def train_model(clf: CnnClassifier, results_file: TextIO) -> TrainedModel: ''' Trains a CNN classifier. Computes the accuracy on the validation set. Returns both the trained classifier and accuracy. ''' results_file.write('epoch,train_loss,train_loss_sd,val_accuracy\n') n_epochs = 100 for i in range(n_epochs): print(f"epoch {i+1}") # reset list of per-epoch training loss loss_train = [] for batch in train_batches: # train classifier loss_train.append(clf.train(, batch.label)) # output as requested loss_train = np.array(loss_train) print(f" train loss: {np.mean(loss_train):5.3f} +- " f"{np.std(loss_train):5.3f}") # calculate validation accuracy accuracy = Accuracy() for batch in val_batches: # predict and update accuracy prediction = clf.predict( accuracy.update(prediction, batch.label) print(f" val acc: {accuracy}") results_file.write(f"{i},{np.mean(loss_train)},") results_file.write(f"{np.std(loss_train)},{accuracy.accuracy()}\n") return TrainedModel(clf, accuracy)
epochs_since_best_accuracy = 0 for epoch in range(0, EPOCHS): print("Epoche: ", epoch + 1) for batch in batchGenerator_training: loss = clf.train(, batch.label) loss_list.append(loss) loss = np.array(loss_list) loss_mean = np.mean(loss) loss_deviation = np.std(loss) print("Train loss: ", loss_mean, "-+", loss_deviation) accuracy.reset() for batch in batchGenerator_validation: predictions = clf.predict( accuracy.update(predictions.cpu().detach().numpy(), batch.label) print("Val " + str(accuracy)) if EARLY_STOPPING: epochs_since_best_accuracy += 1 if best_accuracy < accuracy.accuracy(): best_accuracy = accuracy.accuracy(), "best_model.pth") epochs_since_best_accuracy = 0 if epochs_since_best_accuracy > EARLY_STOPPING_NUM_OF_EPOCHS: print( str(EARLY_STOPPING_NUM_OF_EPOCHS) + " epochs passed without improvement in validation accuracy. Stopping the training now." + "best validation accuracy: " + str(best_accuracy))
def train(lr, wd, operation): print("Training a network with:") print("Weight Decay = {}".format(wd)) print("Augmentation = {}".format(operation)) print("Learning Rate = {}".format(lr)) device = torch.device("cuda" if CUDA else "cpu") img_shape = train_data.image_shape() num_classes = train_data.num_classes() net = Net(img_shape, num_classes).to(device) clf = CnnClassifier(net, (0, *img_shape), num_classes, lr, wd) op = operations[operation] train_batches = BatchGenerator(train_data, 128, False, op) val_batches = BatchGenerator(val_data, 128, False, op) not_improved_since = 0 best_accuracy = 0 best_loss = 0 stop_epoch = 0 for epoch in range(NR_EPOCHS): print("Epoch {}/{}".format(epoch, NR_EPOCHS), end="\r") losses = [] for batch in train_batches: loss = clf.train(, batch.label) losses.append(loss) losses = np.array(losses) mean = round(np.mean(losses), 3) std = round(np.std(losses), 3) accuracy = Accuracy() for batch in val_batches: predictions = clf.predict( accuracy.update(predictions, batch.label) acc = round(accuracy.accuracy(), 3) # Early stopping if acc > best_accuracy: stop_epoch = epoch not_improved_since = 0 best_accuracy = acc best_loss = mean else: not_improved_since += 1 if not_improved_since > EARLY_STOPPING: # if not improved since 5 epochs stop training break print() print("Best val accuracy after epoch {}".format(stop_epoch + 1)) print("Validation Accuracy: {}".format(best_accuracy)) print("Train Loss: {}".format(best_loss)) with open(RESULTS_FILE, "a") as file: file.write("Trained a network with:\n") file.write("Weight Decay = {}\n".format(wd)) file.write("Augmentation = {}\n".format(operation)) file.write("Learning Rate = {}\n".format(lr)) file.write("---\n") file.write("Best val accuracy after epoch {}\n".format(stop_epoch + 1)) file.write("Validation Accuracy: {}\n".format(best_accuracy)) file.write("Train Loss: {}\n".format(best_loss)) file.write("\n#################################\n")