def get_fc(mu):
    fc = fermionchain.Fermionic_Hamiltonian(n)  # create the chain

    ####### Input matrices #######

    # Array with the hoppings and with hubbard couplings
    # These are the matrices that you have to modify
    hopping = np.zeros((n, n))
    hubbard = np.zeros((n, n))
    for i in range(n - 1):
        hopping[i, i + 1] = 1.
        hopping[i + 1, i] = 1.
    for i in range(n - 3):
        hopping[i, i + 3] = 1. / 3.
        hopping[i + 3, i] = 1. / 3.
    for i in range(n):
        U = 4.0
        hubbard[i, i] = U / 2.
        hopping[i, i] = -U + mu

    # The implemented Hamiltonian is
    # H = \sum_ij hopping[i,j] c^dagger_i c_j + hubbard[i,j] n_i n_j
    # with n_i = c^\dagger_{i,up} c_{i,up} + c^\dagger_{i,dn} c_{i,dn}

    # the previous matrices are for a half filled Hubbard chain


    # Setup the Many Body Hamiltonian
    fc.set_hoppings(lambda i, j: hopping[i, j])  # set the hoppings
    fc.set_hubbard(lambda i, j: hubbard[i, j])  # set the hubbard constants
    #fc.set_fields(lambda i: [0.,0.,0.2]) # set the hubbard constants

    #fc.nsweeps = 7

    # Compute the dynamical correlator defined by
    # <0|c_i^dagger \delta(H-E_0-\omega) c_j |0>

    i = 0  # first index of the dynamical correlator
    j = 0  # second index of the dynamical correlator
    delta = 0.1  # energy resolution (approximate)
    fc.nsweeps = 14
    fc.kpmmaxm = 20  # maximum bond dimension in KPM
    return fc
def get_fc(U):
    n = ns*2
    fc = fermionchain.Fermionic_Hamiltonian(n) # create the chain
    C = fc.C
    Cdag = fc.Cdag
    N = fc.N
    # add the Hamiltonian
    h = 0
    # add hopping
    for i in range(ns-1):
        for j in range(2):
          h = h + Cdag[2*i+j]*C[2*(i+1)+j]
    # add Hubbard
    h = h + h.get_dagger()
    for i in range(ns):
      d = 0
      for j in range(2): d = d + N[2*i+j]
      h = h + U*(d*d - 2*d) # Hubbard term
    return fc
# Add the root path of the dmrgpy library
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '/../../src')

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dmrgpy import fermionchain
n = 4
fc = fermionchain.Fermionic_Hamiltonian(n)  # create the chain
m = np.matrix(np.random.random((n, n)) + 1j * np.random.random((n, n)))
m = m + m.H  # Make it Hermitian

def ft(i, j):
    return m[i, j]

def fu(i, j):
    if abs(i - j) == 1: return 1.0
    else: return 0.0

# Initialize the Hamiltonian
fc.set_hoppings(ft)  # hoppings
fc.set_hubbard(fu)  # hubbard
e0 = fc.gs_energy(mode="ED")  # energy with exact diagonalization
e1 = fc.gs_energy(mode="DMRG")  # energy with DMRG
print("Energy with ED", e0)
print("Energy with DMRG", e1)
# Add the root path of the dmrgpy library
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '/../../src')

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dmrgpy import fermionchain
n = 10
fc = fermionchain.Fermionic_Hamiltonian(n, spinful=False)  # create the chain

def ft(i, j):
    if abs(j - i) == 1: return 1.0
    if i == j: return 0.5
    return 0.0

fc.set_hoppings(ft)  # hoppings

e = fc.gs_energy()  # energy with DMRG
print("Ground state energy", e)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Now compute the ground state correlator
pairs = [(0, i) for i in range(n)]
cs0 = fc.get_correlator(pairs=pairs, mode="DMRG")
cs1 = fc.get_correlator(pairs=pairs, mode="ED")
x = np.array(range(len(cs0)))  # distances
plt.plot(x, cs0, c="blue", label="DMRG")
import numpy as np
from dmrgpy import fermionchain

nf = 10  # number of different spinless fermionic orbitals
fc = fermionchain.Fermionic_Hamiltonian(nf)  # create the object
C = fc.C  # annihilation
Cdag = fc.Cdag  # creation

H = 0  # initialize Hamiltonian

# random Hamiltonian
for i in range(nf - 1):
    H = H + Cdag[i] * C[i +
                        1] * np.random.random()  # random first neigh. hopping
    H = H + C[i] * C[i + 1] * np.random.random()  # random first neigh. pairing
    # random first neigh. interaction
    H = H + Cdag[i] * C[i] * Cdag[i + 1] * C[i + 1] * np.random.random()

H = H + H.get_dagger()  # make it Hermitian

fc.set_hamiltonian(H)  # set the Hamiltonian
print("Energy with DMRG", fc.gs_energy(mode="DMRG"))  # energy with DMRG
print("Energy with ED", fc.gs_energy(mode="ED"))  # energy with exact diag.