def init_volume(self, context):
     Create new dir on host, put a file in it, set $context context
     recursively and check it was set properly.
     :param context: Desired volume context
     :return: path to new directory
     if self.config['use_system_tmp']:
         tmp = '/var/tmp'
         tmp = self.tmpdir
     volume = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.__class__.__name__, dir=tmp)
     if docker_daemon.user_namespaces_enabled():
     host_file = os.path.join(volume, "hostfile")
     open(host_file, 'w').write("01")
     set_selinux_context(volume, context, True)
     _context = get_selinux_context(volume)
     self.failif(context not in _context, "Newly set context was not set"
                 " properly (set %s, get %s)" % (context, _context))
     self.check_context_recursive(volume, _context)
     return volume
 def check_context_recursive(self, path, context):
     """ Check all files in given $path have the context $context """
     for pwd, _, filenames in os.walk(path):
         for filename in filenames:
             full_filepath = os.path.join(pwd, filename)
             actual = get_selinux_context(full_filepath)
             self.failif_ne(actual, context,
                            "SELinux context of file %s" % full_filepath)
 def check_context_recursive(self, path, context):
     """ Check all files in given $path have the context $context """
     for pwd, _, filenames in os.walk(path):
         for filename in filenames:
             full_filepath = os.path.join(pwd, filename)
             actual = get_selinux_context(full_filepath)
             self.failif_ne(actual, context,
                            "SELinux context of file %s" % full_filepath)
 def touch_and_check(self, cont, volume, filename, context_pre,
                     should_fail, context_eq):
     Touch file $filename using $cont, check it passed/fail and then verify
     context is (not) the same as $context_pre. Also verify all files have
     the same context.
     :param cont: dkrcmd instance
     :param volume: Path to shared volume (on host)
     :param filename: filename to touch on guest (relative to shared volume)
     :param context_pre: Reference context
     :param should_fail: Should the file creation fail?
     :param context_eq: Should the context be equal to reference one?
     :return: new context
     self.logdebug("Volume: %s Context: %s", volume,
     self.logdebug("Touching /tmp/test/%s in container"
                   % filename)
     # Some filesystems don't synchronize directory cache flushes if
     # pagecache for a file isn't also dirty.  Always updating
     # content is easier that checking filesystem from inside a container.
     os.write(cont.stdin, "date > /tmp/test/%s\necho RET: $?\n" % filename)
     match = wait_for_output(lambda: cont.stdout, r'RET:\s+0$', timeout=10)
     if should_fail:
         self.failif(match, "File creation passed unexpectedly:"
                            "\n%s" % cont.stdout)
         self.failif(not match,
                     "Unable to create file:\n%s"
                     % cont.stdout)
     context_post = get_selinux_context(volume)
     if context_eq:
         self.failif_ne(context_post, context_pre, "Selinux context")
         self.failif(context_pre == context_post,
                     "Selinux context had not "
                     "change (%s)." % context_post)
     self.check_context_recursive(volume, context_post)
     return context_post
 def touch_and_check(self, cont, volume, filename, context_pre,
                     should_fail, context_eq):
     Touch file $filename using $cont, check it passed/fail and then verify
     context is (not) the same as $context_pre. Also verify all files have
     the same context.
     :param cont: dkrcmd instance
     :param volume: Path to shared volume (on host)
     :param filename: filename to touch on guest (relative to shared volume)
     :param context_pre: Reference context
     :param should_fail: Should the file creation fail?
     :param context_eq: Should the context be equal to reference one?
     :return: new context
     self.logdebug("Volume: %s Context: %s", volume,
     self.logdebug("Touching /tmp/test/%s in container"
                   % filename)
     # Some filesystems don't synchronize directory cache flushes if
     # pagecache for a file isn't also dirty.  Always updating
     # content is easier that checking filesystem from inside a container.
     os.write(cont.stdin, "date > /tmp/test/%s\necho RET: $?\n" % filename)
     match = wait_for_output(lambda: cont.stdout, r'RET:\s+0$', timeout=10)
     if should_fail:
         self.failif(match, "File creation passed unexpectedly:"
                            "\n%s" % cont.stdout)
         self.failif(not match,
                     "Unable to create file:\n%s"
                     % cont.stdout)
     context_post = get_selinux_context(volume)
     if context_eq:
         self.failif_ne(context_post, context_pre, "Selinux context")
         self.failif(context_pre == context_post,
                     "Selinux context had not "
                     "change (%s)." % context_post)
     self.check_context_recursive(volume, context_post)
     return context_post
 def run_once(self):
     super(private, self).run_once()
     # Prepare a volume
     volume_dir = self.init_volume(self.config['selinux_host'])
     context0 = get_selinux_context(volume_dir)
     # Start first container
     cont1 = self.init_container("%s:/tmp/test:Z" % volume_dir)
     context1 = self.touch_and_check(cont1, volume_dir, 'guest1', context0,
                                     False, False)
     # Start second container
     cont2 = self.init_container("%s:/tmp/test" % volume_dir)
     self.touch_and_check(cont2, volume_dir, 'guest2', context1,
                          True, True)
     # Create another one from first container
     self.touch_and_check(cont1, volume_dir, 'guest1_2', context1,
                          False, True)
     self.check_all_files(volume_dir, ('hostfile', 'guest1', 'guest1_2'))
 def run_once(self):
     super(private, self).run_once()
     # Prepare a volume
     volume_dir = self.init_volume(self.config['selinux_host'])
     context0 = get_selinux_context(volume_dir)
     # Start first container
     cont1 = self.init_container("%s:/tmp/test:Z" % volume_dir)
     context1 = self.touch_and_check(cont1, volume_dir, 'guest1', context0,
                                     False, False)
     # Start second container
     cont2 = self.init_container("%s:/tmp/test" % volume_dir)
     self.touch_and_check(cont2, volume_dir, 'guest2', context1,
                          True, True)
     # Create another one from first container
     self.touch_and_check(cont1, volume_dir, 'guest1_2', context1,
                          False, True)
     self.check_all_files(volume_dir, ('hostfile', 'guest1', 'guest1_2'))
 def init_volume(self, context):
     Create new dir on host, put a file in it, set $context context
     recursively and check it was set properly.
     :param context: Desired volume context
     :return: path to new directory
     if self.config['use_system_tmp']:
         tmp = '/var/tmp'
         tmp = self.tmpdir
     volume = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.__class__.__name__, dir=tmp)
     host_file = os.path.join(volume, "hostfile")
     open(host_file, 'w').write("01")
     set_selinux_context(volume, context, True)
     _context = get_selinux_context(volume)
     self.failif(context not in _context, "Newly set context was not set"
                 " properly (set %s, get %s)" % (context, _context))
     self.check_context_recursive(volume, _context)
     return volume