    def prepareTestRunner(self, runner):
        Before running tests, initialize database et al, so noone will complain
        # FIXME: this should be lazy for tests that do not need test
        # database at all
        from django.db import connection
        from django.conf import settings
        self.old_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME

            from django.db import connections
        except ImportError:
            connections = {DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS: connection}

        if not self.persist_test_database or test_database_exists():
            #connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity=False, autoclobber=True)
            self.old_config = self.setup_databases(verbosity=False,

            for db in connections:
                if 'south' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and getattr(
                        settings, 'DST_RUN_SOUTH_MIGRATIONS', True):
                    call_command('migrate', database=db)

                if getattr(settings,
                           "FLUSH_TEST_DATABASE_AFTER_INITIAL_SYNCDB", False):
                    getattr(settings, "TEST_DATABASE_FLUSH_COMMAND",
                            flush_database)(self, database=db)


        self.need_flush = False
    def prepareTestRunner(self, runner):
        Before running tests, initialize database et al, so noone will complain
        # FIXME: this should be lazy for tests that do not need test
        # database at all

        from django.conf import settings
        self.old_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME

        connections = self._get_databases()

        if not self.persist_test_database or test_database_exists():
            #connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity=False, autoclobber=True)
            self.old_config = self.setup_databases(verbosity=False,

            for db in connections:
                if getattr(settings,
                           "FLUSH_TEST_DATABASE_AFTER_INITIAL_SYNCDB", False):
                    getattr(settings, "TEST_DATABASE_FLUSH_COMMAND",
                            flush_database)(self, database=db)


        self.need_flush = False
    def prepareTestRunner(self, runner):
        Before running tests, initialize database et al, so noone will complain
        # FIXME: this should be lazy for tests that do not need test
        # database at all
        from django.db import connection
        from django.conf import settings
        self.old_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME

            from django.db import connections
        except ImportError:
            connections = {DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS : connection}

        if not self.persist_test_database or test_database_exists():
            #connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity=False, autoclobber=True)
            self.old_config = self.setup_databases(verbosity=False, autoclobber=True)

            for db in connections:
                if 'south' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and getattr(settings, 'DST_RUN_SOUTH_MIGRATIONS', True):
                    call_command('migrate', database=db)

                if getattr(settings, "FLUSH_TEST_DATABASE_AFTER_INITIAL_SYNCDB", False):
                    getattr(settings, "TEST_DATABASE_FLUSH_COMMAND", flush_database)(self, database=db)


        self.need_flush = False
    def prepareTestRunner(self, runner):
        Before running tests, initialize database et al, so noone will complain
        # FIXME: this should be lazy for tests that do not need test
        # database at all
        from django.conf import settings
        self.old_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME

        connections = self._get_databases()

        if not self.persist_test_database or test_database_exists():
            #connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity=False, autoclobber=True)
            self.old_config = self.setup_databases(verbosity=False, autoclobber=True)

            for db in connections:
                if getattr(settings, "FLUSH_TEST_DATABASE_AFTER_INITIAL_SYNCDB", False):
                    getattr(settings, "TEST_DATABASE_FLUSH_COMMAND", flush_database)(self, database=db)


        self.need_flush = False