    def listunspent(self, minconf=0, maxconf=9999999, addrs=None):
        """Return unspent transaction outputs in wallet

        Outputs will have between minconf and maxconf (inclusive)
        confirmations, optionally filtered to only include txouts paid to
        addresses in addrs.
        r = None
        if addrs is None:
            r = self._call('listunspent', minconf, maxconf)
            addrs = [str(addr) for addr in addrs]
            r = self._call('listunspent', minconf, maxconf, addrs)

        r2 = []
        for unspent in r:
            unspent['outpoint'] = COutPoint(lx(unspent['txid']), unspent['vout'])
            del unspent['txid']
            del unspent['vout']

            unspent['address'] = CDogecoinAddress(unspent['address'])
            unspent['scriptPubKey'] = CScript(unhexlify(unspent['scriptPubKey']))
            unspent['amount'] = int(unspent['amount'] * COIN)
        return r2
    def getrawtransaction(self, txid, verbose=False):
        """Return transaction with hash txid

        Raises IndexError if transaction not found.

        verbse - If true a dict is returned instead with additional information
                 on the transaction.

        Note that if all txouts are spent and the transaction index is not
        enabled the transaction may not be available.
            r = self._call('getrawtransaction', b2lx(txid), 1 if verbose else 0)
        except JSONRPCException as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getrawtransaction(): %s (%d)' %
                    (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'], ex.error['code']))
        if verbose:
            r['tx'] = CTransaction.deserialize(unhexlify(r['hex']))
            del r['hex']
            del r['txid']
            del r['version']
            del r['locktime']
            del r['vin']
            del r['vout']
            r['blockhash'] = lx(r['blockhash']) if 'blockhash' in r else None
            r = CTransaction.deserialize(unhexlify(r))

        return r
    def getrawmempool(self, verbose=False):
        """Return the mempool"""
        if verbose:
            return self._call('getrawmempool', verbose)

            r = self._call('getrawmempool')
            r = [lx(txid) for txid in r]
            return r
    def getblockhash(self, height):
        """Return hash of block in best-block-chain at height.

        Raises IndexError if height is not valid.
            return lx(self._call('getblockhash', height))
        except JSONRPCException as ex:
            raise IndexError('%s.getblockhash(): %s (%d)' %
                    (self.__class__.__name__, ex.error['message'], ex.error['code']))
    def sendrawtransaction(self, tx, allowhighfees=False):
        """Submit transaction to local node and network.

        allowhighfees - Allow even if fees are unreasonably high.
        hextx = hexlify(tx.serialize())
        r = None
        if allowhighfees:
            r = self._call('sendrawtransaction', hextx, True)
            r = self._call('sendrawtransaction', hextx)
        return lx(r)
    def gettxout(self, outpoint, includemempool=True):
        """Return details about an unspent transaction output.

        Raises IndexError if outpoint is not found or was spent.

        includemempool - Include mempool txouts
        r = self._call('gettxout', b2lx(outpoint.hash), outpoint.n, includemempool)

        if r is None:
            raise IndexError('%s.gettxout(): unspent txout %r not found' % (self.__class__.__name__, outpoint))

        r['txout'] = CTxOut(int(r['value'] * COIN),
        del r['value']
        del r['scriptPubKey']
        r['bestblock'] = lx(r['bestblock'])
        return r
from dogecoin.core.scripteval import VerifyScript, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH
from dogecoin.wallet import CDogecoinAddress, CDogecoinSecret


# Create the (in)famous correct brainwallet secret key.
h = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple').digest()
seckey = CDogecoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h)

# Same as the txid:vout the createrawtransaction RPC call requires
# lx() takes *little-endian* hex and converts it to bytes; in Dogecoin
# transaction hashes are shown little-endian rather than the usual big-endian.
# There's also a corresponding x() convenience function that takes big-endian
# hex and converts it to bytes.
txid = lx('7e195aa3de827814f172c362fcf838d92ba10e3f9fdd9c3ecaf79522b311b22d')
vout = 0

# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig
# defaults to being empty.
txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))

# We also need the scriptPubKey of the output we're spending because
# SignatureHash() replaces the transaction scriptSig's with it.
# Here we'll create that scriptPubKey from scratch using the pubkey that
# corresponds to the secret key we generated above.
txin_scriptPubKey = CScript(
    [OP_DUP, OP_HASH160,
     Hash160(seckey.pub), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])
# understand what's happening, as well as read BIP16:
# https://github.com/dogecoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0016.mediawiki
txin_scriptPubKey = txin_redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()

# Convert the P2SH scriptPubKey to a base58 Dogecoin address and print it.
# You'll need to send some funds to it to create a txout to spend.
txin_p2sh_address = CDogecoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(txin_scriptPubKey)
print('Pay to:', str(txin_p2sh_address))

# Same as the txid:vout the createrawtransaction RPC call requires
# lx() takes *little-endian* hex and converts it to bytes; in Dogecoin
# transaction hashes are shown little-endian rather than the usual big-endian.
# There's also a corresponding x() convenience function that takes big-endian
# hex and converts it to bytes.
txid = lx('bff785da9f8169f49be92fa95e31f0890c385bfb1bd24d6b94d7900057c617ae')
vout = 0

# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig
# defaults to being empty.
txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))

# Create the txout. This time we create the scriptPubKey from a Dogecoin
# address.
txout = CMutableTxOut(
    0.0005 * COIN,

# Create the unsigned transaction.
tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
# understand what's happening, as well as read BIP16:
# https://github.com/dogecoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0016.mediawiki
txin_scriptPubKey = txin_redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()

# Convert the P2SH scriptPubKey to a base58 Dogecoin address and print it.
# You'll need to send some funds to it to create a txout to spend.
txin_p2sh_address = CDogecoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(txin_scriptPubKey)
print('Pay to:',str(txin_p2sh_address))

# Same as the txid:vout the createrawtransaction RPC call requires
# lx() takes *little-endian* hex and converts it to bytes; in Dogecoin
# transaction hashes are shown little-endian rather than the usual big-endian.
# There's also a corresponding x() convenience function that takes big-endian
# hex and converts it to bytes.
txid = lx('bff785da9f8169f49be92fa95e31f0890c385bfb1bd24d6b94d7900057c617ae')
vout = 0

# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig
# defaults to being empty.
txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))

# Create the txout. This time we create the scriptPubKey from a Dogecoin
# address.
txout = CMutableTxOut(0.0005*COIN, CDogecoinAddress('323uf9MgLaSn9T7vDaK1cGAZ2qpvYUuqSp').to_scriptPubKey())

# Create the unsigned transaction.
tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])

# Calculate the signature hash for that transaction. Note how the script we use
# is the redeemScript, not the scriptPubKey. That's because when the CHECKSIG
 def sendtoaddress(self, addr, amount):
     """Sent amount to a given address"""
     addr = str(addr)
     amount = float(amount)/COIN
     r = self._call('sendtoaddress', addr, amount)
     return lx(r)
 def sendmany(self, fromaccount, payments, minconf=1, comment=''):
     """Sent amount to a given address"""
     json_payments = {str(addr):float(amount)/COIN for addr,amount in payments.items()}
     r = self._call('sendmany', fromaccount, json_payments, minconf, comment)
     return lx(r)
from dogecoin.core.scripteval import VerifyScript, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH
from dogecoin.wallet import CDogecoinAddress, CDogecoinSecret


# Create the (in)famous correct brainwallet secret key.
h = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple').digest()
seckey = CDogecoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h)

# Same as the txid:vout the createrawtransaction RPC call requires
# lx() takes *little-endian* hex and converts it to bytes; in Dogecoin
# transaction hashes are shown little-endian rather than the usual big-endian.
# There's also a corresponding x() convenience function that takes big-endian
# hex and converts it to bytes.
txid = lx('7e195aa3de827814f172c362fcf838d92ba10e3f9fdd9c3ecaf79522b311b22d')
vout = 0

# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig
# defaults to being empty.
txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))

# We also need the scriptPubKey of the output we're spending because
# SignatureHash() replaces the transaction scriptSig's with it.
# Here we'll create that scriptPubKey from scratch using the pubkey that
# corresponds to the secret key we generated above.
txin_scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, Hash160(seckey.pub), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])

# Create the txout. This time we create the scriptPubKey from a Dogecoin
# address.