def initialize(self, mlsl, nnl, seed=None, weight_range=1.0, outputs_from_mlsl=None, use_softmax=True): """ Initialize an object of this class that binds a new NN on top of an existing MLSL object :param mlsl: :type mlsl: MLSL :param nnl: :type nnl: list :param seed: :type seed: :param weight_range: :type weight_range: :return: :rtype: """ self.mlsl_output_size = mlsl.output_sizes[ -1] if outputs_from_mlsl else outputs_from_mlsl # Change input size of Neural net to assigned feature size plus MLSL outputs nnl[0] += self.mlsl_output_size self.outputs_from_mlsl = outputs_from_mlsl self.mlsl = mlsl self.nnet = DNN() self.nnet.initialize(nnl=nnl, seed=seed, weight_range=weight_range) self.use_softmax = use_softmax
def evaluate_mlp_ner(): cws = DNN('mlp', mode=TrainMode.Sentence, is_seg=True, task='ner') model = 'tmp/mlp/mlp-ner-model1.ckpt' # print(cws.seg('在中国致公党第十一次全国代表大会隆重召开之际,中国共产党中央委员会谨向大会表示热烈的祝贺,向致公党的同志们', model,ner=True)) print(cws.seg('多饮多尿多食', model, ner=True)) print(cws.seg('无明显小便泡沫增多,伴有夜尿3次。', model, ner=True)) print(cws.seg('无明显双脚疼痛,无间歇性后跛行,无明显足部红肿破溃', model, ner=True, debug=False))
def get_ner(content, model_name): if model_name.startswith('tmp/mlp'): dnn = DNN('mlp', mode=TrainMode.Sentence, task='ner', is_seg=True) else: dnn = DNN('lstm', task='ner', is_seg=True) ner = dnn.seg(content, model_path=model_name, ner=True, trans=True) return ner[1]
def __init__(self, num_actions, observation_shape, dqn_params, cnn_params, folder): self.num_actions = num_actions self.observation_shape= observation_shape self.cnn_params = cnn_params self.folder = folder self.epsilon = dqn_params['epsilon'] self.gamma = dqn_params['gamma'] self.mini_batch_size = dqn_params['mini_batch_size'] self.time_step = 0 self.decay_rate = dqn_params['decay_rate'] self.epsilon_min = dqn_params['epsilon_min'] self.current_epsilon = self.epsilon self.use_ddqn = dqn_params['use_ddqn'] self.print_obs = dqn_params['print_obs'] self.print_reward = dqn_params['print_reward'] self.startTraining = False #memory for printing reward and observations self.memory = deque(maxlen=1000) #PER memory self.per_memory = Memory(dqn_params['memory_capacity']) #initialize network self.model = DNN(folder, num_actions, observation_shape, cnn_params) print("model initialized") #extra network for Double DQN if self.use_ddqn == 1: self.target_model = CNN(folder, num_actions, observation_shape, cnn_params)
def main(): x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = data.mnist(one_hot=True) # Define Deep Neural Network structure (input_dim, num_of_nodes) layers = [[x_train.shape[1], 256], [256, 128], [128, 64]] # Initialize a deep neural network dnn = DNN(MODEL_FOLDER, os_slash, layers, params) pre_epochs = 100 train_epochs = 100 # Create auto-encoders and train them one by one by stacking them in the DNN pre_trained_weights = dnn.pre_train(x_train, pre_epochs) # Then use the pre-trained weights of these layers as initial weight values for the MLP history = dnn.train(x_train, y_train, train_epochs, init_weights=pre_trained_weights) plot.plot_loss(history, loss_type='MSE') predicted, score = dnn.test(x_test, y_test) print("Test accuracy: ", score[1]) dnn.model.save_weights(MODEL_FOLDER + os_slash + "final_weights.h5") + os_slash + "model.h5") save_results(score[1])
def __init__(self, numpy_rng, theano_rng=None, cfg=None, cfg_tower1=None, cfg_tower2=None): self.layers = [] self.params = [] self.delta_params = [] self.cfg = cfg self.cfg_tower1 = cfg_tower1 self.cfg_tower2 = cfg_tower2 if not theano_rng: theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2**30)) # allocate symbolic variables for the data self.x = T.matrix('x') self.y = T.ivector('y') self.input_tower1 = self.x[:, 0:cfg_tower1.n_ins] self.input_tower2 = self.x[:, cfg_tower1.n_ins:(cfg_tower1.n_ins + cfg_tower2.n_ins)] self.dnn_tower1 = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=self.cfg_tower1, input=self.input_tower1) self.dnn_tower2 = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=self.cfg_tower2, input=self.input_tower2) concat_output = T.concatenate([ self.dnn_tower1.layers[-1].output, self.dnn_tower2.layers[-1].output ], axis=1) self.dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=self.cfg, input=concat_output) self.layers.extend(self.dnn_tower1.layers) self.params.extend(self.dnn_tower1.params) self.delta_params.extend(self.dnn_tower1.delta_params) self.layers.extend(self.dnn_tower2.layers) self.params.extend(self.dnn_tower2.params) self.delta_params.extend(self.dnn_tower2.delta_params) self.layers.extend(self.dnn.layers) self.params.extend(self.dnn.params) self.delta_params.extend(self.dnn.delta_params) self.finetune_cost = self.dnn.logLayer.negative_log_likelihood(self.y) self.errors = self.dnn.logLayer.errors(self.y)
def runDNNTrain(self, corpus=None, learningRate=0.02, hiddenUnitSize=[128, 256, 128], dataKey='Question', labelKey='y'): if corpus is None: corpus = self.prepareDF(excelLocation=TRAIN_EXCEL) self.dnnObject = DNN(pd_df_train=corpus, pd_df_test=None, learning_rate=learningRate, hidden_units_size=hiddenUnitSize, dataKey=dataKey, labelKey=labelKey) result = return result
def create_columns(self, columns=5): for w in self.Ws: x_train = self.train_datasets[w] self.dnns[w] = [] for i in range(columns): model = DNN(width=x_train.shape[1], height=x_train.shape[2], depth=x_train.shape[3], classes=10) model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=Adadelta(), metrics=["accuracy"]) self.dnns[w].append(model)
def __init__(self, numpy_rng, theano_rng=None, cfg_si=None, cfg_adapt=None): # allocate symbolic variables for the data self.x = T.matrix('x') self.y = T.ivector('y') # we assume that i-vectors are appended to speech features in a frame-wise manner self.feat_dim = cfg_si.n_ins self.ivec_dim = cfg_adapt.n_ins self.iv = self.x[:, self.feat_dim:self.feat_dim + self.ivec_dim] self.feat = self.x[:, 0:self.feat_dim] # the parameters self.params = [] # the params to be updated in the current training self.delta_params = [] # the i-vector network dnn_adapt = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=cfg_adapt, input=self.iv) self.dnn_adapt = dnn_adapt # the final output layer which has the same dimension as the input features linear_func = lambda x: x adapt_output_layer = HiddenLayer( rng=numpy_rng, input=dnn_adapt.layers[-1].output, n_in=cfg_adapt.hidden_layers_sizes[-1], n_out=self.feat_dim, activation=linear_func) dnn_adapt.layers.append(adapt_output_layer) dnn_adapt.params.extend(adapt_output_layer.params) dnn_adapt.delta_params.extend(adapt_output_layer.delta_params) dnn_si = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=cfg_si, input=self.feat + dnn_adapt.layers[-1].output) self.dnn_si = dnn_si # construct a function that implements one step of finetunining # compute the cost for second phase of training, # defined as the negative log likelihood self.finetune_cost = dnn_si.logLayer.negative_log_likelihood(self.y) self.errors = dnn_si.logLayer.errors(self.y)
def runDNNTrain(self, learningRate=0.01, hiddenUnitSize=[100, 100], dataKey='Question', labelKey='y'): corpusTrain = self.prepareDF(excelLocation=TRAIN_EXCEL) dnnObject = DNN(pd_df_train=corpusTrain, pd_df_test=None, learning_rate=learningRate, hidden_units_size=hiddenUnitSize, dataKey=dataKey, labelKey=labelKey) result = return result
def evaluate_lstm(): cws = DNN('lstm', is_seg=True) model = 'tmp/lstm-model100.ckpt' print(cws.seg('小明来自南京师范大学', model, debug=True)) print(cws.seg('小明是上海理工大学的学生', model)) print(cws.seg('迈向充满希望的新世纪', model)) print(cws.seg('我爱北京天安门', model)) print(cws.seg('多饮多尿多食', model)) print(cws.seg('无明显小便泡沫增多,伴有夜尿3次。无明显双脚疼痛,无间歇性后跛行,无明显足部红肿破溃', model))
def main2(): dnn = DNN(input=28 * 28, layers=[DropoutLayer(160, LQ), Layer(10, LCE)], eta=0.05, lmbda=1) # 98% dnn.initialize_rand() train, test, vadilation = load_mnist_simple() f_names = [f'mnist_expaned_k0{i}.pkl.gz' for i in range(50)] shuffle(f_names) for f_name in f_names: print(f_name) with timing("load"): raw_data = load_data(f_name) with timing("shuffle"): shuffle(raw_data) with timing("reshape"): data = [(x.reshape((784, 1)), y) for x, y in islice(raw_data, 100000)] del raw_data with timing("learn"): dnn.learn(data) del data print('TEST:', dnn.test(test))
def __init__(self, numpy_rng, theano_rng=None, cfg=None, testing=False): self.layers = [] self.params = [] self.delta_params = [] self.conv_layers = [] self.cfg = cfg self.conv_layer_configs = cfg.conv_layer_configs self.conv_activation = cfg.conv_activation self.use_fast = cfg.use_fast if not theano_rng: theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2**30)) # allocate symbolic variables for the data self.x = T.matrix('x') self.y = T.ivector('y') self.conv_layer_num = len(self.conv_layer_configs) for i in xrange(self.conv_layer_num): if i == 0: input = self.x else: input = self.layers[-1].output config = self.conv_layer_configs[i] conv_layer = ConvLayer(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, input=input, input_shape=config['input_shape'], filter_shape=config['filter_shape'], poolsize=config['poolsize'], activation=self.conv_activation, flatten=config['flatten'], use_fast=self.use_fast, testing=testing) self.layers.append(conv_layer) self.conv_layers.append(conv_layer) self.params.extend(conv_layer.params) self.delta_params.extend(conv_layer.delta_params) self.conv_output_dim = config['output_shape'][1] * config[ 'output_shape'][2] * config['output_shape'][3] cfg.n_ins = config['output_shape'][1] * config['output_shape'][ 2] * config['output_shape'][3] self.fc_dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=self.cfg, input=self.layers[-1].output) self.layers.extend(self.fc_dnn.layers) self.params.extend(self.fc_dnn.params) self.delta_params.extend(self.fc_dnn.delta_params) self.finetune_cost = self.fc_dnn.logLayer.negative_log_likelihood( self.y) self.errors = self.fc_dnn.logLayer.errors(self.y)
def __init__(self, name='Goodone', net=None, train=0): """ 初始化 net: 训练的神经网络 verity:使用还是验证阶段 验证阶段,神经网络未训练 使用阶段,神经网络已训练 """ self.env = gym.make("MountainCarContinuous-v0") = name self.simulation_step = 0.1 self.units = 50 self.ratio = 200 self.reset() if net: = net else: = DNN(1, 1, self.units, train=train,
def getDNN(loader, args): sys.path.insert(1, os.getcwd()) #try: from dnn import DNN # if args.rank == 0: # print('Successfully imported your model.') # except: # if args.rank == 0: # print('Could not import your model. Exiting.') # exit(-1) return DNN(loader.getXShape())
def __init__(self, nnet_conf, input_dim, output_dim, feature_conf, num_gpus = 1, use_gpu = True, gpu_ids = '-1', summary_dir = None): ''' just some basic config for this trainer ''' self.arch = nnet_conf['nnet_arch'] #tensorflow related self.graph = None self.sess = None #feature related self.batch_size = feature_conf['batch_size'] self.max_length = feature_conf.get('max_length', 0) self.jitter_window = feature_conf.get('jitter_window', 0) #nnet training & decoding self.buckets_tr = nnet_conf.get('buckets_tr', None) self.buckets = nnet_conf.get('buckets', None) # for learning rate schedule. None in default (means scheduler outside) # otherwise use prep_learning_rate self.global_step = None self.learning_rate = None #gpu related self.wait_gpu = True self.num_gpus = num_gpus self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.gpu_ids = gpu_ids #summary directory self.summary_dir = summary_dir if self.arch == 'dnn': self.model = DNN(input_dim, output_dim, self.batch_size, num_gpus) elif self.arch == 'bn': self.model = BN(input_dim, output_dim, self.batch_size, num_gpus) elif self.arch == 'lstm': self.model = LSTM(input_dim, output_dim, self.batch_size, self.max_length, num_gpus) elif self.arch == 'seq2class': self.model = SEQ2CLASS(input_dim, output_dim, self.batch_size, self.max_length, num_gpus, buckets_tr = self.buckets_tr, buckets = self.buckets) elif self.arch == 'jointdnn': self.model = JOINTDNN(input_dim, output_dim, self.batch_size, self.max_length, num_gpus, buckets_tr = self.buckets_tr, buckets = self.buckets, mode = nnet_conf.get('mode', 'joint')) elif self.arch == 'jointdnn-sid': self.model = JOINTDNN(input_dim, output_dim, self.batch_size, self.max_length, num_gpus, buckets_tr = self.buckets_tr, buckets = self.buckets, mode = 'sid') elif self.arch == 'jointdnn-asr': self.model = JOINTDNN(input_dim, output_dim, self.batch_size, self.max_length, num_gpus, buckets_tr = self.buckets_tr, buckets = self.buckets, mode = 'asr') else: raise RuntimeError("arch type %s not supported", self.arch)
def main(): train, test, vadilation = load_mnist_simple() # x, y = train[0] # print("x: ", x.shape) # print("y: ", y) with timing(f""): # dnn = DNN(input=28 * 28, layers=[Layer(30, LQ), Layer(10, LCE)], eta=0.05) # 96% # dnn = DNN(input=28 * 28, layers=[Layer(30, LQ), Layer(10, SM)], eta=0.001) # 68% # dnn = DNN(input=28 * 28, layers=[Layer(100, LQ), Layer(10, LCE)], eta=0.05, lmbda=5) # 98% # dnn = DNN(input=28 * 28, layers=[DropoutLayer(100, LQ), Layer(10, LCE)], eta=0.05) # 97.5% dnn = DNN(input=28 * 28, layers=[DropoutLayer(160, LQ), Layer(10, LCE)], eta=0.05, lmbda=3) dnn.initialize_rand() dnn.learn(train, epochs=30, test=vadilation, batch_size=29) print('test:', dnn.test(test)) print(dnn.stats())
def run_experiment(hparams): ''' Google ML Engine entry point for training job. ''' model = DNN(784, 10) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as session: tf.nn.in_top_k(tf.constant([[2.0, 9.0], [7.0, 5.0], [0.0, 0.0]]), tf.constant([1, 0, 1]), 1).eval() for epoch in range(0, hparams.epochs): for X, Y in read_file_in_batches(hparams.train_file):, feed_dict={ model.x: X, model.y: Y }, ) X, Y = get_eval_data(hparams.eval_file) print("Epoch(%s) Error: %s " % (epoch,, feed_dict={ model.x: X, model.y: Y }))) X, Y = get_eval_data(hparams.eval_file) for i in range(10): print("==================================") plt.imshow(np.array(X[i]).reshape([28, 28])) print("::: %s" % Y[i]) result =, feed_dict={model.x: [ X[i], ]}) print("::: %s" % result) print("::: Digit: %s" %, 0)))
def evaluate_mlp(): cws = DNN('mlp', mode=TrainMode.Sentence) model = 'tmp/mlp-model20.ckpt' # print(cws.seg('小明来自南京师范大学', model, debug=True)) # print(cws.seg('小明是上海理工大学的学生', model)) # print(cws.seg('迈向充满希望的新世纪', model)) # print(cws.seg('我爱北京天安门', model)) # print(cws.seg('在中国致公党第十一次全国代表大会隆重召开之际,中国共产党中央委员会谨向大会表示热烈的祝贺,向致公党的同志们',model)) print(cws.seg('多饮多尿多食', model)) print(cws.seg('无明显小便泡沫增多,伴有夜尿3次。', model)) print(cws.seg('无明显小便泡沫增多,伴有夜尿3次。', model, ner=True)) print(cws.seg('无明显双脚疼痛,无间歇性后跛行,无明显足部红肿破溃', model))
def plot_accuracy(): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt train, test, vadilation = load_mnist_simple() dnn = DNN(input=28 * 28, layers=[Layer(100, LQ), Layer(10, LCE)], eta=0.05, lmbda=1) for l in dnn.layers: l.w = np.random.random(l.w.shape) - 0.5 acc1 = list(dnn.learn_iter(train, epochs=20, test=vadilation)) dnn.initialize_rand() acc2 = list(dnn.learn_iter(train, epochs=20, test=vadilation)) print(acc1) print(acc2) plt.plot(acc1) plt.plot(acc2)
def main(): options = { 'learning_rate': 0.1, 'beta1': 0.9, 'optimizer': 'gd', 'loss': 'crossentropy' } train_x, test_x, train_set_x_orig, train_set_y_orig, test_set_x_orig, test_set_y_orig, classes = load_data( ) X = np.array([[1, 2], [1, 2], [4, 2]]) Y = np.array([[0], [0], [0]]) print(train_x.shape) print(test_x.shape) print(train_set_y_orig.shape) print(train_set_y_orig[0, 0:10]) layers = [ Dense(32, activation='relu'), Dense(5, activation='relu'), Dense(1, activation='sigmoid') ] print(len(layers)) dnn = DNN(train_x, train_set_y_orig, layers, options) print(dnn.params.keys()) #for param in sorted(dnn.params): # print(param, dnn.params[param].shape) print(dnn) print(dnn.loss(dnn.predict(test_x), test_set_y_orig)) dnn.train()
return float(sum(array))/len(array) boston = datasets.load_boston() #boston = datasets.make_regression() #data = boston[0] #target = boston[1] data = target = matrix = Preprocess.to_matrix(list(data)) matrix = Preprocess.scale(matrix) matrix = list(matrix) target = list(target) layers = [13,7,1] dnn = DNN(matrix, target, layers, hidden_layer="TanhLayer", final_layer="LinearLayer", compression_epochs=5, smoothing_epochs=0, bias=True) full = print full #preds = [dnn.predict(d)[0] for d in matrix] preds = [full.activate(d)[0] for d in matrix] print "mrse preds {0}".format(mrse(preds, target)) print "rmse preds {0}".format(rmse(preds, target)) #mean = avg(target) #mean = [mean for i in range(len(target))] #print "mrse mean {0}".format(mrse(mean, target)) #print "rmse mean {0}".format(rmse(mean, target)) #for i in range(10): # d = matrix[i]
maxseq_length = 100 embedding_size = 300 batch_size = 32 keep_prob = 1.0 test_data = read_data('data/test.txt') test_data = np.array(test_data) test_X = test_data[:,0] test_Y = test_data[:,[-1]] word2vec = word2vec_load() if model_type == 'logistic': model = Logistic(maxseq_length, embedding_size) elif model_type == 'dnn': model = DNN(maxseq_length, embedding_size) elif model_type == 'rnn': model = RNN(batch_size, maxseq_length, embedding_size) elif model_type == 'lstm': model = LSTM(batch_size, maxseq_length, embedding_size, keep_prob) elif model_type == 'cnn': model = CNN(batch_size, maxseq_length, embedding_size) with tf.Session() as sess: total_batch = int(len(test_X) / batch_size) save_path = './saved/' + model_type + '/model-' + str(test_epoch) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, save_path)
def main(): print('=========================================') print(' Numpy DNN ') print(' 26/Nov/2017 ') print(' By Thang Vu ([email protected]) ') print('=========================================') # load datasets path = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz' train_set, val_set, test_set = load_mnist_datasets(path) batch_size = 128 X_train, y_train = train_set X_val, y_val = val_set X_test, y_test = test_set # bookeeping for best model based on validation set best_val_acc = -1 best_model = None # create model and optimization method dnn = DNN() sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, lr_decay=0.1, weight_decay=1e-3, momentum=0.9) # Train batch_size = 128 for epoch in range(20): dnn.train_mode() # set model to train mode (because of dropout) num_train = X_train.shape[0] num_batch = num_train//batch_size for batch in range(num_batch): # get batch data batch_mask = np.random.choice(num_train, batch_size) X_batch = X_train[batch_mask] y_batch = y_train[batch_mask] # forward output = dnn.forward(X_batch) loss, dout = softmax_cross_entropy_loss(output, y_batch) if batch%100 == 0: print("Epoch %2d Iter %3d Loss %.5f" %(epoch, batch, loss)) # backward and update grads = dnn.backward(dout) sgd.step(dnn.params, grads) sgd.decay_learning_rate() # decay learning rate after one epoch dnn.eval_mode() # set model to eval mode train_acc = check_acc(dnn, X_train, y_train) val_acc = check_acc(dnn, X_val, y_val) if(best_val_acc < val_acc): best_val_acc = val_acc best_model = dnn # store best model based n acc_val print('Epoch finish. ') print('Train acc %.3f' %train_acc) print('Val acc %.3f' %val_acc) print('-'*30) print('') print('Train finished. Best acc %.3f' %best_val_acc) test_acc = check_acc(best_model, X_test, y_test) print('Test acc %.3f' %test_acc)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from aircraft_obj import AircraftEnv from dnn import DNN from verticalguidence import guidance from scipy.optimize import root from scipy.interpolate import interp1d import math # 横纵向弹道 横向确定方向,纵向确定大小 if __name__ == '__main__': # 纵向网络的定义 num = 7000 net = DNN(2, 1, 512, train=0, isnorm=True, name='w_%s' % str(num), scale=[0.1, 100, 100]) # 定义网络 # 定义训练对象 cav = AircraftEnv() # 进行飞行 info = guidance(cav, net, tht_direction='strategy') states, ws, hcmds, thts = info['state_records'], info['w_records'], info[ 'hcmd_records'], info['tht_records'] ts, angles = info['ts'], info['angles'] # 纵向制导画图 # 单个HV走廊 fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() cav.plot(states, hcmds, ax=ax1) ax1.set_xlabel('V(m/s)')
'target_error': cav.calculate_range(), 'angles': np.array(angles), 'ts': t } return info if __name__ == '__main__': train_mode = 0 # 是否进行网络训练,0不训练,1从0开始训练,2从之前基础上开始训练 num = 7000 g = tf.Graph() memory = np.load('Trajectories/memory_%s.npy' % num) # 读取数据 net = DNN(2, 1, 512, train=train_mode, isnorm=True, name='w_%s' % str(num), graph=g, scale=[0.1, 100, 100]) # 定义网络 memory_norm = net.norm(memory) if train_mode != 0: # 训练模式 X = memory_norm[:, 1:].copy() Y = memory_norm[:, 0:1].copy() losses = [] for i in range(5000): sample_index = np.random.choice(len(X), size=1000) batch_x = X[sample_index, :] batch_y = Y[sample_index, :] loss, mae = net.learn(batch_x, batch_y) losses.append(loss)
def init_DNN(p, hidden_layers_units, nbr_classes): """ construit et d’initialise les poids et les biais d’un DNN""" return DNN(p, hidden_layers_units, nbr_classes)
class MountainCar: """ 定义预测出来的模型 """ def __init__(self, name='Goodone', net=None, train=0): """ 初始化 net: 训练的神经网络 verity:使用还是验证阶段 验证阶段,神经网络未训练 使用阶段,神经网络已训练 """ self.env = gym.make("MountainCarContinuous-v0") = name self.simulation_step = 0.1 self.units = 50 self.ratio = 200 self.reset() if net: = net else: = DNN(1, 1, self.units, train=train, def save_samples(self, big_epis=100): """ 保存运行得到的数据 得到的数据有big_epis*3000行 """ record = [] for big_epi in range(big_epis): # 初始化 # 为了能够达到目标点 a = 0.0025 change = 100 observation = self.reset() for epi in range(10000): if epi % change == 0: u = self.action_sample() * 3 print(big_epi, int(20 * epi / 3000) * '=') observation_old = observation.copy() observation, _, done, _ = self.env.step(u) target = self._get_target(observation_old, observation, u) x = observation_old[0] # 保存真实值和计算得到的值,后期作为比较 # record.append([x, target, -a * math.cos(3 * x)]) record.append([x, target]) data = np.array(record), 'memory.npy'), data) return data def verity_data(self): """ 验证数据集的正确性,画出两个自己计算出来的值和真实值的区别 """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns sns.set() = self._load_data() data_size = len( indexs = np.random.choice(data_size, size=int(data_size / 10)) df = pd.DataFrame([indexs, :], columns=['position', 'target_dot', 'real_dot']) plt.figure() plt.scatter(df['position'], df['target_dot'] * 1.1, s=5, label='target') # 为了显示出区别乘以1.1 plt.scatter(df['position'], df['real_dot'], s=5, label='real') plt.legend() def train_model(self): """ 利用得到的数据对模型进行训练,首先对数据进行缩放,之后利用神经网络进行拟合 """ # 训练 data = self._load_data() data[:, 1:] = data[:, 1:] * self.ratio def verity_net_1(self): """ 验证神经网络的正确性 """ a = 0.0025 x_ = np.arange(-1.1, 0.5, 0.001) y_tru = -a * np.cos(3 * x_) y_pre =, 1))) / self.ratio # 验证对所有的x的拟合情况 fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(x_, y_tru, label='x_tru') plt.plot(x_, y_pre, label='x_pre') plt.legend() y_tru_dot = 3 * a * np.sin(3 * x_) y_pre_dot = (-1, 1)))[:, 0] / self.ratio # y_pre_dot =, 1)))[:, 0] # 验证对所有的x_dot的拟合情况 fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(x_, y_tru_dot, label='x_dot_tru') plt.plot(x_, y_pre_dot, label='x_dot_pre') plt.legend() def verity_net_2(self): """ 验证神经网络的正确性2 与真实系统的的比较 """ observation_record = [] observation_record_net = [] time_record = [] observation = self.reset() observation_net = observation change = 100 time = 0 epi = 0 while True: observation_record.append(observation) observation_record_net.append(observation_net) time_record.append(time) if epi % change == 0: action = self.action_sample() * 3 epi += 1 observation, _, done, info = self.env.step(action) observation_net, _, done_net, info_net = self.step(action) time += self.simulation_step print(observation, observation_net) if done_net: break observation_record = np.array(observation_record) observation_record_net = np.array(observation_record_net) time_record = np.array(time_record) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(time_record, observation_record[:, 0], label='x_ture') plt.plot(time_record, observation_record_net[:, 0], label='x_pre') plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.ylabel('Xposition') plt.plot(time_record, 0.45 * np.ones(len(observation_record)), 'r') plt.legend() plt.figure(2) plt.plot(time_record, observation_record[:, 1], label='v_ture') plt.plot(time_record, observation_record_net[:, 1], label='v_pre') plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.ylabel('Vspeed') plt.legend() def _load_data(self): """ 将最开始得到的数据读取出来 :return: """ data = np.load(os.path.join(, 'memory.npy')) return data def action_sample(self): """ 随机选取符合环境的动作 """ return self.env.action_space.sample() def reset(self): """ 利用原始问题的初始化,随机初始化 """ self.state = self.env.reset() return self.state def step(self, action): """ 利用神经网络进行模型辨识 """ action = min(max(action, -1.0), 1.0) x, v = self.state # 神经网络得到的导数 dot = self.get_dot(self.state) v_dot = 0.0015 * action + dot[0] v = v + v_dot * self.simulation_step v = min(max(v, -0.07), 0.07) # 通过v计算x x = x + self.simulation_step * v x = min(max(x, -1.2), 0.6) X = np.array([x, v]) if X.ndim == 2: X = X.reshape((2, )) self.state = X # 返回参数 info = {} done = {} reward = {} if x >= 0.45: done = True return self.state, reward, done, info def step_true(self, action): """ 利用原进行模型辨识 """ action = min(max(action, -1.0), 1.0) x, v = self.state # 神经网络得到的导数 # dot = self.get_dot(self.state) v_dot = 0.0015 * action - 0.0025 * math.cos(3 * x) v = v + v_dot * self.simulation_step v = min(max(v, -0.07), 0.07) # 通过v计算x x = x + self.simulation_step * v x = min(max(x, -1.2), 0.6) X = np.array([x, v]) if X.ndim == 2: X = X.reshape((2, )) self.state = X # 返回参数 info = {} done = {} reward = {} if x >= 0.45: done = True return self.state, reward, done, info def get_dot(self, X): return[0:1])[0] / self.ratio def get_dot2(self, X): return[0:1])[0] / self.ratio def _get_target(self, X, X_new, u): """ 得到神经网络需要的真实值 首先求真实的导数,之后计算真实值 """ u = min(max(u, -1.0), 1.0) return (((X_new - X) / self.simulation_step)[1] - u * 0.0015)
elif sys.argv[1] == 'lr': from lr import LR model = LR(user_count=user_count, item_count=item_count, cate_count=cate_count, cate_list=cate_list) elif sys.argv[1] == 'lrcross': from lrcross import LR model = LR(user_count=user_count, item_count=item_count, cate_count=cate_count, cate_list=cate_list) elif sys.argv[1] == 'dnn': from dnn import DNN model = DNN(user_count=user_count, item_count=item_count, cate_count=cate_count, cate_list=cate_list) elif sys.argv[1] == 'widedeep': from widedeep import WideDeep model = WideDeep(user_count=user_count, item_count=item_count, cate_count=cate_count, cate_list=cate_list) else: print('usage lr|dnn|widedeep|deepfm') sys.exit(1) with tf.Session() as sess: ## TODO 初始化局部和全局变量 raise NotImplementedError()
class TrainTieBot: def __init__(self): self.bagOfWords = None self.wordFeatures = None def tokenize(self, corpus): if not isinstance(corpus, dict): raise(TrainTieBotException('Corpus must be of type:dict()')) # # tokenize each sentence tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') token = [str(x) for x in tokenizer.tokenize(corpus.values()[0].lower())] return token def cleanUpQuery(self, sentence): tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+') sentence = sentence.lower() return tokenizer.tokenize(sentence) def getFeaturesByName(self, corpus): words = list() if not isinstance(corpus, list): raise(TrainTieBotException('Corpus must be of type:list()')) for x in corpus: words.extend(x.values()[0]) self.wordFeatures = list(set(words)) return self.wordFeatures def BOW(self, corpus): if not isinstance(corpus, list): raise(TrainTieBotException('Corpus must be of type:list()')) tokenDict = [{x.keys()[0]: self.tokenize(x)} for x in corpus] getWordFeatures = self.getFeaturesByName(tokenDict) vectorDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros([len(corpus), len(getWordFeatures)]).astype(int)) # add a label column labels = [x.keys()[0] for x in corpus] for word in vectorDataFrame.index.tolist(): vectorDataFrame.loc[word, :] = \ [corpus[word].values()[0].count(item) if item in corpus[word].values()[0] else 0 for item in getWordFeatures] vectorDataFrame['y'] = labels self.bagOfWords = vectorDataFrame return self.bagOfWords def BOWFit(self, query): if self.bagOfWords is None: raise (TrainTieBotException('Create Bag of Words vectors before fitting it to a new query.')) tokenDict = [{x.keys()[0]: self.tokenize(x)} for x in query] arrayFitDf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros([len(tokenDict), len(self.wordFeatures)])).astype(int) arrayFitDf['y'] = [x.keys()[0] for x in query] for i in range(len(query)): arrayFitDf.iloc[i, :-1] = [query[i].values()[0].count(item) if item in query[i].values()[0] else 0 for item in self.wordFeatures] return arrayFitDf def list2df(self, data, dataKey, labelKey): df = {} df[dataKey] = [] df[labelKey] = [] for obj in data: df[dataKey].append(obj.values()[0]) df[labelKey].append(obj.keys()[0]) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df) def df2list(self, df, dataKey, labelKey): df = df[[dataKey, labelKey]] return [{df[labelKey][x]:df[dataKey][x]} for x in range(df.shape[0])] def prepareDF(self, corpus=None, dataKey='Question', labelKey='y', excelLocation=None): if corpus is None: corpusObj = Corpus() corpusT = corpusObj.loadData(excelLocation) corpusT = self.df2list(corpusT, dataKey, labelKey) # Expand Vocabulary list with part of speeches corpusT = corpusObj.getExpandedSentences(corpusT) # #print "corpus test:" corpusT = self.list2df(corpusT, dataKey, labelKey) else: corpusObj = Corpus() corpusT = corpusObj.getExpandedSentences(corpus) corpusT = self.list2df(corpusT, dataKey, labelKey) return corpusT def getX(self, corpus=None): dataKey = 'Question' labelKey = 'y' corpusObj = Corpus() if corpus is None: corpusTrain = corpusObj.loadData(TRAIN_EXCEL) corpusTrain = self.df2list(corpusTrain, dataKey, labelKey) corpusTrain = corpusObj.getExpandedSentences(corpusTrain) BOWTrain = self.BOW(corpusTrain) X = BOWTrain.iloc[:, :-1] y = BOWTrain.iloc[:, -1] else: corpusTrain = corpusObj.getExpandedSentences(corpus) BOWTrain = self.BOW(corpusTrain) X = BOWTrain.iloc[:, :-1] y = BOWTrain.iloc[:, -1] return X, y def gety(self, query): dataKey = 'Question' labelKey = 'y' corpusTestObj = Corpus() corpusTest = corpusTestObj.getExpandedSentences(query) BOWTest = self.BOWFit(corpusTest) X_test = BOWTest.iloc[:, :-1] y_test = BOWTest[labelKey] return X_test, y_test def runDNNTrain(self, corpus=None, learningRate=0.02, hiddenUnitSize=[128, 256, 128], dataKey='Question', labelKey='y'): if corpus is None: corpus = self.prepareDF(excelLocation=TRAIN_EXCEL) self.dnnObject = DNN(pd_df_train=corpus, pd_df_test=None, learning_rate=learningRate, hidden_units_size=hiddenUnitSize, dataKey=dataKey, labelKey=labelKey) result = return result def runSVM(self, corpus=None): X, y = self.getX(corpus) svm = SVMClassifier(X, y) clf = svm.train() #y_pred = clf.predict(X) #y_test_pred = clf.predict(X_test) #result1 = float(sum((y == y_pred) + 0)) / y_pred.shape[0] #result2 = float(sum((y_test == y_test_pred) + 0)) / y_test_pred.shape[0] # print 'SVM Training set accuracy: ', result1 # print 'SVM Test set accuracy: ', result2 return clf def runLR(self, corpus=None, query=None): X, y = self.getX(corpus) lr = LogisticRegClassifier(X, y) clf = lr.train() #y_pred = clf.predict(X) #y_test_pred = clf.predict(X_test) #result1 = float(sum((y == y_pred) + 0))/y_pred.shape[0] #result2 = float(sum((y_test == y_test_pred) + 0))/y_test_pred.shape[0] # print 'LR Training set accuracy: ', result1 # print 'LR Test set accuracy: ', result2 return clf def getAnswer(self, answer_index): answer = Corpus().loadData(TRAIN_EXCEL) return answer['Answer'][answer_index]