):
            lm.save(step=st, strict=True)
    def test_simple_layermap(self):
        "Test LayerMapping import of a simple point shapefile."
        # Setting up for the LayerMapping.
        lm = LayerMapping(City, city_shp, city_mapping)

        # There should be three cities in the shape file.
        self.assertEqual(3, City.objects.count())

        # Opening up the shapefile, and verifying the values in each
        # of the features made it to the model.
        ds = DataSource(city_shp)
        layer = ds[0]
        for feat in layer:
            city = City.objects.get(name=feat['Name'].value)
            self.assertEqual(feat['Population'].value, city.population)
            self.assertEqual(Decimal(str(feat['Density'])), city.density)
            self.assertEqual(feat['Created'].value, city.dt)

            # Comparing the geometries.
            pnt1, pnt2 = feat.geom, city.point
            self.assertAlmostEqual(pnt1.x, pnt2.x, 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(pnt1.y, pnt2.y, 5)
    def test_model_inheritance(self):
        "Tests LayerMapping on inherited models.  See #12093."
        icity_mapping = {'name' : 'Name',
                         'population' : 'Population',
                         'density' : 'Density',
                         'point' : 'POINT',
                         'dt' : 'Created',

        # Parent model has geometry field.
        lm1 = LayerMapping(ICity1, city_shp, icity_mapping)

        # Grandparent has geometry field.
        lm2 = LayerMapping(ICity2, city_shp, icity_mapping)

        self.assertEqual(6, ICity1.objects.count())
        self.assertEqual(3, ICity2.objects.count())
 def test_invalid_layer(self):
     "Tests LayerMapping on invalid geometries.  See #15378."
     invalid_mapping = {'point': 'POINT'}
     lm = LayerMapping(Invalid, invalid_shp, invalid_mapping,
    def test_layermap_unique_multigeometry_fk(self):
        "Testing the `unique`, and `transform`, geometry collection conversion, and ForeignKey mappings."
        # All the following should work.
            # Telling LayerMapping that we want no transformations performed on the data.
            lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False)

            # Specifying the source spatial reference system via the `source_srs` keyword.
            lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, source_srs=4269)
            lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, source_srs='NAD83')

            # Unique may take tuple or string parameters.
            for arg in ('name', ('name', 'mpoly')):
                lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique=arg)
            self.fail('No exception should be raised for proper use of keywords.')

        # Testing invalid params for the `unique` keyword.
        for e, arg in ((TypeError, 5.0), (ValueError, 'foobar'), (ValueError, ('name', 'mpolygon'))):
            self.assertRaises(e, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique=arg)

        # No source reference system defined in the shapefile, should raise an error.
        if not mysql:
            self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, co_mapping)

        # Passing in invalid ForeignKey mapping parameters -- must be a dictionary
        # mapping for the model the ForeignKey points to.
        bad_fk_map1 = copy(co_mapping); bad_fk_map1['state'] = 'name'
        bad_fk_map2 = copy(co_mapping); bad_fk_map2['state'] = {'nombre' : 'State'}
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, bad_fk_map1, transform=False)
        self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, bad_fk_map2, transform=False)

        # There exist no State models for the ForeignKey mapping to work -- should raise
        # a MissingForeignKey exception (this error would be ignored if the `strict`
        # keyword is not set).
        lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name')
        self.assertRaises(MissingForeignKey, lm.save, silent=True, strict=True)

        # Now creating the state models so the ForeignKey mapping may work.
            State(name='Colorado'), State(name='Hawaii'), State(name='Texas')

        # If a mapping is specified as a collection, all OGR fields that
        # are not collections will be converted into them.  For example,
        # a Point column would be converted to MultiPoint. Other things being done
        # w/the keyword args:
        #  `transform=False`: Specifies that no transform is to be done; this
        #    has the effect of ignoring the spatial reference check (because the
        #    county shapefile does not have implicit spatial reference info).
        #  `unique='name'`: Creates models on the condition that they have
        #    unique county names; geometries from each feature however will be
        #    appended to the geometry collection of the unique model.  Thus,
        #    all of the various islands in Honolulu county will be in in one
        #    database record with a MULTIPOLYGON type.
        lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name')
        lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)

        # A reference that doesn't use the unique keyword; a new database record will
        # created for each polygon.
        lm = LayerMapping(CountyFeat, co_shp, cofeat_mapping, transform=False)
        lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)

        # The county helper is called to ensure integrity of County models.