def fc(tensor_in, output_channels=1024, f_dtype=None, w_dtype=None, act='linear'): input_channels = tensor_in.shape[-1] weights = get_tensor(shape=(output_channels, input_channels), name='weights', dtype=w_dtype) biases = get_tensor(shape=(output_channels, ), name='biases', dtype=FixedPoint( 32, w_dtype.frac_bits + tensor_in.dtype.frac_bits)) _fc = matmul(tensor_in, weights, biases, dtype=f_dtype) if act == 'leakyReLU': with get_default_graph().name_scope(act): act = leakyReLU(_fc, dtype=_fc.dtype) elif act == 'linear': with get_default_graph().name_scope(act): act = _fc else: raise ValueError, 'Unknown activation type {}'.format(act) return act
def __init__(self, node_name, input_tensors=None): self.graph = get_default_graph() self.op_type = self._get_op_type() = self.graph.get_op_name(node_name, self.op_type) self.dtype = self._get_output_dtype() if isinstance(input_tensors, Tensor): input_tensors = tuple([input_tensors]) else: it = [] for _it in input_tensors: if isinstance(_it, tuple): for __it in _it: it.append(__it) else: it.append(_it) input_tensors = tuple(it) # input_str = ','.join([x.__str__() for x in input_tensors]) # print('## Creating op with name {} and inputs {}'.format(node_name, input_str)) self.input_tensors = input_tensors self.output_tensors = self._create_output_tensors( self.input_loss = [None] * len(input_tensors) self.graph.create_node(self) self.incoming_gradients = None
def yolo_convolution(tensor_in, filters=32, kernel_size=3, batch_normalize=True, act='leakyReLU', c_dtype=None, w_dtype=None, s_dtype=None, bn_dtype=None): input_channels = tensor_in.shape[-1] weights = get_tensor(shape=(filters, kernel_size, kernel_size, input_channels), name='weights', dtype=w_dtype) biases = get_tensor(shape=(filters), name='biases', dtype=FixedPoint( 32, w_dtype.frac_bits + tensor_in.dtype.frac_bits)) conv = conv2D(tensor_in, weights, biases, pad='SAME', dtype=c_dtype) if batch_normalize: with get_default_graph().name_scope('batch_norm'): mean = get_tensor(shape=(filters), name='mean', dtype=FixedPoint(16, c_dtype.frac_bits)) scale = get_tensor(shape=(filters), name='scale', dtype=s_dtype) bn = batch_norm(conv, mean=mean, scale=scale, dtype=bn_dtype) else: bn = conv if act == 'leakyReLU': with get_default_graph().name_scope(act): act = leakyReLU(bn, dtype=bn.dtype) elif act == 'linear': with get_default_graph().name_scope(act): act = bn else: raise ValueError('Unknown activation type {}'.format(act)) return act
def conv2D(i, w, b, name=None, stride=None, pad='SAME', group=1, dtype=None): g = get_default_graph() op = Convolution(i, w, b, name, stride=stride, pad=pad, group=group, dtype=dtype) return typecast(op.output_tensors, dtype)
def conv(tensor_in, filters=32, stride=None, kernel_size=3, pad='SAME', c_dtype=None, w_dtype=None, act='linear'): if stride is None: stride = (1, 1, 1, 1) input_channels = tensor_in.shape[-1] weights = get_tensor(shape=(filters, kernel_size, kernel_size, input_channels), name='weights', dtype=w_dtype) biases = get_tensor(shape=(filters), name='biases', dtype=FixedPoint( 32, w_dtype.frac_bits + tensor_in.dtype.frac_bits)) _conv = conv2D(tensor_in, weights, biases, stride=stride, pad=pad, dtype=c_dtype) if act == 'leakyReLU': with get_default_graph().name_scope(act): act = leakyReLU(_conv, dtype=_conv.dtype) elif act == 'linear': with get_default_graph().name_scope(act): act = _conv else: raise ValueError, 'Unknown activation type {}'.format(act) return act
def maxPool(i, pooling_kernel, stride=(1, 2, 2, 1), pad='VALID', name=None, dtype=None): g = get_default_graph() op = MaxPooling(i, pooling_kernel, name, stride=stride, pad=pad, dtype=dtype) return typecast(op.output_tensors, dtype)
def __init__(self, node_name, dtype=None, input_tensors=None): if dtype is None: dtype = get_default_graph().grad_dtype super(GradOp, self).__init__(node_name, dtype, input_tensors)
def matmul(i, w, b, name=None, dtype=None): g = get_default_graph() op = MatMul(i, w, b, name=name, dtype=dtype) return typecast(op.output_tensors, dtype)
def flatten(i, name=None, dtype=None): g = get_default_graph() op = Flatten(i, name) return typecast(op.output_tensors, dtype)
def addBias(i, b, dim, name=None, dtype=None): g = get_default_graph() op = AddBias(i, b, dim, name, dtype=dtype) return typecast(op.output_tensors, dtype)
def get_tensor(shape, name=None, dtype=FQDtype.FP32, trainable=True, data=None): g = get_default_graph() return g.tensor(shape=shape, name=name, dtype=dtype, trainable=trainable, data=data)