def test_get_handler_name_route_heading(self): """ Tests that we get the handler name using the route heading for a non list endpoint. """ route = Route('/', (put(update_foo), ), heading='Dinosaur (v1)') assert 'DinosaurV1Handler' == get_handler_name(route, update_foo)
def test_put(self): expected = HTTPMethod('put', get_foo, allowed_exceptions=[ValueError], title='Title') actual = put(get_foo, allowed_exceptions=[ValueError], title='Title') assert actual.method == expected.method assert actual.logic._doctor_title == 'Title' assert actual.logic._doctor_allowed_exceptions == [ValueError]
def status() -> Status: return 'Notes API v1.0.0' # -- mark-routes routes = ( Route('/', methods=(get(status), ), heading='API Status'), Route('/note/', methods=(get(get_notes, title='Retrieve List'), post(create_note)), handler_name='NoteListHandler', heading='Notes (v1)'), Route('/note/<int:note_id>/', methods=(delete(delete_note), get(get_note), put(update_note)), heading='Notes (v1)'), ) # -- mark-app app = Flask('Doctor example') api = Api(app) for route, resource in create_routes(routes): api.add_resource(resource, route) if __name__ == '__main__': # -- mark-end
def test_create_routes(self): class MyHandler(Resource): pass routes = ( Route('^/foo/?$', (get(get_foos, title='Retrieve List'), post(create_foo)), base_handler_class=MyHandler, handler_name='MyHandler', heading='Foo'), Route('^/foo/<int:foo_id>/?$', (delete(delete_foo), get(get_foo), put(update_foo)), heading='Foo'), Route('^/foos/?$', (put(lambda: 'put'), ), heading='Foo'), ) actual = create_routes(routes, handle_http, Resource) # 2 routes created assert 3 == len(actual) # verify the first route route, handler = actual[0] assert r'^/foo/?$' == route # verify it's an instance of our base handler class. assert issubclass(handler, MyHandler) # verify it used our custom handler name assert 'MyHandler' == handler.__name__ # verify each http method was added assert hasattr(handler, 'get') assert hasattr(handler, 'post') # verify heading attr was added to handler assert handler._doctor_heading == 'Foo' # verify params for get params = handler.get._doctor_params expected = Params(all=['is_alive'], required=[], optional=['is_alive'], logic=['is_alive']) assert expected == params # verify signature sig = handler.get._doctor_signature expected = inspect.signature(get_foos) assert expected == sig # verify custom title assert 'Retrieve List' == handler.get._doctor_title # verify params for post params = expected = Params(all=['name'], required=['name'], optional=[], logic=['name']) assert expected == params # verify signature sig = expected = inspect.signature(create_foo) assert expected == sig # verify the second route route, handler = actual[1] assert '^/foo/<int:foo_id>/?$' == route # verify each http method was added assert hasattr(handler, 'get') assert hasattr(handler, 'delete') assert hasattr(handler, 'put') # verify it generated an appropriate class handler name assert 'FooHandler' == handler.__name__ # Verify the 3rd handler which would have had a conflicting handler # name has a number appended to the end of it. route, handler = actual[2] assert 'FooHandler2' == handler.__name__