def __init__(self, attrs=None): if version_tuple(dojo_config.version) < (1,3): self.js_regex_func = 'dojox.regexp.url' super(URLTextInput, self).__init__(attrs)
def __init__(self, attrs=None): if version_tuple(dojo_config.version) < (1,3): self.alt_require = 'dijit.form.Slider' super(HorizontalSliderInput, self).__init__(attrs)
def __init__(self, attrs=None): if version_tuple(dojo_config.version) < (1,3): self.js_regex_func = 'dojox.regexp.emailAddress' super(EmailTextInput, self).__init__(attrs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if version_tuple(dojo_config.version) < (1,3): self.alt_require = 'dijit.form.CheckBox' super(RadioSelect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args)==0: # with no param, we use the default profile, that is defined in the settings profile_name = settings.DOJO_BUILD_PROFILE else: profile_name = args[0] profile = self._get_profile(profile_name) used_src_version = profile['used_src_version'] % {'DOJO_BUILD_VERSION': settings.DOJO_BUILD_VERSION} # no dependencies to project's file! # used by minify_extreme! self.skip_files = profile.get("minify_extreme_skip_files", ()) self.dojo_base_dir = "%(dojo_root)s/%(version)s" % \ {'dojo_root':settings.BASE_DOJO_ROOT, 'version':used_src_version} # does the defined dojo-directory exist? util_base_dir = "%(dojo_base_dir)s/util" % {'dojo_base_dir':self.dojo_base_dir} if not os.path.exists(util_base_dir): raise CommandError('Put the the dojo source files (version \'%(version)s\') in the folder \'%(folder)s/%(version)s\' or set a different version in settings.DOJANGO_DOJO_BUILD_VERSION' % \ {'version':used_src_version, 'folder':settings.BASE_DOJO_ROOT}) # check, if java is installed try: # ignoring output of the java call, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # will work with python >= 2.4 except: raise CommandError('Please install java. You need it for building dojo.') buildscript_dir = os.path.abspath('%s/buildscripts' % util_base_dir) if version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) < (1,2,0): executable = '%(java_exec)s -jar ../shrinksafe/custom_rhino.jar build.js' % \ {'java_exec':settings.DOJO_BUILD_JAVA_EXEC} else: # use the new build command line call! if(os.path.sep == "\\"): executable = 'build.bat' else: executable = './' # force executable rights! os.chmod(os.path.join(buildscript_dir, ''), 0755) # use the passed version for building version = options.get('build_version', None) if not version: # if no option --build_version was passed, we use the default build version version = profile['build_version'] % {'DOJO_BUILD_VERSION': settings.DOJO_BUILD_VERSION} # no dependencies to project's file! # we add the version to our destination base path self.dojo_release_dir = '%(base_path)s/%(version)s' % { 'base_path':profile['base_root'] % {'BASE_MEDIA_ROOT':settings.BASE_MEDIA_ROOT}, 'version':version} # we don't want to have a dependancy to the project's settings file! release_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dojo_release_dir, "../")) # the build command handling is so different between the versions! # sometimes we need to add /, sometimes not :-( if version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) < (1,2,0): release_dir = release_dir + os.path.sep # setting up the build command build_addons = "" if version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) >= (1,2,0): # since version 1.2.0 there is an additional commandline option that does the mini build (solved within js!) build_addons = "mini=true" exe_command = 'cd "%(buildscript_dir)s" && %(executable)s version=%(version)s releaseName="%(version)s" releaseDir="%(release_dir)s" %(options)s %(build_addons)s' % \ {'buildscript_dir':buildscript_dir, 'executable':executable, 'version':version, 'release_dir':release_dir, 'options':profile['options'] % {'BASE_MEDIA_ROOT':settings.BASE_MEDIA_ROOT}, 'build_addons':build_addons} # print exe_command minify = options['minify'] minify_extreme = options['minify_extreme'] prepare_zipserve = options['prepare_zipserve'] if (version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) < (1,2,0)) and (minify or minify_extreme): self._dojo_mini_before_build() if sys.platform == 'win32': # fixing issue #39, if dojango is installed on a different drive exe_command = os.path.splitdrive(buildscript_dir)[0] + ' && ' + exe_command # do the build exit_code = os.system(exe_command) if exit_code: # != 0 sys.exit(1) # dojobuild exits because of shrinksafe error if version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) < (1,2,0): if minify or minify_extreme: self._dojo_mini_after_build() if minify_extreme: self._dojo_mini_extreme() if prepare_zipserve: self._dojo_prepare_zipserve()
# "./ dojobuild dojango" would have the same effect DOJO_BUILD_PROFILE = getattr(settings, "DOJANGO_DOJO_BUILD_PROFILE", "dojango") # This dictionary defines your build profiles you can use within the custom command "./ dojobuild # You can set your own build profile within the main of the project by defining a dictionary # DOJANGO_DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES, that sets the following key/value pairs for each defined profile name: # profile_file: which dojo profile file is used for the build (see dojango.profile.js how it has to look) # options: these are the options that are passed to the build command (see the dojo doc for details) # OPTIONAL SETTINGS (see DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES_DEFAULT): # base_root: in which directory will the dojo version be builded to? # used_src_version: which version should be used for the dojo build (e.g. 1.1.1) # build_version: what is the version name of the builded release (e.g. dojango1.1.1) - this option can be overwritten by the commandline parameter --build_version=... # minify_extreme_skip_files: a tupel of files/folders (each expressed as regular expression) that should be kept when doing a minify extreme (useful when you have several layers and don't want some files) # this tupel will be appended to the default folders/files that are skipped: see SKIP_FILES in management/commands/ DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES = { 'dojango': { 'options': (version_tuple(DOJO_VERSION) > (1,6) and 'profile' or 'profileFile') + '="%(BASE_MEDIA_ROOT)s/dojango.profile.js" action=release optimize=shrinksafe.keepLines cssOptimize=comments.keepLines', }, 'dojango_optimized': { 'options': (version_tuple(DOJO_VERSION) > (1,6) and 'profile' or 'profileFile') + '="%(BASE_MEDIA_ROOT)s/dojango_optimized.profile.js" action=release optimize=shrinksafe.keepLines cssOptimize=comments.keepLines', 'build_version': '%(DOJO_BUILD_VERSION)s-dojango-optimized-with-dojo', }, } # these defaults are mixed into each DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES element # but you can overwrite each attribute within your own build profile element # e.g. DOJANGO_BUILD_PROFILES = {'used_src_version': '1.2.2', ....} DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES_DEFAULT = getattr(settings, "DOJANGO_DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES_DEFAULT", { # build the release in the media directory of dojango # use a formatting string, so this can be set in the project's without getting the dojango settings 'base_root': '%(BASE_MEDIA_ROOT)s/release', 'used_src_version': '%(DOJO_BUILD_VERSION)s',
# "./ dojobuild dojango" would have the same effect DOJO_BUILD_PROFILE = getattr(settings, "DOJANGO_DOJO_BUILD_PROFILE", "dojango") # This dictionary defines your build profiles you can use within the custom command "./ dojobuild # You can set your own build profile within the main of the project by defining a dictionary # DOJANGO_DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES, that sets the following key/value pairs for each defined profile name: # profile_file: which dojo profile file is used for the build (see dojango.profile.js how it has to look) # options: these are the options that are passed to the build command (see the dojo doc for details) # OPTIONAL SETTINGS (see DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES_DEFAULT): # base_root: in which directory will the dojo version be builded to? # used_src_version: which version should be used for the dojo build (e.g. 1.1.1) # build_version: what is the version name of the builded release (e.g. dojango1.1.1) - this option can be overwritten by the commandline parameter --build_version=... # minify_extreme_skip_files: a tupel of files/folders (each expressed as regular expression) that should be kept when doing a minify extreme (useful when you have several layers and don't want some files) # this tupel will be appended to the default folders/files that are skipped: see SKIP_FILES in management/commands/ DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES = { "dojango": { "options": (version_tuple(DOJO_VERSION) > (1, 6) and "profile" or "profileFile") + '="%(BASE_MEDIA_ROOT)s/dojango.profile.js" action=release optimize=shrinksafe.keepLines cssOptimize=comments.keepLines' }, "dojango_optimized": { "options": (version_tuple(DOJO_VERSION) > (1, 6) and "profile" or "profileFile") + '="%(BASE_MEDIA_ROOT)s/dojango_optimized.profile.js" action=release optimize=shrinksafe.keepLines cssOptimize=comments.keepLines', "build_version": "%(DOJO_BUILD_VERSION)s-dojango-optimized-with-dojo", }, } # these defaults are mixed into each DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES element # but you can overwrite each attribute within your own build profile element # e.g. DOJANGO_BUILD_PROFILES = {'used_src_version': '1.2.2', ....} DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES_DEFAULT = getattr( settings, "DOJANGO_DOJO_BUILD_PROFILES_DEFAULT",
def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) == 0: # with no param, we use the default profile, that is defined in the settings profile_name = settings.DOJO_BUILD_PROFILE else: profile_name = args[0] profile = self._get_profile(profile_name) used_src_version = profile['used_src_version'] % { 'DOJO_BUILD_VERSION': settings.DOJO_BUILD_VERSION } # no dependencies to project's file! # used by minify_extreme! self.skip_files = profile.get("minify_extreme_skip_files", ()) self.dojo_base_dir = "%(dojo_root)s/%(version)s" % \ {'dojo_root':settings.BASE_DOJO_ROOT, 'version':used_src_version} # does the defined dojo-directory exist? util_base_dir = "%(dojo_base_dir)s/util" % { 'dojo_base_dir': self.dojo_base_dir } if not os.path.exists(util_base_dir): raise CommandError('Put the the dojo source files (version \'%(version)s\') in the folder \'%(folder)s/%(version)s\' or set a different version in settings.DOJANGO_DOJO_BUILD_VERSION' % \ {'version':used_src_version, 'folder':settings.BASE_DOJO_ROOT}) # check, if java is installed try: # ignoring output of the java call settings.DOJO_BUILD_JAVA_EXEC, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # will work with python >= 2.4 except: raise CommandError( 'Please install java. You need it for building dojo.') buildscript_dir = os.path.abspath('%s/buildscripts' % util_base_dir) if version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) < (1, 2, 0): executable = '%(java_exec)s -jar ../shrinksafe/custom_rhino.jar build.js' % \ {'java_exec':settings.DOJO_BUILD_JAVA_EXEC} else: # use the new build command line call! if (os.path.sep == "\\"): executable = 'build.bat' else: executable = './' # force executable rights! os.chmod(os.path.join(buildscript_dir, ''), 0755) # use the passed version for building version = options.get('build_version', None) if not version: # if no option --build_version was passed, we use the default build version version = profile['build_version'] % { 'DOJO_BUILD_VERSION': settings.DOJO_BUILD_VERSION } # no dependencies to project's file! # we add the version to our destination base path self.dojo_release_dir = '%(base_path)s/%(version)s' % { 'base_path': profile['base_root'] % { 'BASE_MEDIA_ROOT': settings.BASE_MEDIA_ROOT }, 'version': version } # we don't want to have a dependancy to the project's settings file! release_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.dojo_release_dir, "../")) # the build command handling is so different between the versions! # sometimes we need to add /, sometimes not :-( if version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) < (1, 2, 0): release_dir = release_dir + os.path.sep # setting up the build command build_addons = "" if version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) >= (1, 2, 0): # since version 1.2.0 there is an additional commandline option that does the mini build (solved within js!) build_addons = "mini=true" exe_command = 'cd "%(buildscript_dir)s" && %(executable)s version=%(version)s releaseName="%(version)s" releaseDir="%(release_dir)s" %(options)s %(build_addons)s' % \ {'buildscript_dir':buildscript_dir, 'executable':executable, 'version':version, 'release_dir':release_dir, 'options':profile['options'] % {'BASE_MEDIA_ROOT':settings.BASE_MEDIA_ROOT}, 'build_addons':build_addons} # print exe_command minify = options['minify'] minify_extreme = options['minify_extreme'] prepare_zipserve = options['prepare_zipserve'] if (version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) < (1, 2, 0)) and (minify or minify_extreme): self._dojo_mini_before_build() if sys.platform == 'win32': # fixing issue #39, if dojango is installed on a different drive exe_command = os.path.splitdrive( buildscript_dir)[0] + ' && ' + exe_command # do the build exit_code = os.system(exe_command) if exit_code: # != 0 sys.exit(1) # dojobuild exits because of shrinksafe error if version_tuple(settings.DOJO_BUILD_USED_VERSION) < (1, 2, 0): if minify or minify_extreme: self._dojo_mini_after_build() if minify_extreme: self._dojo_mini_extreme() if prepare_zipserve: self._dojo_prepare_zipserve()